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Old 17th February 2015, 18:24   #3916
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Folks, any idea if the LCD Display is laminated?
I was riding today and the display appeared very dusty. Wiped it with two of my fingers (was wearing gloves). Now, it has 6-7 lines on the screen which is visible only in direct sunlight and when viewed at a particular angle. Else, it looks perfect.

Originally Posted by RiderZone View Post
On bumps the chain slaps around like a drum, and at high speeds the tail makes some weird noises.
Same issue on mine. Tightened every nut and bolt in the left rear area, yet the noise persists. No SVC, including the ones of KTM has been able to rectify this issue yet.

Last edited by barcalad : 17th February 2015 at 18:26.
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Old 17th February 2015, 18:37   #3917
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Originally Posted by barcalad View Post
Folks, any idea if the LCD Display is laminated?
I was riding today and the display appeared very dusty. Wiped it with two of my fingers (was wearing gloves). Now, it has 6-7 lines on the screen which is visible only in direct sunlight and when viewed at a particular angle. Else, it looks perfect.

Same issue on mine. Tightened every nut and bolt in the left rear area, yet the noise persists. No SVC, including the ones of KTM has been able to rectify this issue yet.
Mine had the scratches from the beginning itself. I noticed it only a week after the delivery. You can ask any decals shop to put a transparent sticker over it.

Originally Posted by RiderZone View Post
After having ridden my 390 for about 35,000 kms, I'm now quite used to the orchestra of noises it makes. I have that shim noise, very audible at low RPMs. The fuel filler cap is noisy too. Something in the tail has started vibrating recently as well!

I say orchestra because the noise happens at only certain RPM ranges! When I start the bike there's that high-pitched knocking sound from the engine like there's a penny bouncing around in the cylinder. As I accelerate, at around 4000 RPM the fuel cap starts buzzing like a Jazz singer. On bumps the chain slaps around like a drum, and at high speeds the tail makes some weird noises. It's a complete set of music!

The SVC guy told me I'll have to leave the bike with him for a day for all of this to be cured. I am a firm believer in not trying to fix what isn't broken, I feel trying to fix these minor irritations might lead to creation of other major frustrations.

The latest issue seems to be the speedometer zooming to 0 every few seconds. In the beginning it happened rarely, a few 0 kmph screens between a lot of 80 kmph screens. Now it has gone the other way round! A few 80kmph screens between a mostly present 0 kmph screen. Told this to the SVC guy, he says this is a common problem.

But yeah, KTM could certainly improve their quality department
Must be lot of experience with the bike. Cheers!!!
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Old 17th February 2015, 18:41   #3918
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by RiderZone View Post
After having ridden my 390 for about 35,000 kmS....

But yeah, KTM could certainly improve their quality department
-Have you got the shims changed? I dont think they last 35000kms anyways, not with current quality shims. This is a routine problem even on CBR250R.

-The fuel filler cap vibrations is an easy fix, dab some grease or an O-ring of the right size does the trick.

-The tail noise might be from a the flasher unit which hangs around or a loose tool kit.

-The only solution to the MID problem is a replacement(a senior mechanic let the cat out) . A friend is suffering a similar problem, he tried replacing speed sensor but it didn't help much.

- For people having MID vibratings it's most probably arising from the two accessory power sockets are connectors vibrating against the cowl. Doubletape and zip ties did the trick for me.

- My bike's engine plastic guard vibrates to no end at <4k rpm in spite of tightening them, will try adding a few metal washers.
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Old 17th February 2015, 19:33   #3919
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Adding to the above comprehensive list of rattlers

- The tiny windscreen can get loose overtime and rattle like hell. Also the threads are flimsy and will be damaged easily

- The tail section is a huge collection of allen keys, phillips screw and bolts. Get a tool kit and check if everything is fastened properly, especially the underbody screws in the tail section. Other potential candidates can be the toolkit or the fusebox

- Even the ignition key unit of my bike went loose and was rattling away to glory on my bike!

