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View Poll Results: Which car for a 25-year old?
New 340i 175 65.30%
Used Mustang 93 34.70%
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Old 7th July 2021, 19:58   #46
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Get the mustang. The modification possibilities are endless and cheap, and it is a well-known platform. Getting an interesting car is one thing, but then personalizing it yourself is an entirely different (and new) thing, and I am certain you will want to explore the world of customization. Be it suspension (sway bars, stiffer springs, air-ride), engine maps, or aesthetic upgrades, there will be tons that you would be able to do, and at a wide range of budget options. The M340i will never give that to you anytime soon.

The Mustang is no longer a straight-line car. A well-spec'ed mustang beats many agile Subaru WRXs and M2s at an AutoX session (a car event all about agility).

The NA V8 will be much easier to work than a turbo straight 6.

The in-car entertainment can be upgraded to a much modern one, so you're not gonna be too far off in terms of tech.

One last thing, just watch out for those curbs.
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Old 7th July 2021, 20:27   #47
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Plain and simple - Get the Mustang!
Sleepers would seem boring at your age, and sooner than not you'll regret not getting the Mustang. Hence!
Plus it'll get you more "likes per mile" ��
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Old 7th July 2021, 22:04   #48
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Haven't driven any of them, but for sure the Mustang poster on my bedroom wall and in my garage too, you are getting a chance to own a V8, these big engines are on the way out globally and in our country even less chances of them being available.

At your age, I would suggest the Mustang, don't miss out on it. Mustang will be abuse friendly and probably you can keep for long as well if you wanted.
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Old 7th July 2021, 22:37   #49
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

I will suggest you to retain your Endeavour 3.2 as you no more get it and its a great SUV to have. You can sell the Thar and get the Mustang or any other fast BMW (530d, M340i) within your budget.
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Old 8th July 2021, 01:50   #50
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT


You can always own a BMW but the experience of owning a muscle car surely outweighs few significant advantages the 340i brings for you as other bhpians have already advised (my personal opinion). I haven’t driven or even seen one in person but if I’d those monies with me, I’d mostly put it on mustang because of its uniqueness. You still have a lot of time to own a 4 door German but I’d say just take a deep breath and hear the mustang roar! You’ll make good memories with the car for sure
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Old 8th July 2021, 08:10   #51
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Some very interesting suggestions here coupled with some very thought-provoking/intriguing rationale.

Having driven both the M340 Xi and the Mustang with the 5 ltr engine & stick shift; these are both very different cars. Mustang is a sledgehammer while the Beamer is a scalpel.

However, I would like to clarify some member's perceptions that the current generation Mustang is a poor handler. In fact, I would even say that this Mustang can keep up with the Beamer on the Nurburgring 7 days a week.

But then this is not a debate about handling or straight-line acceleration etc.

This is partly about which car sets your heart racing; let's face it you'll get to own many cars in your life and this by no means is your last car. The Beamer is likely to get lost in horde almost similar-looking cars (how many can really differentiate the M340i from the plain vanilla 3 Series) while no one can mistake the Mustang for anything else.

Yes, Mustang has its share of rough edges and no doubt that the Beamer is a much more polished product (Mustang is a denim jacket while the Beamer is a tuxedo); each time you sit in the cockpit of the Mustang, it will put a smile on your face in anticipation. Just a word of caution; while Mustang has a neck-snapping acceleration you will feel every imperfection on the asphalt while the Beamer has a much more cushy ride therefore easier to live with from a long-term ownership perspective.

Please do take into account the kind of roads that you will be driving the car on before you pull the trigger.

If Mustang is not going to be the only car in your stable then go for it. If not then you will not regret driving the BMW.

Good luck!

Last edited by Vikram Arya : 8th July 2021 at 08:12.
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Old 8th July 2021, 08:31   #52
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

As a 20 something who can afford either a Mustang or a M340i, perhaps I would have been inclined to buy a Mustang too. But between spending ₹60 l on a second hand Mustang and ₹ 72 l on a new 340i, I think the choice is clear.

I fully agree that arguments that a new Mustang is worth less than a used 340i in the USA are irrelevant. What counts is prices here. And I am not opposed to buying pre owned if you get a large discount. But buying a lightly discounted used Mustang - and paying a premium because the car is currently discontinued makes no sense. If I were the OP, I would pick up the 340i now - and perhaps get a new Mustang should Ford reintroduce the product.
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Old 8th July 2021, 18:49   #53
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Originally Posted by M-TownBeast View Post
We came back home and were in a confused state of mind as to what car should it be. I wish to keep this car for at least 5 years and want it to be a reliable vehicle. We do not wish to extend our budget. All your suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
Hi TownBeast,

Voted the M340i.

