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Old 18th November 2013, 20:54   #1246
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
The chain snatch is going to be there and adjusting the chain tension is something of a 1 minute job which everyone should learn to do. It is no rocket science and you just need the bigger spanner to remove the main bolt which is not supplied with the tool kit.
Is it possible to adjust chain without a paddock stand ? How do you do that ? Do you have a paddock stand ? Where did you buy that & for how much ? Can it be done without paddock stand ?

Last week I got it adjusted at service center, but even now the chain sound is very much reduced but not fully gone. What could be the reason ?
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Old 18th November 2013, 21:21   #1247
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by lark63 View Post
Is it possible to adjust chain without a paddock stand ? How do you do that ? Do you have a paddock stand ? Where did you buy that & for how much ? Can it be done without paddock stand ?

Last week I got it adjusted at service center, but even now the chain sound is very much reduced but not fully gone. What could be the reason ?
Yes, it is possible to adjust chain slack without paddock stand but you risk bending the side stand bracket and you may even drop the bike. Another way is to get help from some one to hold the bike straight while you adjusts the chain. But, again this may damage the threading on the chain adjuster.
Better do it at the SVC or buy a paddock stand for your own use. Its just a minute job as said by VW2010 and is explained well in the owners manual. I have a complete ring spanner set which I use for such DIYs
O-ring chains always make some rolling noise while going through the chain slider and proper lubrication helps to reduce the noise to a great extend though the noise can't be completely eliminated.

Last edited by junaid12345678 : 18th November 2013 at 21:32.
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Old 19th November 2013, 09:03   #1248
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Pardon my ignorance, but when is the first service? I have been riding away to glory, but I don't even have an owner's manual yet
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Old 19th November 2013, 10:07   #1249
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by FlyingSpur View Post
Pardon my ignorance, but when is the first service? I have been riding away to glory, but I don't even have an owner's manual yet
1000 kms or 45 days whichever is earlier. BTW why dont you have your manual? Just curious. You would need it though to claim the free service.
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Old 19th November 2013, 10:40   #1250
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread


1000 kms or 45 days whichever is earlier . (edited post Jaycee corrected it )

To the chain slacking issue:- Just check the chain slack every week and adjust the chain tension. There is a huge difference in the way the bike feels smooth. May be placebo but the ride is far more smoother with minimal chain slack even during low speed high gear runs.

I didnt require a paddock stand. In fact you just need the right spanner as the bolts are pretty big around 17mm on one side and close to 21mm on the other side(My guestimate).

For those wanting smooth shifts, follow this video, but just use the clutch. Meaning the way you throttle down and up needs to be a quick movement along with clutch and this does not give you the thud or the jerkiness you are finding with this high rpm engine.

You can do it without clutch and its speed shifting, but just add the clutch part to the way you are timing the throttle down, shift and throttle up which keeps the complete shifting mechanism very very smooth.

There is a way you can hear the engine and shift at the right time to avoid the thud as well..

For cleaning the suspension, just life the cork like white thing in the piston up and a small plastic washer that is below that and spray your regular flow of water. There is a whole lot of mud collected at this place. Clean this and put back the cork like thing and enjoy.

I am trying to do a mod where i am plannning to cut a wind screen and create a clear screen right along the frame in front of the rear suspension to create a protective shield over the suspension. If it comes good will post some pictures, else it was never done

Last edited by VW2010 : 19th November 2013 at 10:55.
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Old 19th November 2013, 14:49   #1251
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Addition of another 390 to the forum. Got mine delivered on 31st Oct, but was waiting for reg (temp). finally started riding from 13th.
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Old 19th November 2013, 16:23   #1252
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Thanks to mrohit17 and aditya.bharadwaj for paving the way and also ebonho for the options on the windscreen. Installed the Fazer windscreen over the weekend and must say that it does make a difference. Earlier, without the screen, anything above 120 was a huge chore, requiring more focus on 'hanging on' rather that riding the bike.

Have done about 200 kms with the screen on now and observed that 130-135 is now comfortably doable. Beyond that, due to my height, the force of the wind on my neck is a bother. Think a slight extension on the top part of the windscreen should be able to get rid of that and clear the air completely over the helmet. However, expecting this to result in additional drag. The screen makes riding at 100 calm and peaceful all day long.

Must say, for the price, the screen is quite well built. Even drilling holes in the screen was quite easy, albeit a slow process. There is flutter at high speeds but not such that it changes the direction of the wind. Planning to put a few hard rubber washers to protect the screen from cracking at the mounts due to the vibey single and also from undue knocks transferred from the road. Would really recommend Duke owners try this screen out before plonking down money for the MRA or other similar aftermarket screens.
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Old 19th November 2013, 17:31   #1253
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

I have just received an email invite for a DIY session with the below text. Looking forward to the event and meeting many of you guys there!

Dear Sir

On set we would like to invite for DIY ( Do it Yourself) session cum customer meet @ KTM Indiranagar showroom on 20th November 2013 at 05:30 PM,

We will have a representative from KTM and a KTM service head where you can ask them duke 390 related question.
It will also be an opportunity for us to share product technology & maintenance (Do it yourself) tips with you.

Please call us and confirm so that we can put you on the guest list...
Or Sign in On FB.

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Old 19th November 2013, 19:47   #1254
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by junaid12345678 View Post
Also I have got an issue to share. Sometimes when I put my bike on the side stand, the bike shifts itself into first gear, jumps forward and stalls. I think the side stand pushes the gear lever that it shifts into gear from neutral. This has happened about 5 times till date.
Originally Posted by sridhu View Post
Was motoring along in 6th at around 110 for about 3-4 minutes when suddenly it dropped into neutral. SInce when I pressed the lever, it showed 5th, it was between 6th & 5th.
The 390, if I'm not mistaken, has a new (ie not same as the 200) gearbox design. Could the owners keep an eye on this (slipping in/ out of gear. Not false neutrals) and report.

