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Old 13th March 2017, 20:10   #136
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by Sportztourer View Post
People looking for RPM & speed figures in 6th gear:
60kmph at 3500rpm
80kmph at 4500rpm
90kmph at 5000 rpm
100kmph at 5500rpm

So every 500rpm increment in 6th gear gives plus 10kmph on the speedometer.
Something (speedo or tacho calibration) slightly off. 500 RPM increment = 10 Kmph increment => 100 Kmph = 5000 RPM.

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Old 13th March 2017, 22:10   #137
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by Holyghost View Post
Is it expected on modern bigger engine bikes? I think the test drive vehicle too was an abused vehicle and had done <1000KMs. How does Yamaha Fz25 compare against Dominar 400 with respect to NVH? I really need the ABS and that is why I am not considering the Yamaha. From the test drive, I didn't feel the D400 is built to last.
My primary use will be weekend rides and occasional city rides. Is there any other bikes I could consider?
Large capacity singles (over 250) are all a bit unrefined and vibey.
There is no large capacity single cylinder which come close to Unicorn's smoothness. Not even the CBR 250.

The FZ25 is the only one which comes a bit close though. Take a TD and decide accordingly.

ABS should be a priority no doubt, but not an absolute necessity for a bike like FZ25, which has good tyres, stable forgiving chassis and a low weight.
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Old 14th March 2017, 00:22   #138
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Originally Posted by abhishek46 View Post
There is no large capacity single cylinder which come close to Unicorn's smoothness. Not even the CBR 250.

The FZ25 is the only one which comes a bit close though. Take a TD and decide accordingly.
Just saw a video Review (AutocarIndia) that has reported that slight vibrations can be felt on the handlebars of the FZ25 at high revs

Last edited by payeng : 14th March 2017 at 00:23.
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Old 14th March 2017, 12:52   #139
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by neil.jericho View Post
Heaven knows how those bright lights got approved in the first place but for the sake of the rest of us, dear Dominar owners please do follow Ringoism's suggestion.
And please, ALL vehicle owners, regardless of type of lighting.

Again, no real problem with powerful lighting so long as it's aimed low when it needs to be (i.e. proper use of dippers). Here in Manali the locals are pretty good about it (whereas visiting tourists / outside taxiwallahs are just awful), and I'll tell you, it can make driving at night so much more pleasant / safe. Go to Europe or the Americas and nighttime could actually become your favorite time to drive (it always was for me). A very unfortunate (and unnecessary) situation here in the subcontinent that I hope will improve sooner rather than later. Perhaps we Bhpians, as relatively inspired motorists, can take the lead here.

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Old 14th March 2017, 12:56   #140
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by payeng View Post
Just saw a video Review (AutocarIndia) that has reported that slight vibrations can be felt on the handlebars of the FZ25 at high revs
Point me towards a big capacity single which is vibe free [completely] at top of the rev-band.
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Old 14th March 2017, 13:22   #141
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Allegedly Mojo seems to be the most refined big single currently
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Old 15th March 2017, 13:20   #142
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Have put in 2500 kilometres now. Completed my 1st service on the second day itself.


1. Well refined (Compared to other Pulsars).

2. Handles very well at high speeds

3. Breaking is very efficient

4. Able to do 120 all day without any strain

5. Ergonomically well suited (atleast for me - I'm 6'2")


1. Quality of plastics - Hand grips seem to get melted feel after spending few hours under the sun / High or Low beam switches sometime do not work - Either they get stuck or a loose connection to switch the bulbs

2. Heavy to manoeuvre within the city - Turning radius is too big. Plus - Very heavy!! - may be tough to get the bike out of a steep gradient for short riders (Like Parking lots)

3. After Sales Service - Not on par with KTM / Kawasaki. They are still a long way to go to. They aren't attentive or offer special consideration for Dominar customers

+ Time taken to service a bike a lot more then usual. 2-3 hours for an Oil + Oil Filter change.

4. Vibrations on the tank / Pegs - Not too much, But vibes a lot as compared to a CBR or a Ninja.

5. Limited Tank range - I get a FE of 20-25 depending on how hard i am on the throttle. I need to tank up every 175-200 Kms which means, starting to look for after every 150 kms.

6. AHO is set to HIGH Beam by default, Have to remember to change it to Low Beam.

Apart from this: Need to resolve the following issues in the next service:

- Found some issue with Battery - Few days of being parked (Since i ride the Dominar only on weekends), The bike refuses to start - Have to try 3-4 times. This happens sometimes even after riding for an hour in the city.

- Few issues with gear shifting - May be another Engine oil change (To Motul may be?) would solve this.

