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View Poll Results: Which car for a 25-year old?
New 340i 175 65.30%
Used Mustang 93 34.70%
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Old 6th July 2021, 13:21   #16
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

I would want to spend 5 years of my life with a German sport sedan than an almost outdated American coupe, just because the German is practical in every way, no less fun and as reliable as any premium segment car can get.

BTW, is a used Porsche Cayman not an option?
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Old 6th July 2021, 13:42   #17
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
Have driven both of them on the highway and pushed them hard. Both of them are spectacular machines. The Mustang is no longer just quick in a straight line; it can corner pretty darn well too (requires more driver skill due to its loose butt than the 340i though). Mustang advantages = looks, muscle car (admit it, you always wanted to own one), style, everyday driveability & reliability (it's designed to be a daily use car) and character.
Totally agree. It is an automobile cliche to say that Mustang cant handle. It does and it does it really well. The other major difference is naturally aspirated V8 vs a straight six turbo. If you ask me, I would take an NA V8 any which day. It is also slightly more suited to fuel in India given the fuel quality in US is not that great.

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But in almost every other area - outright handling (340i has AWD), interior quality, gearbox brilliance, quality & finesse, the 340i is ahead. Machine to machine and in terms of depth of engineering, the 340i is vastly superior. The 340i uses precision where the Mustang throws sheer muscle.
The interior quality is actually shockingly bad. I was actually surprised at how bad it was when I sat in it for the first time.

Originally Posted by GTO View Post
In my 20s, I would definitely buy the Mustang. There is lots of time for 4-door sedans later in life for you. But for the 20s, give me a muscle car any day. Since you are 25, this is what you should get. I got a Jeep on my 20th birthday when I could very well have settled for something faster + more practical. But where is the fun in that? The Jeep gave me joy & memories that no 4-door sedan could. I have a feeling the Mustang will do the same for you.
Said it!
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Old 6th July 2021, 15:03   #18
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Originally Posted by M-TownBeast View Post
The Mustang which was available at the BBT, Gurgaon was quoted for Rupees 63 lakh with no negotiation available (which has now been booked already). The M340i costs Rupees 72 Lakh on-road. Though I still wish, if Mustang was available for 20-30 lakhs less, I would have gone for it there and then.
What are the BBT guys smoking? At their asking price, the new M340i makes more sense...
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Old 6th July 2021, 15:53   #19
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Apart from Exterior looks and performance the interior cockpit is also of great importance. The BMW will have all the latest gadgetry and creature comforts which you will miss in the Mustang once the initial excitement wears out.

As a 5 year perspective, with BMW's Warranty and Service package, the 340i will be an ideal choice.
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Old 6th July 2021, 16:14   #20
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

I think the Mustang which you are referring to has done 29000kms ( as per BBT website ). If that is the case , please stay from it. Mustang when new costed only around 10-15% more than the present asking price.

30k kms/4 year old car at near new price is a high ask, especially when you have an equally or more pleasing choice of a 340i on another side. Any subtle discounts on the Grey 340i ( inventory ) ? Will be a no barrier if yes.

Last edited by Veelubai : 6th July 2021 at 16:17.
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Old 6th July 2021, 16:30   #21
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Two very different cars. Way way to much rationale in all the suggestion in my opinion

BMW are excellent cars, but don’t stand out from the crowd. You will just be the next guy who made good. People will think you work in IT and your title is something ridiculous like Super exclusive Vice President of non relevant stuff.

If you are in a position to buy a nice Mustang always go for it. Nobody, ever, has bought a Mustang based on any rationale arguments. Only the Corvette is even less rational.

Mustangs are for people who fall in love with it, despite all its short falls (and there are plenty).

If you are looking for any rational in buying a Mustang, it ain’t gonna happen.

Buying a Mustang over the BMW sets you aside from 99,99% of (BMW) car owners. Go crazy, go for the “Stang”. When you take delivery make sure your iPod has every version of “Mustang Sally”.

Put your shades on, driver window down, elbow out, Mustang Sally on full blast, give it the beans. Every BMW owner will go green with envy. Because that is what they secretly wanted, but did not have the balls to do.


Last edited by Jeroen : 6th July 2021 at 16:31.
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Old 6th July 2021, 17:15   #22
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Originally Posted by Jeroen View Post

When you take delivery make sure your iPod has every version of “Mustang Sally”. Put your shades on, driver window down, elbow out, Mustang Sally on full blast, give it the beans. Every BMW owner will go green with envy. Because that is what they secretly wanted, but did not have the balls to do.

haha, absolutely cracked me up on this & I completely agree!

OP - You're just 25. Don't buy a car that you can buy when you are married with kids. I personally am not a fan of Mustang at all but in couple of your posts you have said its your childhood dream; go fulfil it while you can! You're one of the lucky ones who gets to do it!

Mercs & BMW's can come later in life; ask yourself, as a child, have you ever thought that you would want to own a 4 seater BMW as a dream? I guess not - I could've understood if the competition for 'Stang was say, a BMW E46 M3 (this was my dream) or the M3 CSL

I would pick the headache of servicing or living with the quirks of the Mustang any day, at your age. Someone rightfully pointed out, the 340i will have all the newest gadgetry, if that's your thing. I personally am not fond of the screens & all the tech that's stuffed into the cars these days; anyday a mechanical car with manual transmission (not possible in this case) with BRUTAL power under the right foot for me!

