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Old 14th October 2011, 01:36   #1
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The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world

Found this article on MSN Auto:

Toyota has retained its top spot in the automotive rankings after being named the most valuable car brand in the world.

According to a study by marketing research group Interbrand, the Japanese car maker was placed on top with a brand value of 27.8 billion dollars, an improvement of six per cent on 2010's figures.

Toyota was directly tailed by Mercedes-Benz with a brand value of 27.4 billion dollars, while BMW was the third highest-ranked motoring brand at 24.5 billion dollars, the Age reports.

According to the report, the biggest improvement was seen by Korean car maker Hyundai which boosted its brand value by 19 per cent to 6.0 billion dollars.

Other big car makers were Volkswagen with 14 percent improvement, and Audi with 13 percent increase in its previous value.

According to the report, Ferrari posted the slowest brand growth of one per cent, and was overtaken by a number of brands including smartphone maker HTC and tractor manufacturer John Deere, dipping from 91st position to 99th.

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Toyota tops global survey - The best car brands of the world -
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Old 22nd May 2012, 12:58   #2
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Re: The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world

BMW replaces Toyota as most valuable global car brand

BMW has overtaken Toyota as the world's most valuable automotive brand, an annual ranking of the world's top brands shows.

Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen and Audi improved their brand value, according to the BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands study released by market research company Millward Brown today

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Old 16th June 2016, 12:19   #3
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Forbes: Toyota is world's most valuable automotive brand for 2016!

Toyota has emerged as the top automotive brand in the prestigious 2016 Forbes' list of the world's most valuable brands.

The Japanese auto giant is ranked 6th in the overall list, which has 12 auto companies in it's Top 100 but just one in the Top 10. With an overall brand value of $42.1 billion, Toyota topped the automotive brands in the list, with 2nd placed BMW coming in at 14th with a total brand value of $28.8 billion.

The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-untitled.gif

Toyota ranked as the sixth highest entry on the overall list, and the most valuable of automakers. BMW comes next in #14, followed by Mercedes-Benz (#20), Honda (23), Ford (35), Audi (36), Chevrolet (59), Lexus (63), Porsche (67), Nissan (70), Hyundai (71), and Volkswagen (77).

That's good news especially for the Toyota and VW groups that between them control nearly half of those brands listed. Japanese and German manufacturers accounted for all but two of those ranked, with Ford, Chevy and Hyundai standing out as notable exceptions.
Forbes (via CarScoops)
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Old 16th June 2016, 12:34   #4
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re: Forbes: Toyota is world's most valuable automotive brand for 2016!

1. Toyota
2. BMW
3. Mercedes Benz
4. Honda
5. Ford
6. Audi
7. Chevrolet
8. Lexus.
9. Porsche
10. Nissan
11. Hyundai.
12. Volkswagen.

Volkswagen seems to have taken the biggest hit this year, and understandably so! Toyota's achievement is even more commendable because Lexus is also part of the list adding more power to the Toyota group.
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Old 6th June 2017, 08:32   #5
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Re: Forbes: Toyota is world's most valuable automotive brand for 2016!


Toyota is now the most valuable car brand; Tesla rises to No. 8. Tesla, which increased its brand value 32 percent to $5.9 billion, overtook Land Rover and Porsche to jump to No. 8 in this year's ranking from No. 10 last year among automotive brands.

The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-capture.jpg

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Old 6th June 2017, 10:25   #6
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Re: Forbes: Toyota is world's most valuable automotive brand for 2016!

Ford is more valuable than Audi? That's interesting for sure.
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Old 7th June 2017, 03:16   #7
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Re: Forbes: Toyota is world's most valuable automotive brand for 2016!

Again, I'd not put too much into these rankings that are based off brand value, in no way is it a reflection on quality or if the company is even better than the competition. This ranking is merely an indication of demand and popularity, people love the brands in the top 10 list, that's all it indicates.. let me illustrate by example :

- McDonalds with their salty and sugary junk food are at nine, and Subway the health food chain are are number nine-ty-two!

