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Old 26th December 2019, 15:23   #13591
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Originally Posted by r0nit7 View Post
which online car valuator is the most reliable and closest to the actual used car price?
I find OBV to be better than others.
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Old 26th December 2019, 17:12   #13592
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Originally Posted by Torquedo View Post
Guy's, do you think it makes sense to pick up a 2011 vintage Outlander with 85K clicks ?

Outlander experts, what damages can be incurred in times to come and how expensive are the parts such as shocks, struts, mounts, timing belt replacement, oil changes and other stuff

Thanks in advance.

Depends on what you consider 'sensible'. It's a fantastic car and hardly ever has any issues (I speak as a owner with a six year old Outlander that I can't seem to let go off). Servicing is an inconvenience, since you don't have too many service centers. However, as long as you know a good mechanic and know what needs to be done when, it's hardly a problem.
In major cities, you will find a dealer/service center and till date I have not struggled with spares, though to be fair, I haven't needed spares too often in these six years.
The car still runs like it did when I drove it out of the showroom and I still cannot find a car under 50 lakhs that can replace her.
Bottom line - if it's a well maintained car and you're getting a good price for it, go for it.
If you want a car that gives you great resale value as a second owner, look elsewhere
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Old 27th December 2019, 00:17   #13593
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Guys, I am being offered a 2015 model TDI Jetta highline AT, driven 65k km’s for around 8.40 Lakhs. The car seems clean and drives ok too. There was a sound coming from the front part like something rubbing against the tyres or the tyres touching the flaps on certain undulations on the roads. The seller said that the sound is because of some hard rubbers which need to be lubricated and assured that the suspension is totally fine and does not need any overhaul.
Do you guys think it is a fair price for the offer. If I decide to go ahead, what all expenses should i be wary about from a VW Jetta. I mean any usual failing parts of the model in question.
Thanks in advance.

Last edited by isldhn : 27th December 2019 at 00:25. Reason: Correction
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Old 27th December 2019, 08:04   #13594
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Hi Guys,

Need some help please.

I am being offered 2 cars by a dealer in Borivali West, Mumbai.

1. Honda City S - AT. 2014 model. Run 22500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.50L.

2. Honda Jazz V - AT. 2015 model. Run 24500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.25L.

I have checked out both cars and both seem to be "clean" cars.

My questions are :

1. Are these realistic prices? Both seem about 50k too high.

2. What realistic mileage can I expect in city driving with each of these cars?

3. Dealer is willing to let me take the cars to Honda ASS to get them checked out - at my cost. Anything specific to be checked?

4. Any advice would be welcome.

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Old 27th December 2019, 10:40   #13595
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What will be a realistic price for SX4 ZXI petrol 2010 model, genuinely done 23k. It's Gurgaon registered available at Gurgaon. This car was used by my parents, selling as they are relocating.
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Old 27th December 2019, 13:12   #13596
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Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
Hi Guys,

Need some help please.

I am being offered 2 cars by a dealer in Borivali West, Mumbai.

1. Honda City S - AT. 2014 model. Run 22500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.50L.

2. Honda Jazz V - AT. 2015 model. Run 24500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.25L.
I have searched for these two in the used car market. My opinion:

1. Hatchbacks have lower discounts than sedans. So asking prices for them converge. Honda City can be bought for almost the same price as Jazz. So better to go for City, unless size is an issue.

2. Major depreciation on Honda City in first two years. Also, higher variants get more discount. So find the newest car in the best variant you can afford (considering that final deal price will be 10-20% lower than the asking price).
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Old 27th December 2019, 13:51   #13597
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Need to know selling price for my Maruti A-Star Automatic bought in 2012 with 43000 kms on ODO. Car in decent shape and single person driven . IDV value shows 1,83,000. Since the model is discontinued, a little skeptic about the value it will fetch. Please help.
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Old 27th December 2019, 13:59   #13598
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
Hi Guys,

1. Honda City S - AT. 2014 model. Run 22500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.50L.

2. Honda Jazz V - AT. 2015 model. Run 24500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.25L.
Avoid the City S as it has just one airbag. Also if your use is primarily inside the city, the Jazz V will be better. Try to negotiate the price of the Jazz.
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Old 28th December 2019, 01:39   #13599
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

What will be a fair price to offer for a 2016 Vento TSI AT? Mumbai registered. Single owner, 21000 kms driven and service history seems clean.
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Old 28th December 2019, 01:47   #13600
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

I recently sold my car through Olx Cash My Car and I think most of these web based dealers have the same/similar SOP.

1. Manual Inspection of car
2. Document verification
3. They upload all this on their site that has an active dealer database of a few hundreds from all over the state.
4. The auction lasts roughly 45mins, the highest bidder's quote is shown to customer and if the customer agrees, Dealer pays a token amount to OLX, further Olx pays full price to the customer and collects the car.
5. Visiting multiple outlets of these used car dealers is not going to get a whole new quote as such.
6. OLX Cash my car, Quikr Cars, Cars 24 - all run on the same model, exception being Quikr does tend to buy off car even before auction if the customer is selling it at a low rate.

