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Old 30th November 2020, 19:07   #1321
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Need help in figuring out root cause of a breakdown.
Giving background information to help you understand the scene. Like others, my himalayan (BS3 carb 10000 kms)was in hibernate for few months (except every sunday 10 mins warmup). After lock down lifted in MH, few close friends planned to visit a friend's farm house in interiors of Konkan in early September (`200 kms from Pune). We started in the afternoon and encountered some heavy downpour on our way and we had stop for 30 mins. we restarted our journey after that around an hour and half and some 160 kms from Pune while on downwards slope my bike died. It died as if starving of petrol (unlike electronic malfunction), i put fuel tap on reserve and tried few more times but it didn't come back to life. We pushed it to a nearby village as it was dark, we checked current in spark plug, spark plug condition etc. and zeroed on water adulteration in petrol although all 3 bikes were filled up at the same fuel station. we took out petrol and found nothing. By the time battery was drained out and RE being so over confident in their bikes that they have not provided kick start. As we were getting late and tired after pushing my bike multiple times to start, we parked our bike at someone's house in the village and i rode pillion with my friend (and i realized how uncomfortable interceptor is for a pillion).
Next day while returning, i took a heavy gauge cable from my friend and filled same petrol which we had removed last night as there wasn't water in the petrol. We pushed my bike to a nearby village with mechanic and after jump starting with another bike it started in one crank. Neither mechanic nor we did anything we just wanted to show mechanic why its not starting. We kept her on for 30 mins and bike didnt miss a single pulse. Road back to Pune without any issue and 15 days later took her for 400 kms round trip to an offbeat location and we did half day proper offroad without any issues.
Bike is in hibernation from October and i am planning a solo road trip of around 4000 kms in later half of January 2021 thus want to make sure i figure out root cause of this issue and resolve it.

Thank you!

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Old 30th November 2020, 21:27   #1322
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Don't you just hate to have a problem and as soon as some expert takes a look at it, the problem vanishes?

Your motorcycle's problem sounds like it is electrical to me. Somewhere in the system, electrical contact was lost.

Sorry to say, but my best suggestion is for you or your mechanic should remove every fuse, one at a time and examine them for any signs of corrosion on the connectors. If they look good, plug them back in. Even if they look good, just removing and reinstalling them can result in them making a better connection with the mating connectors.
Next, unplug, examine and reconnect each electrical connector you can see. Pay special attention to the power supply to the fuel pump as this is a very likely candidate for your problem.

Before plugging the fuses back in and the wiring connectors back together, it's a good idea to apply a thin film of diaelectric grease to them. If you don't have any diaelectric grease, a little petroleum jelly can work.
This grease will help the connectors slip together easier and it will protect the connections from the corrosion that could be the source of your problem.
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Old 30th November 2020, 22:19   #1323
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

In addition to ArizonaJim's suggestion I would also check/change spark-plug cable/cap. Probably moisture seeped into the cap and grounded the lead stopping strong spark. Next morning after moisture dried up it started up fine.

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Old 1st December 2020, 10:44   #1324
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Originally Posted by ArizonaJim View Post
Your motorcycle's problem sounds like it is electrical to me. Somewhere in the system, electrical contact was lost.

Pay special attention to the power supply to the fuel pump as this is a very likely candidate for your problem.

Before plugging the fuses back in and the wiring connectors back together, it's a good idea to apply a thin film of diaelectric grease to them. If you don't have any diaelectric grease, a little petroleum jelly can work.
This grease will help the connectors slip together easier and it will protect the connections from the corrosion that could be the source of your problem.
His is a BS3 Carburetor version, I suppose. One relay less to check.
On the 650 Twin owner's FB group, there are incidences of extra grease applied to the relay contacts. The excess grease was required to be removed for some as the MIL light used to come ON intermittently.

My two cents: (before your long ride)
- Replace all relays and fuses with new ones (carry the old ones as spares if good)
- Check your battery health at a battery shop, get it charged if required

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Old 1st December 2020, 10:50   #1325
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Originally Posted by ArizonaJim View Post
Your motorcycle's problem sounds like it is electrical to me. Somewhere in the system, electrical contact was lost.

Next, unplug, examine and reconnect each electrical connector you can see. Pay special attention to the power supply to the fuel pump as this is a very likely candidate for your problem.
You bet, i am more puzzled as i dont know the root cause.
Its a carburetor version which dont have fuel pump. We did check fuses and removed spark plug, it was perfect and creating enough spark.

