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Old 26th March 2023, 11:33   #916
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Lol, I believe you are from Ranchi, and we had a regional celebration that evening, causing long power cuts in the entire city. Hence XL6 had to light up GG's party.
Yes experienced the same due to Sarhul.
We shall meet someday, currently recovering from a surgery.
I stay close to the 3M Car Care you visit.
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Old 26th March 2023, 11:55   #917
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by shancz View Post
Yes experienced the same due to Sarhul.
We shall meet someday, currently recovering from a surgery.
I stay close to the 3M Car Care you visit.
Get well soon. You can PM me your details and we will surely meet once you recover.

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Old 27th March 2023, 01:16   #918
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Hi guys, I have an old M800 that my dad bought in 2000. It was made in 1998. Right now it’s catching dust and needs repair. Can anybody suggest a skilled and passionate repairman in Bangalore for me?
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Old 2nd April 2023, 23:59   #919
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Thanks for your kind wishes, here are some day time pics along with the proud owner himself
My regards to the owner... Like, same vintage and all. I can't think of enough adjectives to describe how the owner's son has cared for this car. MSIL should be giving you both an award.
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Old 12th April 2023, 02:09   #920
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Thanks for your kind wishes, here are some day time pics along with the proud owner himself:

Attachment 2432788

Attachment 2432789

Attachment 2432769
This Maruti 800 is a true legend, and it has been an inspiration to countless owners. This car is a masterpiece that stands out in the history of MSIL. Each piece and component has been thoughtfully selected and treated with care, resulting in an extraordinary vehicle that is both durable and reliable. It is impossible to overstate the importance of this car in the automotive industry.

I must acknowledge the exceptional work of Shashi, who played an instrumental role in bringing the Maruti 800 to fruition. His tireless dedication and expert knowledge were vital in making this car a reality.

I want to extend my congratulations on the occasion of 5641's birthday from 2667. May this special day be filled with joy, happiness, and prosperity.

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Old 18th May 2023, 03:55   #921
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
My intention of using this grease is for the caliper guide rods/slide pins and the rubber boot covering the pins. I have lot of that permatex stuff for the other metal to metal contact.
Pardon my lack of knowledge sir but after googling for about 30 minutes I still could not figure out where can this rubber grease be used in brake components? I do get the pin boot as that small part is essentially rubber, but aren’t sliding pins supposed to have caliper grease? Sliding pins, shims, and piston - all require caliper grease, something like this.

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-f33b3eee4dbc46d2b7047f38e300e784.jpeg

I might have missed something but where exactly does this Toyota rubber grease come in picture in our cars?
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Old 18th May 2023, 09:44   #922
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by batish View Post
Pardon my lack of knowledge sir but after googling for about 30 minutes I still could not figure out where can this rubber grease be used in brake components? I do get the pin boot as that small part is essentially rubber, but aren’t sliding pins supposed to have caliper grease? Sliding pins, shims, and piston - all require caliper grease, something like this.

Attachment 2452160

I might have missed something but where exactly does this Toyota rubber grease come in picture in our cars?
The Caliper grease, whose link you have shared, is used on the guide pin, lock pin and the insides of the Pin Boots. The Toyota rubber grease also is applied to the same areas.

Just ensure that the Guide Pin, Lock Pin, Pin boots, Guide pin holes are cleaned of old residual grease before applying the fresh grease. Do not apply grease in the Guide pin holes. Do not use petrol/diesel to clean the Pin boots. They will most likely swell and become useless. Use brake cleaner or a lot of tissues/rags to to clean the boots. Do not overapply the grease on the guide pins - Just a thin layer of all around. However, you can fill the boot with some grease
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Old 18th May 2023, 10:32   #923
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

What an amazing thread you have created @Leoshashi! Hats off to you!!
So, I am looking for the same alloys as you have on your car for my M800 DX 5 Speed. Can you please help me out with the part number if any? Would be very grateful for the same!

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Old 18th May 2023, 12:31   #924
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
The Caliper grease, whose link you have shared, is used on the guide pin, lock pin and the insides of the Pin Boots. The Toyota rubber grease also is applied to the same areas.
Got it sir! But my confusion is, in the posts above it has been mentioned by R2D2 that caliper grease is for metal to metal contact and rubber grease is NOT for metal to metal contact. So isn’t it wrong to apply this on guide pin and lock pin?
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Old 18th May 2023, 12:59   #925
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by batish View Post
Got it sir! But my confusion is, in the posts above it has been mentioned by R2D2 that caliper grease is for metal to metal contact and rubber grease is NOT for metal to metal contact. So isn’t it wrong to apply this on guide pin and lock pin?
See, in Toyota there is a distinct Caliper grease and Rubber grease.

This is Caliper grease -

This is Rubber grease -

What determines where you use what grease is the type of metal-metal contact. If there is a static metal-metal contact, like between the caliper piston and the backing plate of the brake pad or the contact between the caliper ears and the outer brake pad, then use the Caliper grease. If there is Dynamic Metal-Metal contact, like in case of Caliper Slide pins where the pins move in and out of the Guide hole in the caliper, then use the Rubber grease.

For static Metal-Metal contact you can also you Copper grease, Ceramic grease. But for Guide pins/Slide pins/rubber boots or wherever there is one metal part moving/rubbing over other metal part you need to use specific silicone-based products. The Toyota rubber grease is the best out there in the market for this. The Maruti grease sachet is Silicone based. It is cheap and it works very well.
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Old 19th May 2023, 00:56   #926
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Update: Almost 8 year old Amaron retired, GG gets a brand new battery: Offlate, I've been facing issues with wiper motor acting weird with indicators running, or horn varying it's tone with indicators flashing.

