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Old 7th July 2010, 10:50   #286
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Sure mate. I have enquired 3M. These guys quoted mt 5.5K for the windshield which seem to be reasonable. I will have it done sometime this week or the next!
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Old 6th September 2010, 10:42   #287
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Monsoon Observation

Updating after a long time - Having one observation to share with you folks

Whenever it rains here - i.e there is enough moisture in the air ; the central locking controlled by the driver side door lock stops working. Normally you can close/open all door locks using the driver side door lock close/open action. However, in the above case - that stops to happen and you need to close the door locks manually for each door.

Once Mr Kappa eats some sunlight i.e probably the moisture goes away - things are back to normal. I am not sure if I would rate this as a problem - but this is definitely an irritant. And to top it - an almost daily event of some rain in Delhi is not helping the case either

I was curious to know if fellow owners are also seeing any similar observation.
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Old 6th September 2010, 10:56   #288
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My locks are fine!
(I have that remote lock installed too..)
But, that only makes the locking (manually lock/unlock centrally) a bit more "tighter".
Thats since beginning though.
I live in an area which simulates tropical rain forests scenario!


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Old 6th September 2010, 11:13   #289
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No probs with locking till now - guess you should get it checked by A.S.S. Maybe the moisture is messing up some electricals.
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Old 6th September 2010, 12:42   #290
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Hi svaid

I do not own a i10 Kappa, but, a Santro Xing with the auto-locking mechanism. I have never faced such problem in the heaviest of the downpour in Delhi & elsewhere, & my car is always parked in the open.

It seems that the problem is unique to your car... you (as per blackasta's recommendation) should visit the A.S.S. & preferably get the lock replaced.

Last edited by CARDEEP : 6th September 2010 at 12:44.
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Old 6th September 2010, 13:40   #291
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urgent help needed

I have a sept 08 i10 1.1. which i got down to mumbai from bangalore in june. just done 20k kms
It has been extensively driven especially on weekends mostly late nights & highway trips
I went throught his thread completely & the doubts about reverse gear issues are done & i have been very careful with speeding at corners

some current problems where i need help:
1. wiper: suddenly 3 days back only the fast setting works, no other position works. Huge problems
2. Clutch: horribly hard, i am used to it, but when others drive, they are shocked
3. passenger side power window: takes efforts to close. sometimes a bit of push by hand
4. rear doors: a little jammed , monsoon effect maybe
5. A little noise from front suspension from past 2 days

I was planning for service after monsoons, but thye wiper issue has made me think to go ahead in this week itself

In mumbai, please recommend where to go. I posted on another thread about recomended *** but there was no reply. I did check out carnation auto in kurla. Seemd to be nice chaps.

Kindly recommend a reliable place to me in Mumbai asap
I shall be indebted to you all.
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Old 6th September 2010, 13:48   #292
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My thoughts in bold.

Originally Posted by vikramvicky1984 View Post
I have a sept 08 i10 1.1. which i got down to mumbai from bangalore in june. just done 20k kms
It has been extensively driven especially on weekends mostly late nights & highway trips

Has your car suffered rough roads?

I went throught his thread completely & the doubts about reverse gear issues are done & i have been very careful with speeding at corners

some current problems where i need help:
1. wiper: suddenly 3 days back only the fast setting works, no other position works. Huge problems

maybe this would help

2. Clutch: horribly hard, i am used to it, but when others drive, they are shocked

did you/others ride the clutch too much ?

3. passenger side power window: takes efforts to close. sometimes a bit of push by hand

signs of failure. Get the swicth / motor/connection (from drivers side) checked.

4. rear doors: a little jammed , monsoon effect maybe

try some grease.

5. A little noise from front suspension from past 2 days

bad roads again?

I was planning for service after monsoons, but thye wiper issue has made me think to go ahead in this week itself

In mumbai, please recommend where to go. I posted on another thread about recomended *** but there was no reply. I did check out carnation auto in kurla. Seemd to be nice chaps.

Kindly recommend a reliable place to me in Mumbai asap
I shall be indebted to you all.
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Old 6th September 2010, 15:00   #293
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Originally Posted by blackasta View Post
My thoughts in bold.

Rough roads: Mumbai roads are horrible in rains, sudden potholes etc
Wiper: Thank you so much. I'll try this
CLutch: My brother was using the car till 15k, a lot of hard riding. what do i need to get done now? overhaul!

Thank you much.
I still have a big question unanswered: Where to go for service in Mumbai: Mumbaikars please help
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Old 12th September 2010, 13:37   #294
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HMP mumbai

i did not find any reliable feedback on hyundai A.S.S.C. in mumbai on our forum
i finally went to hyundai motor plaza as after tejas sir's bad experience with jaybharath
just came back from HMP, they have kept my car saying they'll get back on monday
wiper & power window issue: will be covered under insurance
clutch issue: they said it is regular wear n tear item, hence n warranty..i am not to convinced, the car has just clocked 20,041 kms, they say they might need to replace it mostly
to my horror, the fuel pipe is cut & leaking just near where it enters into the engine, probably its due to rats. the whole pipe needs replacement around INR 5000. can i claim insurance/warranty for it?

they do not have cashless facility for reliance. plus no insurance people around it being a sunday

they will give me an estimate tomorrow.
it would be great if i can get some help before that
@mods: i hope i have posted it in the write forum. I am parallel y reading the insurance threads
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Old 23rd September 2010, 16:15   #295
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'Clutch'ing problems with the i10 kappa

