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Old 29th December 2007, 11:33   #256
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Originally Posted by cyneverdie View Post
too much money and energy has been spent on the car's looks :- i personally would have spent more on performance

but not to take anything away from you man , nice ride -preffered the yellow and yes man over time hook up a spoiler

over time sell it tooo

i believe end of 2008 the new lancer is coming to us--144 odd hp , turbo charged : they say chassis and structural rigidity is up more than 50 % over the cedia

but *^#% that enjoy the ride mate

Thanks for your advise would have gladly spent on performance BUT there is sadly not enough options available for the Lancer other than the MIVEC transplant route, However whatever was available on the performance front has been done right at the onset.

Believe me the car is probably one of the best performing Lancers running a stock engine.

I have been drooling over the new Lancer launch, will surely be buying that as well - funds permitting.

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Old 29th December 2007, 19:02   #257
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Originally Posted by Ricky_63 View Post
Thanks for your advise would have gladly spent on performance BUT there is sadly not enough options available for the Lancer other than the MIVEC transplant route, However whatever was available on the performance front has been done right at the onset.

Believe me the car is probably one of the best performing Lancers running a stock engine.

I have been drooling over the new Lancer launch, will surely be buying that as well - funds permitting.

Ricky which model of the lancer is being launched in India? Any pictures of the car please...

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Old 30th December 2007, 00:45   #258
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Ricky your car is looking awesome, you have some excellent tastes when it comes to mod, and i suggest you get the spoiler, it will look awesome. Badboyscad's PS job shows how fantastic the spoiler looks.
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Old 30th December 2007, 11:04   #259
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Thanks Busa. Glad you like the car...why is it that no one responded to the Charity Fund for putting up the spoiler ??? I wonder
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Old 30th December 2007, 12:15   #260
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why is it that no one responded to the Charity Fund for putting up the spoiler ??? I wonder
If thats the case, car looks much better without the spoiler
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Old 30th December 2007, 14:20   #261
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How come you did not reccomend me to get it Petefied Just kidding I know Peter does not have any boxes for the petrol Lancer (wish he had though) LOL

Hey how about high lift cams ? Do they do anything worthwhile for the 1.5 Lancer ? What about a standalone or something with bigger injectors ?? Just thinking aloud.

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Old 30th December 2007, 14:24   #262
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LOL Ricky

Hey how about high lift cams ? Do they do anything worthwhile for the 1.5 Lancer ? What about a standalone or something with bigger injectors ?? Just thinking aloud
A standalone and better cams will surely make the car quick, but with high lift cams your car will idle rough and low end driveability will decrease, though once the Cam kicks in your car is going to fly.

RDs Standalone ECU's are pretty good, you can use that even now sans a Cam and your car will be slightly quicker. Also it costs just 25k, kind VFM if you ask me.

Infact RDs Standalone is equivalent to Petes Box for petrols

Last edited by BUSA : 30th December 2007 at 14:26.
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Old 30th December 2007, 14:31   #263
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Originally Posted by BUSA View Post
LOL Ricky

A standalone and better cams will surely make the car quick, but with high lift cams your car will idle rough and low end driveability will decrease, though once the Cam kicks in your car is going to fly.

RDs Standalone ECU's are pretty good, you can use that even now sans a Cam and your car will be slightly quicker. Also it costs just 25k, kind VFM if you ask me.

Infact RDs Standalone is equivalent to Petes Box for petrols

Well have been in touch with Kartik. Apparently he is unable to send the ECU down to Delhi as the tuning would be an Issue and the ECU is no good unless it is setup properly. Even Arush had spoken to him but somehow did not workout YET.

Seems like I may start looking at the MIVEC option or even an EVO all wheel drive setup ONCE I get bored of the present setup Charity anyone ??? LOL LOL


Last edited by Ricky_63 : 30th December 2007 at 14:32.
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Old 19th January 2008, 19:01   #264
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Hey Guys,

Any idea how a Mitsubishi 2L Twin Turbo (OE) would be in terms of maintainence / performance vs a MIVEC 1.6 NA ?? Both being Manual Transmission.

Any informed comments would be appreciated.

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Old 5th April 2008, 14:53   #265
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Mivec Option/s


I have been offered an option of a V-6 MIVEC 2.0L engine with ECU & wiring, to be mated to my car's OE Transmission. Any comments ? Has anyone used this engine on an Indian Lancer ? I am told it is a bolt on. Will need upgraded brakes & suspension. Everything else remains the same.

How is this as against a 1.6L in-line 4 MIVEC, both engines churn out the same power but the V-6 would have more torque (understandably so)

Comments / suggestions welcome.

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Old 5th April 2008, 15:14   #266
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What is the cost difference between them? I believe Speedzak has a V6 MIVEC in his Lancer and I think Sideways has the 1.6 MIVEC. Have you also considered an EVO conversion with the 4g63t and AWD.
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Old 5th April 2008, 15:17   #267
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Speedzak has/had the car with the 2L V6 MIVEC. He should have more details.
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Old 5th April 2008, 15:23   #268
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Originally Posted by khanak View Post
What is the cost difference between them? I believe Speedzak has a V6 MIVEC in his Lancer and I think Sideways has the 1.6 MIVEC. Have you also considered an EVO conversion with the 4g63t and AWD.

Thanks for the information. I did consider the EVO conversion - but decieded against it as the rear sub-frame would have to be fabricated which I thought may be a reliability issue. Also the cost is way more than I wish to spend on it.

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Old 5th April 2008, 18:36   #269
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Originally Posted by Ricky_63 View Post

I have been offered an option of a V-6 MIVEC 2.0L engine with ECU & wiring, to be mated to my car's OE Transmission. Any comments ? Has anyone used this engine on an Indian Lancer ? I am told it is a bolt on. Will need upgraded brakes & suspension. Everything else remains the same.

How is this as against a 1.6L in-line 4 MIVEC, both engines churn out the same power but the V-6 would have more torque (understandably so)
If I'm not mistaken, the 2L V6 MIVEC (6A12 engine) churns out 200 BHP as opposed to 175 BHP from the 1.6L inline (4G92).
If you don't mind, how much are you getting the engine for (PM me if you like)? What about the ECU and wiring? I think you should verify if the OE transmission can handle this engine.
Keep us updated dude!
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Old 5th April 2008, 19:25   #270
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Originally Posted by razor4077 View Post
If I'm not mistaken, the 2L V6 MIVEC (6A12 engine) churns out 200 BHP as opposed to 175 BHP from the 1.6L inline (4G92).
If you don't mind, how much are you getting the engine for (PM me if you like)? What about the ECU and wiring? I think you should verify if the OE transmission can handle this engine.
Keep us updated dude!


The engine churns out 180 BHP & I have checked - the manual OE tranny can handle the engine power / torque. And yes I am getting the ECU & wiring with it.

Let's see how it goes - the V6 against the in-line 4 - the quotes are still awaited. I will have to change the Rotors & brakes to handle the additional power. I am waiting to get the whole break up of the costs involved (comparetive cost)

Will take a call post all the information getting to me.


Thanks will try & check with speedzak on his experiance with the V6 engine


Last edited by Ricky_63 : 5th April 2008 at 19:27.
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