Accident and the need for dash cam I was waiting at the side of the road near Yehlanka air force station while after 5 mins or so after stopping the car, a maruti 800 came at high speed and hit the car from behind. I guess he was trying to overtake from left that went wrong.
But as usual a mob gathered where he furnished his side of story that I suddenly braked hard and he had to hit my car etc. A local mob speaking Kannada, who were not even at the spot, declared that I was at fault, even though I told them I was waiting, because I cannot speak Kannada.
The people alongwith the driver tried to drag us out of the car which we refused. They tried to snatch the car key and they managed to get one key. He demanded money for complete repair of his car. His car front was badly damaged. Safari was all good except a broken right side rear bumper and some damage to the bumper mount.
Finally I could talk them through to come to the police station. The self declared supporters disappeared when we went to Police station. Police helped us and told if we want we can lodge a motor claim case against him, need not pay any single rupee, and also lodge a harassment case.
This driver kept on asking money, apparently two children in his car got minor injury.
The police also said if we lodge a complaint, both the cars would be seized. And we have to come to court and contest and it would take a couple of months to get it released.
Finally agreement was reached at and we paid some money on humanitarian ground. I wish our law was as good as US where police comes on the spot and issues certificates assessing damages, which could be claimed from respective car insurance companies, no wastage of days, no seizing of cars.
The car was repaired at a cost of 8k, out of which Insurance is paying 2k (after 50% on parts and labor and mandatory deductible of 2k, this is totally skewed for the insurance companies, and I do not know what great purpose this mandatory deductible serves).
We realized, that we could have handled the mob better if we had proof in the form of a dash cam. So the search began. there are multiple options in ebay. But we ended up buying a car dash cam mount. I had a spare moto G, connected it to the mount and switched on the video mode.
It works very well now, the night video quality is also awesome.
Total cost 199.
About an hour of video takes up around 4 GB of space. we can always recycle/delete old videos. Not a great solution but works fine. I was not sure about the warranties on the dash cam, may be will get something in future.
The rpm rising issue was solved for good. One look at the engine bay an dthe Concorde engineers could figure out the issue. The F.I.C.D. was replaced for around 576/-.
Last edited by sumannandy : 22nd March 2015 at 08:07.