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Old 16th November 2016, 23:03   #901
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Originally Posted by Jaggu View Post
Search for oil seals for the steering rack online, if they are available this is a simple straight forward job. MASS would always act smart and ask for a replacement of rack, samething happened with our Hyundai which infact was originally owned by Samurai. Fixed it for under 2500 bucks with OE seals, been few years and 20 thousand plus kms (touch wood) and working AOK.

Kit would be something like this (ps this is an example and might not be for your model, so check with model year and other details)
I sure can try this, but need to search for a reliable mechanic first here in Hyderabad. Will head out this weekend to see who I can find. And then order the part. Otherwise, I will need to head back to MASS. Lets see how it goes.

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Additionally, You may kindly let me know if you need any part numbers for your GV. I'd be happy to help you along with the prices.

Posting pics of parts for 2.4L Grand Vitara.

Thank you very much for this. I believe the steering column / unit / PS Pump Unit will be same for both 2.0 and 2.4 L models, I guess there should not be any difference.

I will PM you in case I need any help post my searching for reliable mechanic here. Thanks a ton once again.

Last edited by Jaggu : 17th November 2016 at 10:03. Reason: Back to back posts, please use Multi Quote or Edit original post. Thanks.
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Old 17th November 2016, 20:03   #902
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by rattanw View Post

Thank you very much for this. I believe the steering column / unit / PS Pump Unit will be same for both 2.0 and 2.4 L models, I guess there should not be any difference.

I will PM you in case I need any help post my searching for reliable mechanic here. Thanks a ton once again.
No Sir, they are different and have different part numbers(barring some common items). Do you want part numbers for 2.0L variant??
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Old 17th November 2016, 20:38   #903
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Originally Posted by ManuKohli View Post
Hi to all the members on this thread.

I have been following your thread for a while now as I have had a love for Grand Vitaras for a long time and FINALLY got myself a silver 2008 MT 2.0 with 50k on the odo. New Tyres, new battery and a very clean vehicle that belonged to a friend of a friend.

A special thanks to Sudevji who I contacted and got his advice and help when I was checking out the prospective buy.


Congrats Manu! Could you pls PM me your number or share your number so that I can call you? Needed some local info on the GV!
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Old 18th November 2016, 12:40   #904
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
No Sir, they are different and have different part numbers(barring some common items). Do you want part numbers for 2.0L variant??
Yes sir, if you can provide the same, I will greatly appreciate.
Here is the vehicle details; I believe you need some of this to accurately identify the part numbers.

Model -: 2.0 AT, Nov 2007


Last edited by mobike008 : 18th November 2016 at 14:18. Reason: Now that your work is over. Removing the part numbers :)
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Old 18th November 2016, 13:39   #905
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by rattanw View Post
Yes sir, if you can provide the same, I will greatly appreciate.
Here is the vehicle details; I believe you need some of this to accurately identify the part numbers.

Model -: 2.0 AT, Nov 2007
Firstly, please don't call me "Sir", I am just 23.

Posting the part numbers for 2.0L Grand Vitara AT.

Steering column
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-gvstr-col.jpg
Steering unit
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-gv-str-unt.jpg
Power Steering pump
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-gv-pump.jpg

Do let me know which part numbers you are interested in. I'll give u the part prices.


Last edited by mobike008 : 18th November 2016 at 14:19. Reason: Excluding the part numbers as info is shared :)
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Old 3rd December 2016, 18:08   #906
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Dear Senior BHP-ians, I would really need help in evaluating the GV available for sale here in Delhi. Any inputs would really be appreciated. Its a MT(2.4) 2007 model & has clocked 78000 kms,2nd owner and is asking in proximity of 4.75. The bumpers have been painted and the car has everything working. Kindly help..!!
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Old 3rd December 2016, 19:01   #907
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

The 2.4L version became available only in July 2009. So they are trying to fool you. Walk away...
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Old 12th December 2016, 11:11   #908
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Firstly, please don't call me "Sir", I am just 23.

Posting the part numbers for 2.0L Grand Vitara AT.

Do let me know which part numbers you are interested in. I'll give u the part prices.

Thank you very much for sharing this Shashi. And I regret the late response as I was traveling. I believe the part needed is first one in the attached list, steering column assembly. I am not sure if the pump is needed or not.
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Old 12th December 2016, 12:10   #909
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Mods, I hope this doesnt violate any policy

Originally Posted by Digvj View Post
Dear Senior BHP-ians, I would really need help in evaluating the GV available for sale here in Delhi. Any inputs would really be appreciated. Its a MT(2.4) 2007 model & has clocked 78000 kms,2nd owner and is asking in proximity of 4.75. The bumpers have been painted and the car has everything working. Kindly help..!!
I tried to PM you but it didnt work.

If you are intersted in purchasing a Grand Vitara, here are the details of my vehicle on Olx listing ; I am in the process of posting it on Team Bhp classifieds as well (ad is submitted, pending review)

I am moving to US for an assignment for long term. Hence, I need to sell my Grand Vitara and Santro. Both the cars are Delhi registered and are currently in Hyderabad.

Both the cars were transported to Hyderabad one year back when we moved here from Delhi.