- Samsung a baby in comparison in the world of technology is at 10 while an innovations giant Sony with still better quality today than Samsung is at 73.

- Nike is at 16, I've tried out all sports shoes and I feel Adidas beats it in terms of design, fit, and comfort.. Adidas is at 75.

- Coke is at top 5 while Pepsi is at 30.. both drinks, I gotta be frank here, taste about 2% different.. yet one is 25 spots behind (I prefer Pepsi because its sweeter).

This is just a ranking of the public's absolute favoritism for a dozen of the most publicized, perhaps also first-mover companies that have no doubt worked hard to get where they are and deservedly belong there because as a marketing man I believe nothing sells better than BRAND - equity, provenance or reputation. What this ranking isn't, though, is reflective of quality or substance vis-a-vis competition.
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Old 11th March 2018, 11:10   #8
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Brand Finance: Mercedes-Benz is 2018's most valuable car brand

Global business valuation consultancy Brand Finance’s annual report on the world’s most valuable automobile, puts the German car-maker as the world's No. 1 valuable brand, ahead of Japanese car major Toyota.

Mercedes-Benz has overtaken Toyota and BMW to claim pole position as the world’s most valuable automobile brand, following 24% year-on-year growth to US$43.9 billion.

Slipping to second was Toyota (down 6% to US$43.7billion), just ahead of third-ranked BMW (up 6% to US$41.8 billion). Toyota faces a challenging brand landscape, largely due to a weaker position in China as consumers in that market have shied away from the Japanese manufacturer and in favour of more aspirational brands, such as Mercedes-Benz.
Tesla (up 106% to US$5.7 billion) has also recorded extremely strong brand value growth over the last year, rising from 30th to 19th place amongst automobile brands globally.

Outside the top 10, a number of Chinese brands are enjoying remarkable brand value growth while focusing on the Chinese domestic market, which is now the world’s largest.
Again it is SUV's:

As manufacturers are producing a whole range of new environmentally-friendly models,sales of larger sports utility vehicles (SUVs) have generated a spike in revenues for many brands, leading to SUVs now representing 34% of all new car sales to almost 28 million units globally. This includes Mercedes-Benz (805,000 SUVs sold globally in 2017 across several models) and Nissan (which sold over 810,000 X-Trail model cars alone).
The high-end SUV market is booming with a number of new product launches by luxury brands last year, including the Audi Q5 and Alfa Romeo Stelvio.
The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-forupload.jpg

The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-valuebycountry.jpg

Most valuable group portfolio:

Volkswagen Group continued its pole position in the most valuable portfolios, followed by Daimler and Toyota.

Volkswagen Group, which owns the world’s largest automobile brand portfolio valued at US$75.8 billion, is able to leverage synergies across Audi, Porsche, and Volkswagen. Volkswagen Group is particularly looking to improve the relationship across its family of brands as part of its medium-term TOGETHER – Strategy 2025 plans.
The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-top10valuabletp.jpg

Tyres - Top 5

Michelin has become the world’s most valuable tyre brand following 30% brand value growth to US$7.9 billion over the last year. It overtook Bridgestone (down 6% to US$7.0 billion), which slipped from first to second
place .
The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-ty.jpg


Last edited by volkman10 : 11th March 2018 at 11:12.
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Old 11th March 2018, 11:23   #9
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Re: Brand Finance: Mercedes-Benz is 2018's most valuable car brand

I always thought brand valuation was more of an art than science. Because Kingfisher pledged their 'brand' as collateral and got Rs. 3,000 Cr loan sanctioned. But this report is way too precise with numbers (Eg: Brand X value up 6% in 2018 vs 2017). Is brand valuation taught in B-schools?
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Old 11th March 2018, 12:42   #10
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Re: Brand Finance: Mercedes-Benz is 2018's most valuable car brand

