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Old 31st August 2017, 02:50   #616
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by TB16 View Post
I have seen many Honda Accords/CRVs and Toyota Corollas running on CNG here in Delhi. I think you should go ahead with your decision. IMO there wont be any problem as such. But as you said, get the conversion done from a reputed installer. That makes or breaks the car.
Thx Tb16,

I had to let go of the Accord I had zeroed in
Reason - in Delhi, Cng is not passed to be installed on cars with more than 1.8L capacity engine.

Its a shame I had to let go of such a good condition car, so the search now is on for Civic / Accord with Haryana registration.
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Old 7th September 2017, 17:05   #617
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Looking at the direction of petrol prices, I am seriously considering adding CNG to my 2009 Spark. It was given to me in Feb this year at an odo of 19k kms. Today the odo stands at 24k. Petrol mileage varies depending on traffic, but lets just consider 11 km/l as the city mileage. This is the secondary car home and will be used only in the city. So the boot space is not an issue. Post CNG fitting, I can easily expect the monthly usage to cross 1500 km.

I have two queries-
1. Will fitting CNG on an older car be niggle free?
2. How much will the service intervals reduce by? Currently doing a 10,000 km / 1 yr schedule.

Some figures for the maths -
monthly kms = 1,500 km
petrol price = Rs 79 / litre
CNG kit = Rs 50,000 (just an estimate)

Current per km cost - Rs 7.18 (@ 11 km/litre)
Future per km cost - Rs 3.2 (@ 13 km/kg)
Saving per km ~ Rs 4

Recovery period - 12,500 km or around 8-9 months.
Current fuel expenses - Rs 10,770
Expected CNG expenses - Rs 4800

Welcome for other suggestions. public transport rejected due to crowds in trains and long commute times in buses (2X).
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Old 8th September 2017, 11:02   #618
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by HimuraKenshin View Post
I Know. We had spoken at length last year. You can get the coils checked with a multimeter yourself. Also, i know a few good CNG garages around Vashi, Navi Mumbai.
Can you let us know of a good garage in Vashi/ Navi Mumbai any garage which is good enough to troubleshoot my CNG issue. It's not working properly and the car completely shudders and comes to a stall even when driving rather than at idle as it to happen earlier.

Originally Posted by blackwasp View Post
Looking at the direction of petrol prices, I am seriously considering adding CNG to my 2009 Spark. ...
CNG is good provided if you have a good installer. I am facing some issues with my Civic and now CNG has become kaput after 3 years of usage. I think CNG is justified if you have a annual running of close to 20k kms. Else it would be better to be on petrol.
Some cons of CNG are :
1. Queue's at filling station. My travel time late at night is 50 mins and I have on several occassions waited for 30+ mins just to fill up.
2. You will be needing to refill more frequently on CNG then on Petrol. This will happen if your driving is on the higher side and and also in traffic conditions.
3. If like me you are paranoid of getting the car serviced more due to the CNG fitting you might find yourself visiting the service centers or garages more frequently. Kindly add this as additional cost to maintenance.
4. The car will at first have some niggles some fine tuning will be required for a smooth drive before it gets settled.

My advice to anyone considering CNG is buy a factory fitted one. That is the best bet for CNG. After market kits like mine may not be as troublefree as a factory fitted option.

That being said I am in still two minds of keeping dead weight in my car and contemplating of getting rid of the kit. At 3 years it has served it's purpose but the rising fuel costs is not helping this decision.

Last edited by sumeethaldankar : 8th September 2017 at 11:19.
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Old 8th September 2017, 12:22   #619
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Can you let us know of a good garage in Vashi/ Navi Mumbai any garage which is good enough to troubleshoot my CNG issue. It's not working properly and the car completely shudders and comes to a stall even when driving rather than at idle as it to happen earlier.
Hi Sumeet,
Please visit Kohli motors CNG in vashi. THey are good with their job.
Please PM me your number, will guide you.