- Clutch is set too hard - Bike starts to choke under very slow speeds

- 1st Service - They applied cutting oil to the Disc plates which messed up the breaking - Even after 2000 kilometers - Yet to get the old bite back (Not sure what the SVC did or what is the remedy for this).

+ Got the Sahyadri - Windscreens. Have ordered their luggage rack (Top Rack) as well. Windscreen is a welcome improvement. But for my riding posture - Wind is deflected to my neck instead of chest.

Attaching some pictures..
Attached Thumbnails
Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_3137.jpg  

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_2598.jpg  

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_2515.jpg  

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_2489.jpg  

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_2487.jpg  

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_3498.jpg  

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_3495.jpg  

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_3491.jpg  

Last edited by MadBiker : 15th March 2017 at 13:24.
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Old 15th March 2017, 14:15   #143
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by Vik0728 View Post
If things roll "As Promised", I must be getting my White Horse (FZ25) on Monday as well.

In all earnest, the quarter litre Yamaha actually looks like the D400 from a distance to an untrained eye. Wonder if this was actually a well planned strategy or just a pure coincidence.

Ironically, I visited this showroom yesterday afternoon to give D400 one last shot before making my decision.
So basically, the 3 of us were at the same place and never met up!!
Hi Vik, Got your Fz25 delivered to you? Any reviews?
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Old 15th March 2017, 14:45   #144
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by Gildarts View Post
Hi Vik, Got your Fz25 delivered to you? Any reviews?
Yes Gildarts I got my FZ25 last week (March 6) and have done ~300 kms till date.

You can find more details here:

I have not found the time to compile an ownership report yet. Heck I have not even taken some good snaps of the bike!!

But I will get that out in the next week without any further delay, though Sheel would be the better person to share owner's view, as he has piled on lot more Kms on this quarter litre machine.
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Old 15th March 2017, 15:53   #145
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by MadBiker View Post

- 1st Service - They applied cutting oil to the Disc plates which messed up the breaking - Even after 2000 kilometers - Yet to get the old bite back (Not sure what the SVC did or what is the remedy for this).

Congratulations on your Dominar! I hope the bike gives your many kilometres of enjoyment.

Many service stations spray diesel to degrease the underbody of both two wheelers and cars. This has contaminated the brake pads.

My suggestion is to have both the disc and pads cleaned with petrol or thinner. Just wipe thoroughly the surface of both with a clean cloth soaked with petrol or paint thinner. Do no soak the pads in the thinner. Allow to dry. Once dry, rub the friction surface of the pads on emery sheet to remove a thin layer of the affected friction material. Refit the pads and test the brakes. If properly cleaned, the brakes should work normally within 10 km of city riding. If this doesn't help, you'll have no option but to replace the brake pads.

Good luck!
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Old 15th March 2017, 17:25   #146
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by payeng View Post
Just saw a video Review (AutocarIndia) that has reported that slight vibrations can be felt on the handlebars of the FZ25 at high revs
Yes. The keyword here is 'slight'.
It is supposedly much better it's other single cyl rivals.
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Old 18th March 2017, 19:49   #147
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Just now I finished chain cleaning and lubing of my white beast with Motul Chain Cleaner and Lube. This is the first time that I did chain lubing for any bike and it took all of 10 mins.

More importantly without the center stand being there and after reading few experiences of fellow D400 owners I used car jack for lifting bike by a few MM and it was damn easy to rotate the wheel and lube it.


Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_20170318_165211547.jpg

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_20170318_165205581_hdr.jpg

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-img_20170318_170843041.jpg
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Old 18th March 2017, 22:03   #148
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re: Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400

Originally Posted by KK_HakunaMatata View Post
More importantly without the center stand being there and after reading few experiences of fellow D400 owners I used car jack for lifting bike by a few MM and it was damn easy to rotate the wheel and lube it.
Using a car jack is serious overkill, A water bottle worked well for me, you can find and keep a similar sized prop; preferably made of plastic or wood so that it doesnt put any scratches on the mounting points.

Ridden: Bajaj Dominar 400-unset.jpg
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Old 19th March 2017, 00:36   #149
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I remember Crazy Driver once mentioned he had gotten himself a single sided stand to lift his Versys; costed about 500/- or so IIRC. Seems like a good alternative.
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Old 19th March 2017, 22:40   #150
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On the topic of centre stands, I don't get the logic behind Bajaj not giving one for the Dominar.

It can't be the weight factor - the Thunderbird is a good 10kg heavier and has one. And the Dominar is not really a track oriented design either.

Would've made life with it easier in all aspects of chain lubing, changing a flat, etc. if it had a centre stand.

Any tech reasons behind such a move I wonder?
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