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Old 15th June 2011, 19:52   #31
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Originally Posted by vipul_singh View Post
I didn't want too many parts to be stiripped off the car, since it can cause problems later. The interior panels did not need paint at all, since they were as good a new (maintained with frequent coats of wax).
Wise decision there; I know a couple of cases where wiring problems cropped up after a painting job.

Do get the mud flaps though!
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Old 15th June 2011, 23:22   #32
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Just looked at the pictures once more.... droool stuff man! The Palio design evokes emotions like no other hatchback even today. Even the alloys look smashing and suit the overall design of the car.
I am tempted to buy a 1.6 and get it restored. A pity that this car was sold ahead of its time and people couldn't appreciate it.

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Do get the mud flaps though!
Oh no please dont do that. It will spoil the perfect lines of the car creating un-necessary distraction.

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Last edited by Technocrat : 16th June 2011 at 21:08. Reason: Please read the note in your post, thanks
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Old 16th June 2011, 00:39   #33
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

What a beautiful car ! I was finding difficult to spot some of the issues you mentioned in "before" pics. Frankly my swift has similar or more dents in just 2.5 years of ownership, thanks to the unfriendly kids / people, open parking and the superhuman bikers. Initially I was thinking is this guy crazy to do a complete re-painting on a car with so less issues. And yes, we people are definitely crazy when it comes to cars and hence under the same roof called t-bhp !

Yes, I would like to know the break up as well, please PM me. We think in similar lines too, I am planning to keep my swift too [my first car & love] till it dies and am thinking I will give it a re-painting once it completes 5 years.
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Old 16th June 2011, 11:21   #34
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

@vipul : Great work! Congratulations I hope you are prepared for the flood of PM requests on the cost of this project. Please share the cost with me too.

@Team : Please share contact of comparable "renovators" in Ahmedabad region - need to enliven my Santro.
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Old 16th June 2011, 13:50   #35
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Wow. Very nice. Time for me to clear some dents on my GTX.

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Old 16th June 2011, 14:54   #36
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Wonderful. Not many will do this to a 9 year old car.You have made an already good looking car into a brand new one.
I am also trying to maintain it as stock as possible.
Please do fit Mud flaps or else monsoon will create a long lasting impression in the bumpers.
PM the cost breakup.thanks
Enjoy your beauty forever.
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Old 16th June 2011, 15:33   #37
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Originally Posted by akhilesh View Post
Oh no please dont do that. It will spoil the perfect lines of the car creating un-necessary distraction.
I'm surprised!

What's the point of those perfect lines if there's a huge slush on one end on the bumpers?! Mud-flaps can be body-coloured too. Over time, if mud and other things like tar that get sprayed on the bumper keep accumulating, the bumpers will lose their shine.

An equally important reason why there should be mud-flaps is to avoid spraying water on the person/vehicle behind you. I despise a lot of vehicles for this very indifference.
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Old 16th June 2011, 16:15   #38
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Reading your thread, I can feel the passion you have for your ride. Kudos to you to for giving this brilliant (and as you rightly said, kinda rare) car a new lease of life.

As others have also pointed out, your ride was not too bad too begin with (especially for a 9+ yr old vehichle). Maybe you would like to share some tips, or better, start a new thread on "how I maintained by 9 year old Palio". I am sure I would rate that thread the same stars that I gave to this thread.

The car looks lovely, congrats.
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Old 16th June 2011, 16:45   #39
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

An ex-DBHPian said, Mud flaps tend to retain water in the wheel wells when driving at higher speeds - mud flaps are accessories except in few cars that come with them factory fitted. Mudflaps disturb the regular look of a car IMO.

Imagine a Ford Fiesta 1.6S with mudflaps stuck to the skirts or, a lancer in SFXi trim with muflaps - they will look horrible IMO.

I will say, Vipul's GTX looks better without the mudflaps. Period.

But, I love mudflaps and have them in all of our cars.

Last edited by planet_rocker : 16th June 2011 at 16:48.
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Old 16th June 2011, 19:47   #40
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

The car looked amazing even before the makeover! Kudos to your enthusiasm and love for the car.

Originally Posted by planet_rocker View Post
An ex-DBHPian said, Mud flaps tend to retain water in the wheel wells when driving at higher speeds - mud flaps are accessories except in few cars that come with them factory fitted. Mudflaps disturb the regular look of a car IMO.

Imagine a Ford Fiesta 1.6S with mudflaps stuck to the skirts or, a lancer in SFXi trim with muflaps - they will look horrible IMO.

I will say, Vipul's GTX looks better without the mudflaps. Period.

But, I love mudflaps and have them in all of our cars.
totally that mud flaps spoil the cars original lines of the car. Take a look at Mercs, BMWs, Audis etc... none of these cars have mud flaps. The bumpers of cars these days are designed in such a way that they curve down just enough to cover the tyre and prevent water spray onto following vehicles. I for one had removed the mud flaps which the dealer had fitted on from my Palio 1.6 Stile since 1) They had 'Indica' written on them which meant they were not a perfect fit for Palio and 2) The car looked better, or should I say great without them. I have even gone on to remove mud flaps from my month old Laura TSI

Last edited by Santoshbhat : 16th June 2011 at 19:53.
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Old 17th June 2011, 11:52   #41
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

If I were to re-word this thread title, it would read "Passion for perfection"! Amazing work on the machine Vipul! Hats off to you for the dedication and the attention to detail.

