@ GTO,
I have a confession!
I saw her first in 1996.
I had just out of College and inexperienced.
Fell in love with her the moment I saw her.
Thought about her, day and night.
Dreamt of taking her where no man had dared to go before.
Visons of both of us going into the sunset, the silhoutte visible from a distance.
Friends gave me a wierd look and kept quite when I told them. They were supportive and I knew they would stand by me if needed.
Gathering up all my courage armed with her Photo, I asked dad whether we can bring her home.
One look at her and he says "No! What, you want her to eat us out of our home? What will people think?"
I was forced to abandon my dream to be with her. Reluctantly I threw the book with her photo onto the attic.
But I vowed that once I start earning and have the money, I will bring her home no matter what it maybe. After all, it had to be lifetime bondage.
But fate decided otherwise.
A few years later, I heard she is no more!
With despair in my heart, I was jumping the ropes of career from one to another for a long time.
But I could never forget her.
Images of her came to mind occasionally. I forcefully pushed them aside, What's the use? She's dead and gone! Nothing will bring her back to life.
As they say, time is a great healer.
I had slowly started to forget her, or that's what I thought!
A couple of years back, a sleepless night stirred the thoughts again.
I had forgotten the power of the Internet. I switched on my laptop and connected to the net.
I typed in her name on google and Surprise! I FOUND HER AGAIN!
Images of her started appearing like magic.
Discovered that she had found a good home and her pictures were all over a particular place.
I Wanted to see who took the best care of her, she was my first love and I wanted her to be happy.
Started visiting the place, which was a abode of marvels, regularly, many times burning the midnight oil to catch a glimpse of her again and again in various angles.
Exploring the shrine again and again, I discovered her sisters, ansectors, smaller cousins, far-off relatives and others who shared her anatomy, food habits and illness, etc.,
I also discovered many Lovers like me, searching for their loved ones, some united with their loved ones, Some sharing their honeymoons and problems, hoping for a lsitening ear and a helping hand.
I wanted to be one of them, interact with the passionate lovers (especially those who was in close relationship with my loved one), seek their advice and share my thoughts and experiences.
My desire to be along with the one I love is what I wish for, yet it seems a dream. Anyway, dreams are meant to be realised.
I tried many times to get into the hallowed premises, but was turned down many times (9 times to be exact).
After nearly eighteen months, seeing that I was determined to get in, they let me in, but they told me that I would be tested no less than 25 times to prove myself worthy.
After nearly a month, I get my place firmly assured.
My Prose is a tribute to my First love and a doctrine of passing the tests.
P.S: I must admit that I got crazy because when I saw her for the first time, she was Topless!
For the uninitiated,
to cut a long story short, it was the MAHNDRA CLASSIC which drove me up the wall and the primary reason to join the Best ever Automotive forum, TEAM-BHP!
Especially it was GTO's Classic that did the trick, hence the post here.
The previous post with the C&B Mag Cover and test report is the first photo I had of the Classic.
This is my first non-moderated post. I AM A BHPian now! |