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Old 8th November 2013, 11:54   #1111
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by junaid12345678 View Post
I checked the rear brake play and found it to be absolutely normal. The problem is only with the rear rotor but the front rotor is super cool even after long rides. Will the situation improve as the pads wears out? Guess its time to head towards SVC.
Last night, after riding 10 kms in Bangalore traffic, i touched the rear rotor just to check the temperature. Its was just warm, infact just a little warmer then the tyre temperature, and i had been generously using the rear brake for that ride. So looks like its not common on all the 390s. Do get it checked.

I also realized that the red blinker is not set at 7500 rpm on my bike. so much for the pdi.

on another note, i have hurt my self twice on the leg while dismounting from the bike. I am still used to my C5 dimensions, and while dismounting from 390, i end up hitting me leg on the RHS grab rail, as the tail is a bit high on the 390, comparatively. Have bruised my leg twice. Hoping to get used to the bike, or wear knee protectors.
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Old 8th November 2013, 12:10   #1112
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by man_of_steel View Post
Please be very careful if you are buying costly stuffs from JC road. The place is flooded with duplicates. But its a very good place for cheap alternatives!
I'll go to JC road only for cheap alternatives . IMHO a windscreen with fitment should not cost more than 500 bucks there. Question is where in JC road or are there any other alternatives where I can get some nice windscreens without burning a hole in my wallet.
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Old 8th November 2013, 12:33   #1113
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Jaycee View Post
I'll go to JC road only for cheap alternatives . IMHO a windscreen with fitment should not cost more than 500 bucks there. Question is where in JC road or are there any other alternatives where I can get some nice windscreens without burning a hole in my wallet.
JC Road is near Lalbagh, From the Main Lalbagh Gate, it is about 2kms.

You not only get cheap spares there, you also get quality parts too.

I recently got a diamond crash bar for my Bull and it was better and much less expensive than the one RE is selling at their dealerships.
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Old 8th November 2013, 12:48   #1114
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by am1m View Post
Saw a 390 in the flesh on the road for the first time today (I've been too lazy about going to a showroom and taking a test-ride). Was pleasantly surprised to see that the orange wheels are not so bad looking in real life, especially when they are a bit dirty (orange lovers please don't jump all over me, it's just a personal opinion!). Also, the exhaust note sounded much better than I expected.
At first I wanted to paint the orange wheels to black .By over the days ,the orange color on wheels grows on you .Now I dont want it be any other color than orange . Although I care how the exhaust sounds , but the 390 exhaust is louder and bassier than 200 .

Last edited by black12rr : 8th November 2013 at 13:05.
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Old 8th November 2013, 19:08   #1115
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Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Its just in the initial phase. Have not removed the cover till i finalize the position to avoid scratches during installation.

The total cost is 365 rs. After seeing my bike if someone is saying i am doing it for looks, i would smile. Functionally its perfect for me. I get the air i want for my face and @100kmph there is very minimal disturbance because of wind.

I have bolted the new visor on the small visor which means the small visor with its existing screws hold the new visor and as an add on i have bolted them as well with two simple bolt/nut.

Looks may not be a hit for many, but for me between 9k and getting slightly better looks and 365 sacrificing on looks, i picked the latter and the time spent on the project is exactly why i like bikes.

I will mostly keep it bland and white where i am unable to be convinced on decals. Max i would want to do is paint some orange to keep the contrast but hardly i could care.

For those who like to get theirs hands dirty but keep the cost simple you can try this while there are MRA windscreens that is straight fit that you use for 8+K
Spent 15 minutes this evening DIY fitting the Fazer windscreen to my D390. Remember someone recommending it unable to locate the post now. Anyway thanks to him. This certainly looks good. Attached pics. Cost: Rs.250 bought from yamaha showroom. Yet to test the functionality part. Will update in couple of days.

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Old 8th November 2013, 19:17   #1116
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Very neatly done Rohit. This windscreen really looks the part and the angular shape actually matches that of the Duke's headlight cowl. How did you make the new holes? Do let us know if the windscreen affects your bike's top speed.
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Old 8th November 2013, 20:02   #1117
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Originally Posted by mrohit17 View Post

Spent 15 minutes this evening DIY fitting the Fazer windscreen to my D390. Remember someone recommending it unable to locate the post now. Anyway thanks to him. This certainly looks good. Attached pics. Cost: Rs.250 bought from yamaha showroom. Yet to test the functionality part. Will update in couple of days.
Nice work there! Gels very well with the bike and doesn't look out of place IMO. I was contemplating between the visors of cbr and fazer and now I've got my answer!

Rohit and VW2010: Do you think the visor needs further support? Does it vibrate at idle and flutter too much at high speeds?

