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Old 13th October 2018, 21:32   #1
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Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

This posting is about the Headlight upgrade for the Jeep Compass 4x2 Limited Edition. My Uncle bought the Jeep Compass back in Feb 2018. He has been enjoying the long highway drives on the Compass but was not very satisfied the performance of the stock Headlights.

Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade-jeep_at_home.jpg
Jeep Compass 4x2 Limited

Several options were considered. We even ordered the Philips HIR 9011 Halogens from USA as advised by fellow BHPian Behemoth. However, this move did not work out well as we received a lemon from Amazon USA. The bulbs after fitting it into the Jeep Compass Headlights did not work out well and gave out a very odd beam. Since it worked fine for other BHPians we assumed that we had received a lemon.

The Jeep Compass 4x2 Limited as a strange setup for the Headlights. It uses the 9005 HB3 Model socket. The bulbs that match this socket are single filament and hence there is no High Beam and Low Beam concept for them. Jeep has created some kind of shutter mechanism to modulate the High Beam and Low Beam on the Single filament bulb itself. Hence only one pair of Bulbs is sufficient for both High Beam and Low Beam.

I have been researching around with various LED Bulbs for my Honda City much of which has been detailed in my ownership report here:
1. Low Beam Upgrade
2. High Beam Upgrade

However, the LED route does not seem to work out well for the Jeep Compass. This is possibly due to the requirement for Canbus Enabled LEDs. Most people who have tried LED Headlights have complained of flickering.

Given this predicament, my Uncle reached out to me and asked me to research and recommend HID upgrade for his Jeep Compass. I remembered reading about the XP Micros and Morimotos on Team-BHP and did some quick reading on the articles by BHPian sudeepg [Morimoto Upgrade (DIY: S-Cross Headlight Upgrade to Morimoto Mini D2S Stage III Bi-Xenons)]. Browsed thru the Morimoto site and located the contact number for Delhi.

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Morimoto Dealer - Delhi

Passed on the same information to my Uncle who called up the Authorized Contact person in Bangalore for Morimoto – someone by the name Anton. Initially I believe the guy did not sound very friendly and said one needs to take up an appointment etc. So, an appointment was taken up for 6-30 PM in the evening for Saturday 06th October 2018.

The landmark provided was Chef Bakers, Kaggadasapura Main Road, C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore. So we were all set to head to this place on Saturday. My Uncle came home and his two sons also joined in. From our side I and my Dad also joined in. So it was a Saturday Night Automobile enthusiast party for the Gang of Five

The Bangalore traffic was insane that evening and even though we started by 5-15 PM, we reached the place only 6-45 PM. The place is located on the Kaggadasapura Main Road itself. We met Anton who had come there with a backpack carrying the Morimotos. He explained that he has with him both the Morimoto LEDs as well as the Morimoto HIDs and that the cost for both would be the same. The cost for these was Rs.13,500/- exclusive of labor charges for fitting the same. We made the request to him if we could see a demo of both and decide. He did not agree to this saying, the headlight fitment for the Jeep Compass is not an easy affair but a time consuming one.

We now had to make a quick decision, my cousin recommended the HID over the LED. Anton (the Morimoto Contact person) recommended the LEDs saying the LEDs do not require any time to light up.

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Morimoto 2Stroke LED Bulbs

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Morimoto 2Stroke LED Bulb Install Kit

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Morimoto 2Stroke LED Bulb - Side View

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Morimoto 2Stroke LED Bulb - View from the Base

I quickly checked the reviews for the Morimoto XB 35 on USA and saw that these had received a 4 star rating while the Morimoto 2Stroke LEDs were unrated. So, the vote swung in favor of the Morimoto HIDs. So, we gave the decision to Anton that we have decided to go for the Morimoto HIDS. As I looked up on Amazon, I realized that Morimoto offers these bulbs in three color temperatures (4500K, 5500K and 6000K).

We quickly checked with Anton as to what is the specific model he had. This is something he was unaware of and so he showed us the box which called out the specification at 5500K.

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Morimoto XB35 Ballast Box

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Morimoto HID Bulb rated at 5500K

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The HID Kit

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Close up of the HID Ballast

We finally gave the go ahead and Anton called out that he would have one side of the Headlights changed so that we can get a comparative view of the stock setup vs the new Morimoto HIDs.

The work started on the Jeep Compass and within the next 30 minutes Anton and his team had the HID bulb fixed onto the Jeep Compass headlight.

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Headlight Upgrade Work In Progress

As they fit the bulbs he did show to us that this work did not involve any cutting of wires and everything would be done in a plug and play fashion including the addition of the ballast. As no wires were cut there would be no impact on the company warranty on headlights. Also, the existing Projectors would be used and only the HID Bulbs would be replaced with the addition of the ballast. The team worked with the help of a light that they setup as it was already dark.

