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Old 2nd March 2022, 18:13   #886
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Date - 21/02/2022

You are born lucky if you get a chance to drive the beast GG. I was waiting the whole day to meet Leoshashi and finally got free in the late evening and it was a lifetime memory.

It was hardly a drive for a few mins but I can easily say that it is one of a piece not only in India but in some other countries too. The beast has been maintained very well, and feels as fresh as a new car. The punch, the brake bites, the LED HLs, the leather wrapped steering wheel, the rear defogger etc I can go on and on and the list will never end.
I am looking forward for your help in restoring our family's emergency vehicle 800 5-Speed

Thank You so much for the experience, sharing some photos with/of the beast below :
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The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20220221_170301.jpg  

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20220221_200719.jpg  

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20220221_200746.jpg  

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Old 20th March 2022, 18:02   #887
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Lesson learnt, oil changes are not to be delayed even if the running is negligible. I guess with low running, one needs to be even more proactive.
Thanks, there goes my theory of using fully synthetic and changing by kms run rather than age into the wind

Was the previous oil also 5W40 and fully synthetic ?

On a more important note, good going GG.
Wishing many more years of happiness and then the vintage plates

Last edited by shancz : 20th March 2022 at 18:03. Reason: spacing
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Old 25th March 2022, 22:23   #888
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by shancz View Post
Thanks, there goes my theory of using fully synthetic and changing by kms run rather than age into the wind

Was the previous oil also 5W40 and fully synthetic ?

On a more important note, good going GG.
Wishing many more years of happiness and then the vintage plates
Yes the last used oil was also 5W40 Shell Helix Ultra. I guess the deterioration accelerated due to lesser use and 10 minutes idling which she got frequently.

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Old 25th March 2022, 22:54   #889
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

GG Turns 22: Couldn't celebrate her birthday properly, as I'm not in city currently. But mom did whatever she could, and did ensure the special day is observed.

Just two pics for this time:

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20220325_201910.jpg

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20220325_201924.jpg

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Old 25th March 2022, 23:01   #890
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Happy Birthday GG

Although we're missing the XL with the birthday cap but the cake placed on the tools deck is perfect for the occasion.
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Old 26th March 2022, 10:57   #891
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by shancz View Post
Happy Birthday GG

Although we're missing the XL with the birthday cap but the cake placed on the tools deck is perfect for the occasion.
Thanks, the XL6 is currently on a road trip, thus it couldn't be a part of the celebrations.

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20220321_083838.jpg
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Old 26th March 2022, 11:02   #892
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
the XL6 is currently on a road trip, thus it couldn't be a part of the celebrations.
Celebrating in the best way then, GG will be jealous
Enjoy the trip
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Old 7th April 2022, 08:28   #893
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
GG Turns 22: Couldn't celebrate her birthday properly, as I'm not in city currently. But mom did whatever she could, and did ensure the special day is observed.

Just two pics for this time:

Belated Happy Birthday GG!

Taking a leaf out of your book, gave my Silver Stallion a little birthday party!
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The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-fd40a051b1db4bc2b80c6d0e19e08a51.jpeg  

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Old 12th August 2022, 23:24   #894
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Thanks, the XL6 is currently on a road trip, thus it couldn't be a part of the celebrations.

I missed this post but the next time you find yourself around Bhubaneswar, we can certainly meet. Here's a recent shot of my 800 (Quicksilver) on a small off-roading venture I did on a tea run.
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The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20220809_063722-1.jpg  

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Old 27th October 2022, 11:45   #895
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post

I have been discussing this with close friend and BHPian ChiranjitP since months, who recently went with the same combo on his Zen. That actually looked good to me, hence I also took the plunge. But I guess it has something to do with the shade of my car, that it's not looking as I was expecting it to.

BHPian ChiranjitP's 2002 Zen:

Attachment 1778423
I recently took the plunge and installed the Zen VXI wheel caps when I changed the time of my car. I still have the OE half wheel caps, stainless steel made which I'm not using anymore.

Anyway, here's how my car looks and I don't find it an eyesore at all.
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The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20221023_224010.jpg  

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20221020_123128.jpg  

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20221020_123140.jpg  

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Old 29th November 2022, 12:40   #896
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

I don't know if this is the proper thread for this query :

Does anyone know the resistance value of this Lucas TVS model?. This model is used in M800.