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Old 10th September 2017, 22:08   #620
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by dearindia View Post
I got sequential Kit installed from an expert and BRC distributor ( at that time - 2012). I have never in last 5 years faced a single issue with the CNG installation
Hi dearindia,

Please share the details of the installer for the benefit of members of the forum as good CNG installers are hard to find.
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Old 11th September 2017, 18:56   #621
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by yogiii View Post
Hi dearindia,

Please share the details of the installer for the benefit of members of the forum as good CNG installers are hard to find.
Tara Dutt Automobiles in Kotla. Over the past 8 years, I've had 4 cars (Santro, Honda City ZX VTEC, i20 & Amaze) converted to CNG from this installer. All my cars ran trouble free without any problems. Although he might charge a little bit more, but i completely trust this guy.
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Old 22nd September 2017, 02:39   #622
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by yogiii View Post
Hi dearindia,

Please share the details of the installer for the benefit of members of the forum as good CNG installers are hard to find.
Sorry Yogi for replying with delay, The CNG expert I trust is Sanbhav Corporation/ Automobile , its in okhla industrial area , back side of crown plaza hotel. Let me know if you need full address or phone number.
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Old 18th October 2017, 14:25   #623
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Authorised Fitment centres

Originally Posted by yogiii View Post
Please share the details of the installer for the benefit of members of the forum as good CNG installers are hard to find.

Not sure which of these are "Good", but this is the list of Authorised Fitment centres:-

There is also an official list of centers, whose authorization has been cancelled.
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Old 20th October 2017, 10:15   #624
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Happy New Year to everyone.

I am having an issue with the Wagon R (company fitted CNG), the engine growls and protests when accelerating.
The same doesn't happen when driven with petrol.
It has gotten worse now, even when standing at the signal, with the AC on it is making the growling sound.

Any pointers as I feel the fuel injectors are clogged and MASS is not helpful.

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Old 23rd October 2017, 11:42   #625
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by neofromcapone View Post
Happy New Year to everyone.

I am having an issue with the Wagon R (company fitted CNG), the engine growls and protests when accelerating.
The same doesn't happen when driven with petrol.
It has gotten worse now, even when standing at the signal, with the AC on it is making the growling sound.

Any pointers as I feel the fuel injectors are clogged and MASS is not helpful.

Get your cars throttle body cleaning done. Along with that also change the spark plugs and the air filter if you haven't changed them in sometime. My amaze CNG was also running a little rough and i did the above. Now its running quite smoothly.
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Old 24th October 2017, 12:19   #626
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by neofromcapone View Post
I am having an issue with the Wagon R (company fitted CNG), the engine growls and protests when accelerating.
The same doesn't happen when driven with petrol.
It has gotten worse now, even when standing at the signal, with the AC on it is making the growling sound.
Any pointers as I feel the fuel injectors are clogged and MASS is not helpful.
How many kilometers the car has run ?
Have you changed the CNG filters ? There are two filters for CNG which may need replacement.
This is the thread for CNG filters

Next are injectors as you have pointed out.

Last edited by aaggoswami : 24th October 2017 at 12:26.
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Old 15th December 2017, 16:00   #627
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by neofromcapone View Post
Happy New Year to everyone.

I am having an issue with the Wagon R (company fitted CNG), the engine growls and protests when accelerating.
The same doesn't happen when driven with petrol.
It has gotten worse now, even when standing at the signal, with the AC on it is making the growling sound.

Any pointers as I feel the fuel injectors are clogged and MASS is not helpful.

Assuming that your car has run more than 50,000kms on CNG; follow the following steps:-
1) Throttle body cleaning - Do note that the bearing is completely free with '0'play
2) Since you are having OEM fitted kit, get the CNG filter element replaced
3) Finally get the ECU tuning done again from an expert
Note: If your machine is running well at petrol then no need to change spark plugs or anything related to petrol line.
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Old 15th February 2018, 14:39   #628
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by blackwasp View Post
Looking at the direction of petrol prices, I am seriously considering adding CNG to my 2009 Spark. It was given to me in Feb this year at an odo of 19k kms. Today the odo stands at 24k. Petrol mileage varies depending on traffic, but lets just consider 11 km/l as the city mileage. This is the secondary car home and will be used only in the city. So the boot space is not an issue. Post CNG fitting, I can easily expect the monthly usage to cross 1500 km.