Another general thing I've observed is, the bike vibrates quite a lot loosening all nuts and bolts. In fact one nut on my right plastic panel fell off and I replaced it. Planning to visit the A.S.S to tighten all nuts and double check.
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Old 9th November 2013, 06:07   #1118
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

I got my D390, then I had to travel to the US. I will be going back to India by the end of November. Practically around 40 days the bike will be sitting in the porch. Will the bike fire up after that long interval Or the battery may have run out of juice?
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Old 9th November 2013, 10:20   #1119
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by junaid12345678 View Post
Its absolulutely easy to shift into neutral just like every other bike with one down rest up gearbox. You can only shift to neutral from second gear. Just shift into second and press down 'lightly' once. The bike will shift to neutral in the first effort itself. People used to riding 1 down rest up gearbox knows this well
Thanks junaid12345678 for the tip. I am now able to slot into neutral most of the time. I never knew this technique because on my earlier bikes I was heel shifting and heel tap is always harder. Just for the heck of it, I went back to my old pulsar (which I am yet to sell) and tried this method. But it does not work so well.
But isn't there any other method of doing it from 1st gear itself instead of going to 2nd and then coming down ?
Thanks again for the tip.
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Old 9th November 2013, 10:21   #1120
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by ebonho View Post
Very neatly done Rohit. This windscreen really looks the part and the angular shape actually matches that of the Duke's headlight cowl. How did you make the new holes? Do let us know if the windscreen affects your bike's top speed.
Originally Posted by Added_flavor View Post
Nice work there! Gels very well with the bike and doesn't look out of place IMO. I was contemplating between the visors of cbr and fazer and now I've got my answer!

Rohit and VW2010: Do you think the visor needs further support? Does it vibrate at idle and flutter too much at high speeds?

Another general thing I've observed is, the bike vibrates quite a lot loosening all nuts and bolts. In fact one nut on my right plastic panel fell off and I replaced it. Planning to visit the A.S.S to tighten all nuts and double check.
Thanks. Yes it does look the part.

1. I drilled holes directly using my Bosch drill machine. The windscreen is quite strong. Used the number plate stand to mark the holes properly. Not happy by the bolts as they don't get tightened after couple of use, but they are holding.

2. Yes I would like to give it additional support but as of now it is OK. At idle and low speeds there is very little vibration, not noticeable, at high speeds also there is no flutter, not much vibration either as the wind down-force holds it in place; however on bad roads there is certainly some vibration which is expected and that is why I want to give some additional support. But riding with the windscreen is different experience altogether. I would not want to remove it now. On today's club trip I could just feel the wind on my forehead and hair.

Will post a short video today for better clarity and also to demonstrate the Stebel Nautilus compact I have installed.
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Old 9th November 2013, 11:00   #1121
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Added_flavor View Post
Rohit and VW2010: Do you think the visor needs further support? Does it vibrate at idle and flutter too much at high speeds?
It does not need any struts or braces for support. Fitted well, there is no rattle, and only the top part flutters a bit. I had it on for around 200 odd kms and never had any issue.

Another general thing I've observed is, the bike vibrates quite a lot loosening all nuts and bolts. In fact one nut on my right plastic panel fell off and I replaced it. Planning to visit the A.S.S to tighten all nuts and double check.
Part and parcel of riding a big single. At 400 cc this bike qualifies as one. The vibes will be there. That's also the charm of riding a big single.

Originally Posted by mrohit17 View Post
Not happy by the bolts as they don't get tightened after couple of use, but they are holding.
The culprit is the rubber mounting bushes with metal cores that get deformed and need to be replaced. You will need to open the headlight cowl for that. Just remove the bottom 4 plastic rivets and then the two allen bolts on either side of the display. The cowl will swing forward to allow access to the rubber bushes.
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Old 9th November 2013, 11:12   #1122
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Use loctite bolt glue if bolts dont hold. They come off with some pressure, in case you want to remove later.

Not happy by the bolts as they don't get tightened after couple of use, but they are holding.
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Old 9th November 2013, 12:55   #1123
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Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
Use loctite bolt glue if bolts dont hold. They come off with some pressure, in case you want to remove later.
That would be Loctite Blue. The red is permanent.
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Old 9th November 2013, 19:36   #1124
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by lark63 View Post
Thanks junaid12345678 for the tip. I am now able to slot into neutral most of the time. I never knew this technique because on my earlier bikes I was heel shifting and heel tap is always harder. Just for the heck of it, I went back to my old pulsar (which I am yet to sell) and tried this method. But it does not work so well.
But isn't there any other method of doing it from 1st gear itself instead of going to 2nd and then coming down ?
Thanks again for the tip.
If the bike directly goes into neutral every time you upshift from first to second while riding, then you are sure to get kissed from the rear for shifting into neutral instead of second if you are riding in heavy traffic. So each time you have to push the lever two times to get the second gear engaged. So manufacturers designs gearboxes to go directly to second gear instead of neutral and this makes ride ability much easier.
And yes, you can shift directly into neutral from first by using a very light toe, but its time consuming and requires neurosurgeon's precision. So the method I suggested is much easier and I have been following the same on my CBZ xtreme and its a one second job.
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Old 9th November 2013, 20:25   #1125
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re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

This is off-topic, but as this thread seems hijacked into discussing mods, I have one query of my own:

Does anyone else feel the Duke 390 rear-view mirrors to be inadequate? The mirrors are fine, and do not fold up at high-speeds due to air-resistance drag, but they really do not give a wide-enough view of the rear. I have to move my elbows out of the way and struggle to get a view of the space directly behind the bike. Does anyone have any solution?
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