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Old 17th February 2015, 20:47   #3920
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Originally Posted by RiderZone View Post
The latest issue seems to be the speedometer zooming to 0 every few seconds. In the beginning it happened rarely, a few 0 kmph screens between a lot of 80 kmph screens. Now it has gone the other way round! A few 80kmph screens between a mostly present 0 kmph screen.
This seems to start post the 12k mark. You are right. No fix as yet, last I checked two weeks back.
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Old 17th February 2015, 22:17   #3921
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Akhilash95 View Post
-Have you got the shims changed? I dont think they last 35000kms anyways, not with current quality shims. This is a routine problem even on CBR250R.

-The fuel filler cap vibrations is an easy fix, dab some grease or an O-ring of the right size does the trick.

-The tail noise might be from a the flasher unit which hangs around or a loose tool kit.

-The only solution to the MID problem is a replacement(a senior mechanic let the cat out) . A friend is suffering a similar problem, he tried replacing speed sensor but it didn't help much.

- For people having MID vibratings it's most probably arising from the two accessory power sockets are connectors vibrating against the cowl. Doubletape and zip ties did the trick for me.

- My bike's engine plastic guard vibrates to no end at <4k rpm in spite of tightening them, will try adding a few metal washers.
Nopes, haven't gotten the shims changed yet. Everything still works, so why change anything

Didn't understand the MID thing, what's that?

Originally Posted by man_of_steel View Post
Adding to the above comprehensive list of rattlers

- The tiny windscreen can get loose overtime and rattle like hell. Also the threads are flimsy and will be damaged easily

- The tail section is a huge collection of allen keys, phillips screw and bolts. Get a tool kit and check if everything is fastened properly, especially the underbody screws in the tail section. Other potential candidates can be the toolkit or the fusebox

- Even the ignition key unit of my bike went loose and was rattling away to glory on my bike!
LOL! My key once fell into that hole next to the ignition socket, nightmare! I could see it, but do nothing about it. Friends helped open the headlight and then I could ride again

Originally Posted by anilp View Post
This seems to start post the 12k mark. You are right. No fix as yet, last I checked two weeks back.
For me it started around 20k, and there's no discernible pattern to it. It doesn't always happen, but when it does it just keeps happening for hours. Somebody in KTM is having sinister fun reading this thread
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Old 18th February 2015, 01:31   #3922
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Quick update on the ABS :

It never "fully" shuts off. At least in the loose dirty stuff, it kicks in quite unceremoniously even when switched off. Tried this on multiple bikes, exact same situation
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Old 19th February 2015, 11:17   #3923
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by Urban_Nomad View Post
Quick update on the ABS :

It never "fully" shuts off. At least in the loose dirty stuff, it kicks in quite unceremoniously even when switched off. Tried this on multiple bikes, exact same situation
You are right on that. It will not fully disengage. But what I observed was with ABS ON and you stamp on the rear brake for sliding in the dirt, the brake pulsates till the bike has come to a dead stop but with ABS off, pulsation is still there, but after the bike has slowed down to a speed (somewhere less than 15kmph or so) the pulsation stops and you can have a last minute slide. My friends on D200 slides in circles around the 390s (while some dirt riding) which obviously makes us look like idiots... Buggers!
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Old 19th February 2015, 19:32   #3924
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Another possible alternative for the interact M5 tires

Metzeler laser tec. Apparently these are the same ones that the bonnie comes with. Option available:

Front : 110/70/17 for inr 3900
Rear : 130/70/17 for inr 4500

Online reviews seem positive. Anybody heard of them? Better yet, user reviews?
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Old 19th February 2015, 19:39   #3925
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Can any one post the actual prices of Metezeler Sportech M5, Front and Rear.I need a change of tyres for my Duke 390 and the local dealer is quoting 18k for a set
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Old 19th February 2015, 20:09   #3926
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In delhi at least, a set costs 15.5 k
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Old 19th February 2015, 23:03   #3927
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Enquired today at my local KTM SVC and was quoted 9500 ONLY for the rear tyre.
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Old 20th February 2015, 07:48   #3928
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

Originally Posted by hillram View Post
Can any one post the actual prices of Metezeler Sportech M5
I don't know what a set costs. I had to change the rear tyre and it set me back Rs. 93xx after taxes and labour.

