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Old 23rd November 2009, 14:31   #2146
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Urgent help!

Folks currently am using "Mobil1" in my Adventure, the car has done about 7K kms and it has been about 8months since i changed to Mobil.

Today when i checked the oil, i guess i will have to top it up(about half liter)
I was wondering since the car has done decent kms and even the oil change duration is quiet long... lastly Mobil is heavy on pocket

CHecked the "Shell Super" and was thinking for this oil instead of toping with Mobil 1. please note Mobil costs 950 per liter!

What you guys suggest?
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Old 23rd November 2009, 14:51   #2147
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Try the Shell Helix HX5 15W40 / API SL oil (previous name Shell Helix Super). Costs Rs 915 for 4 litres (MRP), so we can change it every 6 months irrespective of KM run. This is what I am using.

There are separate cans for Diesel and gas cars. These will have names like Shell Helix HX5-D and Helix HX5-G, so be careful.

But your car should not need 500 ML top up in 7000 KM / 8 months. What is the current odo reading ?

Last edited by Gansan : 23rd November 2009 at 14:52.
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Old 23rd November 2009, 14:59   #2148
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Thanks for info Gansan, the car has done about 62k kms till now.

Have noticed that the level drops slowly not sure if i have something to worry about? I was told at *** that its normal.

Yea i was wondering the same, using "Shell Super" will give me flexibility of changing the oil every 6 months.

Has Sheell come up with diffrent oils for Petrol,Diesel & Gas? atleast the site still shows the same old product which could be used for all? and also Shell bunk near to my place has the "Super"
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Old 23rd November 2009, 15:09   #2149
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Oh, if the odo reading is 62000 KM, some top up after 8 months is expected, so don't worry. I thought it was a new car.

I saw the D and G oils in one of their websites, though not in their petrol station. When I went there yesterday to buy oil for the next service, I saw the Helix HX5 can instead of the usual Helix super. The manager told me there has been some renaming of the oils, but I was not convinced. So went home and did some Google search, and found it was true.

Last edited by Gansan : 23rd November 2009 at 15:13.
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Old 23rd November 2009, 17:45   #2150
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Need advice:Shift From Minaral to synthatic Oil

Hi Guys,

Need your valuable advice,as my car has completed 65,000 Km am planning to shift to synthetic its fiat branded Selina oil.Wants to know What precautions needs to take before switching,last time when i used flush engine became very harsh and lost all the power and almost regain same after say 800 Kms,so am little bit afraid to use flush.Should i do it directly.
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Old 23rd November 2009, 20:38   #2151
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Just do a complete draining. Stay near the car and ensure that even the last drop comes out and then fill the synth oil. I don't think a flush is necessary.
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Old 24th November 2009, 23:11   #2152
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Hi, will Castrol GTX do for a M800 engine (carb) assuming this is a mineral oil hope.I was planning for Shell but it seems that it is not available in mumbai.

How much will 3 ltrs cost? My service center stocks MAK lubricants by default.So i will need to buy the oil myself.Its graded at

SAE 20W-50

I am hoping this is ok with the Maruti.Also please recommend if i need to flush the engine.Had a bad experience with castrol MGO so am apprehensive about castrol.

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Old 25th November 2009, 00:09   #2153
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^^^ If you are apprehensive about Castrol why are you going for it? There are many better oils... and they may actually be cheaper!! Besides, it can't be difficult to get what you want in a place like Bombay.

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Old 25th November 2009, 09:25   #2154
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Originally Posted by Raccoon View Post
^^^ If you are apprehensive about Castrol why are you going for it? There are many better oils... and they may actually be cheaper!! Besides, it can't be difficult to get what you want in a place like Bombay.
Frankly i only know of shell and castrol as good brands out of which shell seems to be unavailable.Would like to know about other good brands for the 800.Currently my car is running on MAK supreme which feels like water in comparision to the previous shell oil.
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Old 25th November 2009, 12:13   #2155
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Originally Posted by parimal_g View Post
Hi Guys,

Need your valuable advice,as my car has completed 65,000 Km am planning to shift to synthetic its fiat branded Selina oil.Wants to know What precautions needs to take before switching,last time when i used flush engine became very harsh and lost all the power and almost regain same after say 800 Kms,so am little bit afraid to use flush.Should i do it directly.
Originally Posted by Gansan View Post
Just do a complete draining. Stay near the car and ensure that even the last drop comes out and then fill the synth oil. I don't think a flush is necessary.