I have two queries-
1. Will fitting CNG on an older car be niggle free?
2. How much will the service intervals reduce by? Currently doing a 10,000 km / 1 yr schedule.

Some figures for the maths -
monthly kms = 1,500 km
petrol price = Rs 79 / litre
CNG kit = Rs 50,000 (just an estimate)

Current per km cost - Rs 7.18 (@ 11 km/litre)
Future per km cost - Rs 3.2 (@ 13 km/kg)
Saving per km ~ Rs 4

Recovery period - 12,500 km or around 8-9 months.
Current fuel expenses - Rs 10,770
Expected CNG expenses - Rs 4800

Welcome for other suggestions. public transport rejected due to crowds in trains and long commute times in buses (2X).
Hello blackwasp,

Just wanted to share my experience with CNG, we have it installed on our 2009 Honda City S MT (Not Factory Installed).We got it done in 2012. The car back then used to run around 2-2.5k km a month. It was done by a place that specialised in CNG conversion back then. We have had no issues with regard to any CNG conversion kit related component. We have had ignition coils replaced twice in the past though. The Gas Cylinder was duly cleaned after 3 years which they recommend.

The car just completed 1,50,000 on the odometer last week and is running really smoothly. The current observations in fuel economics of running our Honda in Mumbai are as follows:( Average Running has reduced to less than 800km/month and both my dad and I are really sedate drivers and almost OCD about Tyre Pressure and Optimal Gear Changes)
-AC on at all occasions

Petrol: Type: Regular without additives (Tank full to Tank full method)
City Driving: 11-14 Km/Lt Cost/KM: 5.8 - 7.3 Rs/Km
Highway (Mumbai - Lonavala) - 16-18 Km/lt 4.5-5 Rs/Km

CNG: Tank full to Tank Full at the Same Pressure- (and if not, compensate in calculations with the same ratio)
City: 12-15 KM/KG Cost: 2.9-3.6 Rs/KG
Highway:( Mumbai - Lonavala): 22-24 KM/KG Cost: Rs/KM: 1.8 - 2

Bear in mind on the highway runs we have optimised and identified specific pumps along the way which save us time and also generally don't have lines (multiple options) also we are really light footed especially on the highway and routinely Drive around 75-85 Kmph taking in the sights and sounds of the Mumbai - Pune Expressway.

Last week my measurement relayed 26 Km/Kg or around 1.7 Rs/Km (AC On, Low Traffic)
Consequently our Honda Navi in Mumbai routinely gives 48 Km/Lt at current rates that's 1.68 Rs/Km.

So In nearly Optimal Conditions on the highway our 2009 Honda City MT 1.5 Lt Petrol/CNG can, on its day cost the same as our Moto-Scooter Honda Navi in the city
Ofcourse a bit lopsided and comparing apples to oranges due to city - highway comparison but still feels kinda good.

Ofcourse there are many variables which may or may not suit everyone's use scenario, this is just our specific case so please consider than as well.
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Old 15th February 2018, 14:52   #629
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by SuGarFree View Post
Just wanted to share my experience with CNG, we have it installed on our 2009 Honda City S MT (Not Factory Installed).We got it done in 2012.
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. As of now, I have decided against getting any conversion done in my Spark. I have started commuting in AC bus that picks me right from my home to very close to the office. I can have a nap, read a book and at times even work during this time. Yes, the evening commute stretches a bit, but then driving a car with average speed of 16-20 km/h is no fun - CNG or Petrol.

We also have a commercial WagonR CNG, and the experience has been so smooth on that - It recently crossed 60k kms in about 15 months. I will convert it to white board after it crosses 4 years and use that instead of the Spark. Until then, I have put off the decision to convert to CNG.
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Old 12th May 2018, 13:50   #630
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Need some advice here

Our K Series DZire Petrol has a Sequential CNG kit that was fitted sometime last year. It was working fine till last week.

Now the CEL light randomly appears, the car refuses to accelerate sometimes and also stalls at time. Since I am not in the city, I havent seen it myself and this is all I got from dad.

Both the CNG installer and the Maruti Suzuki guys are unable to find the problem. They say they have checked the ECU logs and the sensors, and everything is ok.

Any pointers?

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