My response has turned out to be more about fulfilling childhood dream, don't think with your head this one time, go with your heart.
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Old 6th July 2021, 22:15   #23
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Originally Posted by Jeroen View Post

Put your shades on, driver window down, elbow out, Mustang Sally on full blast, give it the beans. Every BMW owner will go green with envy. Because that is what they secretly wanted, but did not have the balls to do.
The advice really gets your adrenaline going and you may want to fall head over heels for a car like Mustang. Last year I pulled the trigger on a hot yellow new 718 Cayman with same rationale. I am an IT guy managing non-relevant staff, and the first few months were great and I loved every bit of it. After that I ended up hating the attention it received, park and leave on public places was worrying, and I ended up taking my Audi everywhere else. 718 is a great car but I used it for weekend and late night drives only. I sold it in 6 months with 1k km on it.

IMO M340i is a beast in disguise. Hands down this will be the best pick for 5 years. (only bested by M2c)
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Old 6th July 2021, 22:20   #24
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

I would suggest the M340i eyes closed, up against the used Mustang, and while we’re on this why not look at the Audi S5 as well! Both the Quattro system and the engine I heard are phenomenal!!
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Old 6th July 2021, 22:47   #25
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

You have a long life ahead for sedans.

Besides, V8s are dying. Get the Mustang dude.
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Old 7th July 2021, 01:08   #26
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Two very different cars you’ve picked.
As I am a 18 year old, I would pick the M340i but my heart will ask me to have the Mustang to satisfy the inner child in me with the 2 door coupe styling, V8 and looks. All the 5.0L V8 does is create bangarangs. The car looks menacing and if you add a few visual mods, it will look satanic. As you’re in your 20s, Its better to fulfill the dream of owning a sports car which has the looks, sound and power. The RWD has a very tail happy demeanor and it will take a lot of skill to control it on the track when pushing it hard but that’s where all the fun is. And as you have so many cars in your family, you can use any of them for running errands.

However personally I would walk into the BMW dealership and book the 340i. It just comes to personal preferences but I feel like the 340i is the best if you want to get to places without drawing much attention. Its contemporary and prepossessing. The Mustang will get you a horde and everyone will gaze at you and that’s not the attention I am looking for. Also the 340i will be a great daily driver and will be economical than the Mustang.

By buying the Mustang, you will also save yourself from a lot of depreciation by purchasing a pre-owned car than a new car. You can easily get a 8k> kms Mustang under 65L. There are a lot of dealerships in Delhi, I saw a black one with gold wheels and a custom steering wheel on Autobest’s page.

I will strongly suggest you the Mustang to accomplish the sports car goal for the time being.

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Old 7th July 2021, 01:10   #27
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

For some historical context. The original Mustang Sally was from Wilson Pickett. And it is awesome for that reason alone.

The jury is still out on what the best Sally Mustang version is next to Wilson’s version.

My vote goes to the Commitments, a fantastic movie too

Before you click on the video crank up the volume and ask yourself this question? Has there ever been this good a song recorded about a BMW? Any BMW? Do BMW owner even listen to this kind of music?

Enough said, go and get yourself the Stang!

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Old 7th July 2021, 08:54   #28
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

Originally Posted by M-TownBeast View Post
We came back home and were in a confused state of mind as to what car should it be. I wish to keep this car for at least 5 years and want it to be a reliable vehicle. We do not wish to extend our budget. All your suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
I have a different suggestion based on personal experience. Why don't you consider a 981 Cayman/Boxster?

You should get it for well under your budget (around 50 for a good one I think). You get all the show and then some of the Mustang, and you also get all the engineering finesse and interior quality of the BMW. It's definitely not as fast as the Mustang or even the 340i in a straight line but it'll make you smile so hard everytime you rev that NA flat 6

All the best with whatever you decide though. Can't go wrong with any of them!
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Old 7th July 2021, 09:20   #29
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

You live only once, go for what you feel will make you happy. Since you have many cars at home, you can actually consider the Mustang and if possible retain the Endeavor. The 3.2 TDCi is very rare to find these days and you won't get it back once sold. The M340i is no slouch either and as you had mentioned the drive will mostly be between Hisar and Delhi, both cars will make sense but what trade off you would want to go for is the point. American muscle or German Sophistication.

If I were you, I'd pick the mustang, use it for a few years and then get a BMW as V8's are a unique breed of engines and enjoy the last few years of IC engines with the best ones.
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Old 7th July 2021, 09:40   #30
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Re: BMW M340i vs a pre-owned Ford Mustang GT

What an absolute delight of a dilemma to have, at any age! I am 22 years old, from a tier 3 city. And I am a BMW fan (7 series and M5 are my dream cars). However if given a choice at this stage, I’d hands down pick a Mustang over a bimmer. 10 years from now? Maybe the opposite. I would be willing to live with all the “drawbacks” of the mustang over the M340i just to have it in my garage and ticking the muscle car dream off my bucket list. I’d personally go with a bright colour like red and a roaring exhaust! Imagine parking that next to a a M340i in grey and no one would even notice it (no offence to owners, it is a beautiful car in itself but absolutely lacks the presence when compared to the mustang).

I think we’re way too young to chose head (M340i) over heart (Mustang).
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