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Old 26th December 2017, 11:23   #976
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Hey guys, I own a Bosch AQT 35 which I bought around 8 months ago but only used yesterday for the first time(lazy much!).

With the help of YouTube videos and guidance from fellow enthusiasts I've managed to get the basics right, thought I'm left with a few queries which I'd be leaving here for your expert opinions;

1. I've got the Bosch Foam Dispenser for around 500/- and as of now I use 10% foam fluid and 90% water, is this the right means of getting the job done?

2. Can I perform a diesel wash with this? If yes what is the right way of doing it i.e where should the diesel be added.

3. I cannot get 100% of the dirt irrespective of how close I keep the nozzle to the body.

4. If there is any tricks and tips you feel that I should be aware of, please guide me on the same.

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Old 26th December 2017, 16:18   #977
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Originally Posted by ashwinprakas View Post
Hey guys, I own a Bosch AQT 35 which I
1. Use the dilution ratio mentioned in the shampoo. If dilution is 1:100 use 1 ml shampoo in 100 ml water.

2. I don't recommend using diesel thru pressure washer as it's risky. Electricity heat and diesel don't go together.

3. It is not simple dirt then. Try using a snow foam pre wash. If it doesn't work use a bug tar road grime remover. Finally try iron remover. This should make it easy to wash.

4. Mr Google and YouTube have zillion videos on tips and tricks.

Last edited by scopriobharath : 26th December 2017 at 16:19.
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Old 26th December 2017, 16:44   #978
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by ashwinprakas View Post
2. Can I perform a diesel wash with this? If yes what is the right way of doing it i.e where should the diesel be added.
As far as I am aware, unless you have some specific stain to remove, diesel is nothing but bad for paintwork.

Absolutely, though, use your pressure washer for water only

3. I cannot get 100% of the dirt irrespective of how close I keep the nozzle to the body.

4. If there is any tricks and tips you feel that I should be aware of, please guide me on the same.
Nope: they just do not remove everything! My tips...

-- Do not use a narrow high pressure jet: it can damage your car.

-- Use the fan jet at lower pressure (wider fan). Keep it at a low angle to the surface: this will remove stuff more effectively than blasting from above. And is kinder to your paint

-- Personal safety. These things can erode concrete: it is actually quite a dangerous tool!

I never used adapters which are supposed to foam, but know that they get a mixed press. I was never happy with the detergent bottle gadget on my Bosch, but this was about ten years ago. It is some time now since I used one.
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Old 26th December 2017, 18:21   #979
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
As far as I am aware, unless you have some specific stain to remove, diesel is nothing but bad for paintwork.

Absolutely, though, use your pressure washer for water only

Nope: they just do not remove everything! My tips...

-- Do not use a narrow high pressure jet: it can damage your car.

-- Use the fan jet at lower pressure (wider fan). Keep it at a low angle to the surface: this will remove stuff more effectively than blasting from above. And is kinder to your paint

-- Personal safety. These things can erode concrete: it is actually quite a dangerous tool!

I never used adapters which are supposed to foam, but know that they get a mixed press. I was never happy with the detergent bottle gadget on my Bosch, but this was about ten years ago. It is some time now since I used one.
Originally Posted by scopriobharath View Post
1. Use the dilution ratio mentioned in the shampoo. If dilution is 1:100 use 1 ml shampoo in 100 ml water.

2. I don't recommend using diesel thru pressure washer as it's risky. Electricity heat and diesel don't go together.

3. It is not simple dirt then. Try using a snow foam pre wash. If it doesn't work use a bug tar road grime remover. Finally try iron remover. This should make it easy to wash.

4. Mr Google and YouTube have zillion videos on tips and tricks.
Thanks guys. I've learnt quite a lot from your responses, to summarize;

1. Diesel is ineffective and dangerous, the ineffectiveness never crossed my mind as the guys at the water service station use diesel nevertheless debris is present.

2. Washing at an angle has a better impact than washing head on.

3. The foam I use is called Wavex and the bottle says 1:4 so that translated to 25% detergent.

4. Got to know that Foam Shampoo is not all that there is, hence would do some research before making the next purchase.

This coming week would be washing my white car and I'm somewhat excited which is a first for me as I'm not the frequently wash vehicles type.
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Old 26th December 2017, 19:17   #980
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Hey, I have a Karcher basic pressure wash and once in a while use diesel to get toughest muck off the under body and wheel wells. I wet the diesel in rag and wipe on these areas, before blasting the water. Not touching any of the painted surfaces, mind you, or any upper body areas with that. The results are good, especially for tough stains that the alloys catch. Found Sonax shampoo (Buy it from ACE Hardware, Dubai) the best VFM after trying almost every shampoo available on the market. I have achieved a mirror-like glaze finish on the car, and it really shines. On the chrome I'm using good old Turtle products, they're quite good - so is Meg's.

