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Old 28th February 2020, 05:57   #6496
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by tabrez View Post
Purely from the spy pics Red, it does seem to carry a revised swing-arm, Trellis frame, exhaust manifold & some design elements such as tail section. To my naive eyes it also seems to be carrying a redesigned radiator. Test mule was spotted sans the bikini fairing but that I would attribute to it being work-in-progress.
The new 390 was covered in a team-bhp thread (Next-gen KTM 390 Duke spied). Not sure if that is what translated into the BS6 avatar. When you look at the pic, there do seem to be some changes as compared to the BS6 model like tabrez mentioned.
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Old 29th April 2020, 14:08   #6497
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Hi ,

Anyone here has tried the PowerTRONICS V3 box for the Duke 390 ? any long term users ? any good brands of DECAT available in India ? Has anyone tried to DECAT their exhaust and any noticeable difference ?

I would like the bike to revv freely and do not want screaming exhaust note, so only looking at DECAT and not replacing the end can, any suggestions ?

Thank you

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Old 5th June 2020, 09:46   #6498
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Can anyone help out with signs of a weak starter motor? My bike has been taking quite a few attempts to start (even after new battery). Sometimes it feels like crank is sluggish and is making a metal rubbing/ grinding noise. Model: RC 390 (1st gen), 2017, done around 34k kms. Thanks in advance.
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Old 5th June 2020, 11:02   #6499
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by ast.ggn View Post
Sometimes it feels like crank is sluggish and is making a metal rubbing/ grinding noise.
Noise could also be a faulty one way clutch. Do check that too while you are at it.

Faulty starter can have symptoms like the ones you have mentioned and sometimes it wont crank when the bike is hot.
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Old 5th June 2020, 11:13   #6500
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Delayed starting can be a weak fuel pump or ignition coils also. But that shouldn't cause any noise at starting.

With a new battery and crank being sluggish does point to starter though. Good to get it checked.
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Old 16th June 2020, 11:19   #6501
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Hello all. I am having a problem with my 390.
There is a sound coming from the bike (audio file attached). The sound is well heard when the bike is rolling with ignition on. With the engine running the sound is still heard but engine sound makes it less audible. The service guy says it is the ABS motor issue. May be true. I don't know.
The ABS light goes off after the bike starts rolling as usual but once the speed crosses 70 or thereabouts the ABS light is back ON. After that the light stays ON even if the speed is brought down. Morning since the road is free I am able to drive faster. While returning from office in the evening the road is crowded hence unable to achieve similar speed and ABS light remains OFF.
Can somebody suggest what needs to be done or where it needs to be shown. Assuming that it is ABS motor, is there an alternative to replacing the ABS motor ? The motor is supposed to cost somewhere around 25K to 30K.
Thanks for suggestions in advance.
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File Type: rar My recording 4.rar (811.2 KB, 72 views)
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Old 21st June 2020, 18:36   #6502
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by lark63 View Post
Hello all. I am having a problem with my 390.
There is a sound coming from the bike (audio file attached). The sound is well heard when the bike is rolling with ignition on. With the engine running the sound is still heard but engine sound makes it less audible. The service guy says it is the ABS motor issue. May be true. I don't know.
The ABS light goes off after the bike starts rolling as usual but once the speed crosses 70 or thereabouts the ABS light is back ON. After that the light stays ON even if the speed is brought down. Morning since the road is free I am able to drive faster. While returning from office in the evening the road is crowded hence unable to achieve similar speed and ABS light remains OFF.
Can somebody suggest what needs to be done or where it needs to be shown. Assuming that it is ABS motor, is there an alternative to replacing the ABS motor ? The motor is supposed to cost somewhere around 25K to 30K.
Thanks for suggestions in advance.
First off, appreciate for bringing this issue. Truly a unique case, and a pump failure noise that I am hearing for the first. I think, your mechanic is right. The ABS pump motor is what modulates the pressure inside the brake circuit. If the pump is faulty and not providing the right pressure to the lines, the ABS light will keep glowing.

Try this mod. Remove your seat, and remove the FUSE named ABS ECU, it's a 10 amp fuse, this fuse is what powers the ABS HECU. If this is deactivated, the ABS will be dead, and the ABS pump won't work. Observe if you hear the same sound now, at all speeds.

If the sound doesn't repeat, you have an ABS pump that is faulty. Also, I'd suggest you inspect your ABS wheel speed sensors.

Keep us posted.

Good luck!

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Old 14th July 2020, 17:18   #6503
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Hey folks I had crashed my RC390 (1st gen) back in December and am sharing my experience with the parts that were changed. I ended up getting a mix and match of parts for the old model as well as few from the post 2017 model:

Handlebars the 2017 model comes with longer handlebars giving you more leverage over the bike. I found the bike to feel much lighter when navigating traffic, however missed the more precise feeling I had with the shorter 1st gen handlebars so I exchanged them with handlebars made for the older model.

