Weapon X Ignition Coil & MSD Ignition Wires
Here is a fact of life; typically only 15% of total chemical energy that is available in fuel (petrol) is used to move your car and rest of the energy is lost through wasted heat, friction and non-burnt fuel. Therefore, despite over 150 years of development, the Internal Combustion Engine is still a highly inefficient machine.
So a spark is a spark, right? All that is required in an engine is for the spark event to happen at the right time to ignite the air fuel charge that will drive piston down and turn the engine over. Whats the big deal about it, right?
Well, not exactly accurate. Firstly, the spark event is extraordinarily brief and complex. A typical spark event is 1/1000th of a second long! The role of a spark plug is to generate a strong enough spark event between the electrodes that has enough energy at a specific time to ignite the air fuel charge.
The electrical spark event starts the ignition process by starting an oxidation event in the fuel particles between the electrodes. Heat generated from this event creates a core of flame. The heat from the core flame then ignites surrounding air fuel mixture and the core of flame expands and spreads the combustion in to the surroundings till such time that it reaches the very edge of the cylinder walls and the squish band.
The job of an ignition coil is to take the low voltage from your car’s battery and transform it to thousands of volts for a brief period of time and supply it to the spark plug in order to create an electrical spark event between the electrodes that will start the ignition process.
“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can be transformed from one form to another” – Law of Conservation of Energy.
This is a fundamental law on which all our understanding of sciences is based. What it tells us is that energy is not for free (in spite of what advocates of perpetual motion machine may want you to believe). You cannot create energy from nothing. To create one type of energy you need to provide energy in one form or another. If we apply this law to the ignition event it tells us that to derive more energy from an event we will need to put in more energy. Therefore, to get more bangs out of the combustion, a spark event that contains more energy is required.
As mentioned in an earlier post, Ford has selected to use a ‘wasted’ spark system for the Duratec. A wasted spark system does away with the complexity of a distributor system. Over here I will take the opportunity to mention that while the ignition system and electrical systems may not be state of the art or even contemporary, they are intelligent and robust designs. For example the Ignition coil is hermetically sealed against all elements and is placed at the top next to the cylinder head. This protects the coil and related wiring from flooding during rains. Similarly, the Siemen’s made ECU unit does not have wiring female socket on the ECU unit like many contemporary ECUs. It has a wiring cable that connects into the ECU and is hermetically sealed into the ECU. The other end of the cable has sockets, which will connect to the corresponding male sockets. The ECU is also completely sealed making it impervious to the elements. Hats off to the Ford/Mazda engineers for their attention to details and the highly robust design of components.
One of the things that I learnt very early in my working career was that product development is largely dictated not by technical abilities of a company, but by the accounts department of the said company. Left to their own devices and given a free hand, engineers will design products to the best of their ability and capability. However, those best efforts are not what the accounts department is interested in. It is interested in developing a product within a budget and within a timeframe. Therefore all production cars and their components are built to a price. That price point dictates that the product meets a certain quality level for the price. In the world of fighter pilots there is a very famous saying: “Remember your weapons and equipment are built by the lowest bidder”. Similarly, the supplier who quoted the lowest cost price for the minimum acceptable quality builds the components of your car.
Therefore, it stands to logic that we can improve the ignition system with better quality of components. I came across Weapon X while I was searching for options to upgrade my bikes. Weapon X has power sports division Takai Racing that makes ignition products for bikes, ATV, Snowmobiles, etc. While expensive, the products are simply the best that you can buy. They are a very serious upgrade. Having experienced their products with my bikes, when it was time to work on the car, the upgrade of ignition system was no brainer.
While many people are skeptical of aftermarket ignition products (and rightly so to a certain extent), let me assure you that Weapon X is the genuine article. The Weapon X EFX Tower coils feature:
1. Smart ignition coil system with TTL level control.
2. Multiple spark discharge.
3. 80,000-volt output.
4. Superior internal RFI/EMI protection circuit.
5. Premium quality conductor selections.
6. Ultra efficient power transfer and design.
7. High RPM capable.
8. OEM mounting and connections.
9. Increased Horsepower (typically 5 – 40 RWHP depending on model).
10. Increased fuel mileage (typically 1 – 2 MPG depending on model).
11. Compatible with Weapon X Ignition Booster system.
WeaponX EFX Tower Coil
Connector (is different from stock)
CNC Machined contacts provide positive locking (takes quite some effort to lock in).
Hermetically sealed against all elements.
Weapon X claims an overall spark efficiency increase of 25% over OEM designed ignition systems and 10% to 20% better engine response and power delivery. Weapon X also claims that its products are based on Formula 1/ IndyCar/ NASCAR applications and learning.
Installation of the tower coil is simple job of swapping out the OEM coil. However we ran into a small hurdle. The OEM Duratec coil uses a smaller and different style socket that the EFX tower coil. Vikram immediately arranged for a larger male socket from a Ford Mondeo and replaced the OEM socket. Once that was done we simply removed the OEM coil and bolted the EFX coil on.
Stock Tower Coil with connector. Note the shape and size of the connector.
WeaponX Tower Coil with Ford Mondeo Style Connector.
We also replaced the OEM ignition wires with MSD ultra low resistance ignition wire. The logic being that the lower the losses in transferring the energy, the greater the energy available for ignition phase. The red MSD wire with SS crimp terminals provides a very solid lock onto the CNC machined terminals on the EFX ignition coil.
MSD Ignition Wires and Connectors being crimped and installed.
Note the placement of the coil next to the Cylinder Head.
MSD Insulation Covers.
Upon starting the engine the first thing that we noticed is that the engine is running really smooth. Also the exhaust tone has become slightly mellowed and smoother than before. Upon taking the car for a spin it was immediately apparent that the car is much more responsive to throttle inputs and is at the sharp end of the spear. These ignition upgrades are good enough to see us through up to phase 3 when we may need to think of radical changes to the system such as installing COP (Coil on Plug) systems. However, for now the upgraded system has provided us with enough performance margins that allow us to look at other areas of improvement and not worry about the ignition system being able to cope up with the additional requirements that the changes would entail.
Bottom line: Quite simply the best ignition components that money can buy on this side of Formula 1/ MotoGp.
Note: We have not installed the Weapon X Plasma Booster at this stage. It is an important upgrade and is worthy of its own post. Therefore we will deal with it in detail at a later stage of the build.
Next: Upgraded Brakes