Just shared a few points of my experience that might help fellow BHPians.
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Old 28th December 2019, 12:21   #13601
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Originally Posted by saurabhkum View Post
What will be a realistic price for SX4 ZXI petrol 2010 model, genuinely done 23k. It's Gurgaon registered available at Gurgaon. This car was used by my parents, selling as they are relocating.
Friend had sold his 2010 Zxi for 1.4 lakhs to an individual in March this year. It had done 1 lakh kms and wasn't in the best condition cosmetically.

Now that it's almost 2020, you can expect 15-20k more because of your car's low odo reading. List it online for 2 lakhs and wait for a good buyer with poor negotiation skills.
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Old 28th December 2019, 13:29   #13602
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

A ten year old Merc C Class Elegance, Single Owner - KA Reg - Silver Colour. 2009.
Looks a well maintained and clean vehicle overall. 77000 odd kms run.
Asking price at 9th Gear is 10.5 lacs.
Is this car worth say, 8 lacs? Will and 8 lac offer, be fair?

Asking in an idle manner because I am thinking of asking my Parents to push the 6 month old Glanza out - sell it off at a fair price to someone and use that cash to buy this Merc for them.

Seems a bit stupid and impulsive to even be considering all this - but like I said, no harm checking.

Any inputs on a fair price for this Merc would be appreciated.
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Old 28th December 2019, 14:23   #13603
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
Hi Guys,

Need some help please.

I am being offered 2 cars by a dealer in Borivali West, Mumbai.

1. Honda City S - AT. 2014 model. Run 22500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.50L.

2. Honda Jazz V - AT. 2015 model. Run 24500 Kms. Single Owner. 6.25L.
I was in the market for a Jazz in October 2018. 2015 models were being quoted for around 5.5 lakhs with dealers, with individuals quoting lower. These were MT cars.

I would recommend purchasing through the Honda certified route where you'd get free servicing/ warranty for a year.

Last edited by omar : 28th December 2019 at 14:24.
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Old 30th December 2019, 00:58   #13604
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Hi pseudo_coder, Aditya & Omar,

Thanks for your inputs.
Another contender has entered the fray. A Baleno Zeta CVT. 2016 model. As well as another Jazz!

So, the 3 competitors are :

1. Honda Jazz V-CVT. 2015. Run 24,500. Asking 5.90L (after negotiating).
2. Honda Jazz V-CVT. 2015. Run 23,800. Asking 5.75L (after negotiating).
3. Suzuki Baleno Zeta CVT. 2016. Run 18200 Kms. Asking 6.10L (after negotiating).

All 3 cars are with dealers in the suburbs.
All 3 dealers have agreed to let me take the cars to the respective ASS for a check up prior to buying.

I have checked and test driven all three cars. No evidence of accidents but my eye sight is not as good as it used to be. All the cars felt good. I felt the Jazz's gave a more premium feel while driving and overall.

Pros and Cons :

Honda Pro's :
1. Car felt stable and body felt (relatively) sturdy.
2. Silky smooth engine.
3. Mature suspension.
4. Paddle shifts to enhance the driving experience.

Honda Con's :
1. Cost of Service and Spares about 40% more than Maruti
2. Not exactly a fast selling or popular car.
3. Missing essentials like centre arm rest and adjustable rear seat head rests and reverse sensors.
4. Huge A-Pillar hampers frontal and side view.
5. I have never owned a Honda and have no contacts at their various ASS. I have been trying to call their ASS for the last 3 days and have got zero response.

Maruti Pro's :
1. Cost of Service and Spares.
2. Very fast selling and popular car. Would b easy to re-sell 3 to 4 years down the line.
3. Comes loaded with almost all the essential "goodies".
4. Better frontal visibility - No large A-Pillar
5. I have friends at Maruti ASS in Bombay and Goa!!

Maruti Con's :
1. Very light body prone to denting and rusting.
2. Above gives rise to safety concerns.
3. This light body would also not give a very stable ride in cross winds on a highway.
4. Reported issues of "light steering feel" at speeds in excess of 100 Kmph.
5. I felt the Jazz suspension was better.
6. No paddle shifts.

Going on the above and your personal experiences with these two cars, which car would you guys go for? Please note that the car would be used mainly in the city with maybe a once-in-a-year highway run. Your advice and inputs would be much appreciated.

Many Thanks.
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Old 30th December 2019, 04:43   #13605
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Re: The "USED" Car Price Check Thread

Go for the Jazz any day. Honda service is not all that bad, and parts are quite cheap. You could also find an Amaze CVT if there's one around.

Originally Posted by suzuki san View Post
Hi pseudo_coder, Aditya & Omar,

Thanks for your inputs.
Another contender has entered the fray. A Baleno Zeta CVT. 2016 model. As well as another Jazz!

So, the 3 competitors are :

1. Honda Jazz V-CVT. 2015. Run 24,500. Asking 5.90L (after negotiating).
2. Honda Jazz V-CVT. 2015. Run 23,800. Asking 5.75L (after negotiating).
3. Suzuki Baleno Zeta CVT. 2016. Run 18200 Kms. Asking 6.10L (after negotiating).
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