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Old 31st December 2010, 22:40   #4651
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post

I switched to Xtreme power in my i20 and i can say that there is at least 40% increase in the intensity of light.I am satisfied with the improvement over the stock setup.

What i feel is,maybe your stock setup had pretty good you are not feeling much of a difference.Check out which bulbs you had previously.In my case the stock bulbs are osram bilux and they are just average for city and useless for highways.Thats why i feel a great deal of improvement!
Yes I did take a look at the Philips bulbs that came stock with the car and they were dissimilar to the spare set in the glove box. The spare from GM were horrid( lumen output like scooter bulbs) when compared to the bulbs that came on the car originally. I typed the number code of the Philips bulbs but no results for it in any of the search engines. The diffrentiating thing was that the stock Philips that came on the car had HP+ writtten on them and little else but they were near equal in Lumen output to the Xtreme power. Probably HP+ means High Pressure. Anyway I feel I wasted money after using the Philips Xtreme power thats made in Germany for 2 hours yesterday. If anyone wants the pair for 700/- you can take it from me.
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Old 31st December 2010, 22:53   #4652
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Re: Review of Philips Xtreme Power.

Originally Posted by drpullockaran View Post
I just bought a pair of Philips Xtreme power H4 60/55 watts...
I wish I'd done a tiny bit more of research before taking the plunge & going for Diamond Visions. While they do illuminate the road excellently in summers, the rainy seasons & foggy conditions turn them into absolute rubbish. Philips India are playing tricks on customers' minds & resorting to cheesy gimmicks to lure people into paying exorbitant amounts for (made in Germany) lights that, simply put, are useless in Indian conditions.

It is their optical trickery that leads us to believe that the new bulb is better than the old stock one. What these bulbs do is to effectively compromise the FOV (field of view) in lieu of offering a larger visible distance, which appeals to one at first, but later, as you begin to realize that your Headlights are not actually falling on nearby objects, you've already fallen prey to Philips' cheap marketing gimmicks. I've been informed by the Philips dealer that the same trickery is played in Extreme Power/Blue Visions etc.

I will be upgrading to 100/90 Halonix with Hella wiring harness as & when I get the time to do a DIY.
Lesson learnt
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Old 31st December 2010, 23:18   #4653
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Re: Review of Philips Xtreme Power.

Originally Posted by motomaverick View Post
Wow! would love to use them on some high beam happy maniacs like truckers and cabbies

Here is another company that manufactures LED lights for vehicles. These are way above my budget though.
Off Road LED Light Bars | Jeep Truck LED Light Bars | Rigid LED Lights
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Old 1st January 2011, 01:20   #4654
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Philips Extreme Power is just a Hogwash...Tried them on my Indigo, Ikon as well as Tucson and the XP's proved to be sheer waste of money...pointless during normal weather and dangerously useless during rains. I've had better luck with OSRAM Nightbreakers which performs much better but I've heard they don't last long. Osram NightBreaker + seems to have fixed the longevity issue but I haven't found them easily available yet.
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Old 3rd January 2011, 17:37   #4655
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Hi Guys,
I've just returned from a long distance trip. For the first time I had to do a lot of night driving, including one overnight drive from Bangalore to Mumbai.

During the trip, I noticed that, the stock head lights on my Fabia did not prove to be much useful. Even with the vertical light adjustment set to highest the reach and power of it seems very less. Even more so against oncoming traffic with high beams.

I plan to do more and more night driving from now on. For the same, I'm looking for a better lighting arrangement for my Fabia.

I have no idea what exactly need to be done, so requesting for pointers, suggestions and information.
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Old 3rd January 2011, 17:58   #4656
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here


I Own a Swift VDI -2009 ; During the first year i changed my lighting in a authorised maruti station to 90/100 KIT for some 1500 bucks - they told me the entire wiring has been changed + new bulbs .

Now recently i am having issues with the bulb - the bulb filament goes off frequently ( one off them) - Also last mnth had to replace a fuse . I assumed wiring problem and some kind of shorting - but they checked the whole wiring kit and no issues.

Please suggest me the best bulbs to suit for this - durable + better vision.
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Old 3rd January 2011, 18:17   #4657
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Originally Posted by KishoreC View Post
Hi Guys,
I've just returned from a long distance trip. For the first time I had to do a lot of night driving, including one overnight drive from Bangalore to Mumbai.

During the trip, I noticed that, the stock head lights on my Fabia did not prove to be much useful. Even with the vertical light adjustment set to highest the reach and power of it seems very less. Even more so against oncoming traffic with high beams.

I plan to do more and more night driving from now on. For the same, I'm looking for a better lighting arrangement for my Fabia.

I have no idea what exactly need to be done, so requesting for pointers, suggestions and information.
You can try out higher rated bulbs (90/100w). Please make sure to use only branded kits. Osram and Philips are leading brands. The complete kit have to be installed which includes bulbs, wires, relays and ceramic holders.

Originally Posted by praveen4554 View Post

I Own a Swift VDI -2009 ; During the first year i changed my lighting in a authorised maruti station to 90/100 KIT for some 1500 bucks - they told me the entire wiring has been changed + new bulbs .

Now recently i am having issues with the bulb - the bulb filament goes off frequently ( one off them) - Also last mnth had to replace a fuse . I assumed wiring problem and some kind of shorting - but they checked the whole wiring kit and no issues.

