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View Poll Results: Petra 1.6 ELX or Baleno LXi ?
Petra 1.6 ELX 64 47.06%
Baleno LXi 72 52.94%
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Old 21st July 2005, 13:26   #61
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Originally Posted by RX135
Relax, camry! You should not mind driving a vintage car if it is superior to contemporary cars in many respects. Well, at least I don't!
Not feeling bad at all. The discussion is about technical/driveability factors. Its just the personal slant I do not appreciate much.
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Old 21st July 2005, 19:02   #62
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I agree that Petra is more VFM....but owning a Fiat is also more HFM (Headache for your money)....I have owned a fiat uno for 5 years...and while I still agree that no other car would survive the places and non existent roads I took it insane speeds..........I also believe that no other service centers could give me more headache than a Fiat could....I have been in touch with Anand Mohan Gupta (Previous Director Commerical) Vijay Chandorikar (director commercial before A M Gupts...), Alberto Montanari (Previous CEO), M.P. Bianchi (CEO Before Alberto Montanari). For more details about my fiat
It has been a rather tough ride....what with bad ASS and poor reliability of some of components....
I bought a Baleno recently and the service attitude is certainly better.....Agree that Petra is more solidly built...but what is the use with such pathetic ASS....I and I also sometimes think After Sales Service is wrongly blamed sometimes....the poor guys are overloaded with Fiat Cars giving so many problems in general....
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Old 21st July 2005, 19:53   #63
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hfm .....wht a riot.......the only reason for dismal sales for fiat has to be its a.s.s....wonder when they'll realise that and get their act together.
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Old 21st July 2005, 20:28   #64
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Originally Posted by Samurai
I was replying to message #25 which was denying that.
and where did post # 40 deny that ?? i said the petra ax was as good as the baleno.

Last edited by normally_crazy : 21st July 2005 at 20:31.
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Old 21st July 2005, 20:34   #65
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For people who are have been voting Baleno over Petra, find there names in this thread.. I hope Petra Voters will definetly like it, This is what Maruti ASS is nowdays.
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Old 21st July 2005, 22:33   #66
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to me, IMHO, the petra looks very outdated compared to the Baleno. The Baleno looks more sporty, sofisticated and elegant than the Petra. and my vote to Maruti anyday, compated to Fiat. I would look at the long term availability of spare parts, good suply of them, etc too, and Maruti's service backup is the best.

Baleno it is!
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Old 22nd July 2005, 00:27   #67
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Originally Posted by Insane Devil
to me, IMHO, the petra looks very outdated compared to the Baleno. The Baleno looks more sporty, sofisticated and elegant than the Petra. and my vote to Maruti anyday, compated to Fiat. I would look at the long term availability of spare parts, good suply of them, etc too, and Maruti's service backup is the best.

Baleno it is!
I am not sure which one looks better... the question should be which one looks uglier??? But on a serious note I never liked the look of Baleno, it looks like a over inflated lady. However seeing Icemans black baleno with mods made me change my mind.
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Old 22nd July 2005, 00:30   #68
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Originally Posted by aseem
However seeing Icemans black baleno with mods made me change my mind.
he used to own a silver baleno..i think samurai owns a black baleno..which is stock except for the rims ...
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Old 22nd July 2005, 00:38   #69
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Originally Posted by greatDrive
For people who are have been voting Baleno over Petra, find there names in this thread.. I hope Petra Voters will definetly like it, This is what Maruti ASS is nowdays.
No offense mate, but I would be rather happy to have better A/S/S for Fiat than feeling good about poor A/S/S from Maruti. I would like Petra to win due to its merits, not due to fallacies of Baleno
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Old 22nd July 2005, 01:34   #70
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Originally Posted by greatDrive
For people who are have been voting Baleno over Petra, find there names in this thread.. I hope Petra Voters will definetly like it, This is what Maruti ASS is nowdays.[/PHP]

Hi Mate,
just because the people have issues with Baleno...(and all vehicles have them) ..does not mean that Fiat A/S/S becomes better...I do hope that all of us are here to benefit from the collective experiences that we have had.

I have owned both a Fiat and a couple of Marutis for some time...and continue to own both of them..In fact I would like to believe that am one of the few persons here who have both a Maruti and a Fiat vehicle....and because of this fact, I have a close perspective of how A/S/S is in both companies...

.....if you do believe that my comments reg their comparative A/S/S have some merit...please go through them...if not..simply ignore...

we are not trying to hide the Baleno problems here and criticise Petra....

Last edited by Buffetfan : 22nd July 2005 at 01:42.
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Old 22nd July 2005, 09:13   #71
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Originally Posted by aseem
However seeing Icemans black baleno with mods made me change my mind.
As turbo_lover said, iceman had silver Baleno and I have the black Baleno with 195/60R14 Yokohamas on BSA alloys. The tyre/wheel upgrade and black color really makes a major difference to Baleno looks. My father-in-law was very unhappy I bought a Baleno, however when he saw it in personal, he was very impressed. The only other performance mod I have is stock K&N replacement filter.
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Old 22nd July 2005, 09:26   #72
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Originally Posted by Conan
Man tbhp is biased or what!!...towards petra.
Baleno is a whole size bigger than petra for gods sake!!.
Petra is nothing but a palio with a boot.
Cant comment on other parameters, since i havent driven them.
But heard Baleno has class leading fuel efficiency in 6-7 lac bracket.

I agree with U. Most people here are missing one imp. point. To normal everyday people who are not too concerned with 0-100 kmph performance, with both cars being almost similar as far as most parameters go, stuff like premium feel and even the color take added significance.

In the eyes of the Janta, the Baleno is a premium Maruti product whereas the Petra will always be a Palio with a Boot- A variant.

Of course, the front end of the Baleno is somewhat similar to the Alto, but U couldn't say that it is a bigger Alto or an alto w a boot.

Simply put, it's a more premium car in the perception of most people as compared to the Booted Palio.
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Old 22nd July 2005, 10:39   #73
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Originally Posted by Puffdamgcdragon
Simply put, it's a more premium car in the perception of most people as compared to the Booted Palio.
If you are talking about perception of people, there isn't some thing called Perception on Petra since most of the poeple have never seen this car or even heard of it. And the general impression on Baleno is also really bad compared to Accent or Ikon. As far as I understand, generally people some how do not consider it as premium.
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Old 22nd July 2005, 11:20   #74
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Originally Posted by Puffdamgcdragon
Of course, the front end of the Baleno is somewhat similar to the Alto, but U couldn't say that it is a bigger Alto or an alto w a boot.
Thats because Baleno back is more uglier than Alto
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Old 22nd July 2005, 11:52   #75
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Can we tone down the anti-Baleno-ness a bit, please? It's back isn't too great, but it's quick enough that most people only see the back.

Baby got back!!!
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