Originally Posted by bj96 View Post
In addition to ArizonaJim's suggestion I would also check/change spark-plug cable/cap. Probably moisture seeped into the cap and grounded the lead stopping strong spark. Next morning after moisture dried up it started up fine.

This making sense to me but again bike was parked in open and it rained through night and early morning. But this option is worth checking.
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Old 13th December 2020, 20:11   #1326
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Hey all,

My friend has a 2018 Himalayan currently at 28k in odo. He is currently with second set of chain and sprocket set which is due for replacement. He got the stock set replaced at 13k at LEH.

Now with almost 15k with the second set he is thinking of getting Rolon Brass sprocket kit. He asked me if he could get any thoughts/directions on the same from our forum.
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Old 21st December 2020, 19:53   #1327
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Twin cylinder Himalayan. Sounds interesting.
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Old 21st December 2020, 22:06   #1328
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Visited two RE showrooms (Sivaji & Marikar) in my city - Trivandrum , with the intention to test ride Himalayan. There was no display vehicle or one available for test ride at Sivaji, Karamana showroom. SA asked me to visit another branch which is a good 20 kms away from where I live and not in the main city. The SA there mentioned that it would definitely be a 5 to 6 months waiting period for RE Himalayan.

Later , went to Marikar showroom , near statue junction and there was one display vehicle and the test ride one was under repair . The SA guy mentioned the reason as a minor battery issue due to the lock down etc. He promised me to get back today after the battery is fixed. I am yet to hear from them though. He too mentioned long waiting period for RE Himalayan .

My plan is to test ride showroom provided Himalayan and if I like , I might rent the vehicle for a long ride.The general vibe I got from both the showroom is that they are not keen to get a booking for a Himalayan . Both showroom guys didnt have any updates on the rumoured , upcoming Himalayan as well. I even booked a test ride for Himalayan through the RE website , which went nowhere it seems.

Does anyone here know if there is any reason for such a (perceived) pushback I got for Himalayan ? I am planning to buy a motorcycle in another 6 months and Himalayan was not in the list , but , KarthikK's stellar review on the Himalayan and the line "And so, I don't need to spend too much money, I don’t need too much power or too many electronics, I’d prefer to blend in with the crowd with a simple, common, inexpensive machine, trusting it to take me places without any fuss." made me want to test ride the same and see if it fits my need.
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Old 23rd December 2020, 10:30   #1329
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Any TB owner here who has shifted to Himalayan? Need inputs here from Himalayan users: Can I replace my 2015-TB500 with a BS6 Himalayan? Is it recommended? My usage is 40kms per day on highways (90%) and city (10%) on 3-4 days a week. I'm not a tourer and maybe once a year for a 300 km ride in a single day. I'm quite content with TB500 seating and power delivery. Just wondering how good this replacement by Himalayan will be. How about pillion comfort for Himalayan? Maybe once in a month my spouse sits as pillion for short 20km rides and she is fond of this TB500 seating too. Will Himalayan disappoint on pillion comfort as compared to TB? No to IC or any other new bike like Hness or Meteor as I'm already content with TB500. It has to be a Himalayan or existing TB500 for me. I'm planning to do a TD too.

Last edited by KPR : 23rd December 2020 at 10:53.
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Old 23rd December 2020, 10:58   #1330
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

2003 Thunderbird.
2018 Himalayan.

Sincere advice. Don't waste your money.
The Thunderbird is a very good bike and yours has barely got any years on it.
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Old 23rd December 2020, 16:54   #1331
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Originally Posted by bblost View Post
2003 Thunderbird.
2018 Himalayan.

Sincere advice. Don't waste your money.
The Thunderbird is a very good bike and yours has barely got any years on it.
I recently picked up a Meteor, and no complaints with the bike. I always loved the Hima, and I almost booked one in 2017. Then after reading all the scary stories, I decided to skip it and picked a FZ25. Then come Jan 2020, Himalayan BS6 was launched and "most" of the issues were ironed out in as per the reviews and reports. I wanted to buy a Himalayan BS6 in Feb, then Covid happened, again the itch to buy one started in September 2020. Decided to wait for a month or two to see the offering from Honda and RE. Then Meteor happened, and here I am with my Meteor. My riding is 70% city, and 30% highways, so Meteor made more sense to me from brain. But even now every time I see a Himalayan, I just can't help but go weak for her. I also get these strange thoughts to get a pre-owned Himalayan sometime later, or even worse, to sell my Meteor and pick up a BS6 Himalayan. All these are worsened by KarthiK's recent wonderful ownership thread on Himalayan. If I disclose my thoughts to my family, my family will loose the already little hopes they have on me, and brand me a complete mad man, but I'm sure people here would've been in same boat and would understand me, so decided to pour my heart out here.

