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Old 16th December 2009, 19:39   #2296
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Shell Helix Diesel Ultra

Folks Shell Helix Diesel Ultra is a big let down

The API specs is a big disappointment - CF4 which in my opinion is quite archaic.

So folks driving CRDi's , TDCi, DDIS etc would be better off if they stay away from this one..

Just my thoughts


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Old 16th December 2009, 20:06   #2297
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Originally Posted by csateesh
The API specs is a big disappointment - CF4 which in my opinion is quite archaic.
Every specialist synthetic lube makers like OWS, Liqui Moly, etc. still run CF4 rating on their Diesel synth brew.
Perhaps we need to look at their ACEA ratings.
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Old 17th December 2009, 08:47   #2298
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Originally Posted by Gansan View Post

This is news to me. The oil is displayed in a shelf inside the convenience store located on their premises, along with other merchandise like car care products/eatables/soft drinks/wine. The oils have their own shelf in a corner. There is absolutely no heat or dust. At least this is how I see it in the Shell bunk I frequent.
Hello Ganasan sir, is it the Shell next to Kamakshi Hospital ? I live very close by. I did try to buy my fully Synth from there. Two things put me off

1. Very high price ( + no dealer discount )
2. Fudging of details ( for eg price, date of mfg has been intentionally tampered with )

I am not saying its the same with all the oils/products there, just a few of the fully synth.

Also a bit OT here, My experience there has taught me that it is one of the few places you get un-adulterated petrol. The car just performs very well when I fill up there. The days I fill up at other places (petrol emergencies!), the car is a bit rough. Talking about normal Unleaded + system G, not shell super.
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Old 17th December 2009, 09:45   #2299
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No, this one is located on the GST Road at Chromepet. In fact this is the only Shell pump I have ever visited. Here too they sell only at MRP, and I have never seen any fudging of rates. My only annoyance is they don't stock 500 / 1000 ML cans of Helix HX5 and keep only 4 litre ones. They say the smaller cans do not move quickly. But they do keep all sizes for Helix and Helix Ultra.
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Old 17th December 2009, 10:58   #2300
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I have an NHC which has done ~27K on the odometer. My daily drive is ~20 Km and a long drive of about 1500 kms every month. I have few questions for the experts

1) What is the standard oil used in the NHC (mineral/ semi/ synthetic).
2) If I need to swithc to synthetic what grade/ brand should I be using.
3) Given my driving profile, what is a good time to change oil if I switch to synthetic.
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Old 17th December 2009, 19:07   #2301
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Just a quick question, does anybody know if the fully synthetic oils are cheaper in pondychery ?
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Old 17th December 2009, 20:57   #2302
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Originally Posted by LonelyPlanet View Post
I have an NHC which has done ~27K on the odometer. My daily drive is ~20 Km and a long drive of about 1500 kms every month. I have few questions for the experts

1) What is the standard oil used in the NHC (mineral/ semi/ synthetic).
2) If I need to swithc to synthetic what grade/ brand should I be using.
3) Given my driving profile, what is a good time to change oil if I switch to synthetic.
1) Standard oil used in Jap cars at authorised SCs is mineral.

2) The popular brands and grades are Mobil 1 5w-50 and 0w-40, Shell Helix Ultra 5w-40 and OWS 5w-50. Check your manual for the recommended grades of oil and do NOT experiment.

3) Ask yourself, do you really need synthetic. It costs 3-5x more than good quality mineral multigrade oil. You can change to synth at the next service interval.

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Old 18th December 2009, 13:40   #2303
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Castrol Megnatec

I used Castrol Megnatec (synthetic) last time and result was awesome. The car became so smooth even passangers (my family) could feel the difference. I am totally satisfied with its performance.

By the way, any suggestions for the next time? Anyone got better results than megnatec? I drive a Zen Estilo.
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Old 18th December 2009, 15:23   #2304
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^^^ Yet one more time - Magnatec is NOT a fully synthetic product! Also, what are you comparing with? Please compare with a genuine oil with similar specs! You won't any perceptible difference.
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Old 18th December 2009, 22:00   #2305
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Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
^^^ Yet one more time - Magnatec is NOT a fully synthetic product! Also, what are you comparing with? Please compare with a genuine oil with similar specs! You won't any perceptible difference.
I am sorry racoon, but I cant help smiling. People calling Magnetec a synthetic oil or praising it, really gets to you doesnt it?

Its strange though, you have mentioned it many a times that its not synthetic and still people call it that. Its probably the misleading comment on the can that says 'synthetic technology' to be blamed perhaps and also people posting without reading the existing threads (Making them painfully longer !!) !
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Old 18th December 2009, 22:32   #2306
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Originally Posted by vdiatech View Post
Its probably the misleading comment on the can that says 'synthetic technology' to be blamed perhaps !
You are quite right. The term 'Synthetic Technology' is being used for the Castrol CRB Plus 20W40 as well. The ad in the TV shown infinite times may make commmoners think that it is synthetic oil too.
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Old 18th December 2009, 22:40   #2307
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Originally Posted by rr_zen View Post
You are quite right. The term 'Synthetic Technology' is being used for the Castrol CRB Plus 20W40 as well. The ad in the TV shown infinite times may make commmoners think that it is synthetic oil too.
I honestly did not know until I saw the advert on TV that implied, trucks and Aircrafts use the same oil ! lol

Ps. On a serious note, can someone really confirm if what that advert shows is true. Same oil for aircraft and trucks ?

Last edited by vdiatech : 18th December 2009 at 22:41.
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Old 18th December 2009, 23:26   #2308
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@Raccoon, sorry sir, I thought it was fully synthetic, as mentioned by service centre owner. I was comparing it with the oil maruti authorized service station uses. I am not aware of the brand, but i guess it should be a mineral oil
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Old 19th December 2009, 00:27   #2309
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Originally Posted by vdiatech View Post
I honestly did not know until I saw the advert on TV that implied, trucks and Aircrafts use the same oil ! lol

Ps. On a serious note, can someone really confirm if what that advert shows is true. Same oil for aircraft and trucks ?
They are not the same oil for sure. If you watch the ad closely, it only says the same synthetic technology is used in the oils used for aircrafts. By saying so, they are able to get away with it.
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Old 19th December 2009, 13:03   #2310
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Originally Posted by vdiatech View Post
I am sorry racoon, but I cant help smiling. People calling Magnetec a synthetic oil or praising it, really gets to you doesnt it?

Its strange though, you have mentioned it many a times that its not synthetic and still people call it that. Its probably the misleading comment on the can that says 'synthetic technology' to be blamed perhaps and also people posting without reading the existing threads (Making them painfully longer !!) !
Hehe... well, it "gets to me" because Castrol has ALWAYS been about marketing of "the weasel variety" as they call it. And they have created this false aura about their products being premium stuff; when in fact some of them are even below average. Anyway, have written about this earlier too; but unfortunately people do not/cannot go thru the thread, so the same thing keeps getting posted again.

And that aircraft ad is the limit! It is amazing how many gullible customers fall for it. But obviously they do... thats why Castrol has such a high advertising budget. This kind of cheap marketing gimmicks makes one cast doubts about the integrity of the company.

Originally Posted by indianvirus View Post
@Raccoon, sorry sir, I thought it was fully synthetic, as mentioned by service centre owner. I was comparing it with the oil maruti authorized service station uses. I am not aware of the brand, but i guess it should be a mineral oil
Figures! There is no telling with the service center is using. Please try using some of the better oils mentioned earlier, to compare.

Last edited by Raccoon : 19th December 2009 at 13:11.
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