Lucas Tvs Ballast Resistor 26411199

Name:  lucas_tvs_ballast_resistor_maruti_800_26411199_.jpg
Views: 1048
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Old 29th November 2022, 13:19   #897
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Update: Replaced quite a lot of spares, mostly due to age/wear and tear. This was long overdue.

The list:

1. Driver Side door hinges and stopper
2. Rear doors weatherstrips(LH and RH)
3. Cable, Starter motor(33800M844C0), this had rat damage in early 2000s, and was repaired then.
4. Ground cable from Gypsy(33850M80010), the terminal quality is decidedly superior to M800's.

Had planned to replace the battery since it's already beyond 7 years old, but was unable to find Amaron Pro which has superior CCA than Flo or other variants. The hunt is on.

Since I was working alone, took just one pic of WIP:

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20221128_183728.jpg

Signing off with a recent click:

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20221127_124711.jpg

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Old 2nd December 2022, 17:43   #898
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

No matter how many times I see this thread I'm amazed. I really commend your dedication Shashi.

2 weeks ago I sold my Dad's Palio 1.6 (you saw it) for scrap, there was no option. The lack of use especially in 2020 and 2021 due to covid (and abundant caution post-lockdown on my part as the virus was still around) caused just too much deterioration in the vehicle's innards and body. I really couldn't source spares except at an exorbitant cost. There was no other choice.

Felt very sad to see it towed away and today the chap shared a video of it being cut apart using acetylene torches. Very honestly speaking, I now feel upset seeing a car thats been with the family for nearly 21 years meeting its death in a scrap yard. That's life I guess.

If only Fiat had given its customers sufficient support. No more FCA products.
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Old 3rd December 2022, 21:38   #899
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post
Update time: There were some minor issues with my car, which were rectified yesterday.

Issue No 1: I felt that the vibrations on clutch pedal while leaving was a bit more. I mean it was so less that 90% mechanics and workshops dismissed it as normal thing in an 800. I know my car inside out, was therefore not convinced. My SA Mr. Dhiraj said it can be because of weak torsional springs of the clutch plate, but removing a gearbox for such a minor imperfection wasn't necessary.
Hi Shashi. I am facing a similar issue as well. This happens when I release the clutch pedal for 10-15% of the travel, I cam hear some rattle in engine bay and without giving throttle. Once I give the throttle, the rattle stops.

I have a brand new clutch which was recently fit. MGP packaged, along with new clutch cable and release bearing. Talked to SA a few hours ago. He says the vibration might be due to a weak mount. What do you think?

Originally Posted by Leoshashi View Post

Had planned to replace the battery since it's already beyond 7 years old, but was unable to find Amaron Pro which has superior CCA than Flo or other variants. The hunt is on.
I am currently running on Amazon Pro. It's excellent and my car starts with half a crank even in cold winter mornings. Idles like crazy. I recently did a F2F Tank average measurement on my 4 Speed. It comes around 19.1kmpl with mixed city and highway usage.

Next, I plan on replacing the door channels (do you know the part numbers for this?) on the car along with R134a conversion.

Parting shot:

The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27-20221101_223549.jpg

Last edited by Bismaya : 3rd December 2022 at 21:50.
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Old 14th December 2022, 22:15   #900
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Re: The love of my life - A 2000 Maruti 800 DX 5-Speed. EDIT: Gets export model features on Pg 27

Some findings which I recently came across when I was at MASS for getting my suspension and shock absorbers replaced for both front and rear:

I swapped the wheels with a 5S 800 which the MASS has acquired for repair. It has 145/70-12 tyres. I noticed that the ride quality is far superior with the 70 section tyres compared to my car which is running 145/80-R12 with Bridgestone B290's. I think the 80 section does well on Zen and Alto which have better suspension. My car feels a bit jarring on thelow end, even though I have brand new suspension, shocks, bearings and everything that can keep a car stable and in a straight line. This can be felt on bad roads at 20-30km/hr speeds.

Also, I have noticed that the new rims I have fit are lighter than my old rim (step-in has the old rim). We weighted them.
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