Mirrors the 2017 mirrors definitely offer much better visibility but I did not like the way they looked so made sure I got the old model's mirrors installed

Levers the adjustable levers on the post 2017 model are anyday an upgrade so I stuck with them

Radiator fan required replacement. Now there were two options again the old model vs the newer one. The newer one is slightly more expensive, however it is worth the price since noise levels are much lower and cooling is more efficient.

Brakes here comes the interesting bit. Since my front brake rotor was already pretty worn out, I decided to ask my guy to look into upgrading the brakes to that of the 2017 model. Turns out its not as simple as just a larger disc and the new master cylinder. The front rim had to be changed and so did the inner tubes of the forks since without this change there was mild vibration during braking. Rim cost me around 4k and so did the inner tubes for the forks.

My bike now feels much better with the braking system upgrade and for those who are still using their old 2014/15/16 390s, I highly advise you to go for the upgrade. The new forks feel much smoother as well over undulations so it is a neat ride quality+braking upgrade that you get to enjoy at the end of the day

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Old 15th July 2020, 11:23   #6504
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread


I noticed petrol leaking from my Duke 390 and on inspection found out that the petrol tank had a crack near the outlet.
Decided to get a new one and to my horror in Bangalore no ASC has stock of the fuel tank and saying that it may take three months .

Can somebody advice what can be done? The crack is closer to the nuts provided at the bottom and an inch in length.
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Old 15th July 2020, 20:20   #6505
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by girishv View Post
Decided to get a new one and to my horror in Bangalore no ASC has stock of the fuel tank and saying that it may take three months .
Same is the case at most places, due to the Covid situation even Bajaj is refusing OTC sales at some of their outlets due to spare scarcity.

Can somebody advice what can be done? The crack is closer to the nuts provided at the bottom and an inch in length.
Since a safety hazard changing is the way forward, you could use cold weld epoxy for the time being but at your own risk.

An alternate route is buying a used fuel tank.

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Old 15th July 2020, 20:27   #6506
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by ashwinprakas View Post
Same is the case at most places, due to the Covid situation even Bajaj is refusing OTC sales at some of their outlets due to spare scarcity.

Since a safety hazard changing is the way forward, you could use cold weld epoxy for the time being but at your own risk.

An alternate route is buying a used fuel tank.

Thank you Ashwin

The ASC at Mekhri circle mentioned that they have a bike lying in their floor from last one plus months.
Cold welding is ruled out due to high pressure.
Used? How do I find one. I'm from Bangalore and any pointers in this direction is highly appreciated.

For the time being got my Navi serviced which will takeover it's duties after the lockdown.
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Old 15th July 2020, 21:31   #6507
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by girishv View Post
Used? How do I find one. I'm from Bangalore and any pointers in this direction is highly appreciated.
OLX and Scrap Dealers would be a good bet, you could reach out to people from Bangalore for help.

I'm sharing the details of a spares company that sells KTM and Bajaj spares via WhatsApp, they usually sell surplus stock for cheaper than MRP rates and sometimes used parts as well. They have quite a positive reputation in my circles.


I do not have any vested interest in the company, I just know fellow enthusiasts who've purchased stuff from them, even Child parts of KTM that's not sold separately i.e 2019 Model LED Clutster's Heat Sink, Previous Gen Meter Cover etc.
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Old 16th July 2020, 20:54   #6508
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Ordered a visor for the Duke and installed it.
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The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-duke390visor.jpg  

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Old 25th July 2020, 19:45   #6509
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Cranks but doesn't fire.

Guys, I have a 2017 Duke 390. Today I had an issue where the bike coughed and stalled after riding for around 7-8 kms.
I assumed it could be one of the heating issues, though the temp reading was at the half level mark. However waited for around 20 mins and tried restarting. The bike cranks well but doesn't start. Once or twice the bike fired but died immediately upon turning the accelerator.
The bike was ridden for around 20kms last evening without any issue. Not sure if it is a fuel issue.

Took the bike to KTM Banashankari service station. The bike gave an ECU failure right in front of the SA. It is equipped with a Powertronic ECU. I hope it's got nothing to do with an ECU as it cranks quite well. The SA tried jump starting it with another battery to eliminate a battery issue. No luck, so no battery issues. It had enough juice. He then requested time until Monday to check for other issues.

What could be the possible reasons for this to happen. I am hoping to get ahead of the issue before the SA suggests an expensive unnecessary solution. Have bitten that pill once.

Thanks in Advance,

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Old 25th July 2020, 19:49   #6510
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Please get rid of the power tronics set up and try again.
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