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Old 19th August 2014, 22:12   #466
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by a4amish View Post
@StrangeWizard - I would highly recommend Suraj AutoGas for your new CNG Kit installation.
CNG Kit installed by this local vendor Shivam NX @ Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai.
Hey, i too went to suraj autogas. I have visited shivam NX as well, but the owner has a hige ego problem and speaks as though he holds a mechanical enginerring degree from MIT.
My car was not giving satisfactory mileage so i took it to him. I do not know how to tune the manual CNG kits, as the advancers used here have a few potentiometers but no port for programming to adjust the timing curve. Anyway, long story short, when i came back affer a few hours, i saw that the CEL was on, and i spoke the guy, he claimed that the emulator was not working, and that was causing the drop in mileage. I told him that if the emulator wasn't working, the CEL would have been on,and the car wouldn't work. I had carried my OBDII scanner, so i connected it , and i saw that they had messed around with the wiring of the MAP sensor and the MAP sensor reading dropped to 0 during operation on gas (o petrol it was fine). I listened to his rambling and then after a while broke ito him that worked for Citroen and know a thing or 2 about cng.

i would not recommend Shivam NX.

Do let me know what your experience was

I stay in Navi Mumbai as well, so if you need any help with CNG, let me know! cheers
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Old 19th August 2014, 22:14   #467
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by nazimk24 View Post
Hi friends,

How can I obtain this MGL receipt. Also, will the metal plate be mailed along with my new endorsed RC book or is that procured separately?
You would need to submit a set of the CNG documents to the MGL booth at the RTO at which your car is registered, he will give youa temporary paper recipt, and the plate should come in a few weeks, You will have to go to this same fellow who will rivet the plate into the subframe of your car.
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Old 19th August 2014, 23:38   #468
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by HimuraKenshin View Post
Hey, i too went to suraj autogas. I have visited shivam NX as well, but the owner has a hige ego problem and speaks as though he holds a mechanical enginerring degree from MIT.
i would not recommend Shivam NX.

Do let me know what your experience was

I stay in Navi Mumbai as well, so if you need any help with CNG, let me know! cheers
I definitely need to connect with you but don't know how as still am a Newbie on Team-BHP and it carries a lot of restrictions for newbies especially with the private messages. I cannot send any private messages to members unless I meet with a specific count of posts on the forum. I am in no rush and don't believe in Spamming either as that's very unprofessional.

With all due respect @Moderators, Am I allowed to write a message here to connect with the fellow member at a particular time and place so that I can resolve my ongoing CNG problems of my Car? Please let me know so that I can write the next message here with Date, Time and Location details to meet.
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Old 19th August 2014, 23:57   #469
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by vorajay View Post
Have you still not got a resolution of your problem. Did visiting suraj gas help in any ways?
Still the car jerks insanely when AC is on and even on the 2nd Gear it jerks. Don't know what to do mate.
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Old 20th August 2014, 00:50   #470
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by a4amish View Post
Still the car jerks insanely when AC is on and even on the 2nd Gear it jerks. Don't know what to do mate.
Take it to Dashmesh since you're from that area.
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Old 20th August 2014, 01:35   #471
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by straight6 View Post
Take it to Dashmesh since you're from that area.
Can you please help me with Point of Contact at Dashmesh and their Navi Mumbai Address Sir?
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Old 20th August 2014, 06:37   #472
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Hi friends,

I have converted my WagonR Vxi (2012 model) to CNG by Fortune in N. Mumbai. There is no problem to the running of the car, however there is a peculiar issue. The car would dimply stall when I turn on the AC an that to using the 1-2-3 gears, on higher gears - no issue at all. When asked - the fortune owner and the mechanic told me that 3 cylinder engines do have some issues when the AC is on.
Anyone with this type of problem in their car - how to overcome this. Please suggest.
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Old 20th August 2014, 09:06   #473
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by a4amish View Post
I definitely need to connect with you but don't know how as still am a Newbie on Team-BHP .....
Mate just drop me an email on
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Old 20th August 2014, 09:12   #474
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by straight6 View Post
Take it to Dashmesh since you're from that area.
The Dashmesh guys dont work on cars that they haven't installed kits on themselves... weird, i know..
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Old 20th August 2014, 09:20   #475
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by preetamkabra View Post
Hi friends,
When asked - the fortune owner and the mechanic told me that 3 cylinder engines do have some issues when the AC is on.
Anyone with this type of problem in their car - how to overcome this. Please suggest.
That's utter rubbish that the installer has told you. When installed correctly, CNG should run the exact same as petrol. I see numerous 3 cylinder santros and wagonr air conditioned taxis. None of them stall. The taxi drivers would go crazy if their taxis stalled.
Please give me some details about your kit.
Open loop/ close loop or sequential.
Of the top of my head, this seems like a tuning problem, or a problem with the IFCD (idle fast control device)module.

