Canada: Increasing dimensions of pickup truck creating a hazard for others Pickup trucks are extremely popular in countries like Canada and the USA. Pickup trucks serve multiple purposes from transporting cargo to towing trailers across long distances. However, over the years, their size and overall dimensions have increased significantly. According to a media report, over the past two decades, the size of pickup trucks has increased by 11 per cent. They have also become 24 per cent heavier on average.
Now, reports are suggesting that the increase in sizes of these vehicles are creating a hazard for other vehicles on the road, as well as pedestrians. According to gathered data, these large pickup trucks have front and rear blind spots compared to earlier models. These blind spots can easily hide a pedestrian from the view of the driver and create a safety concern.
Data also shows that the tall front-end of a pickup truck is more likely to cause serious injuries to a pedestrian, compared to the bumpers from a lower vehicle. Trucks are also more likely to push a pedestrian and run them over.
Source: CTVnews Link to Team-BHP news
Last edited by RahulNagaraj : 28th July 2021 at 14:05.