All my thinking is clouded now, so I take the liberty to ask fellow Bhpians to help me currently, probably even talk some sense into me. What does one do in my situation? Have I made the mistake of picking up the Meteor, going against my heart?

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Old 23rd December 2020, 17:17   #1332
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Originally Posted by GandalfTheGrey View Post
Have I made the mistake of picking up the Meteor, going against my heart?


Sorry brother but I have no other answer. This is an itch that no one can make go away.
Because like love, its not rooted in logic.
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Old 23rd December 2020, 17:42   #1333
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Originally Posted by GandalfTheGrey View Post
I recently picked up a Meteor, and no complaints with the bike. I always loved the Hima, and I almost booked one in 2017. Then after reading all the scary stories, I decided to skip it and picked a FZ25. Then come Jan 2020, Himalayan BS6 was launched and "most" of the issues were ironed out in as per the reviews and reports. I wanted to buy a Himalayan BS6 in Feb, then Covid happened, again the itch to buy one started in September 2020. Decided to wait for a month or two to see the offering from Honda and RE. Then Meteor happened, and here I am with my Meteor. My riding is 70% city, and 30% highways, so Meteor made more sense to me from brain. But even now every time I see a Himalayan, I just can't help but go weak for her. I also get these strange thoughts to get a pre-owned Himalayan sometime later, or even worse, to sell my Meteor and pick up a BS6 Himalayan. All these are worsened by KarthiK's recent wonderful ownership thread on Himalayan. If I disclose my thoughts to my family, my family will loose the already little hopes they have on me, and brand me a complete mad man, but I'm sure people here would've been in same boat and would understand me, so decided to pour my heart out here.

All my thinking is clouded now, so I take the liberty to ask fellow Bhpians to help me currently, probably even talk some sense into me. What does one do in my situation? Have I made the mistake of picking up the Meteor, going against my heart?

Hi Gandalf,
I noticed you are from Chennai. I recently test rode meteor, Himalayan, Interceptor, CB350. After a long hard struggle I decided to wait though finances are ready for the purchase. Reason several variants will be out in the next 2 years and I would definitely have a better deal. For you as an example a Himalayan with interceptor engine is quite possible to happen. Meteor is a stellar bike for both city and highways and has very little limitations. Granted it would not red line like some if its competition but it's one of the best vehicles RE has come out with. My advice (request) is to hold on to your meteor, use her to the maximum and wait for the right launch. Who knows you may fall in love and may delay your upgrade.
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Old 23rd December 2020, 17:53   #1334
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Originally Posted by drrajasaravanan View Post
Hi Gandalf,
I noticed you are from Chennai. I recently test rode meteor, Himalayan, Interceptor, CB350. After a long hard struggle I decided to wait though finances are ready for the purchase. Reason several variants will be out in the next 2 years and I would definitely have a better deal. For you as an example a Himalayan with interceptor engine is quite possible to happen. Meteor is a stellar bike for both city and highways and has very little limitations. Granted it would not red line like some if its competition but it's one of the best vehicles RE has come out with. My advice (request) is to hold on to your meteor, use her to the maximum and wait for the right launch. Who knows you may fall in love and may delay your upgrade.
Thank you drrajsaravanan, you're absolutely right. I keep telling myself that there's absolutely nothing wrong with my Meteor, and the bike is more than enough for my needs. Regarding the 650 Hima, I've even started saving up for the bigger Himalayan from last month , if one arrives, or probably the next version of Hima. I shouldn't incur a big loss selling my Meteor, if I wish to, after a year or two as REs have a good resale. So I think it only makes sense to ride the Meteor for a year or two as you said. Regarding the itch, I think it's probably something that I have to live with, and may be even enjoy/cherish that strange feeling. Again, thank you for your reply!

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Old 27th December 2020, 22:41   #1335
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re: The 1st-gen Royal Enfield Himalayan thread!

Hi guys,
I have recently started touring on my BS6 Himalayan. I got all safety gears and travelled some 1500 trip(both way together). Now I am planning to extend my trips and thinking to go for either top box or saddle bag to carry more with me.
Currently I use a Duffle bag at the rear and a tank bag(my friend's from whom I borrowed).
I need the senior riders advise which one should I opt for and also brand please..I am currently inclined towards low budget as I got all gears recently and spent on bike too.
Also I feel the mirror should be upgraded..can I go for Avenger side mirror..will it vibrate..

Please help guys
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