Originally Posted by smartcat View Post
I always thought brand valuation was more of an art than science. Because Kingfisher pledged their 'brand' as collateral and got Rs. 3,000 Cr loan sanctioned. But this report is way too precise with numbers (Eg: Brand X value up 6% in 2018 vs 2017). Is brand valuation taught in B-schools?
Definitely not a science, but certainly not an art either. Whichever method they use, it always assumes a couple of things. But definitely an Industry with some very clever people getting paid a lot of money to come up with a number that is based on assumptions and guesses.

Have a look:

And then the killer:

It is generally best to value brands using all appropriate brand valuation methods and synthesise the results to arrive at a conclusion
Which means the result comes from multiple questionable assumptions all cobbled together!

Of course, when you are crunching numbers, with or without assumptions and synthesising them, our comes a number. That number could be noted in whatever many digits before and or after the Komma. That doesn’t make it an accurate number. Just because the outcome of something is noted as 11.657% does not say anything about the accuracy of the number itself.

What would probably be fair to say is that the ranking is roughly accurate as the same method was used for all. Unless the individual end results are to comparable and you run into the problem of the accuracy of the numbers.

Even so, brand value is a very important parameter, whether it’s for stock value, commissions, tax purposes. Even when you are selling your one-man company the brand value will come into play.

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Old 29th May 2018, 18:05   #11
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Re: The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world

Market researcher Kantar Millward Brown has published the annual BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global .

For the sixth consecutive year, Toyota has earned the title for the most valuable brand among automakers, with a brand value of $29.987 billion – representing a solid increase of five percent compared to the year before.
So far it has been named the most valuable brand among automakers for 11 times, out of a total of 13. It had to settle for second place only in 2010 and 2012.

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Old 12th June 2019, 08:04   #12
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Re: The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world


Toyota Remains World’s Most Valuable Car Brand.

A new study from market researcher Kantar Millward Brown called BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2019 has Toyota coming out on top as the most valuable automotive brand for the year. Mercedes and BMW round-out the top three.

However, when stacked against the other 100 companies, automakers did not fare so well. Out of the top ten automakers, only the top three ranked in the top 100 – Toyota at 41, Mercedes at 54 and BMW at 55 with all three falling in their 2018 rankings
VW makes biggest gain in ranking of most valuable car brands, Maruti Suzuki was ousted by Porsche and was the only new entrant to the top 10 .
The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-1.jpg


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Old 1st July 2020, 13:56   #13
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Re: The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world

2020 Top 100 Most Valuable Brands:

Toyota Remains World's Most Valuable Car Brand.

Mercedes-Benz is the second most valuable brand in the automotive industry according to the study, placing 56th overall, followed by BMW at 61st position, losing 9 and 12 percent respectively.

Ford and Honda dropped off the top 100 list after losing 10 and 15 percent of their values compared to 2019.

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Old 23rd March 2021, 12:35   #14
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Re: The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world


Toyota Races Ahead Overtaking as World’s Most Valuable Auto Brand.

- Toyota overtakes Mercedes-Benz claiming pole position as world’s most valuable automobile brand, brand value US$59.5 billion

- India’s Maruti Suzuki is Asia’s strongest automobile brand, Brand Strength Index (BSI) score 88.2 out of 100

-Michelin retains title of world’s most valuable and strongest tyres brand

-Ferrari retains position as world’s strongest automobile brand with elite AAA+ brand strength rating

- Home to four out of top five brands, Germany commands autos industry, accounting for 34% of ranking’s total brand value

The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world-1.jpg


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Old 23rd March 2021, 14:00   #15
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Re: The most "Valuable" Car brands of the world

Originally Posted by volkman10 View Post
Nice to see 3 desi brands in the top 10 strongest brands.

Way to go, M&M, Bajaj and Maruti Suzuki!!
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