Re: MotorMood Classic: Show a 'Thank You' emoji to the car behind Quote:
Originally Posted by shaggydogg In the UK, people use their dipper/flash their lights for the exact opposite reason as in India - to let you know its okay to cut in front of you or to let take a turn in front of you. Example: you're driving on the motorway and turn on your indicator to change lanes. More often than not, the motorist who you are going to cut in front of will flash his headlights to let you join in front of him and it is customary to turn on your hazard lights for a couple of seconds to say thank you! |
So true!. I spent 13 years of my life in the UK and it was a rude shock when I moved back and started driving on desi roads again.
Flashing light has lost its meaning here. People on kerala roads think that flashing their light gives them the right to do any stupid thing on the roads.
Nowadays I just flash back at them. Quote:
Originally Posted by jacobvarughese I returned from a brief visit to the West Coast US region today, and wanted to showcase one product which I reckon may make waves in India, particularly as a result of the heavy and hostile traffic situations we sometimes navigate through everyday- please take note this isn't form of any marketing gimmick by me nor do I have any relationship with this company. |
Thanks for the post and it is quite a nice idea to have a smiley emoji to thank people. Although sometimes a smiley after overtaking can be mis-interpreted as a taunt and may lead to some rather unpleasant consequences.
Many a time I have wanted to have a display unit at the back of my car, where in I can display messages. But, these would be more on the lines of - 'wear your helmet you fool', ' if you want to learn slow driving, go to the playground', 'stop hogging the fast lane, you nut', ' stop using your mobile when driving', and sometimes even displaying certain rude hand gesture.
But then it ain't possible, so I just take a deep breath, cuss gently and drive on. |