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Old 19th April 2007, 15:14   #301
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I went to JC Rd. today. I was basically looking for Osram Silverstar 100/90 or atleast 60/55, but no luck. Instead i found Narva 100/90 with prices between 750 - 475 bucks. The shop which has ones for 475 had a Narva seal on the original Hard Plastic Box packing. Is this a good price for Narva. Also PMP wiring + cutout was Rs 450.

Anyone using Narvas here? Please suggest.
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Old 19th April 2007, 15:16   #302
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I use Narva's and have seen what Silverstar 60/55 can do
the light from Osram 60/55 is same as narva, and cost you 250RS + you do not need a relay and your service station cannot deny you warranty too.
Narva's are brighter than bluevision etc., and at the same level as Osram 60/55W
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Old 19th April 2007, 15:31   #303
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Thanks tsk. But i couldn't find any in Bangalore @ JC Rd. You mean i can get Silverstars @ Rs.250/pair? Bangy boys, can anyone please help me source a pair of Silverstar. I also need white parking lights. The guy at the shop showed me some local W5W bulbs @ Rs.30/pair. He said its white and would match with Narva. One stupid question. Is cut-out and Relay the same thing. One guy at a shop said they are same. he said Relay is required for horn and cut-out for Headlamps? Correct?
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Old 19th April 2007, 15:40   #304
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relay reroutes current, so that your OEM wiring designed for 60/55W does not go bust
cut-out is a device to switch off things.
For headlights you get a full wiring kit with relay and holders. You can go for either master or roots. Roots kit is expensive but can do 130W too, master kit is 100W.
You can look at for bangalore distributor numbers.
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Old 19th April 2007, 16:54   #305
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Thaks tsk.
Made some calls. Osram Silverstars 60/55 available @ 175/piece. :-). I am getting a pair tomorrow.

Osram Bangalore Sales Manager = Satya Praveen 9341031097
Reliance Auto Agency (dealer) = Nilesh Gandhi 9880896117
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Old 21st April 2007, 08:36   #306
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Installed the Silverstars. :-( Not happy though. Its not at all White Light. its brightness, color of light is exactly similar to the GE Nighthawk 60/55 which i was currently using. Maybe a thin % better than stock.

As tsk mentions that Silverstar = Narva (brightness), i may shift to Philips Rally 100/90. Any 4000K light (i like white light) with good brightness as Rally 100/90?
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Old 21st April 2007, 10:48   #307
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Get your aiming done first.
The brightest white light bulbs as seen on a Santro and my indica have been the Narva's and to some extent bluevision.
GE Nighthawk is better than stock bulbs, that why you see only slight difference.
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Old 21st April 2007, 13:10   #308
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Update on Hella Gold's:

The left bulb high-beam went bust after nearly 2-3 months of usage so had to replace that. Likely reasons being (dealer says) don't use it on high-beam for than 30mins at a stretch since that'll cause heat builup & cause the bulb to fail, but on highways that's quite hard not to do.

My thinking is that it's mostly because I do at times use both beams together which might have lead to the bulb getting heated & going bust.

Anyways replaced it for Rs. 175/-
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Old 21st April 2007, 13:10   #309
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[quote=tsk1979;418521]Get your aiming done first.
Could you please throw some light. Is this to be done using the Leveler (0-4) given nowadays in all cars? I have done that, but the light doesnt move up and down.
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Old 21st April 2007, 13:42   #310
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With leveler the light should miove up and down. otherwise the leveler is bust.
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Old 21st April 2007, 13:57   #311
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i mean i have tried to aim at a wall with Low Beam as well as High Beam. When i slide the leveler up and down i cannot see any difference in the level/beam moving? If that is the case, i would go to service station ASAP amd also take some suggestions from fellow BHPians at our Bangy meet on 23rd Apr.
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Old 24th April 2007, 11:59   #312
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Update on Osram Silverstar 60/55

I used these for the first time in Bangalore roads yesterday night. Lights are bad. Definitely not +50% as they claim. Not worth the money. I was using GE Nighthawk 60/55 before as was much more happier. Its throw, brightness is much better than OSRAM's. I would change back to Nighthawk today evening. Planning to go for Philips Rally 100/90 next month. Wasted 350 bucks... :-(
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Old 26th April 2007, 22:02   #313
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Confused !!

I went through the whole thread on "Auto lighting" and had almost made up my mind on Osram Silverstar 55/60 for my wagon R Lxi (2007 model). The last post by 'hyper-VTEC' has put me back to a state of mind as equally confused as I was when i was reading through the first pages of this thread posted months back. Anyway here are my shortlisted headlights after going through the whole session over months on this thread:

1st Pref: Osram Silverstar 55/60
2nd Pref: Philips Vision Plus 55/60

Reason for the above choices: No alterations required on the basic settings of the vehicle. No known issues with the cops nor warranty. Reasonable pricing. Now I would like to hear from any of the above brand users to give a final go. Only a person who has used it in city/highway will have an accurate judgement. Feedbacks appreciated.
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Old 26th April 2007, 23:47   #314
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Okay guys, one thing about lighting which I have stressed before also. Its not the bulb only. The bulb "power" is just 20% of the equation.
A very important thing is where the filament it. A bulb can be very very good in one reflector because the filament is right at the sweet spot, but lousy in another. Cheap chinese bulbs usually have this behavior.
Even among Philips etc., sometimes you can get such a sample. Normally the probability of getting such a bulb is 20% and you cannot do anything about it.
Automags normally test 5 bulbs, and if more than1 bulb shows little deviation, they don't rate it. If 1 bulb is faulty by a large margin, then also a failure.
To experiment if you take 2 Philips vision plus, or any other brand bulbs, there is a chance that the quality of light you get is different.
Thats why I say, put the bulb in your car and see.
Ishan did the same. One side went Hella gold, and other side went Narva, and now he is a happy Hella gold customer, inspite of blowing one.
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Old 27th April 2007, 19:12   #315
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guys i am planning the put fog lamps for my zen 2001 model....i saw hella fog lamps square type can any one tell what will be the cost of those ..and also are their any other brand fog lamps whis i can go for........

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this kind of fog lamps.......

Last edited by tsk1979 : 28th April 2007 at 12:55.
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