Originally Posted by ashwinprakas View Post
Can I perform a diesel wash with this?
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Old 26th December 2017, 21:10   #981
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by ashwinprakas View Post
Thanks guys. I've learnt quite a lot from your responses, to summarize;

3. The foam I use is called Wavex and the bottle says 1:4 so that translated to 25% detergent.

4. Got to know that Foam Shampoo is not all that there is, hence would do some research before making the next purchase.

This coming week would be washing my white car and I'm somewhat excited which is a first for me as I'm not the frequently wash vehicles type.
1. Diesel is an el-cheapo option to chemicals. This is akin using surf excel vis-a-viz car wash shampoo. Always use branded car cleaning chemicals only.

2. try to wash from top down in a north-south motion and start with the roof and end with the running board.

3. if you are using "wavex snow foam" you need a foamer / foam canon/ foam gun for it. MJJC is available on aliexpress and is around the 1200/- mark incl shipping and customs duties. A snow foam doesnt work best as a detergent. It is basically a pre-wash to lubricate and loosen road dirt and grime.

4. Well, i am not sure about foam shampoo but you could use any car shampoo on the bosch detergent bottle. Shampoo may or may not foam but foam doesnt indicate cleaning power. A low foam may clean better than a high foam. It just the power of the chemical that matters.

while washing a White car just ensure that you arent using any colored foam like pink foam , devil's blood etc as that would ruin your white shade. If you are using standard white foam, its same as washing any other colored car.

For max cleaning try chemicals in the following order. This will ensure we arent using too much chemical for a simple job.

pre wash --> car shampoo --> bug / tar / road grime remover --> Iron remover --> claying/rubbing/polishing/waxing.
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Old 31st December 2017, 14:09   #982
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Re: Resqtech Portable Rechargeable 28 L Electric Car Washer

Originally Posted by wishnipon View Post
I bought this product.
It has been two and a half years since I wrote a review of the Resqtech 28 L portable car washer.

An Update:

All the parts are still intact and the battery is still good.
The spray gun got jammed twice. I could clean it myself with a pin.
I typically end up using 90 litres of water with this washer during each wash where I wash and shampoo not only the car but also wash the mats and tyres.
A fully charged battery is enough to last me a full wash. Only once, I didn't have it fully charged and the battery died in the middle of my washing routine. I had to connect the 12 V power cord to the car's 12 V outlet and complete the washing.
As I had written before, it is a basic car washer with just enough power to lift regular dirt. It can't wash off cakes mud sitting the lower panels of the car.
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Old 2nd March 2018, 13:50   #983
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Does the Karcher K2 have self priming function? I see in some places that they indicate it does but elsewhere I see that K3 has that function. I am planning to get one soon and I wanted to know if it offers the feature. Since I am buying it from Germany, I also have another option of getting a Bosch AQT 33.11. That comes with a foam/soap dispenser as well. Please suggest which is the better one to go for.

Siphoning feature is not a must, since I have a water outlet a little away from the parking lot, but will be preferable.
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Old 3rd March 2018, 02:06   #984
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Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Does the Karcher K2 have self priming function?.
Try to buy a washer with a metal head. My karcher lost pressure with hardly 30-40 uses. It has a head made of plastic and it is unable to withstand the pressure it is expecting to generate. I spent about 14k on my purchase and was not worth it in my opinion. Have not been able to find a service center yet in Chennai (haven't tried recently), when I asked last (2015) from the Bangalore service center was quoted about 5-6k for the head to be replaced.
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Old 3rd March 2018, 14:24   #985
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Got something that smelt like rotting dead rat on one of the wheels the other day. It is times like that when I really really miss a pressure washer! Otherwise... I can happily live without one.
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Old 3rd March 2018, 16:20   #986
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by Sebring View Post
Found Sonax shampoo (Buy it from ACE Hardware, Dubai) the best VFM after trying almost every shampoo available on the market.
I agree. I use Sonax back home in india and love the silky finish it leaves. I bought a big can of Armorall wash here in dxb and its no better than dilute soap water. Ill visit ACE when i get some free time. Currently looking at those 8L priming pressure washers at lulu since we dont have a hose or electric connection in the car park.

Originally Posted by audioholic View Post
Does the Karcher K2 have self priming function? I see in some places that they indicate it does but elsewhere I see that K3 has that function.
The K2 isnt self priming but the k3 is.