Originally Posted by vipul_singh View Post
I agree with your observation. There are many more modern looking cars on the market but IMO, but not many are necessarily better looking (writing with a bucketful of humility here... )
Could not agree more with you. The stance of the vehicle with those gorgeous alloys is not seen even on modern cars. Possibly the Punto, but then its a Fiat again...

This thread has definitely inspired loads of folks to do the same. Kudos and thanks again!
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Old 17th June 2011, 13:56   #42
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Vipul, while reading your post I was feeling that it is me writing it. I notice my car exactly the way you do. Mine is a 2003 ELX same silver color which I bought used. I have got some temporary patchwork done which make the odds invisible to outside world except me.

Your car looks stunning and very Hot!.

I wanted some info-
1. Where did you sourced the logos and badges from? Are they after market or OEM(MM)? Same with the LHS ORVMS. I too have the ORVM broken. I have fixed them permanently using super glue.

2. Is your headlight not leaky?

3. Do you have any idea about after market spoilers?

I think instead of getting a new steering wheel you should have got the stanley leather cover done. I got done in mine with a black leather/red thread combination (like in cedia sports). I paid 2k.

Also I need one advice. I bought my car used 1 year, so it is 8 years old now. Is it advisable to keep for another decade or sell it off? I do not see a point in selling bcoz
a. The car does not shows any signs of aged 8 years car.
b. Unhappy with the undervalue resale of much deserving car.
c. I do not find apparant reason to sell it other than ageing. My wife uses the car.

Last edited by Speed Pujari : 17th June 2011 at 13:58.
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Old 17th June 2011, 16:01   #43
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Great job Vipul! Absolute passion and dedication is what I call this!

Probably a Palio is one of those rare cars that gives as much or more driving pleasure even after a decade of its life as it gave you the very first time you drove it!

Special congrats to Autosyche for the wonderful job they have done.

Can I know the itemized damage to your pocket as well?
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Old 17th June 2011, 16:02   #44
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Vipul, amazing eye for details there.
Your car's "before" situation was quite similar to what my Ikon's state is now.
What with plethora of my apartments watchman's kid, my car's bonnet is used as slate, drawing book and sometimes even as nappy changing stands and recently a plank of wood falling on the roof.
Have many small dents and scratches which I have now started hating for being on the car.
Even I intend to do a complete makeover, but it's only 2.5 years.
Anyways, will not bother you with my tales.
Your thread is an inspiration, and I have read all the three pages of wows and ooh!! before posting this and trust me I can't be any different
Add me also to the PM list please.
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Old 18th June 2011, 13:24   #45
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re: Cosmetic makeover of an ol' Fiat Palio 1.6 GTX. EDIT: Now @ 128K kms and 11 years

Hello Everyone,

Sorry could not respond earlier since I am shifting house (the one with an even better parking )

I have shared the cost breakup by PM to all who asked. If I missed someone, please pardon me.

Originally Posted by rlakhanpal View Post
@vipul : Great work! Congratulations I hope you are prepared for the flood of PM requests on the cost of this project. Please share the cost with me too.
I am not able to send you a PM. Looks like this is not enabled for your account

Originally Posted by Urban_Nomad View Post
Maybe you would like to share some tips, or better, start a new thread on "how I maintained by 9 year old Palio". I am sure I would rate that thread the same stars that I gave to this thread.
Thanks for rating the thread! I would start another thread on maintenance, but let me tell you, it is mostly about back-breaking work, and a bit of common sense.

Originally Posted by Speed Pujari View Post
I wanted some info-
1. Where did you sourced the logos and badges from? Are they after market or OEM(MM)? Same with the LHS ORVMS. I too have the ORVM broken. I have fixed them permanently using super glue.

2. Is your headlight not leaky?

3. Do you have any idea about after market spoilers?

I think instead of getting a new steering wheel you should have got the stanley leather cover done. I got done in mine with a black leather/red thread combination (like in cedia sports). I paid 2k.

Also I need one advice. I bought my car used 1 year, so it is 8 years old now. Is it advisable to keep for another decade or sell it off? I do not see a point in selling bcoz
a. The car does not shows any signs of aged 8 years car.
b. Unhappy with the undervalue resale of much deserving car.
c. I do not find apparant reason to sell it other than ageing. My wife uses the car.
Answering you pointwise (for the sake of readability):

1) Badges are OE, and so is the ORVM. Got them from the dealer (Elegant Cars/Samyak) in Delhi. Took multiple trips (as with many FIAT spares) since not all of the stuff is available at any one time.
2) I have never had the misting-up problem, oddly. The lights, as you see in the pics are not the ones which came with the car, since the car met with an accident with a flock of goats about 2 years ago. The earlier lights (made by AL) had become smoky in about 7 years of use. The new IJL ones are less prone to becoming smoky.
3) I am not aware of after-market spoilers. The OE ones are mounted through holes in the rear glass. So if you try to retro-fit a GTX/ELX Sports spoiler, you might face some problems
4) I checked with Stanley and some of the other leather experts in Delhi. But none of them had hides as cheap looking as the OE leather. Since I wanted the stock look, I went for a replacement steering wheel, even though it got me a poorer finish at higher cost
5) I would go with that GTO says: if you maintain yor car well, modern vehicles can last very long - easily more than a decade IMO. Believe me when I tell you this, my car still drives like it is 6 months old. Also, I generally believe in getting the maximum life from every durable I buy (my cell phone is 3 years old). Might be better for the environment as well (though I do not have data to be sure)

Last edited by vipul_singh : 18th June 2011 at 13:28.
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