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Old 29th November 2011, 00:05   #241
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
Is this similar to what you are looking at? Actually need feedback on puncture kits - not sure if the above one is good enough, although the price is not bad!
I am actually going for this one A fellow BHPian has vouched for its effectiveness so just placed the order.

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
Not sure, what do you mean by groups. Part of the banking unit, if that's what you are referring to. But then, that's 70% of the company I'm referring to. PM me if you want more info on this.
What a coincidence. I was also part of the banking unit when I was last there. Will PM you later with more details
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Old 3rd December 2011, 13:30   #242
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
Thanks. Got quite a few more plans but unfortunately don't have holidays any more!

Currently the odo's at 6600+. So all ready for the first servicing huh?
yeah My servicing is coming up in a weeks time hopefully. My car is rattling like a rattle box because of the places it has to go and hoping that vw will sort out all the noises. Nice pics from your place in Chennai. Looks serene and calm. How come Marina beach was so deserted?
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Old 3rd December 2011, 15:40   #243
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Originally Posted by subodh View Post
yeah My servicing is coming up in a weeks time hopefully. My car is rattling like a rattle box because of the places it has to go and hoping that vw will sort out all the noises. Nice pics from your place in Chennai. Looks serene and calm. How come Marina beach was so deserted?
Sad to hear about the rattles. Didn't expect this car to get any however bad the roads are.

As for Chennai, it was the rains' effect. Felt lovely, as if I had turned the clock 10 years back.
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Old 3rd December 2011, 15:53   #244
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
Sad to hear about the rattles. Didn't expect this car to get any however bad the roads are.

As for Chennai, it was the rains' effect. Felt lovely, as if I had turned the clock 10 years back.
I agree!! Even I never expected rattles from the car and it came in as quite a surprise. Dont even remember taking the car in some rally for it to do that
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Old 12th December 2011, 04:43   #245
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

So finally the tire gets onto its noisy avatar. Loud and consistently present at all speeds, it's as if an army of mosquitoes are buzzing around in some corner of the car - you are aware of them but can't really see them. The good part - it over-shadows the squeaks.

On a Ripley's Believe it or not aspect, I feel the noises are more on Mumbai roads than Pune roads, but that's still to be investigated further

The road from 0 to 6500 kms has been so fast in just a month, in comparison the next 1000 kms have taken over a month! To worsen it most of those have come in city bumper to bumper traffic. The lady badly needs to do a good solid highway trip. Pity I can't take her to Chennai where I'm going to spend the next two weeks.

Last edited by ninjatalli : 12th December 2011 at 04:47.
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Old 12th December 2011, 07:32   #246
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
On a Ripley's Believe it or not aspect, I feel the noises are more on Mumbai roads than Pune roads, but that's still to be investigated further
I believe you there. That's something I noticed too! Very noisy on the Mumbai roads, partly because of the high presence of concrete patches across the city. The Acceleres are noisy as hell on concrete. Also, the surface quality of the tarred roads in Mumbai is worse than those in Pune and Bangalore. I noticed that even in my old Zen (which ran on Bridgestones)
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Old 12th December 2011, 08:25   #247
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Originally Posted by nileshch View Post
I believe you there. That's something I noticed too! Very noisy on the Mumbai roads, partly because of the high presence of concrete patches across the city. The Acceleres are noisy as hell on concrete. Also, the surface quality of the tarred roads in Mumbai is worse than those in Pune and Bangalore. I noticed that even in my old Zen (which ran on Bridgestones)
Oh how nice - here I was wondering if I'd got the wrong idea. Felt quite stupid yesterday, felt the RHS front tire had less hair - suspected a puncture. Turned out the air was high in the other three tires while the suspect one had the correct pressure.

And yes, the concrete roads don't go well at all with the Acceleres.
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:08   #248
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Ninja, actually the Acceleres dont go well with any kind of roads .
A few thousand more kms on those, and you would see what I mean.

Try driving on the Le Meridian stretch, it shall return the same level of noise, as it did in Bombay. Reason - Concrete roads.
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Old 24th December 2011, 13:50   #249
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Ah! Finally back in Pune. I think the writing is clear on the wall - my life has been spent in several cities but its Pune where the heart is. Couldn't wait to come back in just 2 weeks even though my family is in Chennai.

But then the lady's here and that says a lot. Since my house's undergoing renovation, she's been parked at a friend's place at the other end of the city in Kharadi - going to pick her up!

Can't wait, feel like a kid getting his gifts from Santa!
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Old 28th December 2011, 12:09   #250
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Santa got me a present this Christmas. One I was expecting for quite some time but hoping I won't get it this year or in the next.

A big long scratch. To add to that, a deep one.

Didn't matter who did it or how he/she did it, the damage was done. One morning, and its there as fresh as the morning dew. All 12 inches of it on the right side rear door.

