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Old 8th June 2017, 17:34   #61
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Originally Posted by GranvilleDsouza View Post
Snacks! Yes there are times when I'm hungry and there's no food around so chips help
Wouldn't suggest keeping any food in the boot, or anywhere else in the car. It's a sure shot way of attracting rats. Even if your home / office parking is safe from rodents, outside parking spots won't be.
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Old 8th June 2017, 19:02   #62
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Apart from the regular accessories that came with the car, I have added the following items:

1. Tyre inflator (Motocop - Slightly less than 4 years Old, now)
2. 2T Hydraulic Jack (Trolley Type)
3. Pressure Gauge / Glass or Windshield breaker / Seat Belt Cutter
4. Jopasu Duster
5. USB charger

After going through this thread, I think it is good to have the following things:
1. Emergency Light
2. Jump Start Cable
3. Tow rope
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Old 8th June 2017, 20:24   #63
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Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Wouldn't suggest keeping any food in the boot, or anywhere else in the car. It's a sure shot way of attracting rats. Even if your home / office parking is safe from rodents, outside parking spots won't be.

Good point, never though of it since the parking spots usually don't have the rodent menace. Will have this consumed today over some TV Series.
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Old 8th June 2017, 22:27   #64
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

I usually don't keep anything in the boot apart from the first aid kit, wheel jack and tools, and a couple of my cars have the spare wheel in the boot itself due to there being no dedicated space!
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Old 17th January 2018, 15:43   #65
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Indeed this is a very nice and informative thread. My list of items stored in the Car goes as follows;

1. Self composed Medical cum First Aid kit comprising - Dettol bottle 1 no, regular Band aid strips 10 no’s, medicated cotton 1 roll, bandage 5 rolls, antiseptic powder 1 bottle, burnol 1 tube, boroplus 1 tube, boroline 1 tube, Tiger balm 1 bottle, Iodex 1 case, and Relispray 1 can.
In case of long journeys, the following items are added Flamingo heat pad 1 no, Crocin – 10 tabs, Saridon 10 tabs, ORS 10 packets, Vicks, Hajmola and Strepsils.
2. Unbranded puncture repair kit along with 10 wicks, cement tube, 1 cutter, 1 nose pliers.
3. Coido electric air pump.
4. Coido vacuum cleaner.
5. Jopasu Duster.
6. Aeoss digital tyre pressure guage.
7. Foldable Umbrellas 2 no’s.
8. Torch.

Apart from the medically essential ones (which are packed carefully), I do not keep liquids of any form in the boot be it a Glass cleaner or a Aerosol perfume spray or any which thing, just because in an event of any leakage the whole boot would get spoilt and cleaning / getting it cleaned would be a royal pain. I have a friend who had a habit of carrying a small can (5 ltrs) of Petrol in the boot while going on long journeys. Luckily, after lots of persuading and explanations on the potential danger, he has now stopped this habit.

Last edited by King_pin09 : 17th January 2018 at 15:52.
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Old 19th January 2018, 09:55   #66
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

I faced many problems with my old Santro, just because I didn't have proper tool in my car during the breakdown. I wanted to change that state of affair in my new car. This is a list of items/tools which I always keep in my Car.

1. Tyre Inflator.(Windek 1902).
2. Kozdiko Towing Rope.(3 ton)
3. Tyre Puncture Repair Kit.
4. Battery Jumper Cable
5. Insulation tapes.
6. Jopasu Duster.
7. Glass cleaner Wiper.
8. A swiss knife
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Old 23rd January 2018, 15:19   #67
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Has any one come across a holder/hook/loop which can be stuck/fixed onto the car dash board or the pillar? My requirement is to hook up a radio (walkie talkie) using its belt clip onto this holder/loop. The nearest I could find online were products like the one shown below (and all of them had very poor reviews).
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Old 5th February 2018, 00:32   #68
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Last month i accidentally kept my lights / ICE / Dashcam on while waiting to pick up brother from airport while ignition was off. This resulted in a flat battery that left me stranded in the middle of road at 1am

Thankfully Distinguished Bhpian Blackpearl was online and he quickly travelled all the way (15km+) to help me Jumper cables came to the rescue and my car turned on in no time ! This was the first instance my recovery kit came to use.

Getting jump started from White Tuskar
Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_2540.jpg

Blackpearl (Right) with me post recovery
Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_2548.jpg

We also noticed that the tyre of his car needs some air. The tyre inflator came to use. But it was painfully slow especially for Bolero.
Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_2541.jpg

Few things learnt from this incident:

+ Its always essential to have basic recovery kit in car to get out of sticky situations like these.

