Team-BHP - The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread

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Originally Posted by mithunvvijayan (Post 3572491)
Went to the service station early morning. They asked me to take the bike for a spin to see if the problem persists. When I took it out, the problem promptly repeated. They said there had been a problem with the spark plug gap and battery terminal, which they rectified. While they test rode it, they didn't get any problem.

When you say they did not get any problem when they test rode it, did you ask them to ride it at the time the problem arose when you took it for a test ride? Did they get the problem at that time..?

Asking this because, are they riding the bike differently when they are not seeing the problem to the way you might be riding it..? If they noticed the issue at the same time that you did when they took a test ride, my above point is negated and the problem lies elsewhere!

Not really ownership related but check out Husqvarna's take retro-chiq based on our very own Duke 390.

I absolutely love 'em!


Originally Posted by VW2010 (Post 3573148)
Sell it man. I dont think you will ever be happy with this bike. Time to move on for another bike and hopefully you are not hit with any issues for ever.

These issues happen with any bike and you are just unlucky as there are many happy owners here.

Can you with help of your friend record this stalling to see whats happening? It will help others.

I am not able to bring myself to sell it :). It was my dream bike so to speak. I am quite happy with it other wise.

I went to the Service station again and reported the problem. They said that they will replace the stepper motor. I will give it tomorrow morning.

I will try to record it.


Originally Posted by VW2010 (Post 3573228)

Few things to check:-

Throttle body itself
Throttle cable if its pinched somewhere
Temperature Sensor which basically has cut off mechanism. It may be triggering engine cut off due to faulty reading.
Fuel pump and the stepper.

Leave the bike with the showroom and ask them to try changing the throttle body itself to see if the issue vanishes. In the order of things, i would start with fule line and then move to other areas.

Its frustrating, but hang in there for this can happen even with really good running bikes when you suddenly hit a patch of bad luck to find the issue.

Many give up, but i will be impatient to know the problem which means convincing the service guy to try swapping things out to test it.

Its not easy, but its actually interesting for some of us. Like me, i would love to sit on this bike to fix it patiently. Its so much fun for me, i dont know about others :).

Thanx for your input. I hope it is not a long drawn process. Yeah, when you look at it from that perspective, I think, I will have to patiently go through the process.

Originally Posted by abhinav.s (Post 3573763)
When you say they did not get any problem when they test rode it, did you ask them to ride it at the time the problem arose when you took it for a test ride? Did they get the problem at that time..?

Asking this because, are they riding the bike differently when they are not seeing the problem to the way you might be riding it..? If they noticed the issue at the same time that you did when they took a test ride, my above point is negated and the problem lies elsewhere!

Actually the bike stalled when the SE started it and tried to move it. And I specifically asked if they encountered the problem later. They said they had encountered it before correcting the spark plug and the battery terminal, and they didn't face it afterwards. But they said, they will replace the stepper motor if the problem crops up again.

Doppie has been feeling lonely in the garage ever since Baby Duke left (I spoke to her new owner just the other day - he has promised to bring her over soon). Doppie had grown used to having a KTM as her stablemate for company while the rider slept indoors, and had been missing having Baby Duke around.

So I went over to Kolhapur to pick up her new stablemate, got her checked out and a few adjustments/oiling/settings done, and then rode her back home in the evening, managing to touch down in 3 hours flat, in spite of not really pushing it (getting used to the new bike and all, giving her time to get used to her new rider too - though admittedly not all that much time - definitely less than the 200 odd kms Baby Duke got before her 100% belted 100% of the time existence started). As an example of me getting used to her, I found myself on more than one occasion belting along happily, only to suddenly look down and realise that I am still in 5th gear and there is actually one more (pretty tall)gear to go! And when I say happily, I "really" mean (non forum rule safe) happily ..... :D

As luck would have it, when I reached the KTM workshop in Kolhapur, I found my old biker friend Varad sitting on the floorr his back to the wall (literally and figuratively) looking in part disgusted in part happy (the latter was for me - I hope) as his 390 in full touring rig trim stood on the shop floor, its insides out, coolant draining into a pan below.

