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Old 24th April 2005, 22:00   #1
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Car Designs copied by the Chinese

China's First Automotive Works takes on Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Maybach and the upcoming Cadillac flagship with the Hongqi HQD. This car will be handbuilt with aluminum, and will cost around 2.5 million yuan(that is about $300,000)in China. At 6.325 meters long, 1.99 meters wide and 1.67 meters tall, it will be the biggest production car in the world once the production starts in 2008. The engine is still under development, and FAW says it will be one of the most powerful and sophisticated in the world.

See more pics and info at:

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Old 25th April 2005, 01:57   #2
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Phew! There they go again. Talk about doing things in style!

I really wonder when the Chinese cars will start hitting India. There will be reservations, so I guess they will have to tie up with an Indian company with strong fundamentals. The value proposition they offer will be irresistable.

I have long since learned to stop scoffing at 'cheap' chinese goods.
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Old 25th April 2005, 02:02   #3
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When Chinese cars hit India, they'll surely battle Hyundai for "Copy Cat" supremacy. Then people can buy 3 Accords, one from Japan, one from Korea and one from China. LOL

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Old 25th April 2005, 02:19   #4
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Originally Posted by Shan2nu
When Chinese cars hit India, they'll surely battle Hyundai for "Copy Cat" supremacy. Then people can buy 3 Accords, one from Japan, one from Korea and one from China. LOL

Why bother with duplicate Accords when you can buy a duplicate RR. Think of all the other cars that can be duplicated - no point in buying a duplicate paper rocket.

I would love to buy a duplicate Passat at the price of a City...but the duplicate Passat (Skoda Superb) sells as a cheap E class in India at a highly optimistic price tag...

Last edited by Steeroid : 25th April 2005 at 02:21.
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Old 25th April 2005, 07:51   #5
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That is truly sickening, trust the chinese to come up with something like this.

Next, introducing the chang'an 435, a copy of the Ferrari 430 but powered by a 1.6 litre 4 cylinder engine!!!!!
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Old 25th April 2005, 08:17   #6
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See how they copied the CRV - except that they put it on a ladder chassis andfitted an old jap engine into it
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Old 25th April 2005, 09:46   #7
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YIKES! Run for cover. Could use this to scare all the children around the world

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Old 25th April 2005, 10:07   #8
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YIKES! Run for cover. Could use this to scare all the children around the world


Now you know why Audi's are styled with the new snout. The chinese market is the biggest one for them
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Old 25th April 2005, 11:15   #9
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B E A U T I F U L.......
thats the only word that is coming out of my mouth.........
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Old 25th April 2005, 11:19   #10
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Totally Wierd Man !!!

Hey, give it to the Chinese to copy something and make it look good at the same time. The profile of that "THING" is pretty good, but the front looks wierd. Reminds me of "Gollum" (LOTR Anyone). Good try but even a mile close to the real thing.
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Old 25th April 2005, 11:43   #11
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Next, introducing the chang'an 435, a copy of the Ferrari 430 but powered by a 1.6 litre 4 cylinder engine!!!!!
Yikes !!! What do wanna do ? Kill the Ferrari fans all over the world?

talking bout the RR copy the rear seems to be lifted off the Bentley and the side profile does look like the Bentley

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Old 25th April 2005, 11:48   #12
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Piracy and disrespect for IP by the chinese is at its heights now. Look at the logo of this company BYD, it sure looks like the BMW logo. They can't even come up with a new logo.

The worst part is that there is no stopping these communitsts.... ... they are set out to see rapid development & progress.......... all at the cost of economies who have anti business laws, and bureaucracy. My heart goes out to the western companies with geniuine IP, and real ideas......... losing out billions of dollars to the Chinese in royalty.

I have seen such instances day in and day out in the telecom field, and now they are doing blatant crimes in the auto industry. At this point of time it only makes sense to be on the good books of Chinese, and hope/pray that they will target India in the end, i.e after wrecking havoc in the U.S, Japan, and European economies. If the Chinese set out their eyes on our market in a big way, there is no-one protecting our stupid Kinetic, Bajaj, TVS, Tata, Maindra etc....

Our guys commanded our auto industry for decades.... did nothing in terms of reverse engineering, or R&D. Now Kinetic wants to collaborate with Hyosung (Korea) and Kymco(Taiwan). How pathetic & disgusting is that??? ...... is this all the business acumen they have? One day the Firodias will be making business trips to Somalia/Ethiopia looking for collaborations, when all else fails.

Bajaj had their decade old scooter monopoly wiped out by Honda........ and they are one of our best business houses. What is wrong with our engineers, and our real talent. We just need some risk takers and self confidence.

Sorry about the rant.......... I had to get it out of my system.......

Last edited by prasadee : 25th April 2005 at 11:54.
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Old 25th April 2005, 11:52   #13
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Originally Posted by prasadee
The worst part is that there is no stopping these communitsts.... ... they are set out to see rapid development & progress.......... all at the cost of economies who have anti business laws, and bureaucracy. My heart goes out to the western companies with geniuine IP, and real ideas......... losing out billions of dollars to the Chinese in royalty.

I have seen such instances day in and day out in the telecom field, and now they are doing blatant crimes in the auto industry.
Who dyou work for Prasadee? Qualcomm? Nortel? Pissed off with Huawei, are ya?
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Old 25th April 2005, 12:07   #14
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Let me just say I am pissed off at the Chinese in general, and it is the most prefered trade partner for the US. Huawei is the hulk, but there are thousands of smaller companies who are much more blatant in copying.

San Diego = Qcom = Good guess......... but no. :-)
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Old 25th April 2005, 12:22   #15
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it is the Hong qui - red flag - they already have done a rip off of the Audi 100 with a nissan engine - or something like that inside. audi look the otherway as Vw had a 50% market share (now 30%)
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