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Old 14th March 2009, 23:16   #211
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Glad to know that it has come out well.
With great power and handling without much compomise on comfort, this is a great car!!
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Old 15th March 2009, 06:51   #212
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Originally Posted by crazydiablo View Post
1.Comfort is good. Except low speed gutters.
2. Amazing cornering. Sticks to the lane.
3. Super quick lane changes.
4. You can blast through rough patches. Inspires rally style driving.
Great news. I like point 4. Thats how i drive on stock suspension
And like you said- if konis are this good, imagine what the higher end stuff will be like.
Could you explain the apparent conflict between points 1 and 4.
Is the car keeping its tyres planted to the road surface even on undulations? or is there wheelspin when you're accelerating over bad surfaces?
What about corners, any wheel spin on the inside tyres?
Old 15th March 2009, 07:50   #213
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These are definitely not FSD, but Koni sports/yellows. FSDs are complete dampers not strut inserts.

yes the car is trying to keep its tryes planted on the road even on undulations. Typically described as road holding which is amazing. Have not tested wheelspin thing. I dont know what do you mean by wheelspin on inside tyres, but I tried cornering on the fly over, it will stick to the lane no matter what. No drifting/sliding.

Point 1 typically refers to when you hit a pothole with a ragged edge. It feels harsh. But let me tell you that its not a plush ride.

Another point is that its scraping less on speed bumps. Because the bounce on rebound is reduced, it does not bottom out as easy as earlier.

I have not got time to test it exlusively, but will write a detailed review later. Also these are suppose to break in during the first 500 miles, and become little softer. Lets see the results.

Last edited by crazydiablo : 15th March 2009 at 08:01.
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Old 15th March 2009, 17:56   #214
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How is the body roll in medium/low speed tight corner like a fast U turn.
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Old 16th March 2009, 11:40   #215
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Fast U turn? Am not sure if I need improvements in fast U turns, or rather I have different set of parameters that I need from my suspension.

Most of the things I look forward is high speed driving dynamics
1. Car should not be unsettled while hitting a rough patch at very high speeds. This is the most common and dangerous thing I encounter during high way drives. If the car does not sideshift or gets unsettled my goal is accomplished.
2. During high speed cornering, car should stick to the line. Not drift
3. During kerala drives, there are road which suddenly dips a couple of cms. When you fly over this the car is all over the place. This should be not be the case.
4. Flying over slight crests should not be a scary experience.
5. High speed lane changes and overtaking should be with minimum drama.
6. The only low speed criteria is that while going over bumps, the underside scraping should be reduced.
7. Last but most important, reliability. This thing should outlast stock suspensions with comparable performance throughout the life. This will take some time for testing. I dont want to run after busted suspension during the next phase of the car mods.

If all this is achieved with VFM and reliability, I would consider my self satisfied.
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Old 16th March 2009, 19:24   #216
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@CrazyDiablo-How much did these cost you? and if i get you correct then you are using stock springs on these dampers right? Would you recommend this set-up for an OHC as well?
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Old 17th March 2009, 19:29   #217
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Originally Posted by crazydiablo View Post
These are definitely not FSD, but Koni sports/yellows. FSDs are complete dampers not strut inserts.
Well, from their catalogs, Koni FSDs are available as strut inserts for the FD1 Civic (ours).
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Old 17th March 2009, 19:41   #218
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Ok I stand corrected about the FSD as complete dampers.

I would definitely this for a pure street setup. If you can find a koni application for OHC like posted above, am sure it will be worth it.

I paid around 32k including installation for a set of four.
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Old 17th March 2009, 20:29   #219
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I was looking for a street setup too but not looking at that kind of budget. Still looking around for other options.

when can we get to see pics of the headers installed and interior pics? Your garage only has exterior pics.
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Old 17th March 2009, 20:45   #220
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Hey when I started looking out I also did not have this kind of budget nor Konis in mind. But when you plan to keep the car for a long time and you want a reliable solution, thats why I plonked my money on Konis. Probably only dampers which maybe slightly cheaper than Konis are the Pedders. But then they are usually valved to work in tandem with Pedders springs. I also did not get a very competitive quote from pedders. Funny its seems but this seem to be the cheapest option available.

All the pics are on this thread itself man. See page six and the link below:
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Old 17th March 2009, 20:49   #221
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How hard is it to adjust the shock setting. have you tried different settings yet?
Originally Posted by crazydiablo View Post
Fast U turn? Am not sure if I need improvements in fast U turns.
reason is because I want to see if you gained any improvemnt in steady state roll stiffness. Body roll is a good indicator.

So you are saying, Pedders complete shock is cheaper then Koni insert?

Originally Posted by abhik View Post
I was looking for a street setup too but not looking at that kind of budget. Still looking around for other options.
Psycho had reworked Ajmat's OHC to make the stock shocks stiffer. You can find out if that works for you.

Last edited by Mpower : 17th March 2009 at 20:52.
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Old 17th March 2009, 20:55   #222
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The front are adjustable at the turn of a knob. You can adjust only rebound damping. The rears you have to remove it, take the spring off, compress it fully and lock it. Then you can adjust by turning using an allen key.

So basically due to design constraints only the fronts are adjustable on the fly.

Sorry am not sure about steady state roll stiffness.

Pedders comfort gas shock should be cheaper or almost equal to the Konis. Actually I got only a quote of 55K for Pedders including pedders springs. So I am not sure about the actual price.
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Old 17th March 2009, 21:06   #223
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Extremely good work!!!
I guess a SPARCO / RECARO moulded seat for the driver would be a perfect addition.

You can use the BLUERAVEN seat in your TV room.
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Old 17th March 2009, 21:35   #224
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Peddars shocks are around 7k each and springs were about 4k i guess.
so the complete set with springs should be in the range of 44k or so. and i guess the baleno struts that come in peddars are FSDs or their equivalents.

Have it running on a friend's baleno with 17", but the suspension was spot on and we hardly felt a drop in ride quality.
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Old 18th March 2009, 03:27   #225
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@crazydiablo-i actually meant pics of the whole car like one with the hood open and pics o the interiors etc.
@thanks for the suggestion and i was thinking about the same, v1p3r also reccommended him and said they can last some extensive abuse, on a different thread. Ill PM Ajmat.

Was just thinking that suspensions take a lot of abuse and hence like every other part need replacement after sometime. Usually the shock absorbers are replaced as they go weak and the springs still remain good. So whoever installs Konis, Peddars etc be it a full coilover system or just dampers, after about the usual 40K odd kms replacement time, we have to incurr the costs again? So in a span of 100000kms even if we have to replace the shocks twice that would mean INR80000-100000 or more spent on shocks alone.
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