Being an owner of this splendid machine since March 2021 ( (My New Blauer Pfeil | BMW M340i Review), I can say, she's play the roles of being a daily driver and give you immense driving pleasure with equal aplomb.

With decent rear passenger seating, it is much more practical than the Mustang. The mustang is strictly a 2 seater fun car. The India spec has a donut that might eat into the trunk space
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Old 9th July 2021, 02:48   #54
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

I'd pick the 340i, but I gotta say I am in my 30s and I really value engineering prowess. Ford makes great cars, but I just have the soft spot for germans. Its just a more complete car.
But at 25, I might have picked the mustang, because being flashy would be quite high on my list. In fact, a close friend of mine recently picked up a mustang (ecoboost, not GT) in netherlands for 33k euros all the while I was telling him to wait and look for a m2 or cayman. So, its definitely a tough choice.

But if I was 25 and picking up a 70 lac car, I'd find a used M3 or a cayman. there is nothing better. mustang can never dream about coming close to those two.
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Old 9th July 2021, 11:29   #55
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

I think the question here is a brand new M340i vs a 2 year old Mustang. I think the OP can do better than a M340i esp. if you can buy a brand new more exciting car or atleast a car which will have a better ASS to explore a second hand car.

If I look at the Big Box Toyz I do see a Mercedes AMG, BMW M2 as well as a Porsche Boxter at the same price range. Have you explored these?
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Old 9th July 2021, 11:54   #56
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

To buy a used Mustang GT for that money is like someone in the west buying a Royal Enfield with Triumph money based on advice from friends who have been to India as tourists.
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Old 9th July 2021, 13:25   #57
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Originally Posted by androdev View Post
To buy a used Mustang GT for that money is like someone in the west buying a Royal Enfield with Triumph money based on advice from friends who have been to India as tourists.
Good one.

Mind that Mustang is not cheaper than M340i xDrive in all countries to buy, as some countries in Western Europe have exorbitantly (but I would say rightly!) high CO2 based taxes. In case of Mustang, this is even more than the base price. Comparing new prices here in the Netherlands, just for another perspective.

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Being said that, I wish OP the best to put his passion and money where his interest lies.

Last edited by carthick1000 : 9th July 2021 at 13:32.
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Old 9th July 2021, 13:39   #58
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

I guess he has made his choice, I see all Mustangs are out of stock
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Old 9th July 2021, 22:52   #59
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Thank you everyone for so many suggestions and your valuable input to this query. As per your suggestions, I'm now looking for a used Mustang at a good price.
Originally Posted by Jeroen View Post
Buying a Mustang over the BMW sets you aside from 99,99% of (BMW) car owners. Go crazy, go for the “Stang”. When you take delivery make sure your iPod has every version of “Mustang Sally”.

Put your shades on, driver window down, elbow out, Mustang Sally on full blast, give it the beans. Every BMW owner will go green with envy. Because that is what they secretly wanted, but did not have the balls to do.

Haha, you made my whole family laugh hard at this with everyone agreeing to your thought.
Originally Posted by Naman_Ferrari View Post
I have a different suggestion based on personal experience. Why don't you consider a 981 Cayman/Boxster
Originally Posted by TheGearBox View Post
On a side note, since you are replacing two SUVs with this car, why not replace them with another SUV? Maybe a BMW X3?
Originally Posted by a4_attitude View Post
Still if you wish for more power Macan S 3.0 falls under your budget
This is best of both worlds
Originally Posted by amitverma View Post
But if I was 25 and picking up a 70 lac car, I'd find a used M3 or a cayman. there is nothing better. mustang can never dream about coming close to those two.
Originally Posted by Pseud View Post
If I look at the Big Box Toyz I do see a Mercedes AMG, BMW M2 as well as a Porsche Boxter at the same price range. Have you explored these?
I'm not very sure about Porsche's after-sales service as this would be the only car I'd be driving. Boxter looks too small for my liking. Macan 3.0 is a car I could look for in the used car market though I'm still not getting any options. M2 though seems to be a good buy but is about 10 Lakhs more than my budget. I might even go for a used M3 or a C63 provided it falls in my budget. X3 is a wonderful car but isn't as fast as I'd like my next car to be.

Originally Posted by Pseud View Post
I guess he has made his choice, I see all Mustangs are out of stock
I see 2 of them available at Autobest Emporio @ 72.75 Lakhs which I think is not the right price for it. I'll be waiting for more Mustangs and if they are in the 60L range, I'll just go for it (Help me find one). If not, M340i is the car to book.
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Old 10th July 2021, 02:06   #60
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Since you mentioned from Tier3 city, please check on X3M, not a top breed M, but mix of SUV and M power.

"The BMW X3 M allies the spirit of adventure of the BMW X3 with the exclusive high-performance ambitions of BMW M."

Wont need to bother in Tier2 and Tier3 cities' bad roads either.
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