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Old 28th September 2011, 16:48   #166
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by kartron View Post
i got the whinning (to a more soft grinding) noise while turning the steering on my i10 (2007) after recent paid service at HMP's service centre at adambakkam.
I used to hear a slight whining noise when turning the steering in my i20 when it was new. However, since then the car underwent steering rack & steering replacemnt twice, the whine disappeared.

Originally Posted by kartron View Post
Had the car delivered so had to check with them the next day . they said it was an issue with the EPS and said replacement would cost 27k as i was not under warranty .
See, these buggers will happily replace anything now that your car is out of warranty. If it was under warranty, they would have somehow tried to coax you into believing that it is not an issue.

Originally Posted by kartron View Post
I will be writing to hyundai regarding this as i had faced another eps failure problem a couple of years back as well.
I say don't bother. You won't get any reply from them. When the EPS of my i20 malfunctioned, the same fellows refused to do anything to help me out, instead they were telling me to drive the car(with a rock hard steering) as it is to the workshop. Earlier, fed up of the recurring steering rattle issue and the damage caused(purposely) by the Junagadh workshop to my car, I wrote a detailed report & sent it to HMIL offices in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, New Delhi & Tamil Nadu. There was no response at all!!!!! I had no option left but to fight it out in the court and now the case is in the consumer court.

Originally Posted by abhibh View Post

Rest all others have not faced any issue with the steering till now. Though i had a chat with SA over the dealership recently and they said yes they are aware of the rattles in pre-2011 i20's. They haven't had a single complaint in 2011 i20 yet.
Another big fat lie from them.The exact opposite I heard from someone who actually worked on i20s with steering issues. Recently I drove a 2010 i20 and a new 2011 unregistered i20, both owners were happily believing that the steering rattle issue is not there in their cars. I drove it on rough roads and bang.....the rattle started. The owners actually did not notice the rattle sound and that it was because of the rough roads and it wasn't from the steering, it was the same steering rattle sound that is present in my car. So, it actually depends on the driver whether he notices or not. Specifically, the driver must know what to look for and what actually the steering rattle sound is.
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Old 28th September 2011, 23:09   #167
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by skanchan95 View Post
I say don't bother. You won't get any reply from them. When the EPS of my i20 malfunctioned, the same fellows refused to do anything to help me out, instead they were telling me to drive the car(with a rock hard steering) as it is to the workshop. Earlier, fed up of the recurring steering rattle issue and the damage caused(purposely) by the Junagadh workshop to my car, I wrote a detailed report & sent it to HMIL offices in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, New Delhi & Tamil Nadu. There was no response at all!!!!! I had no option left but to fight it out in the court and now the case is in the consumer court.
Got a call from the service center i had given the car earlier. lady spent first 10 minutes , repeatedly trying to explain what had happened as the lady kept interrupting and said i had missed a service and hence these things happened and they would have informed about the upcoming services or warranty extension. asked her if they kept any records of any communication to clients regarding this , she said no its all verbal. told her even if i had given it for service in between , they provided lousy service last time around (incorrect wheel alignment) , so what guarantee that if i had followed the service everything would have been fine. just asked her finally , is there a known issue with the steering column as i had a eps issue earlier. she said if there was an issue they wouldnt be selling so many . told her client would find out about the issue only after purchase right !!! . anyways , got to give the car for a "Check Up" on saturday and they will let me know what the issue is an if it can be sorted out. Not sure if there are any 3rd party service centers in chennai with whom i can double check the steering issue. Any information would help. interestingly i came to know about this thread while looking for a replacement car for the i10
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Old 29th September 2011, 07:22   #168
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

For certain things like wheel alignment, I never go to any service center. They generally charge way too much, dont allow you to see the work being done, and hardly calibrate their equipment. Anyway in line with this thread, the last time I went to Trident Hyundai for service, I casually asked them about this rattling problem - they weren't even aware of it. I told them that it would be wise for their own good to read forums like TBHP. I would be very scared to give my car to them for any major work, except if it was a straightforwad replacement and a simple job (like a headlight bulb replacement :-) ).
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Old 29th September 2011, 11:37   #169
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by motorguy View Post
Anyway in line with this thread, the last time I went to Trident Hyundai for service, I casually asked them about this rattling problem - they weren't even aware of it.
Which Trident Hyundai showroom? they are plain lying, I have raised this issue so many times in Trident [Sheshdripuram] and was told by the service attendant that Hyundai has no fix for it. I asked him to give me in writing and he refused.
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Old 29th September 2011, 12:28   #170
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

