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Old 16th October 2015, 17:14   #571
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Does anyone know of a reliable CNG fitment center in Chembur?
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Old 29th October 2015, 08:45   #572
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Ford Fiesta Goes GREEN..

Hi BHPians,
Its been a long time that I have not posted anything, kind of been buisy with life and all.
Its been quite some time now I have owned a Fiesta 1.6 and people who know fiesta will agree the rising petrol prices hit us much more than anyone else. I was thinking to get CNG fitted in my Fiesta however while researching on TBHP couldn't find the much help needed, as very few fiesta`s are running on CNG in the country(due to non availability of CNG in many cities). So I thought lets give it a shot and if not we will run the car on petrol only , the dealer also agreed to take back the kit if any issues arise after installation , he even said ," Sir, you can pay after a week or two if you are completely satisfied".
So I went ahead and got a TOMESTO CNG Kit installed in the Fiesta. It was a tedious process as it took him almost 7 hours to get the job done. The kit came with advancers and all that was needed. The cost came out to be 25000 Rs, including the fitting, CNG Kit, Tuning and one cylinder full of CNG .
Now the experience after the installation:
- Pickup is not the same as in petrol (we knew this would happen), however not as bad as other CNG cars I have driven(wagonR, CITY, COROLLA)
- Engine sound has changed while running on CNG, its much smoother and quitter on CNG.
- Fuel Economy is much better than on petrol, it gives around 16 to 17 km per Kilo of CNG. Tested 9 Kilo to give out 150.
- No performance issues while running with or without AC, however there is a annoying Fan sound when the car is still and AC is on, the sound goes away when we switch off the AC.
- Running cost has gone down significantly as the CNG is 36Rs/KG in delhi and 42 in Gurgaon.
Overall very satisfied with the installation and will recommend people hesitating to convert to go ahead , but remember you have to get a sequential kit installed as regular one is known to have issues with FORD cars.

Last edited by garry.brant : 29th October 2015 at 08:51.
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Old 3rd November 2015, 11:05   #573
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by ptaneja View Post
This looks more likely ignition coils, or mis-configured CNG kit. eplaced if needed.
2. Spark Plugs - get t

Thumb Rule - dont check the misfirings in CNG, make sure car runs smoothly on Petrol first. Unless that is fixed, CNG will amplify it 5 times.
So I changed one coil which wasn't working. However the jerking still exists. We checked the other coils to see if they generate a spark in the plug and yes they work. Spark plugs are 3k km old so i think they should be good.
What else can we do to ensure that car runs smooth?

It is to a point that it become embarrassing if someone else drives and the car jerks violently till you press the clutch, rev a little and then go.

Mechanic says something TIPET setting can help. Will it?
Also, Can the clutch cause this? Since the only way to get rid of it when it jerks is by pressing the clutch and pick up with a little rev.

Need help guys! Pls provide suggestions.

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Old 3rd November 2015, 11:57   #574
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by vorajay View Post
So I changed one coil which wasn't working. However the jerking still exists. We checked the other coils to see if they generate a spark in the plug and yes they work. Spark plugs are 3k km old so i think they should be good.
What else can we do to ensure that car runs smooth?

It is to a point that it become embarrassing if someone else drives and the car jerks violently till you press the clutch, rev a little and then go.

Mechanic says something TIPET setting can help. Will it?
Also, Can the clutch cause this? Since the only way to get rid of it when it jerks is by pressing the clutch and pick up with a little rev.

Need help guys! Pls provide suggestions.


Oh yes, TAPET setting can be tried out. 30 mins job, and I had done mine atleast 3/4 times in long 1 Lakh kms of CNG driving. For me specifically, it helped the car start in cold weather in the morning - earlier I had to give multiple attempts to fire it. Tapet adjustment is ofcourse required.
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Old 5th December 2015, 11:51   #575
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

I have a 2007 SX4 which was installed with a CNG kit(Not Sequential) in 2011. I recently learnt driving and I have noticed an issue while driving the car in CNG. Whenever I am starting off from a complete stop, in first gear, while engaging the clutch,the car vibrates as it reaches the biting point. Sometimes, especially on minute inclines, if I dont give accelerator it stalls too. The vibration is less when i rev the car a little( to 1.5k RPM) and it is barely noticeable when driven on petrol. So is this a common issue in CNG cars due to Power/Torque loss or should I get it tuned/checked up?

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Old 16th December 2015, 10:40   #576
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by carboy View Post
I was wondering if anyone has done a deconversion - i.e. remove the CNG fittings and turn the car back into a pure petrol. I don't drive much these days and it's not worth the trouble of going to a CNG pump and getting it filled etc and also losing the convenience of the dickie.
Has anyone done this?
Did you get the kit removed ? What was the procedure ?
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Old 19th December 2015, 21:12   #577
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by sumeethaldankar View Post
Did you get the kit removed ? What was the procedure ?
Yeah, I got it removed. I had to pay some small charge to them. They have the tank and other stuff with them now. They said they will try to sell it & give me some part of whatever the buyer pays.
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Old 20th December 2015, 12:04   #578
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Re: Ford Fiesta Goes GREEN..

