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Old 24th August 2010, 18:23   #4171
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Hi Guys, how about the below from Amazon: JLM HID kit H4/9003/HB2 H/L 8000K Flex Bixenon: Automotive

If the above HID is going to fit i10 then I would ask my dad to buy them. Please guys, this is kinda urgent as he is starting by first week of the next month.
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Old 24th August 2010, 18:33   #4172
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Got a new Ritz Zxi last week. I drove it at night on the highways and the OEM headlights suck big time!
What to change to 90/100 Philips bulbs + relay from Bosch/Roots etc. Just want to know would this affect the warranty in any way?
Also, would it be better if i go for HIDs? Philips retails for about 9K.I check from Sachins Autoshop in Koramangala.

Last edited by naveenvenkatesh : 24th August 2010 at 18:42.
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Old 24th August 2010, 19:11   #4173
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
Hi Guys, how about the below from Amazon: JLM HID kit H4/9003/HB2 H/L 8000K Flex Bixenon: Automotive

If the above HID is going to fit i10 then I would ask my dad to buy them. Please guys, this is kinda urgent as he is starting by first week of the next month.
You can get these hid kits from i10 takes h4 hid kits so order h4 hid kits, bi xenon and try getting 55watt HID kits. usually we get 35watt hid kits. Also check the package contents before ordering as most of the kits sold for cheap rates dont have ballasts. They insist in buying them seperately and that will cost u a lot.
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Old 24th August 2010, 21:57   #4174
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
Hi Guys, my dad is comming from the US next month. I would ask him to purchase HID kit from there. Can anyone suggest the specs for i10. I would like either 4300k or 6000k, apart from that, can anyone suggest me good place/website from where I can ask him to pickup these kits.

Also, would it be possible to have a angel light assembly for i10 along with HID.

Go for 4300k HID's. Am not sure whether you will get projector HL for i10 in US. You can get these from india itself, but it will be expensive.
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Old 24th August 2010, 22:06   #4175
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naveen, thanks. But projector setup is very expensive. I was quoted 5k extra for the projectors but this would surely involve some *cutting and fitting*. Hence I do not want projectors. I might just go in for the HIDs. What would be the HID configuration for the fogs? H7?
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Old 25th August 2010, 11:07   #4176
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
naveen, thanks. But projector setup is very expensive. I was quoted 5k extra for the projectors but this would surely involve some *cutting and fitting*. Hence I do not want projectors. I might just go in for the HIDs. What would be the HID configuration for the fogs? H7?
Fogs will take h3 HIDs usually you can check your current fog lamp bulb for the type. Main headlamp will usually take h4 such as i10.

8000k will be too much bluish and if u drive mainly in the night then it will be a strain for ur eyes, plus without projectors the i10 h/l assy will spread the light all over hurting opposite traffic.
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Old 25th August 2010, 11:13   #4177
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Thanks Motomaverick. I am getting lots of conflicting information. The dealer whom I talked to said that 8000k would be perfect and would better than 6000k. He also confirmed that projectors arent needed such setups. I understand that projectors are a must in case of having focus on light spread. I want to do a street legal setup for better lighting while driving at night. I guess I might opt for 6000k without projectors.

Any idea how good P8 brand is? I am getting 1 year replacement warranty for P8 and it is quoted at 7k including installation for 8000k.
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Old 25th August 2010, 11:20   #4178
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
naveen, thanks. But projector setup is very expensive. I was quoted 5k extra for the projectors but this would surely involve some *cutting and fitting*. Hence I do not want projectors. I might just go in for the HIDs. What would be the HID configuration for the fogs? H7?
There are many shops now offering aftermarket Projectors kits for i10. I have seen some in the Autocar magazine.
HID's without projectors means a lot of light will be scattered and may blind oncoming traffic. Specially sine you are planning for 8000k HID's it will definitely attract the cops too.
I suggest you to go for 4300k HID's
Check your car's current bulb configuration. All cars will have different bulb configs
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Old 25th August 2010, 11:22   #4179
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
Thanks Motomaverick. I am getting lots of conflicting information. The dealer whom I talked to said that 8000k would be perfect and would better than 6000k. He also confirmed that projectors arent needed such setups. I understand that projectors are a must in case of having focus on light spread. I want to do a street legal setup for better lighting while driving at night. I guess I might opt for 6000k without projectors.

Any idea how good P8 brand is? I am getting 1 year replacement warranty for P8 and it is quoted at 7k including installation for 8000k.
If you are looking for street legal HIDs' then there's no doubt, 4300k HID's are the street legal bulbs. That dealer might be trying to get rid of this 8000k HID's since no one is taking them. Stay away from HID's above 6000k. Go for 4300k or 6000k. If you are planning for 6000k, go for Philips.
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Old 26th August 2010, 09:11   #4180
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naveen, if I were to buy BiXenon - HID Kit from the US, which one should I buy. I am going to ask my dad to buy them from Amazon, can you please help me to choose a model?

P.S.: 4 out of 5 dealers whom I talked to have not recommended philips. They are saying that Philips has got really bad feedback. They are recommending either P8 or Osram. Confusing and the sad part is there is no professional dealer in chennai for HIDs.

Last edited by MutantX : 26th August 2010 at 09:14.
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Old 26th August 2010, 09:30   #4181
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
Confusing and the sad part is there is no professional dealer in chennai for HIDs.
There are professional dealers in Chennai for HIDs Sir..
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Old 26th August 2010, 09:41   #4182
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
naveen, if I were to buy BiXenon - HID Kit from the US, which one should I buy. I am going to ask my dad to buy them from Amazon, can you please help me to choose a model?

P.S.: 4 out of 5 dealers whom I talked to have not recommended philips. They are saying that Philips has got really bad feedback. They are recommending either P8 or Osram. Confusing and the sad part is there is no professional dealer in chennai for HIDs.
From my experience after doing some solid research in TBHP and outside, many people have actually recommended Philips. You can actually see the difference when using Philips.
Osram is also good but not sure on P8.
Although a bit expensive, try Philips. You can visit any Philips showroom in Chennai and ask about these although I doubt whether they have HID's in showrooms. But atleast they would be able to shed some light.

Am using Auto Gauge HID's. They are pretty good and I have been using them for almost a year now. They are cheap too.
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Old 26th August 2010, 09:58   #4183
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Originally Posted by headers View Post
There are professional dealers in Chennai for HIDs Sir..
Headers, it would be great if you can kindly PM the dealer details. Which ever dealer I call up they give me absurd and highly conflicting details. Example - One fellow said 8000k is best suited for Indian roads and 6000k / 4300k would be just like halogen lamp replacements. I was like, "Thank you, I would get back to you".
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Old 26th August 2010, 10:53   #4184
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Originally Posted by MutantX View Post
Headers, it would be great if you can kindly PM the dealer details. Which ever dealer I call up they give me absurd and highly conflicting details. Example - One fellow said 8000k is best suited for Indian roads and 6000k / 4300k would be just like halogen lamp replacements. I was like, "Thank you, I would get back to you".
its not a surprise as most of the retailers who sell HID only know that they are bright. they dont know the color temp and usage.
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Old 26th August 2010, 13:48   #4185
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Originally Posted by motomaverick View Post
its not a surprise as most of the retailers who sell HID only know that they are bright. they dont know the color temp and usage.
True. They dont know the tech aspects of those. They are just trying to sell the ones that are least preferred. 6000k is among teens who wants the "bling" factor while 4300k are preferred for usability. The ones above 8000k are rarely sold.
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