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Old 17th February 2007, 11:53   #196
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Originally Posted by pshyamsundar View Post
Also nobody is vouching for putting cutout for swift. they are telling not to tamper with the electricals of the car.
You could give the 100/90 + cutout to your authorised SS and they could install it for you at the next service (Did this with my santro)
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Old 17th February 2007, 15:04   #197
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Silverstar is definetely available in 60/55. that is what i have put for my swift. I will check out with them if they have if they have extreme power plus and 150 plus.
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Old 17th February 2007, 17:19   #198
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Help me to choose headlights for my Corolla

Hello BHPians,
I plan to upgrade my Corolla's headlights, the car is now 2+ years old. I haven't made any changes to the stock headlight setup, haven't even replaced a bulb till now. Corolla stock setup was actually quite powerful so never felt the need to upgrade, but they have become very weak these days.

My requirement is very simple, need good lighting for night highway drives. I have couple of questions,
1) Is it enough if I just replace existing bulbs with more powerful ones, if yes which one(make and model) should I opt for?
2) Is it advisable to go for Xenons? Any significant advantage in doing so? How much it would cost?
3) Any specific Car Accessory shop in Bangalore?

My budget is somewhat limited at about Rs.10K, I have already spent huge amounts of money on ICE and leather upholstery. So can't afford any expensive upgrades.
Guide me
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Old 17th February 2007, 17:27   #199
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novice, corolla indeed has good lights.
you can go for higher wattage, but as you mentioned that the lights have gone dim recently, its like curing the symptom and not the disease.

I would suggest that before you take the plunge of brighter headlights get your headlight assembly cleaned.
After that if you still feel light is inadequate you can go for higher wattage bulbs like Vision+, Silverstar, Philips extreme power+, Philips 150 etc.,
Xenon's will cost around 4-5K if you upgrade just one of the beams, but it will blind the oncoming cars quite a bit, even in the low beam.
So you can out xenon's for high beam and use high beam only when you need it.
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Old 17th February 2007, 17:46   #200
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Thanks tsk1979 for the suggestion. Do I need to make any alterations to the headlight assembly to fit Xenon bulbs or just replace the existing bulbs with Xenons?

I really don't know anything about AutoLighting, so some my queries may seem silly. Please let me know if there is any "tutorial" thread on this topic on TBHP or on the web.
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Old 17th February 2007, 17:51   #201
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My bad my bad my bad my bad.
Thanks buddy.

So HB4 kit or HB4 bulb to plug into the existing kit.
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Old 19th February 2007, 19:37   #202
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If I want to use the existing kit, can just the bulb be changed to HB4?
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Old 20th February 2007, 01:51   #203
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How about for Optra Royale? Any suggestions for that?
I donot want to go for high Wattage but definitely bit more than what it has in the company fitted. Any suggestions? I've been scared by the statement that an extra wattage might melt the wires. Provide some input of what shall I go for?

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Old 20th February 2007, 04:05   #204
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Any HID driving light recommendations? It would be ideal if I could get them in Chennai or Trivandrum.

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Old 20th February 2007, 10:44   #205
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Hi guys,

Ive gone through this thread and have submitted a couple of posts too. As mentioned before i own a Swift Vxi. I would like to upgrade my headlamps as well as my fog lamps to HID kits. Now i am totally confused as there have been many discussions on HIDs fitted without the projection setup are illegal and then there have been contradictions by others and by the guys at the accessory shops as well. I am also not sure as to what model of HIDs i should fit, i.e. 6500K, 8000K, 10000K and so on. Ive checked out the coulour of beams on the net and have found the 8000K to be absolutely blue and the brightest. They seem brighter than the 10000K too.

So guys, i need your help in advising me as to what i should go in for. The investment is huge so dont want to mess it up. Do suggest good brands of HIDs available in Mumbai too. I would like the ones with the high and low beams. I believe the Phillips HID kits only come with a high beam.

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Old 20th February 2007, 12:50   #206
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Originally Posted by jeetu4444 View Post
hey guys me very happy, just installed xenons in my verna.......and white lights in the fog lamps.......must say that the car looks amazing in xenons.......and the new fog bulbs travel more far than previous ones and + brighter......well will post pics soon.........the xenons i put are twin beam not single which is mostly there in the market.......

Hi Jeetu,

Where did you put your lights from? What is the make or brand of the equipment and how much did it cost you for the headlamps and fogs? I need them for my Swift.

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Old 21st February 2007, 10:59   #207
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Originally Posted by Epic View Post
Hi guys,

Ive gone through this thread and have submitted a couple of posts too. As mentioned before i own a Swift Vxi. I would like to upgrade my headlamps as well as my fog lamps to HID kits. Now i am totally confused as there have been many discussions on HIDs fitted without the projection setup are illegal and then there have been contradictions by others and by the guys at the accessory shops as well. I am also not sure as to what model of HIDs i should fit, i.e. 6500K, 8000K, 10000K and so on. Ive checked out the coulour of beams on the net and have found the 8000K to be absolutely blue and the brightest. They seem brighter than the 10000K too.

So guys, i need your help in advising me as to what i should go in for. The investment is huge so dont want to mess it up. Do suggest good brands of HIDs available in Mumbai too. I would like the ones with the high and low beams. I believe the Phillips HID kits only come with a high beam.

HID kit will light up the road and will blind other drivers.
The Kelvin temperature just tells the light color, if a kit tells you brightness by "K" they are fraud, run away.
Light output is measured in Lumens, not Kelvins

As for Philips HID Kits, there is no such thing as a philips HID kit.
If a seller is offering to sell you philips HID kit he is a fraud and please stay away from such sellers.
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Old 21st February 2007, 12:22   #208
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Guys any comment on this request of mine::

Any suggestions to improve the headlight of the Honda Unicorn? I do 40 kms of highway riding everyday and 20 kms out of the distance is at nights when I get blinded by oncoming traffic.

I need to improve lighting in order to be sufficient to see the surface of the road bright and clear. Please help.
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Old 21st February 2007, 13:20   #209
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You can go for a 60/55W halogen if your electrical system can handle such load.
Go for Vision+ as it is among the brightest in the 60/55W range.

If you can only use the 30W halogen, the options are very limited.
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Old 21st February 2007, 18:01   #210
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Originally Posted by rendezvous View Post
How about for Optra Royale? Any suggestions for that?
I donot want to go for high Wattage but definitely bit more than what it has in the company fitted. Any suggestions? I've been scared by the statement that an extra wattage might melt the wires. Provide some input of what shall I go for?

Going by Boomshiva's advice I have put 90/100 philips rally in my optra and have not used any relays as it already has relays. Been using these bulbs for the past 6 months and absolutely no problems with holder or wiring heating up.
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