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Old 20th August 2014, 07:53   #91
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Re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Originally Posted by architect View Post
One simple way of finding out which moving part has bearing noise is to increase RPM. Certain parts (like water pump) rotate at constant speed even when RPM increases while others like Alternator tensioner will change the 'pitch' of the whining / humming sound with accelaration. Another more sure-shot 'desi' way that mechanics use is to get a really long screwdriver (atleast more than a foot long) and place it on the part you suspect is making the bearing noise. Put your ear next to the other end. It works a bit like a stethoscope of the doctor, if your screwdriver is on the correct part, you will hear the bearing noise amplified in your ear. If it is on the wrong part, you will still hear the whine normally. By elimination, you can try this on all parts with bearings like water pump, alternator, alternator tensioner, radiator fans etc etc. Clutch release bearing is usually the easiest to identify, it makes a humming / whining (typical bearing noise) when you press the clutch pedal and reduce RPM.

Disclaimer: These are not fool-proof ways.
Thank you sir. Much appreciated.
Based on your inputs, I did a quick check and am fairly sure that its the alternator or one of its components. The whining/ humming sound seems to go up and down with the engine rpm. Is removing and manually inspecting the only way to confirm if its the alternator?
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Old 25th August 2014, 00:24   #92
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Re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Originally Posted by MaddyCrew View Post
Thank you sir. Much appreciated.
Based on your inputs, I did a quick check and am fairly sure that its the alternator or one of its components. The whining/ humming sound seems to go up and down with the engine rpm. Is removing and manually inspecting the only way to confirm if its the alternator?
It could be the alternator bearings or the alternator tensioner (adjuster) bearing. An experienced mechanic could figure this out. Alternator adjuster bearing is about 3000 or so (used to be in 2010) and replacing it is a 20 minute job.
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Old 13th November 2014, 21:55   #93
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Shifted from Mineral to Synthetic Oil


Thought of sharing my experience of shifting from mineral oil to synthetic. Here is the story:

1) At the 45000 KMs service, I had shifted from the dealership supplied oils to Castrol Magnatec 10W40. At the time, it was a major upgrade, and I had the following observations:
- engine noise had gone down considerably
- the typical fall-off in performance of the oil towards the end of the service interval was no longer applicable. So when I changed the oil at the next service (52,500 KMs), I could not feel any additional smoothness right after the change. I took it to mean that at the end of the default 7500 KMs service interval the oil was still working well, which was unlike the dealer supplied oils

2) Month and years passed, Castrol Magnatec upgraded its rating from API SM to SN. Since that was the highest API rating available, I was a happy chap and feeling smug at going for the best possible oil at a low price. It was then that I came across this link:

Visited the Lubrizol site mentioned in the post ( and for the first time ever, I could see that API SN as a standard itself may not be as stringent. I would clearly see that MB 229.5, Porsche A30, and VW50400 / VW50700 were far more stringent. Since A30 and VW50400 / VW50700 were only available in xW30, I decided that I would shift to an oil that at least meets MB 229.5

Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years-untitled.jpg

3) Shifted to Shell Helix ultra 5W40 oil at 142,500 KMs. The upgrade it offers over the Magnatec is as much of an change that the Magnetec was over dealer supplied oils way back in 2007 /2008. It has only been 250 KMs or so since I shifted to Shell Helix Ultra, but the engine is becoming smoother and smoother with each passing day. To be sure, the immediate difference was minimal, but as the KMs roll on, the effect is becoming more pronounced. If I may be allowed to obviously exaggerate, it is almost like the engine is not there! So far, I am really happy with the shift. I plan to stick to the FIAT specified service interval of 7500 KMs, however, since I do not plan to take any risk

I also shifted the Honda City (City ZX iDSI) to Shell Helix HX7 10w40 a few months ago, once I came to know that the Honda Genuine oil is 10w30. It made a masssssssiiive positive difference to that engine as well. I have sworn off dealer supplied oils altogether and engine oil changes are something I always get done outside. If you are not bothered about warranty, I suggest other members to do the same. Just be careful about the filter that you buy - go only for reputed brands like Purolator.

My next step is to shift the Honda to Shell Helix Ultra at the next change. That car has only done 21000 KMs since 2006!

Last edited by vipul_singh : 13th November 2014 at 21:58.
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Old 5th December 2014, 17:36   #94
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Re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

I have replaced the set of XM1+ on the car with XM2s. The XM1+ tyres had done about 56000 KMs and still had enough tread to go another 10K at least. But during a trip to Gangotri, the sidewall of one of the tyres was ripped by a sharp stone, so I decided to replace the set.

Here is my experience with the XM2s (over approximately 1500 KMs):

What I like

1) XM2s seem to be marginally more silent that XM1+. In fact, they are so silent that they are virtually imperceptible even at high speed. All I can hear is the driveline and wind noise
2) XM2s sidewall design is significantly smarter than XM1+
3) Dry grip is as good, if not slightly better than XM1+

What I dislike

1) Significantly more tramlining than the XM1+ set
2) The tread pattern design means that the tyres look a little narrower from the front and rear, even though they are not actually so

Wet grip is yet to be tested. Cornering sharpness is similar to XM1+

Overall, I am happy with the purchase. I hope that the XM2s shall be more resilient as far as sidewall damage is concerned, as is claimed by Michelin

Edit: forgot to mention: I paid 4650 per tyre @ Tyre Shoppe Sector 5, NOIDA


Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years-cam00121.jpg

Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years-img_20141012_224953.jpg

Last edited by vipul_singh : 5th December 2014 at 17:43.
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Old 5th December 2014, 18:47   #95
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Re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Vipul - My heart skips a beat every time I see your Palio. It brings fond memories of my car. How long do you plan to keep it running for given the spares are not easy to come by.
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Old 7th December 2014, 11:15   #96
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Re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Good to see that this babe is still going strong. My own car crossed 1,40,000 km last week. About XM2, I shifted from XM1+ to XM2 about 30,000 km ago and yes, I am satisfied with the tyre. Just two punctures in 30,000 km is fine for a set of four tyres.
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Old 7th December 2014, 23:06   #97
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Re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Will any of you guys know of a capable mechanic for the GTX in Mumbai? I have NOT searched thru the forum, but any first hand info would be great. Am planning to bring my GTX to Mumbai.
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