Originally Posted by diyguy View Post
Try to buy a washer with a metal head. My karcher lost pressure with hardly 30-40 uses. It has a head made of plastic and it is unable to withstand the pressure it is expecting to generate. I spent about 14k on my purchase and was not worth it in my opinion. Have not been able to find a service center yet in Chennai (haven't tried recently), when I asked last (2015) from the Bangalore service center was quoted about 5-6k for the head to be replaced.
+100!!! I know of 3 k2 pressure washers including mine that had to be thrown out all thanks to a cracked plastic head. It first leaked water an then oil. When i inquired for a replacement part, i was told it would be around 4.3k(pre gst)and it didnt come with warranty.

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Old 16th March 2018, 17:39   #987
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Originally Posted by rreiki View Post
Just wanted to drop a note that I bought a ResQTech Induction Motor Pressure Washer and it arrived today. Its an interesting product because the motor is nice and small and isn't very loud. It also supports a start/stop based on the trigger of the gun. Connectors were easy to connect, though the manual isn't that great. I read a lot about Bosch, Karcher and other brands, but I saw this product which seemed nice, but did not have much info online as its a new product.
Now I just need to go to a place which has a socket as I don't have a socket in my parking. .....
Could you Please provide us the feedback for RSQ-PW102. I am planing to buy one shortly. I am confused as its not that popular brand.
Can u share some video clips of the washer in use? Need to check the how loud is the sound.

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Old 26th June 2018, 11:15   #988
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

I was targeting a Karcher K2 but after going through this thread have decided to buy one with a metal head with a budget of 15-16K tops.
Can someone pl tell me what to buy with the relevant links/place to buy in Bangalore.
PS Also which one would be better w.r.t service/accessory pricing? As I understand this is not a buy & forget kind of product.

Last edited by raihan : 26th June 2018 at 11:26. Reason: Added PS
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Old 1st July 2018, 19:24   #989
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

For a couple of years now I was trying to get hold of a Pressure Washer which makes the life of a automobile enthusiast very easy when it comes to keeping their steeds cleaner.

Till now I was washing my car and bike with 2 bucket method and a few items with the hose which hardly had any pressure. So while searching for the pressure washer there was a automatic choice of getting a Karcher make, something like a Karcher K2 as I had heard quite a lot about it, but still I didn't get into the stage of buying it owing to my apprehensions (or may be fact too) on the high cost of replacement spares and quality of customer care support.

Just a few months back I got to know about the ResQtech pressure washer being good in its quality from people I knew of and did some digging on the brand and the unit itself. This led me to believe that ResQTech is now one of the established players in the Pressure washing products and since they are based out of India, the cost of spares and availability shouldn't be an issue.

After reading some more reviews on Amazon and speaking with the company executive I bit the bullet and got myself the pressure washer which is selling at Rs. 8k on Amazon and also got a foam cannon separately from the company, which costed Rs. 750.

After using it once I can safely say I have made a right choice is getting the ResQTech unit which serves the purpose of car and bike washing, moreover it is quite useful in household cleaning also.

I will just list down what I felt -

+ Pressure washer works as it should and 1700w with 135 bar is more than sufficient for washing vehicles and household cleaning

+ Customer care support is very good. I had received a faulty wheel and just a message to the company executive ensured I get a replacement within couple of days. Thumps up to this.

+ Priming pipe is given as a accessory in the box is very useful when there is no option of connecting running water source. Priming pipe can suck water from the bucket filled with water.

+ Quality of hose pipe and priming pipe are very good

+ Foam cannon serves the purpose of snowing the vehicle sufficiently for the price paid. I would have liked a more thicker paste kind of foam generated by foam cannon like MJJC. When I spoke with the company representative about this he mentioned that they are working on that. Again, MJJC ones costs twice as much than the ResQTech foam canon.

- Plastic quality of the gun should have been better, it doesn't feel as sturdy as I would have liked.

~ Plastic quality of the unit feels good.

While washing my Dominar I observed that for a 3 step washing process it consumes approx upto 30 ltrs of water which includes below process -

# Presure washing bike to remove the top later dirt and accumulated dust etc

# Foaming up the bike using Foam cannon filled with Foam wash concentrate

# Clean up the bike after shampoo wash with pressure wash

Overall I am happy with the ResQtech unit.

That's all for now. I will update if I come across anything more while using it.

Here is a video of Unboxing and fixing of the unit I did if you want to have a look at what accessories and how to assemble it.

Happy washing.


Last edited by KK_HakunaMatata : 1st July 2018 at 19:30.
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Old 11th July 2018, 18:47   #990
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Re: Buying & Using a Pressure Washer

Folks, just bought the AQT 35-12 but the plug is of 16 A. Started searching for more information and came across this wonderful thread.
Unfortunately, I have no 16 A plug close by to wash place (the nearest one is about 40 feet away) and even the heavy duty 16A extension cords available in Amazon are of max 4m length which does not suffice.

Question - Does it need the 16A source or can I use plug adapter and use it with normal 6A source safely? Thanks
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