In order to test the new fitment, my Uncle drove the Uncle inside the nearby apartment complex and the headlights were evaluated.

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Blast of Light from the Morimoto HID

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Left Side: Stock Halogen, Right Side: Morimoto HID

As can be seen from the pictures, the results were good and we asked them to proceed with the fitment of the other bulb. This effort took another half hour and now the Jeep Compass was running on upgraded Morimoto HIDs.

Given that the primary Headlight upgrade was completed, Anton recommended upgrading the fog lamps as well. For this he recommended upgrading to the FE Retrofit Projector Fog Lamps. He also arranged a demo from another guy from the same apartment who had already fit these Fog Lamps.

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Fog Lamps Demo

My Uncle was impressed with the setup and decided to go for the Fog Lamps as well. This included replacement of the entire Fog Lamp including the housing and not just the bulbs. The cost quoted for these was 13,500/- for the pair as well exclusive of the labor charges.

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FE Retrofit Fog Lamp Projectors

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Details on the Box

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My Cousin Holding the FE Retrofit Fog Lamp

By this time it was already close to 9-00 PM. My Dad is a senior citizen and we decided that it was apt that he gets his dinner done. So I and my Dad headed for dinner at the nearby Amaravathi restaurant while the remaining folks stayed on to oversee the installation of the Fog Lamps.

Finished dinner and headed back to the location to see the progress on the headlights. By this time it was already 9-45 PM and they seemed to be stuck. We heard that a fuse had blown. Given that the work would proceed till late night, I and my Dad headed back home in a Uber. I heard that these guys start work every day only at 6-30 PM as the lighting can be demonstrated only during the night and continue their work all the way till 3-00 AM sometimes. I called up my Uncle in the morning and checked and he said the work completed at around 1-30 AM the previous night and that he would come by to demo the lights the next evening.

My Uncle came by the next evening and we clicked some pictures of the upgraded headlights by finding a road which had more darkness. The next set of pictures will showcase the impact of the upgraded HID Lighting.

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Headlight Close Up

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Additional view

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Reference - No Lights

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HID Bulbs Starting Up

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HID Low Beam without Fog

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HID Low Beam with Fog - Still Starting Up

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HID Low Beam + Fog in Full Glow

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HID High Beam + Fog - Full Blast

The overall total cost for the Jeep Compass Headlight upgrade including the Morimoto XB35 HIDS 5500K + the FE Retrofit Projector Fog Lamps + Canbus adapters for both headlights and Fog Lamps inclusive of labor came to Rs.33,000/-

I will close with one more additional view of the Headlights in Full Glow - Cheers!

Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade-fullglow.jpg
Morimoto HID + FE Retrofit Fog Lamp Projectors - High Beam

Last edited by vsrivatsa : 13th October 2018 at 21:37.
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Old 13th October 2018, 21:40   #2
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re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

A lovely setup, worth every penny spent, but I had a doubt, don’t mean to spoil the mood but there’s a very prominent shadow on the left side, a long one at that. I myself have upgraded to a HID setup in my Verna and have no such shadow. Doesn’t seem normal to me.
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Old 13th October 2018, 21:51   #3
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re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

The cutoff line of the fog light is clearly above the roof of the TT.

It is blinding oncoming traffic, Please get it setup asap.

Last edited by jeepster : 13th October 2018 at 21:53.
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Old 14th October 2018, 09:18   #4
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re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Do you have more pics of the fog lamp projector? The image on the box does not look like a fog lamp projector but is of the open type projector that should be inside headlight.

Originally Posted by jeepster View Post

The cutoff line of the fog light is clearly above the roof of the TT.

It is blinding oncoming traffic, Please get it setup asap.
I think you are referring to the wrong photo. The one you posted is labelled as high beam+fog. The low beam + fog pic looks fine to me.

Last edited by Vid6639 : 14th October 2018 at 09:19.
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Old 14th October 2018, 09:24   #5
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re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
I think you are referring to the wrong photo. The one you posted is labelled as high beam+fog. The low beam + fog pic looks fine to me.
No he has got the right photo (labeled as HID Low Beam + Fog in Full Glow). The cutoff goes above the Tempo Traveller.

Last but the third pic it is. After the HID bulb in the projector fogs have reached the maximum intensity.