Originally Posted by garry.brant View Post
Overall very satisfied with the installation and will recommend people hesitating to convert to go ahead , but remember you have to get a sequential kit installed as regular one is known to have issues with FORD cars.
Ford cars run perfectly fine with cng kits, there is a general misconception amongst most cng installers and the general public that Ford engines don't work well with cng, which is complete nonsense and has no logic whatsoever! I've got a sequential cng kit installed on my Ecosport Automatic and it's working perfectly fine with NO power loss or difference in running.
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Old 20th December 2015, 14:33   #579
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Originally Posted by garry.brant View Post
Hi BHPians,
Its been a long time that I have not posted anything, kind of been buisy with life and all.
Its been quite some time now I have owned a Fiesta 1.6 and people who know fiesta will agree the rising petrol prices hit us much more than anyone else. I was thinking to get CNG fitted in my Fiesta however while researching on TBHP couldn't find the much help needed, as very few fiesta`s are running on CNG in the country(due to non availability of CNG in many cities). So I thought lets give it a shot and if not we will run the car on petrol only , the dealer also agreed to take back the kit if any issues arise after installation , he even said ," Sir, you can pay after a week or two if you are completely satisfied".
So I went ahead and got a TOMESTO CNG Kit installed in the Fiesta. It was a tedious process as it took him almost 7 hours to get the job done. The kit came with advancers and all that was needed. The cost came out to be 25000 Rs, including the fitting, CNG Kit, Tuning and one cylinder full of CNG .
Now the experience after the installation:
- Pickup is not the same as in petrol (we knew this would happen), however not as bad as other CNG cars I have driven(wagonR, CITY, COROLLA)
- Engine sound has changed while running on CNG, its much smoother and quitter on CNG.
- Fuel Economy is much better than on petrol, it gives around 16 to 17 km per Kilo of CNG. Tested 9 Kilo to give out 150.
- No performance issues while running with or without AC, however there is a annoying Fan sound when the car is still and AC is on, the sound goes away when we switch off the AC.
- Running cost has gone down significantly as the CNG is 36Rs/KG in delhi and 42 in Gurgaon.
Overall very satisfied with the installation and will recommend people hesitating to convert to go ahead , but remember you have to get a sequential kit installed as regular one is known to have issues with FORD cars.
Hey Garry,

I wish you would have tried it earlier. I sold mine because it was not compatible with CNG. I spoke to few CNG tuners and they also suggested to avoid using CNG in it. Anyways, I have better plans now. Hope you have a trouble free ownership with the car.

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Old 6th February 2016, 20:22   #580
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by nishantbhatia84 View Post
Have you converted ur car to CNG? If yes, how's the performance / mileage and have you faced any issues for far?
Hi, I Have not yet converted. Its is some time I lost track of events on this form, as I lost interest tracking the same. But your post makes me rethink the process, as I see you have reported EcoSport AT you were happy about the conversion. Can you help me with the person who did your job & refer me to him if possible.I am from Mumbai west Malad East to be precise. Cause EcoSport AT & my car the engine & transmission are the same except few improvements on the lever etc. Can I see your EcoSport my number is 9920262029 can we talk.
Regds, Satya
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Old 15th February 2016, 01:11   #581
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by nimit3105 View Post
I have a 2007 SX4 which was installed with a CNG kit(Not Sequential) in 2011. I recently learnt driving and I have noticed an issue while driving the car in CNG. Whenever I am starting off from a complete stop, in first gear, while engaging the clutch,the car vibrates as it reaches the biting point. Sometimes, especially on minute inclines, if I dont give accelerator it stalls too. The vibration is less when i rev the car a little( to 1.5k RPM) and it is barely noticeable when driven on petrol. So is this a common issue in CNG cars due to Power/Torque loss or should I get it tuned/checked up?

Get it tuned. Ideally SX4 is better with sequential kits. You should consider upgrading the kit.
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Old 26th February 2016, 19:28   #582
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by nik0502 View Post
Hey Garry,

I wish you would have tried it earlier. I sold mine because it was not compatible with CNG. I spoke to few CNG tuners and they also suggested to avoid using CNG in it. Anyways, I have better plans now. Hope you have a trouble free ownership with the car.

Hi Nikhil ,
I sold mine too. Driving an Estilo these days. Will upgrade to an I20 or Jazz in few days.
Congrats on acquiring the Civic.
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Old 26th February 2016, 19:34   #583
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Re: Ford Fiesta Goes GREEN..

Originally Posted by nishantbhatia84 View Post
Ford cars run perfectly fine with cng kits, there is a general misconception amongst most cng installers and the general public that Ford engines don't work well with cng, which is complete nonsense and has no logic whatsoever! I've got a sequential cng kit installed on my Ecosport Automatic and it's working perfectly fine with NO power loss or difference in running.
I didnt know you guys had CNG in Mumbai.
These are some misconceptions that people have made and most affected are people like you and me , who like these cars.
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Old 27th February 2016, 04:07   #584
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Originally Posted by garry.brant View Post
Hi Nikhil ,
I sold mine too. Driving an Estilo these days. Will upgrade to an I20 or Jazz in few days.
Congrats on acquiring the Civic.
Thanks Bro,

And cheers for your new ride.
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Old 23rd March 2016, 21:37   #585
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by HimuraKenshin View Post
10000Kms, not required prior to that.

I have this problem with my CNG Civic. There are occasional jerks while accelerating and when the car is driven in heavy traffic conditions it starts to shudder and stall at idle. This happens only after say half n hour of traffic driving It happens rarely when the car is driven on open roads. The problem seems to go away if i drive the car in petrol for several kms but comes back after driving in traffic.

Honda has checked the coils and plugs and same were found to be ok. Throttle body was cleaned around 3 to 4 k kms ago. The kit is a lovato sequential kit. Any pointers to the problem.I am using oe spark plugs.

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