When I checked, this is the voltage readings I got:
-Idle RPM with no load: 14.20V
-Idle RPM at full load(AC, hazard lights, HL, Fog Light, Both wipers, defogger): 11.7V

The drop at load was what concerned me. To make matters worse, the cell gravity, bosch hand held scanners all said that the battery is healthy. I still had my doubts given it was almost an 8 year old Unit(Aug 2015 make battery).

To clear the situation, I had a brand new Denso Alternator in stock. Decided to first swap the alternator and see if it's the Alternator which is at fault. Also charged the old battery for whole day. When tested, the results with new Alternator was exactly the same as my old unit. Thus it was nearly confirmed, it was the battery which had gone weak and beyond revival.

Brand new Denso Alternator vs 23 year old unit:

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20230517_195328.jpg

Tried to search around for Amaron Pro which got 385A CCA and 40Ah spec(as per Amaron's site) opposed to Flo which was 35AH spec. Still couldn't find out Pro anywhere, and had to settle for Flo which was recently upgraded to 385A CCA and 72 months warranty(same as Pro).

Aug 2015 Amaron:

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20230518_163718.jpg

Mar 2023 Amaron, notice the CCA difference despite being same model:

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20230518_165942.jpg

Weirdly, when hooked up against the Bosch C7, the new battery took some time to reach the fully charged state, despite being a March 2023 manufactured unit.

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20230518_170543.jpg

When checked with load, the new setup showed significantly improved readings:

-Idle RPM with no load: 14.20V
-Idle RPM at full load(AC, hazard lights, HL, Fog Light, Both wipers, defogger): 12.95-13.0V

Cost of new battery Rs. 3800
Cost of old battery Rs. 800
Net paid: Rs. 3000

A word on Amaron: This was my first experience with the brand, which was a disaster in beginning. Barely after few days, the brand new unit died but Amaron replaced it without any question. The battery then went on to live almost 8 years, the maximum I've seen on GG. Earlier all it's Exide batteries used to die around the 4.5 to 5 year mark. Surely the regular maintenance with Bosch C7 helped prolong Amaron's life.

Reason for not opting for Exide: Had a fantastic run with Amaron, plus even Exide's best offering, the Epic had significantly lower CCA ratings than Amaron. Also the Exide was significantly more expensive. Thus it was a no brainer.

Need to replace the water pump and compressor belts too, they were last replaced in 2018 and are due for replacement. Order placed on Boodmo.


Last edited by Leoshashi : 19th May 2023 at 01:06.
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Old 19th May 2023, 07:07   #927
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
results with new Alternator was exactly the same as my old unit. Thus it was nearly confirmed, it was the battery which had gone weak and beyond revival.

the new setup showed significantly improved readings:

-Idle RPM with no load: 14.20V
-Idle RPM at full load(AC, hazard lights, HL, Fog Light, Both wipers, defogger): 12.95-13.0V
Logical approach there, Shashi. Yes, any average Joe would state that the battery was 8 years old and label that as the issue. To confirm that it was indeed the battery via a test with a new alternator was an effort nobody would put; reason - nobody has the luxury of a spare alternator at home.

I've been an Amaron loyalist (almost) since 2004 and have once replaced a battery premature in 2019, because the battery was showing a voltage drop when not used for long. It was only during idle days in 2020 that the voltage drop on the new battery showed up and a parasitic draw was discovered. Then I realised that the earlier battery could have gone on. The max I've actually "extracted" out of a battery was on a Maruti Versa's 55B24L Exide that ran for close to 7 years. Yet, I continued with Amaron.
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Old 24th May 2023, 20:00   #928
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Micki9559 View Post
What an amazing thread you have created @Leoshashi! Hats off to you!!
So, I am looking for the same alloys as you have on your car for my M800 DX 5 Speed. Can you please help me out with the part number if any? Would be very grateful for the same!

Apologies I missed your post. PN for the alloy was 99000M99319 and mine was pretty much the last pieces available in India in Maruti's records.

Hope you find them. It was also available via Aura Wheel dealers, you can check with old reputed tyre dealers of your city.

Do post a pic of your 5 Speed.

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Old 25th May 2023, 11:16   #929
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by batish View Post
Got it sir! But my confusion is, in the posts above it has been mentioned by R2D2 that caliper grease is for metal to metal contact and rubber grease is NOT for metal to metal contact. So isn’t it wrong to apply this on guide pin and lock pin?
Ok let me jump in here though Shashi has explained it well including the links to different products to be used for specific purposes

The reason you have rubber grease (although technically the caliper pin is metal and engages with the caliper bracket providing metal to metal contact) is because of the rubber boot and a washer at the end of the pin. If you use the wrong grease the boot and the 'washer' will deteriorate ie boot cracks and allows in dust which makes the grease into a grinding paste. Then the washer at the end of the pin swells up and does not allow your caliper to disengage from the rotor when your foot is off the brake pedal causing sticky brakes with attendant problems. My Dad's car suffered from this issue because our so called mechanics don't appreciate the finer points of maintaining a car.

Caliper grease is to reduce friction between the backing plate of the pad and the shim + the piston + body. It's important to remember not all car brake systems require this type of lubing.

So 2 take aways:
  • Follow instructions in the workshop manual. Lucikily MSIL sells them.
  • Always use lubes and fluids that are purpose made for a specific application

Last edited by R2D2 : 25th May 2023 at 11:18.
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Old 26th May 2023, 22:43   #930
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Thanks for the response! The search is on. Let me see if I can source a set. Meanwhile, could you please share your contact number via PM please?
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