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Old 28th May 2021, 19:38   #1201
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by navin_v8 View Post
I know about the generic 12V pumps available dime a dozen. But my requirement is that it should be powered by a rechargeable lithium battery
My point of posting the amazon link was that you may try to replace the conked off pump of resqtech washer with one of those. I think these are of similar capacity as resqtech would not probably get the pumps cumtom made. I may be wrong though. The best way to be sure would be to remove the defective pump and check its ratings. You can save a considerable amount of money. And most importantly there is no other established brand other than resqtech, all are Chinese products.
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Old 28th May 2021, 19:51   #1202
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by archat68 View Post
My point of posting the amazon link was that you may try to replace the conked off pump of resqtech washer with one of those. I think these are of similar capacity as resqtech would not probably get the pumps cumtom made. I may be wrong though. The best way to be sure would be to remove the defective pump and check its ratings. You can save a considerable amount of money. And most importantly there is no other established brand other than resqtech, all are Chinese products.
Mate I don't think you are understanding where I am coming from and what I am referring to. The 12V pumps available on Amazon or elsewhere DO NOT WORK ON RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM BATTERY AS THE ORIGINAL RESQTECH PUMP DOES. The 12V pumps you have posted draw power using the usual 12V Cigarette Lighter port AND NOT LITHIUM RECHARGEABLE BATTERY.

If I wanted the pump only to run on 12V cigarette lighter port then I would not have bothered to post my requirements here. I want it run on both the 12V cigarette lighter port AS WELL AS RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM BATTERY AS IN THE ORIGINAL RESQTECH UNIT.

This is the best way that I could explain. Thanks for your inputs but I don't think they fulfill my requirements.

The hunt for a cordless rechargeable pressure washer other than ResQtech continues.
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Old 30th May 2021, 22:35   #1203
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by navin_v8 View Post
Mate I don't think you are understanding where I am coming from and what I am referring to. The 12V pumps available on Amazon or elsewhere DO NOT WORK ON RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM BATTERY AS THE ORIGINAL RESQTECH PUMP DOES. The 12V pumps you have posted draw power using the usual 12V Cigarette Lighter port AND NOT LITHIUM RECHARGEABLE BATTERY.

If I wanted the pump only to run on 12V cigarette lighter port then I would not have bothered to post my requirements here. I want it run on both the 12V cigarette lighter port AS WELL AS RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM BATTERY AS IN THE ORIGINAL RESQTECH UNIT.
Update: Quoting myself. Today being Sunday I did some troubleshooting with the unit. Starting with the 12V Pump. I hooked it directly to a 12V Lead Acid battery to test if was working and it did work. Next thing was to test the on/off toggle switch that turns on/off the unit. I hooked the unit to the charging adapter to test it and the toggle switch worked while I switched it on/off. This means the unit would work as desired from the 12V cigarette lighter port in my car. I tried turning on the unit without it being connected to the charging adapter and the pump struggled for power. The issue was finally diagnosed to the rechargeable lithium battery. To make sure I tested the rechargeable lithium battery using my digital multimeter and there was negligible output. So the solution is to replace the rechargeable lithium battery and the unit will be good to go. A Sunday well spent for a DIY'er.

I am still searching for a more powerful cordless car washer. There is one available from DeWalt which has a pressure of about 550psi. Needless to say, it isn't available in India.

Originally Posted by archat68 View Post
Is the pump12V? If so, it looks like the pump is faulty. But you need to ascertain the battery voltage and it is getting charged fully before you arrive at any conclusion.
If the pump is faulty you can use the following type pump to replace it:

It's even cheaper if you omit the adapter:
Archat thanks mate for your inputs and suggestions.
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Old 10th July 2021, 09:36   #1204
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Re: Review : ResQtech 8 litre pressure/Spray washer

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
Anyway, its basic. Fill it up, pump it up, spray it out.
It has 2 attachments. A VERY soft brush, which kept me engaged with its fluffiness for a bit. Water runs through it, and its VERY good at getting the dust off your car.
Hi Mayank, looking for long term review on the brush. I actually have 14 litre washer and haven't used the brush fretting it may cause swirlmarks. So far, I have used it for running down loose dust with water stream following up with a waterless wash.

This process is time consuming and was wondering if brush can help me finish the task quickly.

Guess using little of ONR will help further in lubrication/less swirl marks. How does your paint hold up after long usage? I'm little finicky since my car is black colored.
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Old 10th July 2021, 19:39   #1205
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

A long time back I had a Bosch pressure washer. My experience was that pressure washing alone is not sufficient: a soft brush or cloth is necessary to remove the greasy layer with embedded dust that covers the car.

I never replaced it when it broke down. We have a pressure pump for our water anyway, and, although a fraction of the jet pressure of the washer, it is sufficient. We keep the pressure pump set at 2 bar, which is about 30 psi. Delivered through a garden spray, it is enough.