That will definitely blind the oncoming traffic.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 14th October 2018 at 09:25.
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Old 14th October 2018, 10:28   #6
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re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Originally Posted by CarLoverJosh View Post
A lovely setup, worth every penny spent, but I had a doubt, don’t mean to spoil the mood but there’s a very prominent shadow on the left side, a long one at that. I myself have upgraded to a HID setup in my Verna and have no such shadow. Doesn’t seem normal to me.
Thanks for your feedback - we will get it checked As we got it done thru the authorized guy there is a warranty that comes with it as well. Only problem is going all the way to that place as it is quite a distance in Bangalore traffic.

Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
It is blinding oncoming traffic, Please get it setup asap.
Originally Posted by Gannu_1 View Post
That will definitely blind the oncoming traffic.
Yes gentlemen, it is on the to do list - as the job was completed in the middle of the night not much testing was done at the time of fitment. It is probably best to get the Headlight alignment done at the Jeep Service Center.

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
Do you have more pics of the fog lamp projector? The image on the box does not look like a fog lamp projector but is of the open type projector that should be inside headlight.
Those were the only pictures I had taken - will check if my Uncle or cousins have any additional pictures. Here is a link to the Fog Lamps on the FE Retrofit website: FE Retrofit

Here is another video of the same Fog Lamps posted on FaceBook by Anton:
2017 Corolla Fog Lamps:

Also borrowed some pictures taken on my Uncle's One Plus 6, all the other pictures posted in the thread were taken on my Honor View 10:

Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade-lighst_off.jpg
OP6: Reference: Lights Off

Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade-hid_starting.jpg
OP6: HID Bulbs Starting Up

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OP6: Low Beam

Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade-highbeam_full.jpg
OP6: High Beam

Last edited by vsrivatsa : 14th October 2018 at 10:43.
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Old 14th October 2018, 18:40   #7
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re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Originally Posted by vsrivatsa View Post
I will close with one more additional view of the Headlights in Full Glow - Cheers!
The lights look super bright, and congratulations.

One question, can post photos of the headlight unit's rear end to clarify what modifications were made to accommodate the larger bulb in the same housing?
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Old 19th October 2018, 19:17   #8
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Thanks for the update @vsrivatsa, upgrade looks really good and tempting for me to upgrade to HID

Did you captured fitment pictures, I would be keen to know if the back lid of bulb had to cut or it fits in as is?
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Old 21st October 2018, 18:08   #9
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

For people in Bengaluru, here are the complete details of the contact person:
The Automotive Lighting Experts
Contact Number: 733-777-7444
Facebook Link: URL
Youtube Channel: URL

Originally Posted by n.devdath View Post
One question, can post photos of the headlight unit's rear end to clarify what modifications were made to accommodate the larger bulb in the same housing?
Originally Posted by sameerpb View Post
Did you captured fitment pictures, I would be keen to know if the back lid of bulb had to cut or it fits in as is?
Here are the pictures of how the fitment of the Bulbs look from inside the engine bay of the Jeep Compass.

Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade-img20181017wa0009.jpg
Picture 01

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Picture 02

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Picture 03

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Picture 04

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Picture 05

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Picture 06

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Picture 07

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Picture 08

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Picture 09

Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade-img20181017wa0018.jpg
Picture 10

Hope this helps - Cheers!
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Old 22nd October 2018, 12:30   #10
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Originally Posted by vsrivatsa View Post
For people in Bengaluru, here are the complete details of the contact person:
The Automotive Lighting Experts
Contact Number: 733-777-7444
Facebook Link: URL
Youtube Channel: URL

Hope this helps - Cheers!
This is perfect, exactly what I was looking for. I may go with the same option, I am thinking to order from US, On Amazon I see XB35 & XB55 I need to check whats the difference between the two.
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Old 23rd October 2018, 11:44   #11
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Originally Posted by sameerpb View Post
I am thinking to order from US, On Amazon I see XB35 & XB55 I need to check whats the difference between the two.
I had checked the pricing on USA, however, given that Automotive Lighting Experts provide a 2 Year Warranty if you go thru them - this route seems more attractive. All the experimenting that I have done with LED bulbs which cost lower have been via the USA route where I got the Bulbs via someone travelling.

For reference: the XB35 Ballast based Morimoto HID Kit costs: $165 on USA [URL]. Upon conversion this roughly translates to Rs.12,200/- and the price quoted by Automotive Lighting Experts is Rs.13,500/- exclusive of labor and seems fair.

Coming to the topic of XB35 Vs XB55, the heat levels would be lower with the XB35 and hence the bulb life would possibly be longer. Note that the HID bulbs have a relatively shorter life as compared to LEDs and Morimoto website claims that these bulbs are built to last for about 2,500+ Hours.

