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Old 28th April 2011, 11:02   #31
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

Some WIP pics of Vinyl flooring my Vista.

I totally agree that it is easy to clean, and makes good sense in Kerala at least - where rains are a plenty, but floods are not that bad.
But on the other hand, it does looks utilitarian, and I some how, cannot really justify the usage. As @moralfibre said, I now prefer replacing my OEM carpet after few years of use than putting vinyl on the floor.

That is why I politely declined the dealer's offer to do the vinyl free for my next car.
Attached Thumbnails
PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination-p1220083.jpg  

PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination-p1220084.jpg  

PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination-p1220085.jpg  

PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination-p1220086.jpg  

PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination-p1220087.jpg  

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Old 28th April 2011, 11:05   #32
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

Originally Posted by theexperthand View Post
Some WIP pics of Vinyl flooring my Vista.

I totally agree that it is easy to clean, and makes good sense in Kerala at least - where rains are a plenty, but floods are not that bad.
But on the other hand, it does looks utilitarian, and I some how, cannot really justify the usage. As @moralfibre said, I now prefer replacing my OEM carpet after few years of use than putting vinyl on the floor.

That is why I politely declined the dealer's offer to do the vinyl free for my next car.
why dont you post one of the finished work?
I think because of the coordinated colors. yours might have come out better.

Edit: saw you installation pictures below.
See, its hardly noticeable, the vinyl, that is.

Last edited by mayankk : 28th April 2011 at 11:23.
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Old 28th April 2011, 11:08   #33
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

Originally Posted by sharma_sanjeevi View Post
Thanks JK for the informative thread.

Where can i get it done in Mumbai, i am talking about the Material which is used in "Naveen Raju's" car. The one which i enquired was a Cheap transparent material and that too they asked for Rs. 1800/- for a Chevrolet Spark, which i am planning to buy for my Wife.

Can anyone from Mumbai guide me to a good shop where the same material can be found ? Suggestions needed.
You can find these vinyls in furnishing cloth dealing shops and they are selling in a very moderate price than the accessory shops. Even you can ask any upholstery shop guy to install the same after procuring it.

Originally Posted by rajivanoj View Post
@ sajjt Thank you for your information, it was much helpful, please post the picture soon, i am waiting to see it, since it is an DIY, and I can also try as DIY, i am interested in DIY's but what vinyl you suggest? thinner or thicker? Since thinner can be easily shaped without wrinkles, but thicker is tough to get into shape. thats my opinion.

My person quoted Rs.1500 for interior and boot vinyl, as your quote it might save me Rs.500. which i can use it for some other useful things.
Give me 2 days time to clean my car, its dirty with full of beach sand. If you have time and patience its just a DIY thingy else, you can ask the upholstery guy to fix it, so that it will be a clean fit.

Too much thickness is not required for a car like in a traveller or in bus where lot of traffic is occurred. Wafer thin sheets will develop cracks easily and makes it useless. So I would say medium thickness will be the ideal and the folds and joints will be more neat and compact with these. Most of the dealer fitted vinyls are too thin as they look better but I've seen the cracks on them very fast.

I've even seen the thick cut sheets of vinyls are being used in taxi cabs as its easy to take it out fully for cleaning.

Originally Posted by moralfibre View Post
I would let me original carpet take abuse for 2-3 years and then replace it. It doesn't cost a bomb to replace your OE carpet. Vinyl looks quite cheap IMO.
To be honest, how often will you change your OE carpet? Of course you can give it for shampoo wash but is that practical after every ride? Cleaning frequency depends on the road and climatic conditions where you drive. Here we have to take care of the mud, dust and not to mention sand which is obvious and all these can be cleaned in a breeze once you use this. I don't think its possible to clean a OE carpet every rainy ride but here you can clean it with just a wiping mop or even with a damp cloth. No more foul smell or fungal activity like in a carpet and that's what I think primary than the appeal. But once you use this vinyl you'll know what I meant and will change your opinion in no time.

BTW, Its not fair to compare a carpet and a vinyl as its like comparing PU upholstery with leather. You have to sacrifice something here to be practical and I know its purely subjective.

Last edited by sajjt : 28th April 2011 at 11:13.
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Old 28th April 2011, 11:21   #34
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

@mayankk: I have put mats over the vinyl, so the vinyl is not that much visible. I have two snaps with me at present, sorry for the bad quality.

I will try to get some snaps and post them - at present, the car is with my dad, @ my native.
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PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination-p1120059.jpg  

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Old 28th April 2011, 13:48   #35
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

Originally Posted by sajjt View Post
You can find these vinyls in furnishing cloth dealing shops and they are selling in a very moderate price than the accessory shops. Even you can ask any upholstery shop guy to install the same after procuring it.
Thanks for the information buddy. I enquired at the Clothing / Flooring shops, they quoted Rs. 13/- PSF for the Vinyl of my choice. Which seems Good.