Last edited by Jaggu : 12th December 2016 at 12:34. Reason: Fixing Quotes. Thanks
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Old 12th December 2016, 13:25   #910
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by rattanw View Post
Thank you very much for sharing this Shashi. And I regret the late response as I was traveling. I believe the part needed is first one in the attached list, steering column assembly. I am not sure if the pump is needed or not.
According to the parts manual, the part number for Steering column Assembly for 2.0L Grand Vitara is 48200-65J02, which costs Rs.9,361. However, there is another upgraded part available with part number 48200-65J03 which costs Rs.11,420. I don't know what the upgrade is. Both being child parts of the same family will fit perfectly. So the workshop will be ordering either one the above mentioned parts.

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Old 12th December 2016, 15:24   #911
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]


Is the good old Grand Vitara gone for good from the India market? I, for one, am a big fan and would want to buy one in the near future, if available.

Am unable to get any concrete answers from dealers, despite the MSIL website proudly listing out its capabilities - here.

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Old 2nd January 2017, 19:39   #912
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Transmission Warning Light - Grand Vitara AT

I noticed the Transmission Warning Light on my GV when I started the car 2 days back.

This is a yellow light in the shape of a wheel that comes on for 2 seconds when the ignition is turned on , but disappears thereafter if all is well.The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-twl.jpg

Initial Observations

The car was driving perfect , as though there was nothing wrong leading me to presume this was a momentary fault.

No abnormality was seen on the wiring bunch under the car.


A diagnostic scan showed error P2764 - Torque Convertor Clutch Circuit Low Voltage.The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-errorcode.jpg

Erasing the trouble code made the warning light disappear , but then reappear after 2 seconds.


1.Browsed the net to look for specific information on this DTC related to the Grand Vitara and found that there is a procedure to check this error.

2.The procedure required removal of the Transmission Control Module(TCM) located just to the left of the AC filter housing and check for continuity of the green-yellow wire.

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-tcm.jpg

3.Instead of removing the TCM , I just inspected the wiring and traced its path out into the engine bay and to my horror , find that there has been a rat attack

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-wires2.jpg


1.Removed the battery

2.Removed the main fuse holders next to the battery

3.Split the wiring harness sleeve open to inspect for damage - and here's where I found that the green-yellow wire was gnawed at at 2 places.

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-wires1.jpg

4.Inspected the rest of the wiring and found that insulation on two other wires had been chewed off.

5.Redid the wiring with equivalent colour wiring

6.Restored the wiring sleeve back to normal

Test Run

1.Performed a throttle body reset and ran the car for approx. 2 kms to help the TCM get fresh data on the transmission from a new driving cycle , but the warning light remained.

2. Disconnected the battery negative for approx. 15 mins and then reconnected.

3.Performed a throttle body reset , and as soon as the ignition was turned on , the warning light disappeared after 2 seconds.


1.I haven't created a new thread for this and hence have posted this in a GV LT review for reference for GV AT owners.

2.Please help fix the pictures.
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Old 7th January 2017, 10:24   #913
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

My GV reached a very special number this morning.
I haven't driven the car much in my period of ownership , but the driving and ownership experience has been truly exhilarating.

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-p_20170107_083743.jpg
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Old 18th January 2017, 14:34   #914
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Additionally, You may kindly let me know if you need any part numbers for your GV. I'd be happy to help you along with the prices.

Posting pics of parts for 2.4L Grand Vitara.

Steering column
Attachment 1574737

Could you help me out with some part nos?

I am looking at overhauling the complete suspension by changing only the bushes. My MASS is reluctant to do only bushing refitting and so I may get it done outside. I need the parts nos of replacement bushings of the following:-
1. Bushings of Front Lower Arm
2. Bushings of Rear Trailing Rod
3. Bushings of Rear Control Rod
4. Bushings of Rear Lower Arm
5. Bushings of of rear Upper Arm
6. Mounting Bushings for Rear Suspension Frame (4 nos)

Sridhar V
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Old 18th January 2017, 14:37   #915
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re: The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP [14 years & 150000kms]

Originally Posted by sridhar-v View Post
Could you help me out with some part nos?

I am looking at overhauling the complete suspension by changing only the bushes. My MASS is reluctant to do only bushing refitting and so I may get it done outside. I need the parts nos of replacement bushings of the following:-
Will help you surely with the part numbers and prices. Which variant is it??

Sorry Sir for my negligence, noticed the variant on your signature just now.

Another issue is that I am used to seeing the lesser cars with simple setups. My head is literally spinning after seeing the sheer complexity of the suspension setup of Grand Vitara. Hence I am posting the entire snapshot of the parts, request you to kindly choose which parts you need. After you post the selected parts here, I'll give you their prices. Sorry for the trouble, kindly bear with me.

Front Suspension(Click to ZOOM)
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-1.jpg

Front stabiliser(Click to ZOOM)
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-2.jpg

Front suspension frame(Click to ZOOM)
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-3.jpg

Rear suspension(Click to ZOOM)
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-4.jpg

Rear suspension(Click to ZOOM)
The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-5.jpg

Rear suspension frame(Click to ZOOM)

The First Grand Vitara on Team-BHP-6.jpg

Do let me know if you need any more details.


Last edited by Leoshashi : 18th January 2017 at 15:01. Reason: Merging two posts to avoid back to back posts
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