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Old 2nd December 2009, 15:29   #2221
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Originally Posted by rock75 View Post

Yes the site is listing it incorrectly or has not updated for years! MGO oil can't be below SF infact I have checked 2-3 brands and all were 20W40 SF.
I have checked MGO from Shell and Castrol. Both are 20W40 / API SF. The issue is only with Servo MGO which is being used at MASS. They don't sell it to us, neither is it for sale through IOC bunks. So there is no way to check except through the IOC website.
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Old 2nd December 2009, 15:52   #2222
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Well you pay your money and take your choice. I have not used 'sarkari' oil for well over two decades. Just do not trust it. I will not use 'sarkari' fuel either if I have an option.
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Old 2nd December 2009, 15:57   #2223
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Originally Posted by sgiitk View Post
Well you pay your money and take your choice. I have not used 'sarkari' oil for well over two decades. Just do not trust it. I will not use 'sarkari' fuel either if I have an option.
+1 to that.
i stay far away from these bovine manure.
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Old 2nd December 2009, 17:54   #2224
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Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
Major scam of adulterating Castrol oils exists through the country, as discussed in other threads. Many people avoid Castrol for this reason itself. Are you sure the oil smells burnt in the can itself? If yes, I would be extremely wary and suspicious. What color is it btw? Of course, even if the colour matches, it still can't be guaranteed that it is genuine.

Most likely the site has not been updated. Most companies seem to take web site updateation quite lightly, in India.
Thats what making me confused.The oil looked very original to me.
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Old 3rd December 2009, 10:37   #2225
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if shell, castrol are SF servo has to be SF, servo MGO is available at retailers too please check it, BPCL also has MGO which is SF. See , different companies cannot have different specifications for MGO, it has to be one standardized spec duly recommedned and approved by Maruti as MGO label is a co branding label. Anyone making 20W40 SF cannot put MGO label unless there is an agreement between maruti and that company.

As far as castrol goes , yes counterfeiting is a major problem, as with any mass selling product in India. Please ensure that you buy from an authorised dealer and take a bill.

@Nitrous, People have been using sarkari fuel for ages and still living with it without much problems. It is just a mindset, private companies too can be profiteering or providing poor quality products, infact more so as profit is the main motive for them. Moreover you never know whether the 'imported' oil you are using is genuine or a fake! With sarkari oil at least you can be sure of its genuineness.

To me a particular spec say SM is SM whether it is mobil, shell or servo or BPCL, the differnece being negligible and perceived better outcomes more in one's head due to rationalization for higher money spent, Period.
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Old 3rd December 2009, 15:26   #2226
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^^^ What you are saying is only partly true. For eg. take the eg. of bike oils. Hero Honda "genuine" oil is made by 3 companies - Savita, Tide Water and BPCL. On paper, all have the same specs, however discerning users find that the BPCL oil does not perform as well as the other two and does not seem to last as long, either. And it is much easier to tell differences in bikes than in cars.

This is not to imply that PSU products might always be inferior. Pvt. companies are more than capable of foul play. But as it seems, the pvt. players definitely seem to have better products, at least most of the time.

As for Castrol, I'v heard even authorized distributors selling spurious stuff. So while the probability might be low, genuineness is still not guaranteed.

As for MGO oils having to be SF, I doubt the same is required by Maruti, as SF is just the minimum grade required. I don't see why they should have a problem if any vendor wants to sell a higher grade. On the other hand, I'd feel that since SF is the min. required to get an "MGO" lable, oil companies probably would not bother to use a higher grade which would probably cost them more. Since the avg. consumer is not aware of such things, it is the MGO label that would be far more important than the API grade.

As for the genuineness of imported oils, if you source them right... ie. from the distributor, etc., I don't think getting genuine stuff would be a big issue.
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Old 3rd December 2009, 15:59   #2227
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Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
As for MGO oils having to be SF, I doubt the same is required by Maruti, as SF is just the minimum grade required. I don't see why they should have a problem if any vendor wants to sell a higher grade. On the other hand, I'd feel that since SF is the min. required to get an "MGO" lable, oil companies probably would not bother to use a higher grade which would probably cost them more.
None of the reputed mfrs have the SF grade any more. It is being specially formulated for Maruti by the likes of Shell and Castrol, i.e. they are downgrading from their product portfolio to make it. Whereas the likes of Servo and BP are "upgrading " to this spec!