This is the Hyundai service on Airport Road where I normally service my car. I used Seshadripuram only once for a fender repaint job after a small accident.
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Old 1st October 2011, 09:11   #171
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

More proof of i20s having the steering rattle issue: http://*************/showthread.php?...ering-Rattling

quoting from the above link :


Hope everyone doing great. Sorry, I was out of India last few months and was not active on GH.

While I was away, my wife was complaining of some "kaht khat" sound coming from her i20 while driving on uneven surface.

I came back yesterday and took i20 for test ride today and "kaht khat" sound was very much audible on uneven and rough roads but Car drives smooth and noise free on flat roads. First, I thought might shockers or bush issue, But all 4 shockers were looking fine (no leakage) and car’s alignment was fine.

However, i20 Steering Rattling issue was somewhere on my mind even before I took her for ride, so after checking shockers I checked Steering . I moved Steering left and right rigorously and could hear that sound.

I will be taking car to Service centre on this weekend to get this fixed.

I have few questions
  1. Is there any risk of steering failure during driving.
  2. What’s the process of getting this fixed and what all parts needs to be changed.
Stats of my i20
  • KM done – 7500
  • Car Make - Nov 2010
  • Date of Purchase - 18-Dec-2010
Cheers !
Got i20's steering work done last week from Hyundai Service center. They changed some rubber bushes from steering rack and rattling is gone.
I checked with SA on this issue, as per him, 90% of i20 they sell, come back to service center within first 10K KMs. This problem of steering rattling occurs, as the rubber bushes Hyundai using in steering rack gets disintegrates within 7K to 8K.
Innovative reasons are given by the Hyundai chaps for the rattle, but they will never accept the fact that their steering systems have a major design defect which is causing the steering rattles to crop up again and again.

Last edited by skanchan95 : 1st October 2011 at 09:15.
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Old 8th October 2011, 14:17   #172
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

ok..guys...i finaaly sold my year old 2010 i20 Asta (O) last month at just 6700 kms...and i couldnt be happier. I too faced steering rattle, suspension noise and pathetic ride quality. i had almost sopped driving the car...and drove it very rarely...hence the low mileage in a year.
i20 is a car which only looks good and have tons of features...but its beaaty is not skin deep. Its a great car to be in...but the worse car to drive.
i got so fed up with the steering rattle and bad suspension, that i had to sell it...but before selling i had got the problems rectified again.Though i am sure they would crop up again n again.
To all the prospective i20 buyers...please stay away from this even if you are lucky enough to not face these problems. The car itself sucks...its got the worst suspension and steering.In terms of driving dynamics and drive feel, its the worst car ive driven, not saying this as i had faced these problems. but even before any of the problems cropped up...i knew that being an auto enthusiast...i will not be able to drive it for more than a year.
this car is only and only good for city use whith well paved roads and speeds less then 80. For any and everything else it completely sucks.
cars from segment lower are much better in every which way then this car...i can prove it and have experiencd it.
Attn : i20 owners. Steering rattling noise - Page 34 | Maintain Your Car | Car Forums - CarWale

When someone is forced to sell off his car with a mere 6700 kms on the Odo, it just speaks about how uber cool the car really is. A friend too sold off his CRDi Asta fed up of this steering rattle.

Last edited by skanchan95 : 8th October 2011 at 14:19.
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Old 8th October 2011, 21:10   #173
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Hi friends
My i 10 gives a 'krrrrrrrr' when i go leftwards. This is happening after i took it back from my first service. I called up people in the workshop , they said it must be the mud flap touching the front wheel.
I removed the sick mud flaps , still the noise. It does nt happen when i take a small left but otherwise it is happening. What can it be any idea?