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Old 19th November 2013, 20:25   #1255
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Just to put it out there, the Service Intervals as per the manual:

1st 1000km 45 days
2nd 6000km 150 Days
3rd 11000k 240 Days

Basically, KTM expects us to use the bike between 40-50km daily. Would be reasonable if it were a commuter but 350 km per week seems to be unlikely for my kind of usage.

Oh, BTW, I forgot my service booklet but the guys at Kasturba Road were very nice about it & went ahead with the service.

@D-nav: Congrats.

BTW couple of questions: Plan to install a cigarette lighter (Got an Sena SMH10 Bluetooth set; dont think the battery on the S3 will last with bluetooth streaming, GPS & phone calls). Any recommendations/ caveats? THe Kasturba road KTM guys recommended a shop called Tirumala Auto on Langford road. He wanted 600 bucks for the lighter, fitted. Promised that he will do it without skinning any wire.

Was also thinking of upgrading the horn to Skoda type horns or Roots Wind chime. Again, without disturbing stock horn. Any tips?

Last edited by sridhu : 19th November 2013 at 20:29.
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Old 20th November 2013, 00:38   #1256
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Guys, Ashok from Goa. Another addition to the 390 Club. Got my Duke on 05th Nov. Completed 1000 Km running in period on 17th Nov. Will be getting my bike serviced sometime this week soon. I have had a pretty cool running in, thanks to the smooth and winding roads with manageable traffic.

Will give a detailed report soon.
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Old 20th November 2013, 13:04   #1257
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by the VTEC guy View Post
Guys need a suggestion on saddle bag.
requirement is as follows according to priority
1. should be usable on RE Thunderbird and Duke 390
2. budget 3000-4000 INR
3. design should be such that it allows possibility of pillion rider
Originally Posted by ebonho View Post
As mentioned before on my Baby Duke 222 thread, I am using the Peak saddlebags made by Gypsy Tents ..
Went to Planet DSG to check the Viaterra saddlebags. They were out of stock. They did have other semi hard type saddle bags but after putting on the duke these seemed to wide. These were basically angular and designed for bikes with upswept exhaust.
Ultimately got myself Peak Saddlebags. These are slightly different than what doc has posted earlier. The connector between the two bags is not fixed dimensions now. it comes with a adjustable strap mechanism. So one can pull up or let the bags dangle further down depending on the bike. Took the duke along to roughly check the fit on the bike. I feel it will work just fine on duke as well. Needs probable some fabrication to slide the bags little behind and then the pillion foot rest will be usable as well.
will post pictures some time later. Heading to Goa for RERM tomorrow morning on the old stead Thunderbird
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Old 20th November 2013, 13:52   #1258
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by the VTEC guy View Post
Went to Planet DSG to check the Viaterra saddlebags. They were out of stock. They did have other semi hard type saddle bags but after putting on the duke these seemed to wide. These were basically angular and designed for bikes with upswept exhaust.
Ultimately got myself Peak Saddlebags.
Even I need to buy a saddle bad for my D390, Has anyone been using Longrager series from dirtsack? Their speedbag variant looks to fit good, but because of the missing bottle holders on it I will have to carry bottles inside the saddle bag.

VTEC Guy: Can you post/PM me further details about the saddle bags. Couple of pics with the saddle bag on the D390 would be great
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Old 20th November 2013, 16:27   #1259
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by the VTEC guy View Post
Went to Planet DSG to check the Viaterra saddlebags. They were out of stock. They did have other semi hard type saddle bags but after putting on the duke these seemed to wide. These were basically angular and designed for bikes with upswept exhaust.
Ultimately got myself Peak Saddlebags. These are slightly different than what doc has posted earlier. The connector between the two bags is not fixed dimensions now. it comes with a adjustable strap mechanism. So one can pull up or let the bags dangle further down depending on the bike. Took the duke along to roughly check the fit on the bike. I feel it will work just fine on duke as well. Needs probable some fabrication to slide the bags little behind and then the pillion foot rest will be usable as well.
will post pictures some time later. Heading to Goa for RERM tomorrow morning on the old stead Thunderbird
Yup these are the new design ones he now only stocks. The adjustable straps was based on rider feedback, and to try and make a one size fits all set for all bikes (since now even the "Bullets" have upswept silencers). But these are not as big as the original ones made for the Bullet (I have the last sample piece left in his shop ), and yes, with some strapextensions, it works perfectly on the Duke 200 now (tested to Goa and back earlier this year). However, since they are so big, unless you remove the rear indicators, the bags cover the pillion footpegs. So basically you choose what you want - indicators or useable egs - you cannot have both! Not a problem for me, so I'm cool.

Do the bags have two bottle pockets per side (front and back) or only one as before? How big a bottle can they fit (how many liters)? Does this new design now have the attached rain cover he was talking of incorporating (these bags even on their own are pretty water resistant)?

Last edited by ebonho : 20th November 2013 at 16:29.
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Old 20th November 2013, 17:06   #1260
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Re: My Flamberge (KTM Duke 390) Ownership report - A middle aged man's perspective

Dropped by the service centre today to sort out a couple of issues. One, a constant noise of two surfaces grazing against each other over bad patches; and two, whining sound from the disc brakes.

Chain was tightened, but the grazing sound has reappeared :( and two, the disc brakes were adjusted and no sound now, but the discs have lost some bite :( 330 km up now. And yes, this thing isn't giving me a single millimetre more than 220 km a tank. Still I'm having fun times.
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