Originally Posted by Akhilash95 View Post
With the peak summer approaching, would love to make the bike run a little cooler.
There is little you can do about this. The engine runs hot, your legs are close to the bore and the exhaust unit making matters worse. Give the radiator a nice spray, not too intense off course, to knock of all that dust and grime. This alone will help, if not for the rider, atleast for the engine.

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Old 21st February 2015, 22:54   #3929
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

I had a word with the folks at KTM marathahalli, they told me that the new 390's do not come with the slipper clutch, but only with a lighter clutch.

Can anyone confirm?
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Old 22nd February 2015, 19:12   #3930
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Re: The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

This bike has me at a loss !!! Just 2570km and 4 months old and feels and behaves like a 3 year old bike that is not serviced . Ruined last Sunday as well as this one , while the fun factor when all is well is very high , cannot help but feel I have simply not got what I paid for , this is my first ever automobile purchased on my own :/

The engine is coarser than it was during delivery ( I thought the idea was it gets smoother post first oil change but was I wrong !!! ) , the acceleration is erratic and unpredictable -exact same throttle application at the same rpm/gear , sometimes it jumps forward and sometimes it feels like an asthma patient .

The braking is unpredictable with back to back application requiring different extent of force/depression to achieve similar stopping power and moreover they squeal loudly (the rear squeals without even brake applied when even slightly leaned in ). 3 visits to SVC and failed to rectify this . Will be out of place even on a splendor nevermind this bike .

The tires - for all the hype I have read and yes they are sticky and when surface is comparable to Austria's , they behave superbly but I am not sure if majority owners are lucky to ride on consistently good surface or not because mine in the short span has suffered 6 punctures (all rear ) . And they are a horror show on the slightest hint of sand or gravel . My el cheapo enfield with el cheapo ceats handles better at similar lean angles on such surface and yet to have a puncture in twice the mileage . Not like I am riding on rural surface . Beautiful cantonment road for 90% usage and somehow nails have managed to lodge in blunt side first . They are built to a purpose and likely excel at that but they are so not durable . Hurts to see the smooth surface being ruined like that :(

Everything gets loose so fast - tightened handle twice , chain requires attention every 500-700 km , clutch requires attention in similar span , this is abnormal . And the vibration and buzzing , bolts tightened everywhere but no end to the buzz . Washing(careful normal pressure wash avoiding any contact with instrument cluster or even rear seat due to electronic beneath ) the bike makes it go bonkers , will stall intermittently for the next few days .

One might be wondering why I am ranting like this , well last sunday I convinced my close friend to go on a trip to celebrate the victory (world cup) but the moment she is astride the bike , the handle begins to wobble violently (And visibly as she commented on the same ). I have not ridden with pillion for few months but did a lot during the first few weeks and the bike was rock stable then , handle was tightened at 1700 or 1800km(as well as during first service ). The wobble was so extreme below 20kmph speed that I had to abort and hence ruin a great afternoon out . Go it tightened but mech thinks the front wheel itself might be out of alignment as we both agree it should not wobble like that just because of loose handle .

Manage to convince her again today , voila a puncture . Spray some water and even better - two punctures with one being so small that it is hard to tell what went in , it cannot be fixed from outside and leak seems very less . The other was leaking fast so had to abort again .

In general , it is proving difficult to enjoy riding this bike anymore , the engine harshness especially under acceleration means I cannot enjoy it as it is supposed to be ridden . Service support is 3rd grade and doesn't helps either . Know another RC 390 owner suffering even more , in his case coolant mixed with engine oil and bike is always at SVC . One might think I am being harsh but I am not , I am not treating the bike to bumper traffic and then complaining about heat or low rpm performance(which the less said about the better) but the way it is right now , it feels a bad second hand purchase nevermind a bike that should feel brand new .

Last edited by basuroy : 22nd February 2015 at 19:18.
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