One more thing my gear lever is also sounding as if something rusty is being moved moreover the engine when i run it at a high speed and then slow down gives a rattling noise. Any explanations, workshop people are offering none, I will go to some other dealer for second service.
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Old 11th December 2011, 00:37   #174
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Hyundai i10 steering rattle woes!

Hi all,

I had been an avid reader of team-bhp since the time I had thought of buying a new car(2009). I owe a lot of my new gained automotive knowledge to this site, being a computer engineer by profession. Thanks a ton to everyone who has directly/indirectly contributed via the posts, threads, reviews etc.

Ideally I would have wanted to start my first thread on a positive note on Team-BHP. However, I needed help from experts on the predicament I am in.

Rewind - 2 months.

Car - Hyundai i10 Magna
Mileage - 36K kms
Model - March 2009
Dealer - Kothari Hyundai, Kharadi, Pune

For the past two weeks or so I had started noticing an annoying rattling noise from the steering area. Read-up on team-bhp a little and came to know of the steering rattling issues with i10's and i20's. Everything in my car was good except for this annoying rattling. It would show up on hitting the smallest of undulations on the road. And a lot more perceivable on cement roads.

I decided to take this up with the service guys at the dealer workshop. Spoke to the service adviser who took a short spin and immediately agreed there was a problem. I asked him atleast three times if he was sure this could be fixed. I got a very confident yes. So decided to play the gamble. After which here's what followed -

Attempt 1: The service people kept my car for 2 days. Service adiser says we needed to do some adjustments and now they are done. Next day I took delivery, went for a spin. Everything seemed ok, the rattle was there but seemed to be a bit muffled. After a couple of days started noticing something weird, the rattle would appear only if the left front wheel ran over a rough portion. The right front wheel was super silent rough road or not. Check the air pressure. Both tyres showed 32 psi. Few more days passed the rattling noise grew even louder than that was there previously. Really annoyed a week later I went back and contacted the same service adviser.

Attempt 2: He again took the car for a spin, and acknowledged the noise was back. When I spoke about the left wheel only creating the noise, he said he will look into it. Car was kept in the service station for 2 days again. Took delivery on the third day. On doing a short spin, got the same muffled noises. I had hunch that this is not the end of it. Nevertheless wanted to give it a try.

Attempt 3: As expected a week later the rattling is back. I walk back into the service station demanding to see a service manager. But the SA convinced me that due to load he only tried some minor corrections. This time he called up a senior guy from the workshop and asked him to take a look. The guy drove around within the service area, and immediately said some gear in the steering assembly needed to be replaced. Since this was in warranty I need not pay anything. This time they wanted the car to be left with them for a full week. I agreed since I got a feeling they had spotted the troubled part.
On the eight day I took the car for a spin. All noises gone. This was early in the morning @9:30. Don't remember if it was a public holiday, but there was very little traffic on the road. Satisfied and happy that the problem was solved for good I signed the feedback form giving an excellent rating.

I got a horror the next day when I was going to office. Traffic noise was highly audible inside almost as if I was driving with all windows open. Could not do anything about it that day. In the evening had to go for some grocery shopping. Took my wife along. We are barely a km from our house and she noticed the same thing. Too much external noises filtering in. This was without me hinting about it in any way. Worse yet, I noticed the steering wheel was lifeless for the first 90-120 deg rotation or so. It just would not auto-center. You get what I mean? I had to literally rotate it back into center position manually. Totally weird. Additionally there was a 30 deg offset when driving in a straight line.

Attempt 4: Next day I walked into the showroom really angry. Called up the service manager and explained him the issue. He called up the SA and asked him to drop everything else and look into this asap. The SA seemed to be annoyed seeing me back again with the same problem. Upon hearing my complaints, he refused the increase in external noise issue. For the steering lifelessness he gave me a cock-a-bull story of some torquing that they did on the steering and it would return to normal behavior in a few days. He took my car to the workshop, adjusted the offset in the steering and handed it back to me. Utterly frustrated but with hope that the steering would be back to normal I drove out.

