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Old 21st September 2010, 09:34   #286
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MCHAB, The Top gear should be of SS80 (4th gear), 2nd and 3rd should be of Baleno. Pavan please correct if I am wrong. But will it cost that much?

Ariessonu: Please take you car you a local tinker and do a patch work. I shared your photo with my local mechanic and he says. It happens when water which enters through the antenna does not flow out down the Pillar. Please ask the tinker to check into the pillar. It would cost 400.

Rememeber Rest is Rust. Please take out your car for at least 15 kms or until it drinks 1 liter of pertol.

This will keep the engine, Battery, Radiator intact and removes any kind stagnant water when the car moves (Remeber Rally Jeeps dont rust soon though they travel in mud)
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Old 23rd September 2010, 20:44   #287
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Hello All,

Last week my 9 year old M800 went for 85K service.

Overall bill came to Rs. 3408 (spares)+Rs. 2018 (labour) = Rs. 5426/-.

Am putting price list of some of the main parts I got changed:
Lower arm (both left & right) - Rs. 380/- each
Front bumper - Rs. 760/-
Engine oil (2.7 ltr.) - Rs. 490/-

Engine oil used is 10W-30. Is this the one recommended? My car is a 5 speed variant.

If any one needs, I'll scan a copy of the bill for your reference.

I have fixed Garware Icecool Shield at the front for Rs. 3000/- and Garware Classic at the sides and rear for Rs. 1200/-. Now the cooling has improved and also the glare from oncoming traffic has reduced. I have not yet got a chance to check the heat rejection of the front film. I don't have any visibility problem driving at night in the rains. Overall am happy with the installation. Special thanks for BHPian firestorm (Bimal) for helping me find a good shop in fixing the front windshield. It took less than an hour to fix the film. Since the car is M800, they removed the windshield and fixed the film. Over all they did a very good job. Other than the tint color, it's not possible to find there is film installed.

The front seat cushions in my car are totally gone. Are they available in the spare parts shop? If not what is the alternative? Also can anyone from Cochin recommend me a good shop for putting seat covers?

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Old 25th September 2010, 20:44   #288
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Post deleted by the Team-BHP Support : Please do NOT post one-liners that add little or no informational value to the thread. We need your co-operation to maintain the overall quality of this forum.

Please read our rules before proceeding any further.

Last edited by GTO : 12th October 2010 at 14:19.
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Old 30th September 2010, 13:08   #289
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hope the labour is on a higher side. Should have negotiated.
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Old 30th September 2010, 20:33   #290
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@Samsag/bf9/MCB/Vinod: Thanks buddies.
Was travelling extensively & now down with cold/cough & what all not. I think I need better 'TINKER' than my car.
My Car is 2005 & Samsag got it right. The water entry point is the antenna fitting. I should have guessed this whence I had pulled out & seen the rusty antenna.
Once I'm squarely back on my feet I'll take her to the "Patel Garage" (MASS in Goregaon), I have heard that they are good. Any feed back??
Till now my car has been serviced by Powai Autos (MASS).

Any better & economical tinker's details are also welcome. I live in (Kandivali-E) western line region of Mumbai.

Raab Rakha.

Last edited by ariesonu : 30th September 2010 at 20:34.
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Old 10th October 2010, 23:59   #291
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Originally Posted by vinod_namakkal View Post

hope the labour is on a higher side. Should have negotiated.
Vinod, I don't think the service center would negotiate on the labor charges. Anyways, they did a good job and I'm happy with that.

Last week I did a Cochin Trivandrum trip my car. It rained throughout the journey and at night the head lights were not powerful enough. Hence I decided to replace existing relay and wiring kit and head light unit.

Yesterday I bought 2 Lumax make (type II) head light unit and Hella relay and wiring kit. Did not buy new bulbs since my car already had relay kit and I recently changed to Philips Rally 90/100W bulbs.

I'm literally shocked by the quality of Lumax head lamp units. The bulb won't fit in the socket properly, the frame does not align correctly with the head light screws, etc. I bought it from an OEM supplier in Cochin but never expected that the OEM units would be of such poor quality.

Anyways, I successfully replaced the lamps and relay. Since my car already had relay it was a DIY for me. Total damage is 800 bucks for the relay and 520 bucks for headlight units.

Wiring kit cover

The Maruti 800 Mod Thread-dsc06478.jpg

Hella relay

The Maruti 800 Mod Thread-dsc06484.jpg

I did not change the left side HL as new the unit is of very poor quality as well as the light throw was too bad. Hence I replaced only the RHS HL. I think the ligthing has definitely improved. Waiting to take out the car in the rains to check the new lighting.

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Old 2nd November 2010, 13:41   #292
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Got my car a treat
Video should be up in 1 week as I am out of town.

