Statutory Warning: A very long post. It isn’t a typical ownership review either. Read at your own discretion!
It all started back in 2004 when I got a phone call from dad.
Dad (Angrily): Where are you?
Me: I’m watching a movie with my friends.
Dad: Come home now itself. We have to go somewhere!
Me: But dad, I’m in the middle of a movie.
Dad: Doesn’t matter. Get your *** up and come home now. Don’t you have any studying to do!? Why do you always waste time!? If you keep spending time at the Cinemas then I don’t think you will even get a First Class this semester!!! Anyways, we’ve to go to Ravi Uncle’s place and it is important.
Me: Ok Dad.
To give you an idea, I was pursuing my engineering course then and I’ve always been (even today) scared of my father for reasons unknown so I wouldn’t dare not going home at that very instant even if I was offered a million bucks!!! I went home and as usual dad was huffing and puffing with anger and mom was silent. My sister had that look in her eyes, “You are gonna get screwed today!!!” I didn’t utter a word nor did anyone speak to me. I silently got dressed and sat inside the car to go to Ravi Uncle’s place. More silence. Dad was driving as rashly as he could. Mom was not speaking to me, which was weird. Sister still had the same look in her eyes and it was now complimented with a strange grin!!! The earth below started to sink. We stopped at a traffic signal and it was taking an awful long time to turn green. Various thoughts were going on in my mind. Will dad scold me at Ravi Uncle’s place in front of everyone???Will he blast me after going back home???Will he spare me today, only to get back at me some other time???Will he…..……Will he not!!?? I was a wreck! Ah…the signal was still red.
The signal finally turned green and my dad took a left turn. Hang on. We’d to take a right to go to Ravi Uncle’s place!!! But I dare not speak then! What if I start a conversation and he scolds me then itself? I kept quiet. He drove for a while I did not know where and finally pulled up outside what looked like a hospital. I was confused. He said we’ve to go to Ravi Uncle’s place and he has bought us here! Mom was still silent and my sister’s wicked grin had grown from ear to ear. I was confused. Dad got out of the car and started walking in the opposite direction. I gathered some courage and asked him where he was going. He pointed at a building and said, “I’m going there”. I looked up and I felt happiness that I had never ever experienced in my life! It was a Bajaj showroom!
I was gifted my first bike, a black Pulsar 180 DTS-i. It was the best moment. More so because it was a surprise from dad and after all the drama, it was he who urged me to go for the 180 when I was ready to settle for the 150 because the dealer said he’ll take some time to get the 180! I was happy but to be honest, I always had my eyes for the Karizma. But it cost INR 90k on road which was a huge amount of money to spend on a bike back then (or even now, for some people). I was happy to settle for the second best. We booked the bike that day and was delivered within the next 4-5 days. Everything was butter smooth for a while until the day when I saw an ad in the newspaper from Hero Honda. It said “The new Hero Honda Karizma – now at INR 69,900”!!! They had made a price cut (as a limited period offer) just after a month or so I bought the 180!!! I was literally in tears. The bike which I had always dreamt was available for a reasonable amount of money more than what I’d paid for the 180!!! But I could do nothing. I had to be consoled for quite a while by dad and eventually I got over it. Life was all good again with the 180 and I never thought about the ZMA again. Not for the next 6 years atleast.
The 180 was a brilliant bike and never gave me the need to replace it with anything else. After 6 years and 35000 kms of happy motoring, one fine day, the engine died on me beyond repair. It was painful because I had developed a special bond with her and I had to let her go!!! Finally, towards the end of 2010 I parted with her without being able to ride one last time and never got a chance to see her again.
Life went back to normal. I changed my job sometime in 2011. The company provided transportation was full and I was forced to travel on my own. I was driving to work and it was taking a toll on me. Driving a car on the wretched ORR to Whitefield via Silk Board was next to impossible. So I was back in the market on the lookout for a bike.
The Pulsar 220 was the ‘maximum bang for your buck’ bike at that time. But I did not want another Pulsar. I could recollect only the happiest memories of my 180 and I didn’t want them to be replaced by another Pulsar. The other choices were the ZMR, R15 and the CBR 250R. The CBR had a waiting period of 4 months and I wanted a bike immediately. So it was out. It boiled down to the R15 and ZMR. The R15 indeed was the better bike. I decided on a Racing blue when I was interrupted by a voice in my head. Let’s call the voice, Jack Sparrow (just for the kicks)!

Jack Sparrow: Ahoy there!
Me: What? Where? How? Who?
Jack Sparrow: Mate, you bought a Pulsar back then when you wanted a Karizma. Now you have the chance to go for a better ZMA…The ZMR!!!
Me: But, R15 is leagues ahead in every respect!!!
JS: But you always wanted a Karizma!
Me: It’s got 6 gears, delta frame, mono shocks and the works mate!!!
JS: But you always wanted a Karizma!
Me: It looks like a mini R6!!!
JS: But you always wanted a Karizma!
Me: Damn you!!!
The ZMR was indeed a better choice considering that I had to travel 52 kms every day to office and back. It was comfortable and would be easy on my back. Also, my brother-in-law bought a blue R15 just a month before I was to get my ZMR and he insisted that I go for the ZMR and that I could ride his bike whenever I wanted. Finally I took the plunge and bought home my black ZMR in June 2011. At last, the moniker “KARIZMA” was with me!!! I had fulfilled my dream of owning it.
However, it was not to be a ‘happily ever after’ story.