Please suggest me the best bulbs to suit for this - durable + better vision.
Did you use branded kit? Higher rated bulbs tends to blow out very soon. This may be due to faulty wiring or fake kits. You need to install ceramic holders in case you didnt use them before.

Recommended brands - Philips and Osram.
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Old 3rd January 2011, 19:05   #4658
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Hi Naveen,

This was changed in Maruti authorised centre - so beleive it is branded .

Also for bulbs any particular specification for these brands you have mentioned?

One more dumbo query -Kindly let me know reg the ceramic holders - totally unaware of this - what's the use and where i can get it installed..

Last edited by praveen4554 : 3rd January 2011 at 19:13.
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Old 4th January 2011, 09:52   #4659
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Originally Posted by praveen4554 View Post
Hi Naveen,

This was changed in Maruti authorised centre - so beleive it is branded .

Also for bulbs any particular specification for these brands you have mentioned?

One more dumbo query -Kindly let me know reg the ceramic holders - totally unaware of this - what's the use and where i can get it installed..
No particular specs here. It's will be H4 bulbs with a rating of 90/100w

You can try Philips and there are many different kind of bulbs in the market from Philips. Think Night breaker is the one.

Since it is a higher rated bulbs, normal holders cant withstand the high heat produced. This is the reason why ceramic holders are used. They withstand the temp.

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Old 6th January 2011, 17:30   #4660
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

The 100/90 and 130/100 H4 bulbs from Philips are branded as Rally
Philips Xtreme power and Xtreme Vision are 60/55 rated bulbs which gives slightly more output compared to normal 60/55 bulbs
I have been using Rally 100/90 in my Punto for more than a year along with Roots wiring kit+ relay. No fused bulbs or problems till now. highly recommended!!
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Old 6th January 2011, 17:41   #4661
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Originally Posted by KishoreC View Post
Hi Guys,
I've just returned from a long distance trip. For the first time I had to do a lot of night driving, including one overnight drive from Bangalore to Mumbai.

During the trip, I noticed that, the stock head lights on my Fabia did not prove to be much useful. Even with the vertical light adjustment set to highest the reach and power of it seems very less. Even more so against oncoming traffic with high beams.

I plan to do more and more night driving from now on. For the same, I'm looking for a better lighting arrangement for my Fabia.

I have no idea what exactly need to be done, so requesting for pointers, suggestions and information.
Yup if more night drives in the offing then you definitely need more lights, if you have fogs then use HID there with 100/90 in main beam, i guess it will give enough light for a night drive.
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Old 6th January 2011, 17:41   #4662
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Originally Posted by Soccerfan View Post
The 100/90 and 130/100 H4 bulbs from Philips are branded as Rally
Philips Xtreme power and Xtreme Vision are 60/55 rated bulbs which gives slightly more output compared to normal 60/55 bulbs
I have been using Rally 100/90 in my Punto for more than a year along with Roots wiring kit+ relay. No fused bulbs or problems till now. highly recommended!!
A lucid explanation! Puts to rest those constant questions discussing Rally (I still dont understand why people call it RallyE!) vs Xtreme/Diamond/Crystal vision bulbs.

I'm with Soccerfan on this. Have been using 100/90w Philips Rally with Minda relay and heavy duty wiring for over 1.5 years now. It's way better and more stable than Xtreme/Diamond/Crystal vision. Honestly, now thinking of upgrading to 130/100
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Old 6th January 2011, 17:55   #4663
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

I have an i10 sportz version. It is with stock bulbs. Gurus, can you suggest what are the things that I have to look before changing to 100/90 bulbs as I find highway driving at night with stock bulbs a strain on eyes since it does throw adequate light.

I have put 100 /90 bulbs in my Premier Padmini Fiat and the lighting is excellent. Of course I changed the whole lamp set to what was put in Suzuki Omni. No problems in the past 7 years or so with many trips between Mumbai to Madurai.
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Old 6th January 2011, 18:11   #4664
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Guys recently, I changed the Headlight bulbs of my 2000 Zen to Philips Rally 130/100. I am facing a problem with the passenger side Headlight. I am unable to align it vertically. That is to say, even after trying to lift its height to match the Driver Side Headlight, we are unable to do it. I got it checked by the MASS here and they also tried and failed to lift it after a certain limit, finally, they took out the bulb and we could clearly make out a bend in the bulb. Ironically, we have no problems trying to lower its height.
Is the reflector etc. okay and only the bulb is defective?
What to do?
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Old 6th January 2011, 18:34   #4665
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Re: Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here

Originally Posted by gururaj r View Post
I have an i10 sportz version. It is with stock bulbs. Gurus, can you suggest what are the things that I have to look before changing to 100/90 bulbs as I find highway driving at night with stock bulbs a strain on eyes since it does throw adequate light.

I have put 100 /90 bulbs in my Premier Padmini Fiat and the lighting is excellent. Of course I changed the whole lamp set to what was put in Suzuki Omni. No problems in the past 7 years or so with many trips between Mumbai to Madurai.
The main thing is look for is to go for branded kit only. This includes the complete set and not just the bulbs. This includes relay, wires, ceramic holders. Make sure you get clip on wires and do not cut the wires.
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