I've been to a lot of welders for this job, but all of them found it impossible to fit this huge end can straight. But finally I found a very good welder and the end can is on and Straight !

The sound till about 2500rpm is just about normal, but after that it rips out its sound. Unlike my previous install, my cabin doesnt resonate with the sound and I can take it for long drives. I have retained the Cat-con, so not a lot of performance boost.
Attached Thumbnails
The Maruti 800 Mod Thread-20101007_173228_299s.jpg  

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Old 2nd November 2010, 15:38   #293
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Originally Posted by Bumble Beast View Post
Got my car a treat
Video should be up in 1 week as I am out of town.

I've been to a lot of welders for this job, but all of them found it impossible to fit this huge end can straight. But finally I found a very good welder and the end can is on and Straight !

The sound till about 2500rpm is just about normal, but after that it rips out its sound. Unlike my previous install, my cabin doesnt resonate with the sound and I can take it for long drives. I have retained the Cat-con, so not a lot of performance boost.
Thats killer. it's finally straight.i need to know who welded it for you and how they managed to get it straight. need a muffler for my k10. gotta wait another 5 k km's before the full free flow. my folks are going to disown me soon could you post a pic from underneath the rear bumper so we know how it's attached and if there has been any change in the routing of your exhaust.


PS: It'll sound better because of the KnN you have under the hood as well!
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Old 3rd November 2010, 10:15   #294
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The thing is, I got this done in Pune. I forgot to change my location in my profile. Nevertheless, I will post the pictures soon.
Congrats on your k10!

On a side note - There is either going to be a Zen carb installation or new Comps for the ICE. Lets see what happens.
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Old 3rd November 2010, 14:21   #295
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Brake Booster Kit in Chennai

I wanted to install the KBX Brake Booster setup in our M800. The car is in my hometown, Palakkad. I took it to the mechanic on sunday when I was at home, and he said he'll see if he can source it locally. Yesterday he said that he couldn't get it, and it might take anywhere between 3 days to a week or even more. I'm thinking of buying it from Chennai and sending it through my friend to Palakkad by this weekend.

The problem is, i don't know any places in Chennai where they sell the kit. Would be glad if someone helps me out in this.

Perhaps OT, but I'd like to share my observation with Philips 100W HLs. I've noticed that the horn becomes very very feeble. They are twin Roots. Pretty old, don't recollect the model name. Isn't it because the battery is not able to supply the necessary amount of current? What can I do about it? There are no other accessories installed - no amps, no GPS, no extra lamps. Can I switch over to a higher rated battery - the pros and cons please. Or should I change the horn?

Last edited by silversteed : 3rd November 2010 at 14:24.
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Old 15th November 2010, 12:55   #296
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Hydraulic cylinders that hold up rear door

Hello All,

After fixing 2 6*9 speakers at the rear door, the hydraulic support is not able to hold the rear door in lifted position. Can anyone guide me how to solve this issue? Will adding another support on the other side solve this issue? Or, will I have to live with this?

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Old 25th November 2010, 17:08   #297
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Fixed tacho

Hi All,

Finally I managed to source and fix tachometer in my M800. Tacho make is Sunpro CP2012. Cost me 60$ including shipping from eBay. M.A.S.S. charged me Rs. 150/- for fixing. Here are the images:

BTW, can anyone tell me what are the features of M800 EX variant? Is it same as the 5-speed variant?

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Old 25th November 2010, 17:32   #298
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josejoseph, did you consider the Ritz Tacho at any point? I'm also contemplating a tacho for my M800.
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Old 25th November 2010, 17:35   #299
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Originally Posted by josejoseph View Post
Hello All,

After fixing 2 6*9 speakers at the rear door, the hydraulic support is not able to hold the rear door in lifted position. Can anyone guide me how to solve this issue? Will adding another support on the other side solve this issue? Or, will I have to live with this?

Another hydraulic would need metalwork,i'd assume(holes etc.)
Why not try to source one from the zen/santro or the sort.I think the zen one is more robust.
The brackets/adaptors can be fabricated by a welder.
just a thought.

Last edited by mayankk : 25th November 2010 at 17:36.
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Old 25th November 2010, 17:43   #300
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Originally Posted by silversteed View Post
josejoseph, did you consider the Ritz Tacho at any point? I'm also contemplating a tacho for my M800.
silversteed, Ritz is 4 cylinder and M800 is 3 cylinder. I don't know if it suits.

Initially I considered getting an A-Star tacho but I had no idea on how to source a new one. Another hurdle was that A-Star tacho gets signal from ECU and I don't if this works in a M800. Please don't ask me the details, I don't know .

The one I have fixed is too simple to connect and gets the signal from ignition coil. Though this is a DIY, I was not sure about how to connect the illumination wire in the tacho to the dimmer switch of the car. This is why I asked M.A.S.S. to fix it for me.

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