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Old 3rd June 2011, 09:41   #76
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by misquitas View Post
Hopefully, a face-lift I20 would solve this problem as soon as possible.
The i20 already underwent a facelift in early 2010. At that time, they claimed that 2010 BS IV i20s are free from steering rattle issue.

In fact, when the steering rack was changed for the 2nd time in our car, we were told that the steering rack & tie rod assembly is the one that is being installed on the new BS IV i20s and that the steering rattle will not re-occur in the car. But just days later, it started again.

Then they claimed that the 2011 models are free from the steering rattle. That too is turning out to be a big, fat lie.
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Old 3rd June 2011, 09:52   #77
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by misquitas View Post
I guess from the above posts, it appears that many I20 owners STILL are victims of the dreaded steering noise. However, I am yet to find an I10 face-lift (post Oct 2010 I10) owner facing a similar problem? The I10 has received a face-lift and this could have explained the noiseless steering, but the existing I20 could still be harbouring the problem. Hopefully, a face-lift I20 would solve this problem as soon as possible. Till then, I sympathize with the I20 owners who have to bear with the unwanted and unnerving noise around the steering wheel. Hyundai should act fast to sort out this issue once and for all.
My I20 CRDi (AUG 2009) ran fine without any steering rattles till about 15K. Then it started rattling like crazy on bad roads. During the 4th service the engineer said he would fix it and assured me that it would not appear again. Till now I have not heard it rattle but then I have hardly used the car (about 500Kms). When you pay that kind of money for a so called premium hatchback, the least you expect from a company like hyundai is to acknowledge that there is a problem and solve it.
I am going to stay away from hyundai for a while now.
Its a myth that hyundai cars are cheap to maintain. The service charges for the I20 is more than my fiesta diesel (5K for i20 and 3.5K for fiesta on an avg).
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Old 4th June 2011, 11:48   #78
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Originally Posted by wildon View Post
And Hyundai still not saying that the problem is solved or not.
Try calling up Mr. Selvam again, his standard, and well rehearsed, reply : we cannot be in direct contact with the customers, please contact the Regional Hyundai Office for furthur details.

Infact when Mr. Selvam inspected our car at the Junagadh A.S.S, he has assured me personally over the phone that a report of the work carried out on the car would be sent over to me, we even exchanged e-mail ids and mobile numbers to be in contact. B
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Old 4th June 2011, 11:53   #79
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

the fact is nobody at Hyundai or its associate vendors will ever own up to the fault. As one of the very learned,respected and highly qualified engineer APSM of Gujarat had put it, with a sheepish smile on his face : we only do trimming in india, R & D is out of our "preview"

We BHPians should shoulder the responsibility of making every person aware of the sub-standard cars being sold by this company in india.

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Old 4th June 2011, 13:43   #80
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Add another 2011 manufactured i20 CRDi which face the same issue. This is a new ownership thread started in the section and mentions about the steering rattling on bad roads

Hope Hyundai wakes up from their pleasant dream and work things out.
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Old 4th June 2011, 15:48   #81
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

This in indeed saddening to know.
I don't understand how the I20 continues to sell 7-8K units month after month in spite of these issues. Apart from the steering issue, the AC in I20 is weak, period. I am telling this from my own experience - it may be okay for the front but people sitting at the back will be complaining when outside temp >40 degrees.

I understand the aam junta may not care much about high speed handling etc. but the above issues are too basic in nature and will be concerning to any potential buyer. Are people in our country that dumb? The sales figures remain a mystery to me!

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Old 4th June 2011, 23:13   #82
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

[quote=adimicra;2378336]Are people in our country that dumb? The sales figures remain a mystery to me![/QUOt

The answer lies in your question. We are the dumbest. Herd mentality.
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Old 5th June 2011, 07:52   #83
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by adimicra View Post
Are people in our country that dumb? The sales figures remain a mystery to me!
Originally Posted by pgsagar View Post
The answer lies in your question. We are the dumbest. Herd mentality.
This is not fair and such comments are not warranted. With respect to the rattle which does exist, the reason why people may be willing to live with it is due to
  1. When you go for service, Hyundai does not dispute you and does give you a solution with special grease and foam
  2. Even should the problem reappear they redo the work without any denial
  3. People do not view this problem as life threatening
  4. People may attribute this to conditions of the road than the car itself

The key to it that Hyundai service does not ignore this complaint but sure they have not given you permanent solution (must be a design issue) but they have given the next best solution.

With so much noise pollution around our lives I am sure there are many who do not even notice the rattle


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Old 5th June 2011, 09:09   #84
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

I think things are being blown out of proportion here. Though I own a Aug10 i10 and I do hear a slight thud while changing from 2nd to 3rd gear (sometimes not always), the i10 is a perfect car for me; Yesterday had a 200km drive in sweltering heat in absolute cool comfort of my i10 with my entire family and luggage loaded to the brim;

Its a minor niggle and nothing more than that.
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Old 5th June 2011, 09:16   #85
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by KPS View Post
This is not fair and such comments are not warranted.
Well, it may be harsh but I don't think there any other way to explain the cause of high sales, either. But that being said, I don't think many people are actually aware of the problem.