Called up Swanand for workshops that can help on this, got a few pointers. But then decided to keep this for later. Who knows, what "gift" I'll get in the new year.

However the lady demanded attention - it was two weeks since I had driven her, and god knows how many days since I had taken her out on the highway! And so I did, even it was only for a short while.

But before that I decided to give her a good waxing. Nothing as detailed as what Rohan did, but just a simple polish to get an idea about the process.

The Apparatus:
  • Formula One Carnauba Wax
  • Sponge / Clean Rag
  • Micro fibre cloth

The Steps:
  • A good wash. Felt it was very important to get the dirt & dust off the body. Finished it off by drying off the water completely off the car.
  • Park her in the shade. As to what I read online, waxing in the hot sun is not a good idea. If possible, do it early morning when the sun is not out completely and your car washer has just given her the daily wash.
  • Start applying the polish with a clean rag (in my case the sponge that came with the wax). More than the wax, what is important is how you are applying the wax. Do it with a circular motion and make sure you get a fine coat all over the body. However take care to NOT apply wax over the plastic parts.
  • Give it a few minutes, and then take a clean micro fibre cloth and start polishing the car. Ideally the longer you do the better is for the car, however I did just one round of polishing.

The Pictures

The Logos
My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-logo.jpg

My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-dsc09389.jpg

My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-dsc09388.jpg

My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-dsc09391.jpg

The Blue Beauty!
My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-dsc09394.jpg

My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-dsc09384.jpg

Once I was done with the camera, much to the amusement of the watchman, and the cleaning guys, I finally took her out for a drive. And this is what I love about Pune. Drive out for 10 odd kms at any time of the day, and you are on the highway. The Pune - Ahmednagar highway (NH27) is one road I hadn't driven in the past, and that also was the nearest.

The landscape on the highway is completely devoid of any greenery and yet amazingly beautiful. Took out as far as I could go before the toll gates appeared on the highway, a few kms ahead of a village called Lonikand. Did a U-turn and was back before even anyone realized I was away.

The Route
My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-drive.jpg

Last edited by ninjatalli : 28th December 2011 at 12:15.
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Old 28th December 2011, 12:13   #251
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Ninja, sorry to hear about that little nasty present Santa got you.
As pointed over the phone, try out Shetty or the likes.

Could you share a snap to show the extent of the damage?

P.S: Absolutely loved the last pic in the set. The car pics. Not the map . The car still looks as good as new.

EDIT: Actually, lemme have a look at the scratch. Meet me around 4 at our usual meeting spot in office .

Last edited by Swanand Inamdar : 28th December 2011 at 12:16. Reason: Added text
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Old 28th December 2011, 17:58   #252
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
A big long scratch. To add to that, a deep one.
Dang. I checked the picture closely and could make it out. Feel really bad for you. The Vento looks stunning in blue, actually very royal. Hope you can get it fixed completely soon. I guess its better to stop worrying about scratches and dents coz none of us have any control on that.
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Old 28th December 2011, 18:19   #253
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

looks more like a dent than a scratch ninja. Any close ups?
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Old 28th December 2011, 18:43   #254
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Originally Posted by Swanand Inamdar View Post
Ninja, sorry to hear about that little nasty present Santa got you.
As pointed over the phone, try out Shetty or the likes.

Could you share a snap to show the extent of the damage?

P.S: Absolutely loved the last pic in the set. The car pics. Not the map . The car still looks as good as new.

EDIT: Actually, lemme have a look at the scratch. Meet me around 4 at our usual meeting spot in office .

Originally Posted by Vid6639 View Post
looks more like a dent than a scratch ninja. Any close ups?
Attached the picture. Not a very clear one, as it's not an aspect I'll enjoy taking pics of.
Starts out deep (white inner area), and slowly peters out as you go (towards) right.

My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!-img00160201112241510.jpg

Originally Posted by samarjitdhar View Post
Dang. I checked the picture closely and could make it out. Feel really bad for you. The Vento looks stunning in blue, actually very royal. Hope you can get it fixed completely soon. I guess its better to stop worrying about scratches and dents coz none of us have any control on that.
Which scratch are you referring to?

But yes, didn't lose too much sleep on it - with such a dark color, scratches are but inevitable. Only doubt I have is - does it get worse if I delay the re-painting activity for a month or so?
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Old 28th December 2011, 18:51   #255
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re: My Shadow Blue VW Vento TDI. EDIT: SOLD after 8 years, 80000+ km!

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
Attached the picture. Not a very clear one, as it's not an aspect I'll enjoy taking pics of.
Starts out deep (white inner area), and slowly peters out as you go (towards) right.

Attachment 861436
Ouch, sorry but that's a dent and not just a deep scratch. The reflections show that.
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