Now, have to search for a guy who can fix the Vinyl in the Car.
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Old 28th April 2011, 13:50   #36
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

The feel of the carpet in the car is no way comparable the the vinyl sheets! Cars are made for us and not the other way round. Please don't deprive yourselves of the carpeted floors in the car. The lamination looks cheap and tacky as compared to the premium carpet material.

Enjoy the original carpets that you've paid for ! The vinyl lamination would only ensure that the next person who owns the car gets the car in as close to showroom condition as possible. (This is similar to most car owners who have immediately put aftermarket seat covers and never end up knowing what the original seats felt like!)

P.S: I guess the vinyl "lamination" also might get damaged/dirty - so how do we protect this ? Another layer of cheaper lamination ?

Last edited by techn0l0gist : 28th April 2011 at 13:53.
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Old 28th April 2011, 14:31   #37
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

Originally Posted by vivekji05 View Post

This has been in existence in tempo travellers and tata sumos rolling out of most paravur master craftmen's (rumored to be the best in the state) garages for ages. It's only that now the accessories shops have started doing this.

And what makes you interested in this? Is it available in RED ?
Hehe, no red one! I went to get floor mat and ended up with this (and floor mat)

Originally Posted by naveen.raju View Post
Going for this has made my job easier. Cleaning is much better but as mentioned, it's got the cheap look. I have placed OEM rubber mats on top of this to hide them. Although visible, it's much better now.
Originally Posted by moralfibre View Post
I would let me original carpet take abuse for 2-3 years and then replace it. It doesn't cost a bomb to replace your OE carpet. Vinyl looks quite cheap IMO.
Easier to maintain like Naveen said. You dnt have to be worried if a part get dirty. With the type of climate/dirt/soil, this is easy to maintain.
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Old 28th April 2011, 14:37   #38
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

I was just thinking, and since someone mentioned spilling beer in their car.

there is no "soak" factor here, eh?
sooooo, if you manage to up-end an open bottle of water /etc, wont you have it all all sloshing around?
i mean, it's not going to get absorbed anywhere, is it?
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Old 28th April 2011, 15:17   #39
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

This vinyl flooring has become a hot favorite at accessory and upholstery shops in Kerala. Almost all taxis (Ambys, Innovas, Scorpios, Sumos and the likes) get this done up and works wonderfully for them. Cleaning is easy and the floor looks neat.
But in case of private vehicles and for folks who drive with A/C 90% of the time, I don't think its of any much use. Not to say about water seepage related issues. In case, any of those floor grommets give away and water seeps in, you wouldn't realise until some serious damage has already been done.
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Old 28th April 2011, 15:32   #40
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

Originally Posted by techn0l0gist View Post
The feel of the carpet in the car is no way comparable the the vinyl sheets! Cars are made for us and not the other way round. Please don't deprive yourselves of the carpeted floors in the car. The lamination looks cheap and tacky as compared to the premium carpet material.

Enjoy the original carpets that you've paid for ! The vinyl lamination would only ensure that the next person who owns the car gets the car in as close to showroom condition as possible. (This is similar to most car owners who have immediately put aftermarket seat covers and never end up knowing what the original seats felt like!)

P.S: I guess the vinyl "lamination" also might get damaged/dirty - so how do we protect this ? Another layer of cheaper lamination ?
Dude, the vinyl is used for ease of cleaning the floor not to preserve the floor material. I hope now you got the intention
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Old 28th April 2011, 15:57   #41
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

Some how i feel using Vinyl flooring on cars is like using plastic cover on TV remote. And yes if water or any water vapors gets stuck inside vinyl it will stay for long time and bottom will go in rust. It might look no water can go, but there will be cuts in future and also places where seat bolts are fixed will be prone for water to get inside.
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Old 28th April 2011, 16:48   #42
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

I saw a BMW (rented by my office) had a beautiful transparent cover over its complete carpet which had good grip also. I will try to find out if possible where and how to get it done and report back to this forum.

If any of you have seen such a thing please let us know.
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Old 28th April 2011, 18:53   #43
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

I had done the Vinyl covering for both my previous cars, alto and i10. Am planning to do the same to my current car also, the Vista.

I had found it quite useful, especially during the rainy season. The original floor was quite difficult to clean, you just can't completely remove the dust. With the covering things are much better. Only thing is, you have to get rubber mats with sufficient grip.
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Old 28th April 2011, 19:37   #44
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

I had put similar mat for my VW polo and it makes it very easy for me to clean the floor, specially in the rainy seasons...
And it is laid so well that even if you pour a cup of coffee/cola on the mat from within, you can wipe it off from the floor...

But the discussion about water splashing into the interiors from the bottom of the car haunts me of causing any damage to the body of the car...
Is there any possibilities that water splashes into the floor from the bottom of the car?
I doubt it could happen, atleast in in VW where the interiors are tailored so well...
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Old 28th April 2011, 21:12   #45
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Re: PICS : Car floor vinyl & lamination

@ sajjt

Did you fix single whole sheet inside cabin without cutting into 2-3 pieces for front and rear? or fixed by cutting seperately for driver seat, and rear, and co-passenger seat as they do in vista in the above picture?
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