This will Certainly require patient reading as this less of a pictorial update:
In short, here were the sequence of events that pointed towards the actual culprit:
Fuel Filter >> Fuel Pump >> Dirty Fuel Tank >> ODB Readings >> Injection System >> Clogged Injectors >> Injector Cleaning >> Longer cranks >> EPS Warning Light >> Battery test >> Battery Replacement
Complete details:
Been around 5 months now since I was facing this peculiar, weird issue that almost everyone failed to acknowledge. Instead of linking back to my earlier posts, I will try to summarize the same in this post.
• I could slot in all gears - Up or Down, without any issues
• When I was gaining speeds and shifting - Up or Down, exactly around 80% after I released the Clutch pedal, I felt a slight jerk
• This Jerk was felt when I shifted from 1-2-3-4-5 or 5-4-3-2-1 and release the clutch while the car is in motion and gears were shifted based on the speed (and engine RPMs)that one does under normal driving circumstances
• The Jerk was felt even when I released the clutch very very slowly
• The jerk was again evident when I am in any one particular gear and I release my foot off the throttle and press the throttle again, no matter how gently I would press the throttle, there was little jerk that is felt
• There was a good evidence of mild roughness, hesitation as It gained speeds
• At Highway cruising speeds, the Engine note was rougher
• There was no change in terms of Fuel Efficiency or Top end performance
1. The Fuel Filter which resolved the problem temporarily:
With 33,000 Kms of hard work, blocking all the particulates, the Fuel Filter replacement was long overdue and somehow this crucial element was missed. Post replacement, there was an immediate difference and things back to absolute normal for the next 3000 kms.
2. Fuel Pump, Dirty Fuel Tank:
Trial and error was the only way to go not because we were clueless but merely wanted to isolate parts that were not associated. Fuel tank was cleaned and that did not make any difference. In fact the Fuel Filter was also replaced during this as a precaution. The next possible culprit was the Primary Fuel Pump located in the fuel tank itself. So we swapped fuel tank of another Ertiga (of the dealership) so rule out fuel pump and it was also easy to swap tanks than remove the Pump which was more laborious. This didn’t solve the problem
3. Anything abnormal in the OBD Readings: 
(click image for better reading)
Tried capturing values of the other Ertiga and comparing that with mine. There was very little hint that the injection system was not up to the mark. However, This would have been an aberration as well because the readings for both the Ertigas were recorded when there was a considerable difference in the Engine Coolant Temperature of these. Quite obvious that a Hotter engine would be fed with a lean mixture (my car) than the one that was cranked when cold and values taken
4. Fuel Injection Pump (FIP) and the Injectors:
The assumption was that if fuel is getting injected seamlessly, there is less likely a chance for the injection pump to be at fault. Didn’t troubleshoot this further. However, I always had an eye on the injectors. With more than a lakh on the ODO, this would have got dirtier and clogged and hence blocking efficient injection?
5. Injector cleaning with Liqui Moly Diesel Purge Additive:
As a popular resort, I succumbed to this as well and I could notice no difference even after using this almost as directed. A can of this was fed directly into the Fuel Filter housing and the Engine fueled with this additive for over 20+ minutes but no difference whatsoever and the curious investigations continue as I keep driving around regularly.
6. Longer time taken to crank:
It so happened in the last 3-4 weeks that I noticed the cranking time longer than usual after parking the car on the weekend. Battery was easily 3.5 Years from Date of Purchase and having read instances of stock battery replacement after 3+ year of regular use, I thought it was time for mine too. I experienced longer crank on just 2 occasions in the past month.
7. EPS Warning light on Start:
This happened in the last month too, and exactly on 2 different occasions and more precisely after a long rest. After the Engine started, EPS Light would come on while the car is still idling and the steering would have zero assistance from the EPS Motor. Shut down the engine and crank again and things would get normal. This mostly happened after parking the car for more than 24 hours. The fact that the Battery takes a lot of load on cranking and that the EPS Motor too needs good voltage to operate was giving clear hints that the battery was due for replacement now.
8. The Battery test:
This didn’t need an appointment nor much time. It was all clear in under 5 minutes. Although the Crank and Load tests passed, the overall test said : REPLACE BATTERY
9 Battery replacement:
First time ever, I shopped online for Battery and the experience was positive. I read
arjithin’s update on him replacing Battery for his Ertiga via Batteryexpert and discussed with him on his experience and placed an order. On last Friday, the battery was replaced. In fact, I and
Leoshashi were casually discussing about this battery test when he also commented on how few problems in his car got resolved by replacing a weak battery.
EDIT: Amaron Flo DIN 65 was the replacement battery I picked online for 5125/- after returning my stock battery (Amaron again).
10 Post replacement experience:
I will keep this short rather than a story. The DRLs which I installed don’t wink anymore when I crank & crank is indeed shorter but the biggest ever changes: Lighter steering and very effortless acceleration from standstill.
11. Was Battery the Problem solver or not?
Driven more than 200 kms now and the changes are noticeable. Earlier, I would experience intermittent cases of everything being normal to engine sounding stressed. Since this happened very intermittently, my suspicion on injectors was getting completely ruled out. A clogged injector remains clogged till you get rid of the dirt and it wouldn’t behave perfectly normal to abnormal on 2 sample days with the same fuel in tank and the same driver behind its wheels.
- The clatter at Idle is smoother
- Vibrations too have reduced when in idle, earlier I could notice this with my foot on the floor
- The throttle response, especially from 0 to 80 has definitely improved and can be easily felt
- Highway cruising at 100-120 is Effortless, smoother and free revving
- The Ramp test: Earlier, both at work and home, climbing the Ramp in 2nd required effort and now it keeps surging ahead with no throttle input – Confirms the fact that the injectors were not working upto the mark and feeding lean mixture resulting in all this
- Engine braking experience is back to normal – No abnormal jerks felt as I shift down nearing a speed-breaker or a toll booth
12 The connection between a Weak Battery and Fuel injection:
As I replaced the battery and started noticing the changes, just to make sure that it wasn’t only a placebo effect, I stumbled upon various articles which somehow gave a direct correlation between a weak battery and fuel injection. It is a known fact that a weaker battery would put a lot of pressure on the charging system (alternator) which has to keep working harder to maintain the Voltage at the battery terminals and while this happens, various components in the car while running – Fuel Pump, Injection Pump, Injectors, EPS, HVAC system, ICE and Headlights will be utilizing this charge to function. Hence, a healthy voltage is what becomes crucial for the injectors to function normally and a weak battery would prevent it from doing so and this is exactly what was happening over the last few months. This coupled with a fuel filter that wasn’t replaced for a very long interval only further elevated the problems.
In the end, I am happy to report with my last few days of driving that the issue has been resolved, without bothering the injectors. I took some time to report this as I didn’t want to jump the gun too early with some random evidence.
For someone at the ASC who would drive my Ertiga today, he may find no difference whatsoever but to me this has been a huge change and a good learning as well.
Where's the Odometer now?
Its little shy of 130,000 Mark and that would happen soon. Went on couple of drives in the last few weeks : Salem, Vellore, Few trips to Belur and Chikmagalur, Few more trips to the western Ghats. More on that as I post a separate update.
Any DIYs?
Installed the OSRAM LEDriving DRL Fog lamps 2 weeks before. No pictures of the installation the wiring was straightforward.