A month has passed since then. The steering is still lifeless. Every time I make a turn I have to pull it back in place. Only if I accelerate hard after a turn does the steering auto-center. The first two days I had pain in my wrists due to the new "pulling" effort required on every turn. The rattling noises are back in full glory. Additionally there is some shuddering from the same area. The external noises and rattling/shuddering is so annoying that I no longer feel like driving my car.
Note that I am not a rash driver, and take good care of my car. Neither has the car been in any major accident. (Minor scrapes here and there are a part of life in Pune traffic.) I have followed all service schedules so far.
I have been contemplating on whether to take it to another service station, as the service expertise at Kothari seems to be appalling. Let alone fixing the problem, they have added two major ones.

I really need automotive guru's here to comment on whether I should take this up with Hyundai motors and have them attempt a few more fixes, or live with the issues due to the fear that they would further mess it up. Read the horror story of an i20 owner here who almost ended up in an accident after his steering turned to rock midway on the road.

Appreciate any help I can get on this.

Last edited by Vid6639 : 11th December 2011 at 10:45. Reason: Thread merged with existing one.
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Old 11th December 2011, 17:51   #175
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by kaks15 View Post
Hi friends
My i 10 gives a 'krrrrrrrr' when i go leftwards. This is happening after i took it back from my first service. I called up people in the workshop , they said it must be the mud flap touching the front wheel.
I removed the sick mud flaps , still the noise. It does nt happen when i take a small left but otherwise it is happening. What can it be any idea?

One more thing my gear lever is also sounding as if something rusty is being moved moreover the engine when i run it at a high speed and then slow down gives a rattling noise. Any explanations, workshop people are offering none, I will go to some other dealer for second service.
This could be a problem with the CV joint

Check this thread for more details

Originally Posted by Ph03nix View Post
Hi all,

Appreciate any help I can get on this.
Why dont you try another service centre?
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Old 11th December 2011, 19:54   #176
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by mallumowgli View Post
Why dont you try another service centre?
I don't want my car to be a guinea pig.

I was looking for some pointers from experts as to why the steering would stop auto-centering, before I take this up any further.
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Old 12th December 2011, 10:22   #177
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Strangely I never heard this noise in my 2010 i20 but when I took it for a paid service the SA told me that he's hearing it and it'd be better if he treats it. Somehow he sounded quite adamant about wanting to fix it. I let him to it. I was surprised that the SA himself wanted to go ahead and change the yoke. He told me that if this doesn't work, he'll get the complete steering rack changed but asked me to drive the car for around 1K before doing that.
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Old 12th December 2011, 11:15   #178
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

My i20 10k service is due next week. I didn't hear any steering rattles yet. Lets see what does Hyundai guys have to say about it. Though suspension noises are evident and I hate it. I hope they can resolve this issue.
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Old 14th December 2011, 17:57   #179
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by ankit_chd View Post
My i20 10k service is due next week. I didn't hear any steering rattles yet. Lets see what does Hyundai guys have to say about it. Though suspension noises are evident and I hate it. I hope they can resolve this issue.
I was happy till 16K, when i started getting that strong noise over bad roads/gravels. Thank God you not caught by this bug.
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Old 14th December 2011, 18:25   #180
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re: Hyundai i10-i20 Steering yoke plug issue (Updated part is also bad)

Originally Posted by Ph03nix View Post
I don't want my car to be a guinea pig.

I was looking for some pointers from experts as to why the steering would stop auto-centering, before I take this up any further.
I have read on a fellow Hyundai i20 sufferer's thread here on tbhp that Hyundai has actually sent a communication to their dealers detailing the workarounds to be followed for an issue that:
- they know exists and
- they will not acknowledge/ recall

If you havent already, I recommend going through skanchan95's thread on this issue. Various steps taken in his case, perhaps one of them may be beneficial to your car.

I hope these problems are resolved once and for all. I can imagine how stressful it would be to drive around a car in this state. Keep us posted on your next steps.

Just FYI, my friend had the same rattle issue in his i20; it could not be resolved; he sold the car off. And no, it has not been resolved in the more recent models. There have been enough reports to indicate the contrary.
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