Most methane reducers have 2 screws on them, 1 is for idle control and the other is for sensitivity of the reduction pressure. 99% of all the installers think that both of these screws are for idle control, but in fact the sensitivity screw has everything to do with stalling of the car and flat spots during carburetion.
Do post some detailed pictures of your engine bay and the components installed, i'll try and guide you.. cheers
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Old 20th August 2014, 11:36   #476
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by HimuraKenshin View Post

Most methane reducers have 2 screws on them, 1 is for idle control and the other is for sensitivity of the reduction pressure. 99% of all the installers think that both of these screws are for idle control, but in fact the sensitivity screw has everything to do with stalling of the car and flat spots during carburetion.
Do post some detailed pictures of your engine bay and the components installed, i'll try and guide you.. cheers
The reducer which you are mentioning should be there in open or closed loop.I don't think it will be there in sequential kit. Just wanted to understand what are the ways of tuning the sequential kit? If it's ECU based then the values can't be changed during running as they are set in ecu till and until we change the value in ECU, which ideally should get changed only by connecting a laptop or some other device.Want to know other than cleaning plugs and air filter what exactly is tune up or servicing in sequential kit?
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Old 20th August 2014, 12:50   #477
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by saurabhkum View Post
The reducer which you are mentioning should be there in open or closed loop.I don't think it will be there in sequential kit. Just wanted to understand what are the ways of tuning the sequential kit? If it's ECU based then the values can't be changed during running as they are set in ecu till and until we change the value in ECU, which ideally should get changed only by connecting a laptop or some other device.Want to know other than cleaning plugs and air filter what exactly is tune up or servicing in sequential kit?
you are correct, the main difference in the reducers for open/close loop and sequential is the number of reduction stages. By reduction i mean pressure reduction stages. Most good reducers for venturi use (read: open loop/close loop) have a three or four stage pressure reduction design, on the other had most sequential multi point injection reducers have 1 or 2 stages of reduction. This is because the CNG gas injection rail needs a higher pressure gas to operate.
You are mistaken about one point though, sequential reducers also have 1 screw on them, this screw is not for idle adjustment, but in fact for regurgitating the reduction rate. This screw is connected to a spring that applies force on a diaphragm thereby increasing or decreasing the rate of gas reduction. This screw can be adjusted without the help of a laptop, and infact this is one of the few things that has to be adjusted manually.

Servicing of a sequential kit would include:
  1. Cleaning of the gas injectors,
  2. Cleaning off the injector rail
  3. Checking solenoid valves
  4. replacing CNG filter
  5. Checking the MAP sensor wiring/readding, crankshaft position sensor wiring/reading, bank 1 o2 sensor wiring/reading, throttle position sensor wiring/reading.
  6. Tuning of a sequential kit should also involve adjusting the timing curve for better fuel economy and performance.
I have mentioned all the things that need to and should be done. But as i mentioned earlier, 99% of the installers wont do it. all they do is clean and gap the plugs, blow out dust from the air filter, check for leaks, that's it.
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Old 20th August 2014, 22:01   #478
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Originally Posted by HimuraKenshin View Post
Servicing of a sequential kit would include:
  1. Cleaning of the gas injectors,
  2. Cleaning off the injector rail
  3. Checking solenoid valves
  4. replacing CNG filter
  5. Checking the MAP sensor wiring/readding, crankshaft position sensor wiring/reading, bank 1 o2 sensor wiring/reading, throttle position sensor wiring/reading.
  6. Tuning of a sequential kit should also involve adjusting the timing curve for better fuel economy and performance.
I have mentioned all the things that need to and should be done. But as i mentioned earlier, 99% of the installers wont do it. all they do is clean and gap the plugs, blow out dust from the air filter, check for leaks, that's it.
Wow. This is great information. Ideally how much time should this kind of service take? Also what should be the frequency of such servicing and cost involved? Which Cng filter needs to be changed as my car has done around 30k kms on Cng and haven't changed it yet.
Have not heard this kind of detailed service by any of the Cng user in Mumbai. Does anyone knows which all places this kind of service being offered in Mumbai?
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Old 20th August 2014, 22:24   #479
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Re: Advice on CNG Conversion

Originally Posted by saurabhkum View Post
. Ideally how much time should this kind of service take? Also what should be the frequency of such servicing and cost involved? Which Cng filter needs to be changed as my car has done around 30k kms on Cng and haven't changed it yet.
Have not heard this kind of detailed service by any of the Cng user in Mumbai. Does anyone knows which all places this kind of service being offered in Mumbai?
I was dis satisfied with the CNG installers here so i ended up going for a CNG training workshop organised by AEB in italy. (AEB is the parent company of lovato)
technically the CNG filter should be in between the reducer and the CNG rail. It would look like an aluminum soft drink can. Ive sadly seen quite a few CNG installs without the filter. The CNG compressors that MGL sues are not maintained well and hence a lot of compressor oil and contaminants are present in the gas.
The CNG system in a car is basically a sealed system, so all that i mentioned only needs to be looked at say once in 25000 kms or so.

I service most of the components of the car myself.
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Old 20th August 2014, 22:55   #480
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Originally Posted by HimuraKenshin View Post
I was dis satisfied with the CNG installers here so i ended up going for a CNG training workshop organised by AEB in italy. (AEB is the parent company of lovato)
technically the CNG filter should be in between the reducer and the CNG rail. It would look like an aluminum soft drink can. Ive sadly seen quite a few CNG installs without the filter. The CNG compressors that MGL sues are not maintained well and hence a lot of compressor oil and contaminants are present in the gas.
The CNG system in a car is basically a sealed system, so all that i mentioned only needs to be looked at say once in 25000 kms or so.

I service most of the components of the car myself.
Great. Any recommended place for getting the service done. Also have sent you a pm.
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