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Old 1st February 2010, 12:42   #3691
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^^ I too changed from Extreme power to 90/100. I did this at MASS and a relay was required. Sufficient on the highways and better than Phillips Extreme power. I'm planning to use Extreme power in the Pulsar now.
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Old 1st February 2010, 12:50   #3692
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Please ensure that the bulb wattage is used as recommended by the car manufacturer. If you need to increase consult the dealer service personnel before the change. A relay is required which is most important. Otherwise there are chances of melting the bulb holder voiding the warranty.
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Old 1st February 2010, 14:41   #3693
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Relay is used to divert current supply through new thicker wires which can support the increased current flow. Remember to have a fuse in these wires each.
You will have to use ceramic holders to prevent melting of holder.
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Old 1st February 2010, 14:58   #3694
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I have changed my philips bulb from 60/55 to 130/100. The shop fellow told that this is the maximum i can use in my Indica, and i have instantly felt the difference. Each bulb costs 200 Rs, but definitely worth it. I am thinking of adding the bumper lamp also, since mine is a DLE , it does not have the provision. If anyone selling their old indica bumpers please let me know.
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Old 2nd February 2010, 13:18   #3695
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Best shop/mechanic to install Auxiliary Lights (Lightforce/ Hella) in Bangalore?

For last few weeks, I am searching for a good shop or mechanic in Bangalore, who can install a pair of Lightforce or Hella auxiliary lights on the stock front bumper (would not like to fit a nudge guard) of my Safari 2.2.

Buying the lights & harness is not a problem. Easily available. But difficult to find a right guy to install; who knows the required fabrication to be done for holding the lights & stability, installing the lights, harness & switch neatly and adjusting the beams / focus rightly. When I start discussing about installation, somehow I dont get the confidence that they would be able to do a good job. May be I am not reaching the right place.

If anyone has already gone thru the same, done this installation and is happy with the work, please let me know the contact of the shop or mechanic at Bangalore.
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Old 2nd February 2010, 17:46   #3696
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Hi guys....i have upgraded to xenon hid on my sx4. </br> Do I need to remove those small reflectors in the headlamps??
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Old 2nd February 2010, 22:55   #3697
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Originally Posted by ahmed26 View Post
Hi guys....i have upgraded to xenon hid on my sx4. </br> Do I need to remove those small reflectors in the headlamps??
Those are of no performance value you can remove them, it is used to hide the black tip of a halogen bulb since he reflectors are clear lense now a days. which the OEMs think spoils the look.
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Old 3rd February 2010, 16:46   #3698
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Hi All,

I have been looking out for this topic for quite some time as I too have MANY queries for my Esteem VX 2001.

I wish to change/upgrade my Esteem's headlamps as well as fog lamps.
The lenses, reflectors are clear. No issues with them. Just that, I feel that the lighting is not enough.
The fog lamp are not of round shape as in last gen. esteem. It is of rectangular shape and and contains working lamps. But, with dull yellow light.

I never got any chance to get into details about the bulb rating and all. So, don't have any know-how about changing or upgrading.
Hence, turning here for advice.

I will go as per you seniors suggest to me.
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Old 3rd February 2010, 18:43   #3699
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Change them to 100/90

Originally Posted by AbdulRahmanM View Post
I have changed my philips bulb from 60/55 to 130/100. The shop fellow told that this is the maximum i can use in my Indica, and i have instantly felt the difference. Each bulb costs 200 Rs, but definitely worth it. I am thinking of adding the bumper lamp also, since mine is a DLE , it does not have the provision. If anyone selling their old indica bumpers please let me know.
I too had done this and also put in a huge relay but 1 year down the line the voltage regulator conked off and with it all the bulbs that were switched on at that time. I thank my stars that the solenoid that allows diesel flow did not kick the bucket.

I sincerely suggest that you use 100/90 as the maximum. Any higher and you are looking for trouble. In addition the front plastic cover will loose their clear look and will end up dull.

Even with the 100/90 you cannot use the A/C as then too it crosses the max load capacity of the voltage regulator.

I suggest you to use Philip's XP bulbs with 60/55 rating to be on the safe side if you drive a lot in the night as you would not want to be stranded in the night with family.
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Old 4th February 2010, 02:26   #3700
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I dont have much knowledge in this segment so would want some detailed answers please.

Firstly, I am interested in installing bi-xenon headlamps for fiesta.
Is it really worth the upgrade as I find my OEM lights pretty good.
How much do they cost and where can I get it in delhi/NCR?

What is the difference between HID, angel lights and xenons?
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Old 4th February 2010, 17:34   #3701
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Need to update maruti 800 headlights

I have an eight years old non-ac, MPFI, std maruti 800.

I need to upgrade my headlight. Someone referred me to this thread for guidance. I have been going through it for almost two hours now and I am not any wiser.

Firstly, it is too long.

Secondly, it talks of all kinds of cars so mention of maruti 800 must be hidden somewhere inside.

Thirdly, my requirement are not too many or too technical or too specific.

I am not happy with the puny beam that my Maruti 800 throws out.

I require an upgrade but that which requires less modifications.

I do mostly city driving so I do not need a radical upgrade.

The upgrade should be east to install. It should not require special skills to operate or maintain (for preventing excessive heating).

A set of contradictory requirements. Yeah yeah. I know. But am I not in the company of experts.
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Old 4th February 2010, 18:20   #3702
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change the bulbs to philips 100/90 and the cut outs & wiring, that simple it can be as you will be driving only in the city .

or you can start with getting your head light cleaned by professionals.
there could be dust .
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Old 4th February 2010, 20:14   #3703
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Hope not much extra heat

Originally Posted by hunt View Post
change the bulbs to philips 100/90 and the cut outs & wiring, that simple it can be as you will be driving only in the city .
Thanks Hunt. Three queries.

Will this bulb will keep the temperature of the holder and reflector within limits.

And, any particular type of "philips 100/90"? Or any "philips 100/90" will do?

And finally, likely cost in TN?
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Old 4th February 2010, 20:19   #3704
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In TN Philips 90/100 will cost ~130, per bulb. They come in single unit packs.

And no, have no worries about the temperature.
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Old 4th February 2010, 20:21   #3705
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answers in line Abhi

Originally Posted by abhi3284 View Post
Hello Guys,

I am planning to put White LED Strip on my Alto Headlights. The Cost of Laminated Water Proof Strip is 400 Rs. per Meter.

I had some Queries and hope to get them answered :

1) My Current Headlight Setup is the Stock 60/55W. I am planning to upgrade to 100/90.
Will these LED's melt or fuse if installed in a 100/90 Setup. Should i stick with 60/55W?
Please don't link HL upgrade with LEDs - LEDs just add to the "oomph" of the vehicle;you'll be better off putting the LEDs at the bottommost portion of the HL.
2) Is it possible to fit the LED Strip inside the Headlight Assembly. I mean inside the Headlight Glass Cover. Will that cause any Harm like melting due to high Power?You can't do that-the light is a sealed assembly.Even if it weren't ,not acceptable
I do not want to stick them externally.

3) Do i need anything else to fit the LED's apart from the LED Strip like Wires, Capacitors, etc. no

4) Is it legal to fit these? I do not want to pay regular Fines to Policewala's for this.the police can catch you;maal kamaane ke liye kuch na kuch bahana chahiye.There's no rule stating that you can't fit LEDs but you know policewalas

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