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Old 20th July 2010, 19:36   #4006
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Originally Posted by gaddiwale View Post
Sofar the performance of the Philips Rally H4 100/90 W was really outstanding. Today while returning from office one bulb is not working! Stopped and checked, actually bulb is working but the intensity is like a 10 W bulb.

Can any body throw some light, why the intensity decreased in both high and low beam of the said bulb, where as the other bulb is working fine.
Rectified the issue. Nothing happened as such. Only the negative nut got loose. My mechanic just tighten the nut and the light is now working perfectly.

Originally Posted by kingofmyworld View Post
@Gaddiwale : Same case happened even with me a couple of time, I'm sure your bulb will go kaput soon. My bulb ( both the times ) started looking like a bedlamp. When I opened and checked the bulb's glass wall was whiteish and blueish. Maybe some manufacturing defect. I had 130/100 cutout and I used 100/90 in one headlamp in case of emergency. used 100/90 bulbs twice and they worked for not more than 2 days each. Got 130/100 later and they were working fine. I later switched to HIDs.
Hi kingofmyworld, I've installed the bulbs just couple of week back, apperently there was no problem with the bulb. Anyway happy that sorted out. In your case - is it because mismatch cutout? I don't know, as I'm not an expert.
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Old 22nd July 2010, 14:25   #4007
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Headlight Upgrade


Alright i have already installed 90/100W Philips Rally headlights in my swift alongwith a MINDA headlight relay. Now the problem I have faced till now is that the fuses melted and my High beam went off. When i got the relay checked the fuses had completely melted. I got the fuses replaced in the circuit.
My setup is back to normal but my query is, Will this happen again? What could be the reason for this to happen? I had put the Relay (Cut-out) in order to avoid this in the first place. Is there anything else i need to get checked?
The accessory person advised me to check the alternator for over-charging? is this correct?


I am about to take delivery of my Punto this week and i drive alot at night of National Highways. However I do not wish to upgrade to 90/100W in my punto. I want to stick to 55/60W in order to keep my electrical warranty.
I have been told that PHILIPS EXTREME POWER 55/60W has 80% long beam and better illumination. Is this any good? I wont need to install any relays, just bulb replacement.
Are there any other bulbs which I need to go for?

Thanks in advance for all your replies.
Old 25th July 2010, 13:26   #4008
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Originally Posted by deepakchiniwal View Post
I was running on "Philips H4 Whitelight Essential Vision 100/90w". Philips Lighting Hong Kong - EssentialVison

Offlate, I felt the power of these bulbs were diminished. I had put them about 8 months back. Last evening, I observed the light to be fading when put on High beam. Checked the lights, High beam was not glowing on Right Side.

I did check the low beam and is working perfect. Removed the bulb and figured out the high beam filament is gone.

I have the Roots wiring kit. Now my query to guru's out here is do I just replace one single bulb or replace both with something better in 100/90W.

Reading through this thread, figured out that Xtreme Power is quite in demand.

My requirements are,

1. Need clear vision during Rains - Its a must, will not compromise on this.
2. I felt the bulbs I was using were not that effective when the sodium street lights were on. Is it the case with all, or just this.

Please direct me to shop where I can get the original bulbs. I have heard there have many duplicates in market specially the Philips.
Last time around had a fused filament of High beam, post that again there were 2 more fused out bulbs, all in high beams. Total of 3 bulbs being fused out in 1 year. Is there some problem that I am unable to figure out or is it just the bulbs are not genuine enough. Again I am on 1 eye in the night.

Please suggest a suitable upgrade which can last at least a year
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Old 25th July 2010, 14:39   #4009
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@DB Sir, w.r.t your post #886. I got to read it just now, 3 months after speaking to you: LOL

A quick question. The new trapeziodal HL from the modern cars come with pre-focused Headlamps I'm told. How do you play with the beams then?
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Old 25th July 2010, 16:24   #4010
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Originally Posted by gaddiwale View Post
Sofar the performance of the Philips Rally H4 100/90 W was really outstanding. Today while returning from office one bulb is not working! Stopped and checked, actually bulb is working but the intensity is like a 10 W bulb.

Can any body throw some light, why the intensity decreased in both high and low beam of the said bulb, where as the other bulb is working fine.
Looks like your earth connections is not correct and hence the 10W glow from a 100/90 W. Please get the wiring done by a professional.
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Old 25th July 2010, 19:14   #4011
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Spark headlight focus/alignment

I recently upgraded my Chevy Spark headlights to Hella 90/100.

It did make a lot of difference in terms of the light output but the lights are not properly focused/aligned. Right now most of the usable light falls on the left pavement.