Engine flushing is essential when moving from Mineral to Synthetic especially for a high mileage car. This is because there would be a significant build up of deposits in engine cylinder wall which will come out either during flushing or within 1000 kms of synthetic use as synthetic have a lot of detergents as compared to mineral oil. So either flush your engine and replace oil or replace synthetic oil after 1000 kms of use. you decide.
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Old 25th November 2009, 12:18   #2156
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Originally Posted by parimal_g View Post
Hi Guys,

Need your valuable advice,as my car has completed 65,000 Km am planning to shift to synthetic its fiat branded Selina oil.Wants to know What precautions needs to take before switching,last time when i used flush engine became very harsh and lost all the power and almost regain same after say 800 Kms,so am little bit afraid to use flush.Should i do it directly.
Well the problem could have occured due to some other reason. I dont think a good quality flush used correctly and in the right quantity would harm the engine. Well i think its better yoy do a flush before you shift to synthetic.
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Old 25th November 2009, 12:29   #2157
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Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Would like to know about other good brands for the 800.Currently my car is running on MAK supreme which feels like water in comparision to the previous shell oil.
Mobil is one more good brand. Cummins is marketing Valvoline. Heard that TOTAL/ELF are also available.

Can you please throw some light on "MAK supreme which feels like water in comparision to the previous shell oil"? AFAIK, it is the viscosity of the oil which is important, and it deteriorates over a period of time.

I too had used Maruti Genuine Oil, MAK and Castrol in my M800 - didn't see (or rather feel) much difference.

In my Palio, I used Castrol first, then Mobil and the latest one is Castrol Magnatec! Surprisingly Magnatec feels better!! (Or is it because I now approaching 20K on the odo and engine runs freely? - No idea)

But the basic advice I have got and followed is -
1. You can go : Mineral - Semi Synth - Full Synth and not the reverse.

2. Change the oil every 5,000 kms or six months - whichever is earlier. (Spending Rs. 1,500 on oil is much better than damaging some component inside)
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Old 25th November 2009, 13:25   #2158
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Originally Posted by vrprabhu View Post
Can you please throw some light on "MAK supreme which feels like water in comparision to the previous shell oil"? AFAIK, it is the viscosity of the oil which is important, and it deteriorates over a period of time.
What i meant was oil seemed thinner compared to the shell i used to use previously , i guess that's because the shell was 15W while the MAK is 10W.Also after changing the oil to MAK i didn't get the usual smoothness that one gets after changing oil but it felt as if i was running on the old oil as before.
The green color of the MAk didn't go down very well with me and when it was begin poured i thought the guys were filling my engine with coolant
:-().Hence the expression seemed like water in comparision.

Anyways you mention that you have changed oil without feeling much difference.Does it mean that there were no issues in changing oil from one brand to another or that all brands
were similar in their perfomance.
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Old 25th November 2009, 14:04   #2159
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Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Also after changing the oil to MAK i didn't get the usual smoothness that one gets after changing oil but it felt as if i was running on the old oil as before.

Anyways you mention that you have changed oil without feeling much difference.Does it mean that there were no issues in changing oil from one brand to another or that all brands were similar in their perfomance.
My M800 had about 22K on the odo (bought a 2 year old used one), when I started changing the oil. The change was because, I used to get the service done at different places - twice at M.A.S.S., once at T.V.S. and once at local garage. I really did not feel much of a difference. Just as you stated, immediately after the change it used to be smooth, but after about 15 days or so it was like earlier.

In my Palio, I filled the Magnatec (replacing Mobil) in Sept 2009. Have driven almost 1000 kms now. The shifting still feels better and running is pretty smooth. Whereas, with the Mobil (after about a month) the stick felt harder and sometimes the engine used to feel that it was running rough. ( I have about 18K on the odo in Palio now - three years old).
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Old 25th November 2009, 15:37   #2160
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Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Frankly i only know of shell and castrol as good brands out of which shell seems to be unavailable.Would like to know about other good brands for the 800.Currently my car is running on MAK supreme which feels like water in comparision to the previous shell oil.
I guess your query has already answered by vrprabhu. Besides the brands he mentioned, you could also consider Motul, Gulf, etc. Gulf esp. makes very good bike oils. Would be worth trying their car stuff. However, make sure you compare like with like. For eg. if you are comparing Magnatec API SM with a cheaper, lower grade MAK mineral oil, then its a pretty unfair comparison. Better compare it with something like the semi-synth from say Valvoline.

I'm surprised at your comment about MAK Supereme though. Thats their premium brand, right? Any idea about the cost and API rating?

Last edited by Raccoon : 25th November 2009 at 15:39.
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