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Old 28th April 2011, 15:56   #121
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

Dacia Duster test drive, review Review

Guys, the review from ACI is quite encouraging. However, you never know about these prices. Remember, the Yeti price speculation started from 10 lacs. It eventually launched at 15 lacs. Don't know how much would this actually be launched at?
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Old 28th April 2011, 19:18   #122
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

I hope Renault doesn't go overconfident with the Duster and launch it in competition with the Yeti. The Yeti's equipment level and quality is a notch above.

Again, it all comes down to localisation. Pricing the Duster will largely depend on the level of localisation it will have and the kind of equipment it will offer.

What I noted while buying the Logan.. the top variant in Romania, with all the bells and whistles, was cheaper than the base variant here.
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Old 29th April 2011, 04:57   #123
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

Renault is planning to launch the Koleos to compete with the 18-20 lac SUV's currently in the market.

The Duster is supposed to compete with the likes of the Scorpio and Safari.

Having said that I hope they dont price the Duster as high as the Scorpio top end variant is priced - simply doesnt make any sense if they do.

They should ideally undercut both Safari and Scorpio in order to make massive inroads into this market.

Plus the Duster overall is smaller than both the above mentioned - hence the pricing will need to be carefully thought through for the vehicle to be positioned correctly. for pricing to be competitive, yes they will need to incorporate a very high degree of localization right from the word go, if they are to succeed.

Last edited by shankar.balan : 29th April 2011 at 05:00.
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Old 29th April 2011, 10:52   #124
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

Re: Dacia Duster

Having said that I hope they dont price the Duster as high as the Scorpio top end variant is priced - simply doesnt make any sense if they do.

Plus the Duster overall is smaller than both the above mentioned - hence the pricing will need to be carefully thought through for the vehicle to be positioned correctly. for pricing to be competitive, yes they will need to incorporate a very high degree of localization right from the word go, if they are to succeed.
The biggest joke I have heard this year is that the Scorpio top end costs 15 lakh (OTR?) in Bangalore. Although I agree that Scorpio when launched was a great deal and paradigm shift, it has lost its value (for money?) over the years. on top of this, when very little product enhancement has been done to it. I mean, adding features like 'Cruise Control' is more of marketing gimmick that quality related stuff. The only reasons it sells these days it coz there is no competition. Period!

I don't expect an SUV priced at 9-10 lakh (leave aside the 7-8 lakh price that is being talking about for Duster) to be built like a tank, but I expect a basic level of workmanship and quality, which is sorely missing in both Scorpio and Safari.

Last edited by Abhi_Automobile : 29th April 2011 at 10:54.
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Old 30th April 2011, 17:54   #125
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

Originally Posted by Abhi_Automobile View Post
I don't expect an SUV priced at 9-10 lakh (leave aside the 7-8 lakh price that is being talking about for Duster) to be built like a tank, but I expect a basic level of workmanship and quality, which is sorely missing in both Scorpio and Safari.

The biggest issue here is the price of a vehicle is directly proportional to the engine volume.

For example if some one were to release an SUV with 1.6L diesel, 4x4, good GC and very good finish, even then Indian consumer would expect it to be priced at 7-10L, but the vehicle would be priced at 10-13L range.

Then the argument would be, why 1.6, Scorp/Safari are a bigger SUV at a similar price with much higher engine displacement.
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Old 5th May 2011, 10:17   #126
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

It may be oft repeated but I am posting this anyway, because my Swift is parked within a couple of feet of a (petrol) Duster today.

- Raised UV ? Naah, its hardly an inch (or less) taller than my Swift.
- Width - The Swift actually looks wider from some angles.

As far as "image" goes, it is not very imposing then. It needs a full time AWD system standard to justify its reported 10+L Price tag then. Because as far as I could peek in, there were no significant equipment levels either.

And sorry, no pics either. There were security guards all around.

Last edited by sajo : 5th May 2011 at 10:18.
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Old 5th May 2011, 10:38   #127
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

So are you saying clearance is not high?
What was the wheel? 15 or 16 inch?
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Old 5th May 2011, 11:04   #128
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

The wheels were 16" , and was shod with the same alloys you can see on the international model.
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Old 5th May 2011, 11:59   #129
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

Length 3,760 mm
Width 1,690 mm
Height 1,530 mm
Wheelbase 2,390 mm
Ground Clearance 170 mm

Length 4315 mm
Width 1821 mm
Height 1631 mm
Wheelbase 2672 mm
Ground Clearance 210 mm

Length 4430 mm
Width 1817 mm
Height 1975 mm
Wheelbase 2680 mm
Ground Clearance 180 mm

Last edited by ashutoshb : 5th May 2011 at 12:08. Reason: Added specifications of Scorpio
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Old 5th May 2011, 12:02   #130
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

@Sajo: Was this LHD or RHD ? Was the vehicle Camo'ed ?
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Old 5th May 2011, 12:11   #131
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

@Ashutosh, that was exactly my doubt too. How come, it looked so comparable to Swift.
May be the design styles are like that, but one still gets the space and the specs?
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Old 5th May 2011, 12:26   #132
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

I knew this was going to draw a lot of flak , but I never doubted the specs. I was only talking about the perceptions. I was trying to draw attention to the fact that for image and looks, Scorpio and Safari will still beat it hands down!
Maybe if I manage to sneak some pictures things will be more clear WRT objects around it.

@2500cc : Yes, the vehicle was very heavily camo'ed. And as I posted before, it is an LHD Petrol.

EDIT: I just realised I should have posted this before. But the vehicle carries no number plates, not even test plates. So it could very well be possible that it was brought into our facility on a truck and will probably leave that way.

Last edited by sajo : 5th May 2011 at 12:31.
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Old 5th May 2011, 12:57   #133
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

@sajo: there must be a deadline given to your company. If you're willing to share, then we would at least know it won't be coming before then.

With two launches before it, I still think, Renault will showcase the Duster at the auto expo, at the most do a soft launch then. Actual launch a little later.
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Old 5th May 2011, 17:14   #134
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

@ashutoshb : No man,sorry, I am not even remotely involved with that project, or even that business unit ,so I have no idea about the deadlines. Also, I see a lot of people from some companies outside mine working on those vehicles too.
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Old 9th May 2011, 09:30   #135
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re: Renault Duster. EDIT : Now confirmed for India!

So Duster will be here by July 2012

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