Name:  MorimotoXB35.png
Views: 28930
Size:  19.9 KB
XB35 Technical Details

Last edited by vsrivatsa : 23rd October 2018 at 11:50.
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Old 23rd October 2018, 11:52   #12
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Originally Posted by vsrivatsa View Post
I had checked the pricing on USA, however, given that Automotive Lighting Experts provide a 2 Year Warranty if you go thru them - this route seems more attractive. All the experimenting that I have done with LED bulbs which cost lower have been via the USA route where I got the Bulbs via someone travelling.

For reference: the XB35 Ballast based Morimoto HID Kit costs: $165 on USA [URL]. Upon conversion this roughly translates to Rs.12,200/- and the price quoted by Automotive Lighting Experts is Rs.13,500/- exclusive of labor and seems fair.

Coming to the topic of XB35 Vs XB55, the heat levels would be lower with the XB35 and hence the bulb life would possibly be longer. Note that the HID bulbs have a relatively shorter life as compared to LEDs and Morimoto website claims that these bulbs are built to last for about 2,500+ Hours.
Perfect analysis, Thanks for update, I will be connecting with Automotive lighting experts over this weekend
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Old 29th October 2018, 12:00   #13
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Nice upgrade indeed. However, one point concerns me:

Anton not being too friendly at the start - But, how did it develop as the day progressed alongside the work? Was he knowledgeable enough? Because, the relationship between the seller and buyer matters a lot at the sale time, which would eventually be materialized post sales service. In case of any issues or installations, do you think the support from Morimoto will be convincing? Reason being, I had a set of LED's on my Brezza sourced through XP last year - service was good but looks like the LED's have developed a weird problem of going on and off every 5 secs on road. Looks like something to do with fans that could have clogged leading to heating up of bulbs causing this problem. I obviously can't diagnose thoroughly and XP doesnt have support here in Bangalore. So this time around, I'm planning on going in for local dealers sourcing Morimoto's but I will stick to LEDs itself.

Can you advise on after sales service from Anton? Has he briefed anything on service support?
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Old 1st November 2018, 17:14   #14
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Originally Posted by gururajrv View Post
Anton not being too friendly at the start - But, how did it develop as the day progressed alongside the work? Was he knowledgeable enough?
You raise some excellent points. Yes, the actual Face to Face interaction went fine once we met him. His technical team is good and they did the job well.

Originally Posted by gururajrv View Post
So this time around, I'm planning on going in for local dealers sourcing Morimoto's but I will stick to LEDs itself.
If you are sticking to LEDs itself then I recommend you check the following website: as well and then decide if you want to take the Morimoto route or explore alternatives such as the DeAutoLED (URL). But this is something you will need to source yourself and warranty within India would be a question although DeAuto provides Lifetime Warranty.

Originally Posted by gururajrv View Post
Can you advise on after sales service from Anton? Has he briefed anything on service support?
My Uncle still needs to go for fine tuning the headlight alignment and Anton has been supportive and said that he can drop in at his convenience. As for the warranty he mentioned 2 years and given that he is the authorized person in Bangalore, I believe the warranty aspect should be fine.

Last edited by vsrivatsa : 1st November 2018 at 17:17.
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Old 6th November 2018, 16:19   #15
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Re: Jeep Compass: Morimoto HID Headlights + FE Retrofit Projector Foglamps Upgrade

Very useful post and Timely as I've been researching HID options for my brand new Creta SX(O).

I just got off the phone with Anton, and he was patient and professional and took time to explain stuff in detail to me. Some points that he called out

1. Creta comes with good quality projectors so no need to replace them so just a HID kit would suffice. He did mention that he asks his XUV customers to replace the projectors also

2. Need to get Canbus right for the Creta, he gave me some reasons which I cannot now recall

3. Was pushing "FE retrofit" brand- This product basically looks like they source the various components from different places and assemble them here locally. Price quoted was INR 11500 for the kit plus 500 for installation. 1 year warranty and support post that

4. He also seems to be the distributor for Morimoto. Quoted INR 14500 + 500 for installation. 1 year warranty and support thereafter. I enquired if he will install the Morimoto kit if I got it from the US, Yes will charge for installation but no warranty

5. Was advising that I upgrade Fog's to HID and also offered to fix them and show what difference they make..

I drive 500kms every weekend (Highway and Ghats) and I my OEM headlamps in the Creta seem woefully inadequate. I definitely need an upgrade but not sure if I should go for brighter bulbs, HID or LED. Also does HID void the warranty of electricals? Is it advisable to get the Morimoto's from the US? The price I see on Amazon is about $150, so this is only about 3-4K less so is it worth it or do I buy them locally with warranty/support etc? Greatly appreciate all your inputs. Thanks
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