Originally Posted by rk_sans View Post
I do have the clutch problem ie clutching become very hard after one of my recent Chennai trip. I took it to Trident A.S.S, Bangalore and the SA advised to change the Clutch cable and as usual he was giving reasons that this could be because of the driving style, etc.
After the change of the clutch cable, it was even worst, the ply of the pedal was not proper, etc. I asked the SA to tighten the Clutch cable little bit but he did not agree and gave me reasons that Clutch assembly would have gone. You ride for some days and than we will change the clutch assembly, etc.
I was really unhappy about the way the SA handled this. I was sure, he was trying to force me to replace the clutch assembly.
I left that place and the next day i went to Advaith Hyundai A.S.S and i know one SA and told him the problems. He asked one of the service guy to tighten the clutch cable and the ply was back to normal. Even the clutch was not hard now but he mentioned that it is little hard(very minimal hardness). He has asked me to run it for 10 days as the clutch cable was replaced and then come back to check that again.
Fellow BHPians, I am facing the same issue for the past 6 months. Initially it came across as a simple clutch adjustment problem on my kappa. I used to get it rectified but the problem (hard clutch) would resurface after almost every 2 weeks. Finally, I took it to MGF, Delhi for a thorough check-up. Because this time I was in no mood to take their twaddle on "my driving style", they suggested we replace the clutch and pressure plate. I agreed. This was done in July '10. A few weeks later (in August), I started experienceing the same hard clutch and promptly took it to MGF. All they did was adjust the clutch cable and hand over the car to me. I took a test drive and everything seemed to be fine.

To my utter disbelief, my car almost stalled yesterday while going to office. I just couldn't engage any gears. After a few frantic calls to their toll free number they suggested that the car would need to be towed to the service center. It was then I tried adjusting the clutch cable myself, and it worked - just enough that I could reach office. I am really really disappointed with the i10 kappa. I purchased in Jan '09 and done 41,000 kms, which until very recently I believed was nothing for a modern day car. As for my driving style - I take special care not to ride the clutch at all times.

Happy to hear and learn from your experience with the i10.
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Old 24th September 2010, 14:33   #296
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Masda, I also second your observations for the clutch. However, I am not sure if this is a generic issue - otherwise a lot of other owners who share their experiences on this thread would have reported the same.

I am pretty sure - from hyundai's side, the solution for your current problem would be to replace the clutch and pressure plate again attributing the problem to your driving style/riding the clutch.

Just push them around for a solution. You can write to cr[at] and report your grievance if you are sure that you have taken due care of the clutch while driving. Good luck. Do keep us updated on the progress.
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Old 27th September 2010, 01:51   #297
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Originally Posted by svaid View Post
Masda, I also second your observations for the clutch. However, I am not sure if this is a generic issue - otherwise a lot of other owners who share their experiences on this thread would have reported the same.

I am pretty sure - from hyundai's side, the solution for your current problem would be to replace the clutch and pressure plate again attributing the problem to your driving style/riding the clutch.

Just push them around for a solution. You can write to cr[at] and report your grievance if you are sure that you have taken due care of the clutch while driving. Good luck. Do keep us updated on the progress.
Thanks so much, svaid. I guess I will now have to write to Hyundai. Thanks for providing the email. BTW my clutch cable snapped yesterday without any warning. I was left stranded with my family in my supossedly 'not very old' car. Thankfully we were not very far from home, so could send wife and kid back home. I called the helpline, and they did promptly turn up and replaced the clutch cable.

Though after the replacement, the clutch felt even worse. I literally now, had to exert 'force' to depress the clutch pedal. The fellow suggested that we take the car to nearby Hans Hyundai for a closer look. I agreed. There I explained to the service advisor about the history of my car - that the clutch pressure plate and bearing have been replaced about a month back, and that this is the third clutch cable being put in my 18 month old car. He curtly suggested that it might be a gearbox issue which they will have to open and inspect.

I decided against immediately opening the gearbox and i have planned to take it to MGF once again because IMO they are liable, because they were the ones who replaced my clutch in the first place. And despite my repeated visits, have failed to permanently address my problem. I will now take my car first thing tomorrow morning to MGF. Will keep you posted. This car has quite literally given me sleepless nights! I'm seriously considering dumping it.
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Old 28th September 2010, 08:46   #298
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I think you have done the right thing by not giving a go ahead to Hans. it's better that the issue is dealt with the workshop which has previously worked on the car. Be pushy about your case and also checkout other i10's clutch hardness which have similar mileage as yours in the workshop. Hardness can also be caused if the spring connected to the clutch assembly has some problem - so checkout on that front as well. Good luck.
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Old 28th September 2010, 09:26   #299
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Steering Rattle Update

svaid, some update on the steering rattle. I had updated this in blackasta's thread.

During the fourth service(paid) which i did at 15,000KM but after nearly an year after thrid free service(my ignorance, should have done it in may itself), i had told the SA about the steering rattle to which he had assured me that he will install the urethane bush and some magnetic grease. He did that and told that it will be solved.

But within a week it has resurfaced

So i don't think Hyundai will ever be able to solve it. We will have to live with that irritating noise.
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Old 28th September 2010, 11:27   #300
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I have noticed something strange in my friend's i10 kappa Sportz.

I have i10 irde ERA. The gear stick and gear knob are in the normal position (as shown in the image below) in my car.

But in my friend's i10 kappa, the gear stick and gear knob seem to be rotated in anti-clockwise direction by approximately 10 degrees (as shown in the image below). Is this normal in i10 kappa ?

Another problem faced in my friend's i10 kappa is that it is impossible to downshift from 5th to 4th gear. The 4th gear would not get engaged while downshifting from 5th. While upshifting from 3rd to 4th, there is no problem. Is this normal in i10 kappa ?

Also, are the above 2 problems related to each other ?

Attached Thumbnails
i10 kappa sportz - 1 year/16K kms ownership report-irde-kappa.jpg  

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