He took a spin on my to-be bike, came back very impressed (with a few minor notations), and that was all I needed considering the guy I was hearing it from and my respect for him as a rider and a non-BS'er. All plans of having the bike thoroughly scrutinized on the hoist, diagnostics run, the lead technician giving her a once over and test ride naturally evaporated, which was great for time, as I wanted to get back before the light failed, because everyone who heard of my plan of riding back the same evening warned about a 40-60 km stretch of rain ravaged "road" with numerous diversions etc. all the way from Satara to Wai/Khambatki and beyond (some huge potholes unexpectedly bang in the center of NH4/not-so-Golden-anymore Quadrangle).

Turns out the guy did not get his hands on Form 28 for the NOC, and promised to send it over later by post. Obviously loathe to take that route, and armed with two complete sets of the forms myself carried from Pune, we set out in his Safari Storme to the owner's village some 30 kms out of Kolhapur. Luckily the owner by then had also taken his car and left so we did not have to go the full distance and met near halfway, did all the signing, checking, etc. and shook hands and left our respective ways.

Back to the showroom, tracings of chassis and engine number taken by the RTO agent I left the paperwork with, it was time to hand over the money, shake hands, get the keys (the duplicate with the bar code card is still to come to me - promised in my hands within a week), get my jacket, gloves, helmet out of the bag I had been lugging around (was wearing my riding boots), a quick wash and a cold drink, and I was on my way. First to tank up the near empty Duke, and then towards the highway. Varad had already left about 20 minutes earlier (luckily his bike was done and we had the opportunity of riding back together - and while I was gone for the paperwork, he had gotten my bike ready as well, with just the chain adjustment pending my return as I was happy to see they did it the traditional way - the rider siting on the bike, unlike the manual). He wanted to have the lead time to test if everything was working ok post the bike being put together again, so that if something was still not ok, he could return and have it looked at. Alternatively, if everything went fine, he was to meet me at the first toll some 20-30 kms out of Kolhapur. As it turned out, happily for us, it was the latter, and we soon synced up and started riding back together.

So friends, am back to the KTM fold I departed not so long ago. And the urge has never died, and in fact, participating on these threads has only proven to be a constant goad towards getting myself Duked again. In the intervening period, thank you for your consideration! :)

Here are a few fotos from my not so nice phone camera of my new 390 along with a couple of Varad's psychedelic 390!

The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-img20141105wa0001.jpg

The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-img20141105wa0002.jpg

The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-img20141105wa0003.jpg

Attachment 1306135

The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-img20141105wa0005.jpg

The KTM Duke 390 Ownership Experience Thread-img20141105wa0004.jpg

As special thanks I must acknowldge the contributions of my team BHPian rider buddies Ram (for his patience and wisdom, his confidence in me and his understanding of my needs), Niranjan (for his fantastic and near perfect seat of the pants rider-centric analysis of the Ninja 250 and the Duke 390 through a series of PMs, which helped me greatly in breaking the one-time dadlock and being able to finally decide - no one better than him to do it as well), Kapil and Arpan (for being my constant much suffering sounding boards on Gtalk, as well as professional used-bike surveyors based on emails with bike hotos, owner details, and negotiation specifics!), Kapil also for his inputs as a young aggressive rider who again owned a 200 and had also ridden a 250 for a significant distance, and is also chomping at the bit for a change up now(!), and to Anurag (Insearch) for showing me what an old fart(!) on a 390 could do on the road against bigger bikes and thumping the final nail into the too long open casket. And to all other 390 owners and riders here for contributing continuously to the fund of knowledge we have here on both the 200 and the 390, where each problem has been discussed and analysed, and myths dispelled.

Thank you all. Its great to be in the saddle again!

P.S. Incidentally, from full tank in Kolhapur, she came into reserve 5 kms from home in Pune (near City Pride chowk), which means she did about 245 kms to the tank. Not great but definitely much better than what I ever got on my test 390 (220 kms max).


Originally Posted by ebonho (Post 3573861)
Thank you all. Its great to be in the saddle again!

lol: Doc, dont get me wrong if I say I KNEW IT!! I just knew it! I knew you would be back to the KTM stable as nothing else out there could just satisfy you!!