When I had reported the steering rattle issue for the first time , I was told that such sounds are "normal". I don't know how many people Hyundai workshops cheated by saying that the rattle is normal and how many people are actually living the rattle thinking it is "normal".

Originally Posted by KPS View Post
1. When you go for service, Hyundai does not dispute you and does give you a solution with special grease and foam
2. Even should the problem reappear they redo the work without any denial
But, till when will this circus of fixing things, only for the rattle to re-appear shortly after, continue?

It may be easy for people living in big cites to take the car again and again to the nearest Hyundai workshop to fix the issue. But for people like me, for whom the nearest Hyundai workshop is nearly 100 kms away, it is just not practical. I tried my best and wasted too much time and money by taking the car to the nearest workshop again and again. One did not pay such a huge amount of money to Hyundai to "live" with the rattle. Live to rattle, perhaps ?

Originally Posted by KPS View Post
3.People do not view this problem as life threatening
4.People may attribute this to conditions of the road than the car itself
There have been many reports of EPS malfunctions on i10s and i20s. Read my thread, I have clearly described how lucky I was to escape when the EPS malfunctioned in my car and the steering became rock hard.

Now imagine an EPS malfunction at high speeds. Complete loss of directional control, what does one do then except brace for impact and hope that the damage is minimum. In such cases, they will never accept that the EPS malfunctioned, rather they will say that the subsequent accident caused it.

I still say road conditions have nothing to do with the rattle. It is probably a design or manufacturing defect. Why the hell did Hyundai recall so many Sonatas in the US due to steering problems? They know US laws are quite strict, whereas in our country, they can get away with it. What is Hyundai India waiting for? Some disaster to happen?

Originally Posted by KPS View Post
The key to it that Hyundai service does not ignore this complaint but sure they have not given you permanent solution (must be a design issue) but they have given the next best solution.
Well, they had certainly started ignoring me. They even told me that "no rattle" could be heard. I was being even referred to as "jhik jhik waala" and a "paagal" and that I "hear" things. Arrogance & Ignorance personified is all that I can say. Had they behaved in such a way with a local goon or a politician, they would have faced the full wrath of his muscle power.

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Old 5th June 2011, 09:25   #86
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
Its a minor niggle and nothing more than that.
When minor niggles in the steering can make Hyundai to recall Sonatas in the US, why not India? Steering system is a critical part of the car and can't be taken for granted. It is supposed to function flawlessly and perfectly every time. It should not suffer from rattles & malfunctions every now and then. Period.

There is a case here on t-bhp of an new gen i10 owner(moonshine) whose car is suffering from repeated EPS malfunction issues and Hyundai is not able to resolve it.

Last edited by skanchan95 : 5th June 2011 at 09:39.
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Old 5th June 2011, 09:29   #87
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

@skanchan95 - just to clarify, I have zero issues with the steering. Its a gear change thud issue for me. I do definitely agree that companies need to be more pro-active, but we really cant compare our market with the US; It will still take some more time for the consumer laws to have lot more bite in India for the companies to be really afraid and take immediate action.

Overall, I am more than satisfied with the Hyundai's after having owned Maruti's all my life...
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Old 5th June 2011, 11:02   #88
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

I think the only reason I could think of for the high sales, in spite of these issues, is the lack of awareness and chalta hai attitude. ( I know I20 has lot of other positives)
I actually told one of my colleagues about the problems in I20 but he was like - its not a big deal won't happen with me. God only knows how he knows that. He still went ahead and bought I20. He has not faced this issue and I hope he does not face it ever. But he is very disappointed with the AC.

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Old 5th June 2011, 12:15   #89
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Even my i20 has this rattling. I didn't know what i was experiencing was rattling sound until i saw the video posted by skanchan in his ownership thread. So the customers do not know that there is a rattle in the first place.even if they do they won't bother about it because they don't think it as a problem(excluding bhpians).

And regarding the air con, owners please clean the cabin air filter located in the passenger foot well. The service Center had not even once cleaned it in the 9 months and two services since purchase.After removing and cleaning it with soap and water the efficiency has increased significantly. There was a truck load of black muck in the filter and was wondering how i was living with so much dirt!! The procedure for filter removal is very simple and its explained in the manual.
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Old 6th June 2011, 14:41   #90
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)


I am planning to by a CRDI i20 asta model. I would need your experts opinion whether to go buy or not, as i read a lot about the steering rattle issue still not solved issues. I always rely on team-bhp shoulders when it comes to by a car.
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