As you say, it stands to reason that since all other MGO is SF, and since it is stipulated by Maruti, Servo MGO too must be SF. But I have to infer this, and can't see with my own eyes. That it is shown as SC in the website has bothered neither Maruti nor IOC! IMO it is shoddy on the part of IOC not to update their site (if it is indeed SF), and I am not too sure if such shoddiness will not creep in to their mfg process as well!
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Old 3rd December 2009, 16:28   #2228
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@Racoon & Gansan

SF is the lowest grade stipulated by Maruti and therefore MGO has to be SF at least, since I have not seen any MGO higher than SF i have assumed that MGO is SF irrespective of the brand used.

@ Gansan

I don't know but in chandigarh Servo MGO from IOC is easily available at independent retailers in 3l cans. I have used it and seen personally that it is SF grade (though I used to believe it is SC after reading posts here). Please check out yourself at a retailer.

Last edited by rock75 : 3rd December 2009 at 16:29. Reason: addition of few words
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Old 3rd December 2009, 18:25   #2229
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Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
^^^ What you are saying is only partly true. For eg. take the eg. of bike oils. Hero Honda "genuine" oil is made by 3 companies - Savita, Tide Water and BPCL. On paper, all have the same specs, however discerning users find that the BPCL oil does not perform as well as the other two and does not seem to last as long, either. And it is much easier to tell differences in bikes than in cars.
Very much true.Honda two wheeler engine oil is manufactured by savita and tide water.The quality as well as appearence is different.I felt the one manufactured by tide water is far better than the one manufactured by savita.
i have decided to play safe .Decided to use shell helix from now on,even if i have to travel 20 km from my home to the shell gas station.Should i continue using the oil or drain it of ASAP?
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Old 3rd December 2009, 19:08   #2230
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Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
Should i continue using the oil or drain it of ASAP?
If I were you, I will just drain it out completely and replace with Shell. Better to lose some money than to live with constant doubt/tension.
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Old 3rd December 2009, 19:58   #2231
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Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
If I were you, I will just drain it out completely and replace with Shell. Better to lose some money than to live with constant doubt/tension.
Hmm,then i will replace it tomorrow itself,1020rs goes down the drain.
How much does the helix cost per litre?
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Old 3rd December 2009, 23:43   #2232
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Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
Very much true.Honda two wheeler engine oil is manufactured by savita and tide water.The quality as well as appearence is different.I felt the one manufactured by tide water is far better than the one manufactured by savita.
i have decided to play safe .Decided to use shell helix from now on,even if i have to travel 20 km from my home to the shell gas station.Should i continue using the oil or drain it of ASAP?
Errr... confusing. You are talking about draining out the burnt smelling Magnatec, right? If so, yes... it might be best to replace it asap.

The disadvantage of getting Shell from their bunk is that you will have to buy it at the MRP.

Last edited by Raccoon : 3rd December 2009 at 23:45.
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Old 4th December 2009, 09:48   #2233
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Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
How much does the helix cost per litre?
Rs 915.00 (MRP) for a four litre can in Chennai. Be sure to buy Shell Helix HX5 15W40, API SL oil meant for petrol engines. There is a diesel engine oil too with similar color coding (yellow), just the suffix will be HXD instead of HX5.

Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
The disadvantage of getting Shell from their bunk is that you will have to buy it at the MRP.
That is correct. But one can be sure it is not spurious (I doubt Shell oils are counterfeited as yet, though).
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Old 4th December 2009, 18:20   #2234
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Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
Rs 915.00 (MRP) for a four litre can in Chennai. Be sure to buy Shell Helix HX5 15W40, API SL oil meant for petrol engines. There is a diesel engine oil too with similar color coding (yellow), just the suffix will be HXD instead of HX5.

That is correct. But one can be sure it is not spurious (I doubt Shell oils are counterfeited as yet, though).
even if i end up paying mrp,rest assured i get the original one,complete peace of mind.
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Old 4th December 2009, 18:50   #2235
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Originally Posted by rakesh_r View Post
even if i end up paying mrp,rest assured i get the original one,complete peace of mind.
If you stay in mumbai you will get the shell for 146 Rs per half litre at the Shell station at Rabale (thane belapur highway).shell station will mostly keep original stuff with little chance of spurious oil.
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