Last edited by Gannu_1 : 10th July 2021 at 20:21. Reason: bat > bar.
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Old 11th July 2021, 21:06   #1206
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Please suggest a value for money pressure washer for long term use, with only aim to wash a small car, intend to use it every week, budget under 10k.

There is a slew of generic pressure washwers from company like Aegon, Aimex etc which sells the generic washers imported from china for close to half the price. They have doubtful longevity, hence not keen on those.

Brands like Bosch, Black + Decker, Makita are available but I dont know about their service availability.
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Old 12th July 2021, 12:14   #1207
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

There are a lot of options from Bosch and abundance of cheap Chinese products in the market. But after using the two Bosch models and each of them lasted less than a year switched to STIHL RE88 which did duty for good 4-5 years. Still running but the pressure switch is not working and with time the rubber o-rings have started showing age. Recently bought Karcher K4 compact. Overall comparing Stihl and Karcher, Stihl has got a bit better quality (my personal opinion after firsthand experience). Just been a month since using Karcher will see how it lasts in the long term.

Love to give my cars wash myself once a week. The washer is used to wash two cars one after the other once every week.
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Old 20th July 2021, 21:10   #1208
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

I purchased Bosch Advanced Aquatak 140lb from an authorized dealer in Patna. I was contemplating between Advance series vs Universal Aquatak 130. Universal Aquatak 130 is one of the fast moving model and was readily available around 14K and dealer tried to sell that. Advance series has Induction Motor which is not as noisy as Universal series and of course high pressure and better built. The machine is quite heavy around 17 Kg and bit pricey. I paid around 24K while same was available at Amazon around 28-29K. My advice, if you have access to Bosch Authorized dealer then buy directly from them. They may not have stock but will arrange from Chennai/Pune/Kolkata/Bangalore. They took almost 25 days to get the product and it was well coordinated by Area Sales Manager.On second day of use, I faced some issue and service center has promptly fixed it. In this case also I have got full support from Bosch Area Service Manager.
Primary usage of machine to clean the granite flooring of parking, other walkway and terrace along with 2 cars, 1 motorcycle and 2 scooters. Due to work from home town letting me do all these fun activity which I was dearly missing in Bangalore Apartment.
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Old 20th July 2021, 22:01   #1209
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Is there any good pressure washer capable of running off the 12v outlet, or with an inbuilt battery? Something tested.
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Old 20th July 2021, 22:12   #1210
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
Is there any good pressure washer capable of running off the 12v outlet, or with an inbuilt battery? Something tested.
I feel in this case, you should use conventional method i.e. bucket,mug and microfiber cloth.I believe, two buckets of water should be good enough for body wash.
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Old 20th July 2021, 22:38   #1211
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by DDIS_RE650 View Post
I feel in this case, you should use conventional method i.e. bucket,mug and microfiber cloth.I believe, two buckets of water should be good enough for body wash.
My car's in basement, second level. I hardly think that's a feasible option.
I asked because those things exist, so maybe someone here had used them.
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Old 20th July 2021, 23:19   #1212
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
My car's in basement, second level. I hardly think that's a feasible option.
I asked because those things exist, so maybe someone here had used them.
Searching on this thread will mostly get you the Resqtech branded stuff like this.

I don't remember seeing any other brand (especially ones from the like of Bosch, Karcher etc) sold in India that sells a pressure washer that runs off the 12V outlet.

I have been looking for something like this for the past few years (apartment dweller no water or mains connection) but no luck so far. Didn't pull the trigger on the Resqtech one since it's too expensive for what it offers (personal opinion).

A few weeks back fellow member @Leoshashi did post this thread Maruti launches a new range of pressure washers which has a more economical option - the 90PSI one (the attachments offered seem to differ from the Resqtech one though).
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Old 21st July 2021, 02:02   #1213
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

A 12V power washer will not give you much pressure. Get a proper one that runs off the mains that pumps out a reasonal amount of water and pressure.

I have a 3 cylinder model that gives 60 bar and 450 liters a minute. This is the quietest pressure washer I have seen. This is a local brand but made in China to specs.

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Old 21st July 2021, 18:19   #1214
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

IMHO, residents of any apartment complex in Bangalore should avoid to invest in Pressure Washer.Better stick to person who does car cleaning job in society and get it pressure washed on monthly basis.Pressure washer is suitable for independent house owner who has better access to power plug and water supply.
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Old 21st July 2021, 19:28   #1215
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by DDIS_RE650 View Post
Better stick to person who does car cleaning job in society and get it pressure washed on monthly basis..
While buying a pressure washer is a different decision, asking the regular cleaning job guy to clean your car is a perfect way to ruin the paint in the longrun. Instead its better to stick to monthly washes outside and avoid frequent washing in the way the typical guy in the apartment does with the same cloth and bucket on the entire bunch of cars in the apartment.
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