How do I properly align/focus the headlights? is there some screws that I have to adjust? Owners manual was not helpful.
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Old 25th July 2010, 19:22   #4012
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Headlamp upgrade for i10

Hi guys, What would be the best suited upgrade for Hyundai i10. ALso would it made sense upgrading to HID, angel lights etc., *i am a newbie on auto lighting* please suggest and also if possible, please post some pictures.
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Old 25th July 2010, 19:58   #4013
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
Hi guys, What would be the best suited upgrade for Hyundai i10. ALso would it made sense upgrading to HID, angel lights etc., *i am a newbie on auto lighting* please suggest and also if possible, please post some pictures.
Upgrading to higher wattage bulbs would need installing a relay, and would void electrical warranty. I think the safest option would be to go for pair of Philips Xtreme Power 55/60W H4. They would cost ~Rs 800 for a pair.
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Old 25th July 2010, 21:26   #4014
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Thanks Cuboid. I will have it done. As long as it doesnt void the electrical warranty, I am more than happy replacing the OE bulbs with better bulbs.

Last edited by MutantX : 25th July 2010 at 21:29.
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Old 26th July 2010, 11:13   #4015
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My Indigo marina is still running on stock bulbs but yesterday one of the bulbs has conked off. I want to replace the bulbs with better ones as the low beam was woefully inadequate. Marina has H1 and H7 bulbs I think. Please suggest some good bulbs in 55/60W as I do not want to put in high wattage bulbs than what is essential.
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Old 26th July 2010, 11:29   #4016
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Need some help for headlights cleaning of Optra. In last service, engineers at pashankar auto left the right headlight cover opened, which i came to know after the significant damage was done. Right headlight has gathered lots of dust inside and today in heavy rain i see a lots of moisture also. Anyways the headlight of Magnum are poor, and now this problem is far more annoying.

Can somebody help me on this?

I am also looking for better headlights / Projectors for Magnum if they are available of the shelf.
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Old 26th July 2010, 11:40   #4017
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Might be useful for Maruti owners in Bangalore

Last Saturday I had been to Bimal.
Bimal apparently have started selling(+fitting) Philips and Osram Xenon HID kits. Both them costs around 10-10.5K.

Last Saturday I had been to Bimal.
Bimal apparently have started giving Philips and Osram Xenon HID kits. Both of them costs around 10-10.5K.
One of the fellow T-BHPians, nirmal, has given a go-ahead .

I am planning to fit this for my SX4. At 40, I am having problems in driving, especially in the night. ( please don't tell me not to drive). Got my eyes checked, no problem on that front either
And Bangalore roads especially ORR is a nightmare to drive in the night.(3 flyover constructions are happening and for some strange reason no cops in 2 junctions after 8 o' clock)

One of the advantages of getting it fitted from Maruti dealers is that they cannot blame later for tampering with original wring etc. Above all, this won't nullify the warranty.
Buy they did say that RTO doesn't approve.

I still haven't got it done.Before investing 10K, I would like to get some views on whether it is worth fitting 10K HID on an SX4.

Best Regards,
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Old 26th July 2010, 13:03   #4018
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Originally Posted by bkbkr1212 View Post
Last Saturday I had been to Bimal.
Bimal apparently have started selling(+fitting) Philips and Osram Xenon HID kits. Both them costs around 10-10.5K.

Last Saturday I had been to Bimal.
Bimal apparently have started giving Philips and Osram Xenon HID kits. Both of them costs around 10-10.5K.
One of the fellow T-BHPians, nirmal, has given a go-ahead .
Would this be a full headlamp or only bulb and other accessories ? I am keen to change to HID for my SX4 but am looking for the full headlamp with projectors.

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Old 26th July 2010, 13:26   #4019
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Originally Posted by bkbkr1212 View Post
Last Saturday I had been to Bimal.
Bimal apparently have started selling(+fitting) Philips and Osram Xenon HID kits. Both them costs around 10-10.5K.

Last Saturday I had been to Bimal.
Bimal apparently have started giving Philips and Osram Xenon HID kits. Both of them costs around 10-10.5K.
One of the fellow T-BHPians, nirmal, has given a go-ahead .

I am planning to fit this for my SX4. At 40, I am having problems in driving, especially in the night. ( please don't tell me not to drive). Got my eyes checked, no problem on that front either
And Bangalore roads especially ORR is a nightmare to drive in the night.(3 flyover constructions are happening and for some strange reason no cops in 2 junctions after 8 o' clock)

One of the advantages of getting it fitted from Maruti dealers is that they cannot blame later for tampering with original wring etc. Above all, this won't nullify the warranty.
Buy they did say that RTO doesn't approve.

I still haven't got it done.Before investing 10K, I would like to get some views on whether it is worth fitting 10K HID on an SX4.
Best Regards,
10000 is quite a high price even for original philips HID. they are available here for around 7k . instead of spending 10k on just hid why not go for projectors . on lo beam they dont cause glare and also have great light output and looks .
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Old 26th July 2010, 14:40   #4020
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Philips HIDs will be expensive. You can try the projectors if they are available for SX4
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