- While attaching the jumper cables in terminal we used cellphone flash as torch. I totally forgot i have a magnet flashlight which could have been more convenient. So always remember the tools in hand which one can benefit from.

- The cheap tyre inflator + vacuum was a bad buy. It can neither vacuum or inflate tyres well. It was painfully slow to inflate Bolero tyres. Better go for branded ones which may cost slightly more.

Thanks again to Blackpearl for having such a big heart !

Last edited by Samfromindia : 5th February 2018 at 00:37.
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Old 19th May 2018, 09:20   #69
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Its not a must have item on the boot - Just want to find out, if adding weight on the boot of a FWD car, say a 25 kgs bag, in any way help to the handling/stability of the car on a fast corner?

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Old 19th May 2018, 10:00   #70
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Originally Posted by Arjun Reddy View Post
Nice thread.

So my boot has.
Jumper cables.
Jopasu duster.
3M Ultimate detailer.
Waterless wash liquid.
Micro fiber. ( 3 colours, one each for Car Body, Glass and wheels. )
Tyre dressing spray.
Spare bulbs.
Tyre inflator.
Spare fuses.
First aid kit.

Puncture repair kit is what I have to get.

So now I have added a glass breaker and a seatbelt cutter. This is not carried in the boot but in the cabin.
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Old 7th September 2018, 04:37   #71
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

I was looking for a multipurpose toolkit to keep in car which may come to use on a bad day. Was confused whether to buy spanners & socket set from Stanley or a multipurpose hand toolkit from Bosch which i can use for home needs also. Went for the latter after i found a reasonable deal @Amazon.

Bosch All-in-One Metal Hand Tool Kit (Blue, 108-Pieces) [Rs 1800]

Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_5074.jpg

Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_5075.jpg

Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_5076.jpg

Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_5077.jpg

Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-img_5078.jpg

+ Case and tools are of decent quality. Plastic quality is similar to my Bosch AQT pressure washer.
+Wide variety of tools given which are arranged neatly in the compact carrying case.
+You need to buy 3 AAA batteries for the provided led torch.

Last edited by Samfromindia : 7th September 2018 at 04:38.
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Old 7th September 2018, 07:52   #72
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Interesting thread. Some of the regular (airpump, Belkin inverter, mobile charging cords, multi-tool kit, etc) stuff I carry in my cars have been covered in detail across the earlier posts.

In the US, additional stuff that was always there in my car to allow me to go on a run/ride on a moment's notice
- cycle carrier
- running gear (shoes, socks, t-shirt, shorts)
- water bottles (for running/cycling)
- additional gear (garmin watch, raincoat, light hoodie)
Currently I carry a pair or running shoes in my car in Bombay.
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Old 7th September 2018, 08:39   #73
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Things that I carry in the boot (vehicle is Ford endeavour)

1. Jopasu duster
2. 8 ton tow rope with 2 D shackles and gloves. (Details below)
3. Michilin air inflator.
4. Torque spanner for opening wheel nuts.
5. Spare wheel nuts
6. Windshield cleaning liquid.
7. Noco jump starter.
8. Bosch tool kit
9. Swiss knife
10. Small torch.

Besides these I carry some spares while on a long trip.

Link for heavy duty tow rope:
Attached Thumbnails
Must-Have Items in the boot of your car-screenshot_20180907083700_chrome.jpg  

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Old 9th September 2018, 10:45   #74
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Re: Must-Have Items in the boot of your car

Apart from the standard items provided with the car,I keep the following in the boot of my Chevy Spark:
1.ResQTech Micro Tyre Inflator with analog pressure guage
1a.Bergman Vacuum cleaner
2.Jopasu Duster
3.Jump Starter cable set
4.LED torch with magnetic hold surface
5.Waterless wash liquid.
6.3M window wash spray
7.Old newspapers,Microfiber cloth
8.Emegency glass breaker
I plan to keep a pair of tow rope.Need suggestions as to a good brand

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Old 9th September 2018, 11:44   #75
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I have the following in my Pajero SFX.
1. Tyre inflator
2. Head Lamp, easier to wear it around the forehead then to hold a flashlight.
3. Puncture kit.
4. Spare tyre valves
5. Spare wheel studs and nut
6. Colin.
7. Tow straps with D Shackles
8. 12v to 220v convertor
9. Spare fan belts.
10. Spare air filters.
11. Set of ring spanners.
12. Pliers and other misc tools.
13. Elastic Tie down straps for luggage.
14. Pack of cable ties.
15. Spares cleaning cloth.
16. Brake fluid bottle.

Never had to use any of the above till now. But just to be safe i do carry all of this all the time.

Last edited by Traveler : 9th September 2018 at 11:45.
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