Welcome back Doc! :D


owner by then had also taken his car and left so we did not have to go the full distance and met near halfway, did all the signing, checking, etc. and shook hands and left our respective ways.
Damn! Reminds me of the scene of a secret drug deal!


Originally Posted by ebonho (Post 3573861)
Thank you all. Its great to be in the saddle again!

Welcome back to the fold doc!! :) While i wont say I knew it outright, I had an intuition after reading Insearch's post about the 390 with the big boys! Nice to have you back in the KTM tribe again.


Originally Posted by mithunvvijayan (Post 3573870)
Congrats Doc!! Now you own a 390, hope you will provide all of us with enlightening suggestions and solutions.

Thanks man. Though honestly I would prefer not to be in a position to be a tech guru and simply just ride. That's what my previous KTM was great at. Am looking forward to this one carrying forward that legacy.


Originally Posted by man_of_steel (Post 3573873)
lol: Doc, dont get me wrong if I say I KNEW IT!! I just knew it! I knew you would be back to the KTM stable as nothing else out there could just satisfy you!!

Welcome back Doc! :D

Thanks bro! I'm that obvious ehh? :D


Damn! Reminds me of the scene of a secret drug deal!
LOL you'l be surprised at the cross section of the country you will meet on OLX. Throughout the car ride I was regaled with stories of Kolhapur's royalty, shenanigans, political muscle, super rich (sugar lobby), and the wild westerneness. All of which I knew as a Maharashtrian (ex Bihari), but it was impressive nonetheless to a nice sweet simple bhola bawa from Pune.


Originally Posted by abhinav.s (Post 3573878)
Welcome back to the fold doc!! :) While i wont say I knew it outright, I had an intuition after reading Insearch's post about the 390 with the big boys! Nice to have you back in the KTM tribe again.

Thanks buddy. Seems everyone knew but me!

P.S. I kind of figured out a solution to the clunky upshifts. Which is - reverse blipping! 390 guys, try it and tell me if it works. It happens when you get stuck in a low gear at a higher rpm without being able to shift up smoothly and continuosly in a flow (like on a open road vs a traffic congested one) and then when you do finally shift up, there is that dirty khatak. That's because the transmission is still loaded and the clutch does not unload it sufficienly. Reverse blipping does!


Originally Posted by ebonho (Post 3573929)
Thanks man. Though honestly I would prefer not to be in a position to be a tech guru and simply just ride. That's what my previous KTM was great at.

P.S. I kind of figured out a solution to the clunky upshifts. Which is - reverse blipping! 390 guys, try it and tell me if it works. It happens when you get stuck in a low gear at a higher rpm without being able to shift up smoothly and continuosly in a flow (like on a open road vs a traffic congested one) and then when you do finally shift up, there is that dirty khatak. That's because the transmission is still loaded and the clutch does not unload it sufficienly. Reverse blipping does!

This is what I was looking forward to :D. Will try an let you know.


Originally Posted by mithunvvijayan (Post 3573947)
This is what I was looking forward to :D. Will try an let you know.

I kind of chanced upon this in the dark while darting one side to the next playing hide n seek with huge potholes laced liberally and randomly all across the diversions off NH4. It works. But like blipping up for downshifts you have to time it right and be smooth and quick.


Originally Posted by ebonho (Post 3573861)

So friends, am back to the KTM fold I departed not so long ago. And the urge has never died, and in fact, participating on these threads has only proven to be a constant goad towards getting myself Duked again. In the intervening period, thank you for your consideration! :)

Doc Congratulations and the ride looks neat. Taking cue from your ride yesterday, I take that the bike is in fine fettle. Wish you many many enjoyable miles with the 390 as well.

Best Regards & Ride Safe


On the topic of up-shifting gears , my observation so far -

1. During regular riding , I normally shift up around 5-7k rpm and no issues as such . It sometimes makes that THAK sound and I have observed the sound happens when I prod the lever hard , I often tap it very lightly and while it shifts without any false neutral , there is no sound or even physical feedback (often resulting in me assuming false neutral and checking the display if traffic permits ). Clutch usage sometimes is minimal , often half clutch the shifts and don't ease it out either , I ease out the throttle during the shift as per habit .

2. I have done a few speed runs on a road here which permits WOT without any worries , I shifts gears during those runs either near or after hitting the rev limiter - I keep the throttle constant and the shifts are normally with very minimal clutch input , no issues and makes a WHOOSSSS sound from the engine for a split second when the clutch is partially depressed . Love that sound .

Congratulations ebonho! Ride the heck out of her and post details please!

You're on the bike I'd love to have bought, so I'll be living vicariously through you. :)


Originally Posted by r_nairtvm (Post 3574006)
Doc Congratulations and the ride looks neat. Taking cue from your ride yesterday, I take that the bike is in fine fettle. Wish you many many enjoyable miles with the 390 as well.

Best Regards & Ride Safe


Thanks Ram. She's moving well touch wood. Now just 2800 kms on the clock. So I guess will still open up more with use. Not being judgmental here, but the past owner did not come across as someone who would have pushed her beyond 110-120 more than a couple of times.

He's definitely dropped her once, but asides from some cosmetic damage to the right side hand guard (also slightly cracked) and the right crash guard (it will have to go, because it looks like it has been straightened), there does not seem to be anything else wrong with her. Besides the fact that the owner had obviously lost interest in her and the neglect showed (sun/weather exposure fade, some fading of black plastics - or could just be hard water, because there is a whitish tinge over the plastics as well as the grey engine parts and silencer can), engine not clean beyond where a hand can reach, chain dry. That sort of thing. No biggie really.

Nothing some Doc-style TLC will not cure.

Bottom line is that everything works. Chassis and fork and wheels are perfect. Bike tracks straight, brakes straight (a very mild handle dip to the right under really hard braking - could be fork oil, or some adjustment needed after the fall). Tyres are hardly run. Engine is strong. Gearbox is nice, clean. Brakes have much nicer bite and feedback than the crappy spongy ones up front on the test 390. Mirrors are positioned for a much shorter guy (which the previous owner is). Didn't mess with them on the ride, besides adjusting each to where I could.

Another thing I just recalled from this discussion. Not once did I see the shift light in ANY gear. Must go back home and check at what RPM they have been set! :eek:


Originally Posted by Silverflash (Post 3574025)
Congratulations ebonho! Ride the heck out of her and post details please!

You're on the bike I'd love to have bought, so I'll be living vicariously through you. :)

Thanks buddy. Riding season has now officially begun!

Guys that incredibly annoying issue of tire losing pressure seems to be back . Today I rode to the mall here (25km round trip) and during the trip the bike felt wobbly/lacklustre in the handling dept. but I excused that down to the uneven roads here . Just now before deciding to lock it up in the garage for the night, I checked the pressure with my gauge and found rear at 18( it suffered a puncture that was fixed on monday ).

Rode it to a shop near here and as per his gauge , front was at 18 and rear at 20(I maintain 25/30) . The chap there is of the opinion that such drop in pressure in tubeless tire is normal and even commented mine is somewhat 'slower' than the pulsars etc . I find it very hard to believe that tubeless tires in the space of 4 days and just 60km riding will loose pressure at that rate , I may be wrong in my assumption(for one none of our cars loose pressure at a rate even remotely close to this and no experience owning tubeless tire bikes) and he is correct but I still wish to verify this here .


Originally Posted by basuroy (Post 3574069)
Guys that incredibly annoying issue of tire losing pressure seems to be back...

To give you a fair idea, i maintain 26-F & 30-R in my D200. Over a period of 2 weeks, the front would probably be at 22-23 & rear at around 25-26. So definitely do not agree with the tyre shop guy. Did you visit the SVC to check your rim the last time?? I had this issue with the FZ16 where the rear tyre would lose pressure from 36 to 12-15 within 3 days. It was a rim issue but not a visible bend. Don't exactly remember what was done but the issue was not fully fixed. I sold the FZ in a short period since it had lot more issues (very lemony to tolerate) :D

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